Quanys - Grade: A+ PDF

Title Quanys - Grade: A+
Author Avnish Kumar
Course Business Management
Institution La Trobe University
Pages 11
File Size 424.1 KB
File Type PDF
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A 2000 word essay on Business management...


Contents Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................2 Company Overview............................................................................................................................3 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).....................................................................................................4 Project Schedule – Gantt chart...........................................................................................................6 Scheduling Flow-Chart.......................................................................................................................7 Risk Management..............................................................................................................................8 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................10 References.......................................................................................................................................11

Executive Summary Quanys gym a family-owned and operated offers a fitness facility with its sole focus on providing the best facilities and service for the enhancement of the lifestyle of an individual. As one of the best in the industry, the facility aims at providing personal care and attention to its customers/members. Quany’s Gym understands the importance of posture and inclusion of corrective exercises in daily routine, and explain the same to Gym members. Quany’s Gym is aiming to start a new facility in Canberra, where the facility is completely sustainable. The new facility will not share any goods or services from the current facility, considering the same, the detailed project plan is required including the work breakdown structure, Gantt chart (covering the responsibility and timeline of the project implementation considering the work breakdown structure), Process flow – which can clearly explain the relationship between different project tasks, and the risk assessment matrix. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), to identify the tasks that are associated with the project implementation of opening the new facility. WBS helps in identifying and deliverables, to make it easier for the project team to understand what they needed to achieve. A detailed understanding of the deliverables by using WBS will also help in presenting the expected cost of the project to the higher management. Considering the deliverables listed in WBS, Gantt chart will be prepared to schedule and plan the project of opening a new facility of Quany’s Gym in Canberra. Gantt chart will provide the duration of the project, resource required, and planning. On the basis, the Gantt chart Risk assessment matrix will be prepared to minimize the occurrences and impact of potential risks. The success and failure of the project implementation depend upon how efficiently all the activities involved in the project management planning are followed for starting the new facility of Quany’s Gym.

Company Overview Quany’s Gym, named after the founder Travis Quang, was started to provide the best personal training to its members. Quany’s try to make a healthy lifestyle a part of the daily living of the community. The facility provides an amazing social environment mixed with the structure, making the exercise and training an experience of a different class. It is because of Quany’s Gym the concept of one on one training has become a trend in Brisbane, which is also the current city of operation. One of the most important aspects of the success of Quany’s gym is their seriousness towards the physical health of their members and also of the community. Though there are other health and fitness facilities in Brisbane also, they have failed to match the popularity and success level achieved by Quany’s. The reason behind this high growth and success is the dedication of the Gym management and also of their training staff. The only aim of the trainers at Quany’s gym is to see the change in the health of their members. On the back of their success in Brisbane, Quany’s Gym has decided to open another fitness facility in the Capital city of Australia, Canberra. Though the company will not be sharing any goods/services with the new location in Canberra, but they will be following the same pattern of program and training, which they are following in Brisbane. Quany’s Gym will be providing the free fitness assessment to its prospective clients, as a part of the free assessment, all the new clients are entitled to get personal training free of cost, and after the period of this training, they are provided the different plans to choose from. This free assessment helps to convert more prospective clients to permanent members than the other Gyms. Along with that, Quany’s Gym also provides a CrossFit program, which is a rare combination with traditional gyms. Quany’s try to give maximum to their customer that is the reason they are so much successful in Fitness industry.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The Work Breakdown Structure of the project management can be explained as a detailed breakdown of the project into the different items at a broader level. These items are connected together with each other in accordance with the objective of the project and on the basis of the breakdown team can work to get the targeted deliverables of the project (Andersen, 2016, p.58). The WBS is also used to refer to the listed tasks when they needed to confirm if the task is actually part of WBS or not. The project task which is a breakdown in a listed manner provides the detail of each level to the project team (Crawford, 2006, p.42). As the new facility is going to be completely independent of the current facility in Brisbane, the main objective of the Work breakdown structure is to identify the task that is must to achieve to get the Gym fully functional and at par with the current center in Brisbane. The implementation of the project is going to get started from scratch, where all the legal formalities have to be completed as per the local administration (Butler et al., 2011). The relation and dependency between the different tasks will be shown clearly in the WBS chart. For opening a new fitness center in Canberra, the first and foremost thing to do is the market research to understand the market requirement (Ika, 2009, p.6), the best location for opening the facility, studying the market competition, Completing the documentation part, Premises decoration, purchasing of equipment, and hiring the support staff for training and administration. Numbe r





