Quiz 1-12 for applied ethics and sustainability PDF

Title Quiz 1-12 for applied ethics and sustainability
Course Applied Ethics And Sustainability
Institution Southern Cross University
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Quiz 1 1. Which statement is true of ethical egoism? It holds that self interest determines morality

2. Which of the following supports the argument for humans to be moral? a. Immorality will always be prosecuted by the law b. Self interest suggests that an individual will be happier if they apply the moral theory of ethical egoism c. Moral guilt is physically debilitating d. Socrates believed there was a link between living a moral life and living a good life *e. both c and d above 3. Sino is writing an essay in which she has no citations. She uses the ideas of another writer, but changes the words. Which of the following statements is true regarding Sino’s act? Sino must indicate any words or ideas that are not her own otherwise she has committed plagiarism. 4. Ethics is about describing the reasons behind actual human behaviour b. solving the big financial issues that confront us in life c. the history of philosophy * d. what we ought to do e. all of the above.


Which of the following statements is true

a. Law is influenced by ethics. b. The reasons law governs human beings are predominantly ethical. c. Law is a public expression of a society’s morality. d. The law needs to be continually ethical critiqued. * e. All of the above are true. 6. Which of the following is not an ethical issue plagiarism racism speciesism sexism *botulism 7. Hobbes’ reason for the need for a moral social contract was

due to universal ethical egoism whereby everyone should always act in his or her own self interest due to individual ethical egoism whereby everyone should always act in ‘my’ self interest egoism whereby everyone should act in their own self interest due to chaos theory none of the above.

8. The argument against solving moral problems with intuition is . intuition is immune from objective analysis as it may differ for each person

9. What is the Golden Rule of ethics? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you 10. According to Clive Hamilton a morally meaningful life requires commitment to the welfare of others

Quiz 2 relativism 1. Which statement is true of ethical relativism? It holds that there is no objective right or wrong

2. A counsellor working in a southern state is very religious. He has been routinely including information about his church and its teachings relative to abortion, sexual identity issues, and discipline of children within each counselling session regardless of client goals or concerns. Which of the following statements is true regarding this situation? It is

highly unethical for a counsellor to impose his or her values upon a client 3.

Confucian ethics concerns which of the following principles? fil i a lp i e t y t h eGo l d e nr ul e i n t e gr i t yo fmi n d r a t i on a lt ho ugh t *a l loft h ea bo v e .

Which of the following observations supports cultural relativism? People in all cultures have similar needs, such as housing, nourishment, and sex Studies of primitive and modern cultures show a wide variation in moral customs. 4.


Basic moral principles that can never be changed or overridden are: absolutist.

6. The prejudicial view that interprets all of reality through the eyes of one's own cultural beliefs and values is known as which of the following? Cultural Relativism

7. The view that there are NO universal moral principles, valid for all people in all places, is known as which of the following Ethical Relativism

8. Which of the following statements are true concerning the relationship between religion and morality? Morality based on religion suffers from the absence of a rational foundation 9. Which of the following statements are true concerning the relationship between cultural relativism and ethical relativism? cultural relativism is based on the observation that morality does vary from culture to culture and ethical relativism is a theory based on that observation 10. According to Daoist teachings no living being can transgress ecological limits without upsetting the balance of nature

Quiz 3 1. When we claim that good consequences make an action right we are responding with: utilitarian answer 2. Carol Gilligan argues that in moral views, men usually emphasize rights and principles, whereas women emphasize and place more importance on: The relationships among the actors 3. What is term for the moral doctrine that we should always act to promote the greatest possible balance of good over bad for everyone affected by our actions?

Utilitarianism 4. One similarity between Act Utilitarianism and Rule Utilitarianism is that: Both emphasize ends or consequences over moral obligation 5. Ethical decision making should involve all but which one of the following steps? Use intuition to compare all possible solutions

1.Identify the facts of the case 2. Define the ethical problem(s) 3. Develop a list of alternative solutions 4. Evaluate the alternatives using various ethical theories and relevant ethical codes 5. Choose the best alternative. 6. What is an important difference between utilitarianism and ethical egoism?

Utilitarianism says we should consider everyone's interests, whereas ethical egoism says people should act in their own self-interest. 7. Which of the following are valid criticisms of act utilitarianism?

