Question 2 - access to nursing PDF

Title Question 2 - access to nursing
Author Leslie Hackett
Course Towards Autonomy In Adult Nursing Practice
Institution Buckinghamshire New University
Pages 3
File Size 49.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Personal SWOT

Strength’s        

Good Communication skills Problem solver. Team player. Hard working. Enthusiastic and inspiring. Success driven. Adaptable learner.

Weaknesses  Struggle with finding a balance  Disorganised  Perfectionist  Struggle with multi-tasking  Easily distracted  Poor time management. Opportunities  Wider career prospects  Support from family  New career directions  Experiencing a different environment  Fewer restraints

    

Threats On going corona pandemic Financial support Attaining required grades for university. Rushed work. Ill health and or loss of family member

“Honey and Mumford suggest that understanding and being self-aware of your learning style preference can maximise your learning experience, improve learning skills, help you to become a more effective learner and open the door to a variety of

potential learning opportunities”, Zwanenberg (2016). Honey and Mumford — University of Leicester. [online]. In the Honey and Mumford version the four learning styles are: activists, theorists, pragmatist and reflectors (mobbs 2010) Activists are those people who learn by doing. Theorists: These learners like to understand the theory behind the actions. Pragmatist: These people need to be able to see how to put the learning into practice in the real world. Reflector: These people learn by observing and thinking about what happened. [University of Leicester. online].

They developed a Learning Styles Questionnaire which I completed to further understand my own learning style which indicated that I am a Reflector. (See attached H and M Learning Styles Questionnaire).

In my personal SWOT analysis (linked below) I had stated that one of my substantial weakness within my own educational journey is Poor time management For example, in the past I have missed deadlines due to spending too much time collecting data (directly and from others) and analyse it thoroughly before making a decision. This links to a characteristic of a reflector, (see honey and Mumford 1986 definition). I agree primarily have the characteristics of the reflector (see Honey and Mumford 1986 Definition) For example, in the past I have missed deadlines due to spending too much time collecting data (directly and from others) and analyse it thoroughly before making a decision. This can lead to poor time management,which directly links one of my weaknesses in my personal swot. Adaptable learner, ‘Reflectors like to stand back to ponder experiences and observe them from many different perspectives. ‘(university of lecister definition. Again linking to my personal swot this is one of my strengths and as it can proactively keep my skill set up to date and continually seek out new knowledge, it shows I am ambitious and it can help me go far in my carear.Futhermore Given that I have some comparisons of a Reflector I do share characteristics of an Activist also (see honey and Mumford 1986 definition )reflecting back to my streatghs , being a problem solver makes me

Inconclusion getting to know the above theory has given me a deeper understanding in to how I apply myself to the learning cycle and has inspired me to adapt to other learning styles in the future which will help me achieve my goals, However given that I am a reflector, online learning platform with minimal interaction is not ideal for me, and perhaps will not give me the direction and reassurance I need to push forward and I would need to hone in on my adaptable traits to ensure that I do not procrastinate....

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