Task Name r Task Understanding the

Start Date

End Date




Market Finalizing










Best Location

the A






Paper Formalities B Getting the Local






Business License C Creating the Gym


24-02-2021 6



Area D Designing of the






CrossFit Area E Creation of






Locker Rooms F Purchase of Gym


08-04-2021 10



Equipments Purchase






Crossfit Exercise 9


Equipments H Preparing the Job






description I Floating the Job






in the market J Hiring the






Staff/Trainer Contracting








External Staff L Preparing the






Pricing model M Contracting the






Promotional team N Floating the Ads




19-06-2021 30-06-2021

29-06-2021 10 05-07-2021 5

and Promotions in 16 17


Market O Opening of the P New



Project Schedule – Gantt chart A Gantt chart can be defined as a project plan which helps in representing the project tasks and WBS in the graphical or visual form, explaining the time duration of the tasks and hierarchy of the tasks, if two tasks can be aligned together, then it can be done with the help of the Gantt chart, and can be used to in the later stages (Kelley, 1961, p.296). Project managers found it really easy to work in accordance with the Gantt chart, as it helps the change management process, which is very important for all the stakeholders of the project. Without the use of Gantt chart, things can become really difficult for the project managers and portfolio managers to keep track of the different process and how much time will they take to getting complete, if there is a change then, the Gantt chart helps in scheduling the change process within the project plan (Salem et al., 2005, p.7). It is that phase of the project planning and project management, from where the implementation of the project starts getting aggressive, as deadlines of the project are needed to be decided on the basis of roles and responsibility within the team. For opening the new Quany’s Gym in Canberra, the Gantt chart will help in identifying and keeping track of all the information and tasks needed to be accomplished to make the project implementation successful. Each of the tasks in the Gantt chart will be closely monitored and the responsibility of the tasks will be assigned to concerned stakeholders.

Gantt Chart for The Task Associated in WBS

Scheduling Flow-Chart When it comes to understanding the task and completing them in accordance to the requirement of the project, then in that case scheduling flowchart is being used. Scheduling flowchart helps the managers in creating the relationship between different tasks and how these tasks are dependent upon each other (PMBOK, 2017). These tasks are linked to each other in the graphical way in the sequence of they needed to be completed (Kloppenborg, 2018, p.296). Like if there are four tasks then these are connected with the arrows and their sequence of completion will show on the basis of which tasks comes after which like in the below diagram A is completed first then B and C together after A then either after completion of B or C D can be completed.

Schedule Flow Chart

For the project planning of opening of New Quany’s Gym in Canberra, the schedule flow of the tasks and their relationship can be explained with the below-mentioned flow diagram.

The orange bubble at the first and last of the task represents the start of the task and the ending of the project planning as per the work breakdown structure and the Gantt chart.

Risk Management Preparing the strategy for managing the probable risk within a project plan is termed risk management. The most effective way for a project manager to plan the risk management strategy is to understand the goals and objectives of the project (Kent & Pennypacker, 2001, p.4). The project manager needed to understand the general idea behind the project success and along with that, the Project manager also needed to consider the priorities of the different stakeholders involved in the project. On the basis of these decisions, the risk management strategy is designed by the project manager. The risk management strategy is designed on the basis of how the activities related to the risk management will be performed, these activities are needed to be in place even before the expected risk takes place, in order the manage them effectively (PMI, 2006, p.12). This can

be done by proper documentation of the risk activities which are expected to happen, once the risk activities are documented properly, then they can be handled effectively. In the risk management plan, the project manager needed to define the severity of the risk, and the expected frequency of the risk (Todd, 2009, p.45). Resource allocation on the basis of type and severity of risk is also done in the risk management plan, so quick and efficient action can be taken in due time. The project implementation of Quany’s Gym is no alien to any potential risk and these risks have to be taken into consideration before the start of project execution. The major risk associated with Quany’s Gym for opening the new fitness center in Canberra is listed below. The risks are explained on the basis of their severity and they should be addressed accordingly by the concerned stakeholders of the project.

Conclusion The project management process is one of the most important parts of any organization, success, and failure of the organization depends upon how effectively a project is being managed and implemented by the project manager, whether it has successfully achieved the organization objective or not. In the project implementation of Quany’s Gym, the project implementation process has successfully carried the different tasks of the project management

like Work breakdown structure, creation of the Gantt chart, Schedule flow chart, and Risk assessment matrix. All these tasks are necessary for proactive measures and making a project successful as per the organizational objective.

References Andersen, ES 2016, Do project managers have different perspectives on project management? International Journal of Project Management, Vol.34, pp.58–65. Butler, Charles, W & Richardson, GL 2011, ‘A Variable Time Project Planning and Control Model,’ Journal of Management Policy and Practice. Chi-Ming, T 2012, On the Project Management Scheduling Based on Agent Technology and Theory of Constraint, International Journal of Electronic Business Management. Crawford, L & Jeanne, D 2006, Quality First, PM Network, pp. 42–47

Ika, LA 2009, Project Success as a Topic in Project Management Journals. Project Management Journal, pp. 6-19. Kelley, J F 1961, “Critical Path Planning and Scheduling: Mathematical Basis,” Operations Research, pp. 296–320. Kent, CJ & Pennypacker, JS 2001, The Value of Project Management: Proof at Last. Kloppenborg, TJ 2015, Contemporary Project Management 3e, Mason, OH: Cengage Learning, pp.296-303. PMBOK, 2017, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 7th ed. PMI 2006, PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct,” PMI Today, pp. 12–13. Schütte, P. (2005). Planning and Approval of Large Scale Infrastructure Projects in Germany. Journal of European and Environmental Planning Law, Vol. 2/5, 384-392 Schütte, P. (2005). Planning and Approval of Large Scale Infrastructure Projects in Germany. Journal of European and Environmental Planning Law, Vol. 2/5, 384-392 Salem, O, Solomon, J, Genaidy, A & Luegr-ring, M 2005, “Site Implementation and Assessment of Lean Construction Techniques,” Lean Construction Journal. Todd, G 2009, Five Considerations to Improve Project Estimates, Information Management, pp. 45–47....

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