We often have to make decisions more quickly than act utilitarianism would allow. Utility is a difficult objective to measure. It's difficult to accurately forecast consequences. If there are no moral rules (besides the utilitarian principle), it's hard to see how we can provide a moral education for the young. * All of the above are valid criticisms of act utilitarianism. 8. What ethical theory focuses on the ends, or goals, as being more significant than the means? Consequentialism. 9. Utilitarians and Consequentialists seem to provide a very

strong philosophical justification for the notion that we have obligations to which of the following? Others in the community

10. An extension of utilitarianism to the rights of animals is based on animal’s ability to feel pleasure and pain. Quiz 4 1. The claim that actions have true moral worth only when

they spring from a recognition of duty and a choice to discharge it belongs to which of the following? Kant's ethics 2. What was one reason Kant focused more on motives than consequences? Motives are within our control; not so consequences 3. Those who advocate virtue ethics: Identify ideal human attributes to aspire to 4.What is the categorical imperative? An act is immoral unless the rule that would authorise it is universally applicable 5. Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of Kantian ethics? Belief that motives are within our control; as are consequences Belief that motives are easy to analyse; not so consequences Belief that divine will determines right and wrong Rejection of human logic as a means of determining right action

* None of the above 6. Kantian ethics applies tests of

universality rationality consistency 7. Kant’s practical imperative is

the rule that no human being should be used merely as someone else’s end 8. Kant reasoned that it was moral to follow the rule ‘do not break promises’ because a rule that authorises the breaking of promises when it is inconvenient to keep them cannot be universalised

9. What type of ethics addresses the question "who should I be"? Virtue ethics

10. With which of the following statements would Kant agree?

The consequences of an action are difficult to foresee

Quiz 5 1. Which of the statements are true concerning the relationship between corporate culture and business ethics?

A Potentially corporate culture could encourage or inhibit moral action b It is morally indefensible for organisations to require employees to work overtime on weekends when they have family responsibilities c Groupthink is where individuals feel the pressure to conform to the corporate or group culture rather than challenge decisions made

d Top management have less influence on corporate culture and ethical behaviour than general staff * ‘a’ and ‘c’ only are true

2. Corporate social responsibility involves all but which of the

following principles? Sustain the environment for future generations Maximise profit. 3. Which of the following statements concerning business ethics is false?

Business ethics is less important today as corporations are more ethical than before 4. The myth of amoral business is debunked according to De George by 1. Many corporate scandals that expose unethical business behaviour. 2. Formation of consumer and environmental interest groups such as Consumer Magazine and Greenpeace that continually confront and expose unethical corporate behaviour. 3. Interest shown throughout various media in business ethics issues. 4. Growth in ethical codes and programs evident in business organisations There are many examples of unethical business behaviour. Growth in ethical codes in business organisations. Interest groups which continually expose unethical business behaviour. * Statements a, b and c above. 5. When the video game marketer Nintendo was investigated for allegedly raising prices excessively during the Christmas buying season and thereby manipulating the supply of games available at that time, this was an ethical issue concerned primarily with

fairness and honesty

6. If an employee learned of a significant cost-saving idea from a coworker and then informed management of the idea without revealing its true source, then the employee would be involved in

plagiarism. 7. A set of formalized rules and standards that describe what a company expects of its employees is called a(n) code of ethics. 8. What occurs when an employee exposes an employer's wrongdoing to outsiders? Whistleblowing 9. Codes of ethics enable improved ethical behaviour by expanding the opportunity to behave ethically by providing rewards for following the rules.

10. Unethical behavior in business can be reduced if management does all of the following except depend totally on employees' personal ethics

Quiz 6

1. A perspective that holds that humans alone have intrinsic value is called


2. Which of the following statements reflect the new ecological paradigm? Humans have exceptional characteristics but remain one of many interdependent species Human affairs are influenced by social & cultural factors, and also intricate linkages of cause and effect in the web of nature Humans are dependent on a finite biophysical environment which imposes potent physical and biological restraints Human inventiveness does not exempt human species from ecological laws * All of the above

3. Speciesism is the Prejudice for one’s own species and against other species 4. Principles central to the new ecological paradigm include humankind’s interconnection to the natural world limitations on growth from finite supplies of resources the need to comply with ecological laws b and c above * a, b and c above.

5. Which of the following statements is false? Jeremy Bentham said “The question is not can they reason, nor can they talk, but can they suffer”. Charles Darwin said “There is no fundamental difference between man and the higher animals in their mental faculties”. Peter Singer said that the ethical behaviour of primates has been observed to include parental responsibility, community responsibility and reciprocity. *Henry Beston said we err when giving animals equal rights just because they suffer. Peter Singer said “If a being suffers, there can be no moral justification for refusing to take that suffering into consideration”.

6. Anthropocentrism holds that only humans have inherent value

7. What is meant by intrinsic value? Things have intrinsic value or worth when they have value or worth in themselves for some reason. 8. One argument for the use and exploitation of the natural environment is based on the claim that reasoning ability gives humans superiority over the nonhuman natural world and all the things in it. If this argument is sound, then which of the following is true? We have moral obligations toward animals, but not the rest of nature.

9. One argument for the use and exploitation of the natural environment is based on the claim that reasoning ability gives humans superiority over the nonhuman natural world and all the things in it. If this argument is sound, then which of the following is true?

Human beings and nature are fundamentally separate.

