Questions - This assignment is based off of a reading PDF

Title Questions - This assignment is based off of a reading
Course First-Year Composition
Institution Estrella Mountain Community College
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This assignment is based off of a reading...


QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION AND WRITING Please answer all of the questions in a minimum of 5+ complete sentences!! 1. What is Orwell’s argument in this essay? In the morning one day a sub-inspector from a Police Station called Orwell with an issue of an Elephant. Orwell went on his pony with his .44 but had no intention of killing the Elephant. After Orwell sent someone to get him a bigger rifle people were showing the joy on their faces that he was going to kill the Elephant but that was never his intention. Two thousand people followed him down the road that the Elephant was on. Orwell was embarrassed that if he did not shoot the Elephant then he would be a fool. So shooting the Elephant more than 5 times, trying to kill and end the long deep breathing of the Elephant Orwell walked away. Orwell wonders if people know that he only did it to not look like a fool. 2. How does he use the story of Shooting an Elephant to make that argument? The story of Shooting an Elephant, Orwell was always being made fun of. He was always being talked down too by people. When he got the call about the Elephant he did not want anybody else to be in harm's way but he also didn’t want to hurt the Elephant. He uses the story to describe the hatred and to show that he was under a lot of pressure into killing that Elephant. Although that Elephant did not come after him he felt obligated to shoot it. 3. Are you persuaded by his argument? Why or why not? In Orwell’s argument I am persuaded by his argument. He makes a very valid point on why he had to shoot that Elephant. Peer pressure has an enormous impact on people. Having a gun with me for self defense against a large animal, and people getting excited thinking you are going to kill it makes you think you have to do what the people want. Especially having two thousand people follow you to the animal makes you feel even more obligated into doing what the people think is the right thing to do. 4. Explore Orwell’s use of the lines of argument. Where does he use arguments from the heart, from character, from values, from facts and reason? Which uses seem the most effective? Which seem less effective? Why? Orwell is using arguments from facts and reason as well as from values. Using his arguments more towards values seems the most effective on Orwell. Orwell stated “afterwards I was very glad that the coolie had been killed; it put me legally in the right and it gave me a sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant. I often wondered whether any of the others grasped that I had done it solely to avoid looking a fool.” He states that he wonders if people grasp that he had done it to avoid looking like a fool. His value is the main reason for his arguments. Using arguments from the heart was less effective from Orwell. He didn’t use his heart at all for his argument on shooting the Elephant, he let the power of peer pressure pressure him into the shooting of the Elephant. 5. Orwell is known for his masterful use of language; choose a section of the essay that you found especially engaging and analyze how Orwell used stylish or figurative language. How does his choice of words affect your reaction to the essay?

“In the end the sneering yellow faces of young men that met me everywhere, the insults hooted after me when I was at a safe distance, got badly on my nerves. The young Buddhist priests were the worst of all. There were several thousands of them in the town and none of them seemed to have anything to do except stand on street corners and jeer at Europeans.” Orwell’s choice of words really caught my eye as the reader. Talking about the “sneering yellow faces” and the “young Buddhist priests” and describing how hateful and demeaning these people were to him. He was made fun of everyday he was describing the types of things that people do which sounds very similar to the things that are happening now today. People “jeer at Europeans” I’ve never heard someone describe someone jeering at someone. Orwell used very masterful use of language in his story and really captures the eyes of readers with the descriptive words he uses. His choice of words most certainly affect my reaction to the essay because I was ready to read some boring old story and I read this amazing story and wanted to read more. 6. Where is Burma located geographically? What countries border Burma to the North, East, South and West? Burma located geographically is a country in Asia. To the North of Burma is bordered by China. East of Burma is bordered by Laos. Bordered on the West of Burma is Bangladesh with India to the Northwest. Lastly, to the South bordering Burma is the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal. 7. Please define imperialism and the British Raj? Imperialism is a policy extending a country’s power. The rule of authority in the country is being extended often by the military. In other words imperialism is being ruled by an Emperor. The British Raj was ruled by the British Crown. “Raj” is a term in Indian language also known as “rule”.” British Raj is known as British Rule.

8. What is betel juice and what physiological effect does it have on the body? Betel Juice is a juice that is produced by people chewing betel nuts. The betel juice has been claimed to produce well being and euphoria. As well as sweating and salvation on the body. Betel nuts are very similar to tobacco. Chewing betels also leads to addiction and withdrawal. 9. Please list out the 5 different stages of elephant musth and the corresponding symptoms associated with them. Please search the internet for an article by Dr. K. Radhakrishna Kaimal that outlines this specific information. Sexual activity in mature male African elephants is associated with the occurrence of musth. A state or condition which refers to a set of physical, physiological and behavioral characteristics. Musth appears to be costly. To which it is associated with changes in adrenal endocrine function. To investigate the effect of musth on adrenocortical function, six adult African elephants were followed for 13 months in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Observations and fecal samples were collected for endocrine monitoring. Data showed that the occurrence of musth was associated with reduced glucocorticoid output. Stating that musth doesn’t represent physiological stress. This confirms findings in captive housed animals. 10. What is a common theme found in many of Orwell's writings?

A common theme found in Orwell’s writing was a Importance of Value. Orwell was belittled everyday, he did something that he felt would give him the value of respect from people. Doing what he thought was best for the people to not be belittled anymore. Another theme would be courage. He didn’t have to go anywhere near that elephant after the things he heard about it. But, he had the courage to stand up and do what he felt was right and had to be done....

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