QDAFI Assignment 7 - Future Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect PDF

Title QDAFI Assignment 7 - Future Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect
Course Advanced Psychological Statistics
Institution New York University
Pages 1
File Size 31.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 50
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Required summary of paper, 7 of 8 - Future Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect...


Joshua Chung Chung 1 Advanced Psychological Statistics Paper 7: Feeling the Future: Experimental Evidence for Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect

Q –Thes t udywasl ooki ngf orev i denc eofr et r oact i v ei nfluenceaspr oofofps i ,t hr ough pr ec ogni t i onandpr emoni t i on. D –I n ni ne e x per i ment s ,t he r es ear c hert es t ed f orev i denc e ofpr emoni t i on and pr ec ogni t i on byt i mer ev er s i ng wel l known and pr ees t abl i s hed ps y c hol ogi c aleffec t s; s ubj ect sr espondedbef or et hec aus al s t i mul useffect swer epr es ent ed. A – Mos tps y c hol ogi s t sar es k ept i c alt hatps ie x i st s ,and t he r es ear c herwant ed t o pr oduc ea wel l cont r ol l ed,t r ans par ent ,r epl i cabl ee x per i mentt opr ov i de pr ooff ort he ex i st enc eofpsi . F–Thes t udyf oundameaneffec tsi z eof. 22ac r os st heni neex per i ment s ,andf ound s t at i s t i c al l ys i gni fi c antr es ul t si nei ghtoft heni neex per i ment s . I– The r es ear cherc onc l uded t hatt hi ss t udy pr ov i des r epl i c abl e ev i denc ef ort he ex i st enc e ofps i ;he pr opos ed t hatt he e x i s t enc e ofps icoul d be ar esul tofnat ur al s el ec t i on,wi t hs pec i esabl et oav oi dnegat i v es t i mul ipr eempt i v el yf av or edbyev ol ut i on. Howev er ,asdi s c us s edi nc l ass ,whi l ehi ss t at i s t i calc al c ul at i onswer ecor r ec t ,t hr ough t hemec hani s msofphacki ngandal ac kofpr er egi s t r at i on,t her es ear c herwasabl et o s how s i gni fic antr es ul t swhent her ewasact ual l ynoeffec t .Ther es ear c herwaswel l awar e ofs ome s t at i s t i c ali s s uess uc h aspubl i c at i on bi as ,orl ow powerr es ul t i ng i n i nac c ur at er es ul t s,butnotawar eofhow whathewasdoi ngwasphac k i ngorhow i t c oul dr es ul ti nf al s el ys t at i st i c al l ys i gni fic antr es ul t s . _...

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