10. The belief that man and nature are fundamentally distinct is used as a foundation for the belief that man has dominion over nature. Quiz 7 1. Which of the following is not one of the five rules of ecological

sustainability? Human population exceeds the carrying capacity of the planet Five rules of ecological sustainability 1. Critical natural capital is maintained intact. 2. Usage of renewable resources not to exceed the natural rate of regeneration. 3. Usage of non-renewable resources limited to the rate of creation of renewable substitutes. 4. Discharge of waste into the ecosystem limited to the rate of assimilation. 5. Human population limited to the carrying capacity of the planet. 2. The goal of sustainability includes: intergenerational equity Intragenerational equity Biological diversity Economic security

* All of the above 3. Sustainability can be linked to ethical reasoning using Kantian ethics: consequences of human action are not predictable Ethics of care: humans rightly prioritise their own interests ahead of all else *Virtue ethics: a virtue essential to sustainability is to value nonhuman flourishing Utilitarianism: consequences for nature are prioritised at the same level as consequences for humankind all of the above 4. Sustainability is most commonly defined to include the

following with the exception of Ecological preservation Maintaining cultural diversity Long term economic viability Intergenerational equity * Increased economic growth 5. Which of the following statements is true?

Sustainability requires change at the level of the individual through to the global level 6. Ecological footprint analysis indicates all accept which of the following China’s ecological footprint per capita is greater than Australia’s per capita footprint. 7. Which of the following technical conditions is an important part

of the 'strong sustainability rule'? Each element within the total stock of capital should not fall over time 8. Sustainable development involves reducing consumption, increasing efficiency and using renewable energies 9. It is imperative that developed countries assist developing countries in economic advancement for sustainability because there is a direct connection between poverty and those who suffer the most from environmental degradation

10. Which one of the following characteristics is widely regarded as being an important aspect of sustainable development?

Inter-generational equity

Quiz 8 1. Permaculture is the

Building of sustainable living systems.

2. A perspective that holds that human flourishing is consistent with ecological flourishing is: Eco humanism

3. Which of the following is widely regarded as being an important aspect of social sustainability? Intra-generational equity 4. Which of the following is widely regarded as a characteristic of globalisation? The lives of all individuals are increasingly interconnected by events worldwide 5. Our high consumptive lifestyles are a new phenomenon on Earth

6. The lesson of Easter Island was that conservation of resources is necessary for sustainable societies 7. Environmental protection can positively affect local economies by creating jobs that will attract companies from other sectors of the economy

8. Many proponents of sustainability believe that encouraging local self-sufficiency is important for building sustainable societies because when people are tied more closely to the area they live in, they will value the area more and seek to sustain its environment and its human communities 9. Some argue that globalization will have a negative impact because it entails multinational corporations attaining greater and greater power over global trade

10. University sustainability programs that are inclusive of all stakeholders are important for the advancement of pro-sustainability legislation because more informed citizens will form a larger constituency that will use what they have learned about sustainability and their voting power to pressure politicians

Quiz 9 1. Which aspect of neoclassical market economics threatens the goal of sustainability? Economic growth can continue indefinitely. Natural resources are free inputs into the production system. Pollution is an external cost of production. Price mechanism includes monetary costs only. * All of the above. 2. Economists term the disparity between private industrial costs

and public social costs which of the following? externality 3. The new discipline that is attempting to expand further the boundaries of environmental cost-benefit analysis by calculating the value of an ecosystem in terms of what it would cost to provide the benefits and services it now furnishes us? ecological economics 4. What distinguishes Capitalism as an economic system?

It holds that individuals or businesses--not the government, community, or state--should own and control much of the nation's capital. 5. Natural capitalism is: reform of economic systems using nature-as-teacher 6. Biomimicry means designing human systems using nature-as-teacher. 7. Which of the following is not a principle of Natural capitalism? Dematerialisation Biomimicry Service solutions Reinvest in natural capital * all of the above are principles of natural capitalism. 8. Being profitable relates to which social responsibility

dimension? Economi c 9. Consumers vote against firms they view as socially irresponsible by not buying the company's products.

10. To encourage corporations to adopt green technologies in a capitalist economy, citizens can

choose products from companies that adopt sustainable practices

Quiz 10 1. Industrial ecology is:

Design of industrial systems as natural systems 2. Corporate management of carbon emissions requires the measurement of carbon emissions implementation of energy efficiency schemes switching where possible to renewable energy offsetting carbon emissions using legitimate carbon credit schemes * all of the above. 3. Cradle to cradle design concerns C2C

Eliminating negative environmental impacts at the design phase 4. The expression waste=food refers to

the redesign of industrial systems as closed loop production system 5. All of the following are arguments against business organisations prioritising sustainability except businesses created many of the problems, so they should participate in finding solutions. 6. All of the following are arguments in favour of business becoming more sustainable except

businesses may lose their focus on profit-making. 7. Ecological economists suggest that we can gain better understanding of economics and human interactions with the environment if we view human economies as entities that are integrated within natural systems 8. Which example is an ethical reason for the practice of stewardship?

Future generations should get to enjoy the biosphere 9. The closed loop model of sustainable business includes which of the following? industrial ecosystems use of renewable energy reinvestment in natural capital reuse of materials sourced from landfill *all of the above. 10. Renewable energy com...

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