Quiz 13 - Government and the New Concepts of Accountability PDF

Title Quiz 13 - Government and the New Concepts of Accountability
Course Accounting for Management
Institution University of Waikato
Pages 5
File Size 132.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 53
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Question 1 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text Theobj ect i v eoft heheal t hsect orwast or educet hei nci denceofapar t i cul art ypeof di seasei nHami l t on.Theout comewast hatt her ewasr educedi nci denceoft hatdi seas e i nHami l t on.Thi swoul dmeasur eandr epor t Sel ectone: a.t heeconomyoft heheal t hsect orwi t hr egar dst ot hatobj ect i v e b.t heeffici encyoft heheal t hsect orwi t hr egar dst ot hatobj ect i v e c .t hecostofr educ i ngt hei nci denceoft hatdi seasei nHami l t on d.t heeffect i v enessoft heheal t hsect orwi t hr egar dst ot hatobj ect i v e Feedback Thecor r ectansweri s :t heeffect i v enessoft heheal t hsect orwi t hr egar dst ot hat obj ect i v e Question 2 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text ThePSACsst r ess edwhatl i nk ? Sel ectone: a.t hel i nkbet weenmanagementpr ocessandfinanci alr epor t i ng b.t hel i nkbet weenfinanci alst at ement sandfinanci alr epor t i ng c .t hel i nkbet weengover nmentandfinanci alr epor t i ng d.t hel i nkbet weenaccount abi l i t yandfinanci al r epor t i ng Feedback Thecor r ectansweri s :t hel i nkbet weenmanagementpr ocessandfinanci al r epor t i ng Question 3 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text Ther esponsi bi l i t i esoft heBoar dofTr ust eesdonoti ncl ude:

Sel ectone: a.Repor tt oi nt er est edpar t i essuchast heMi ni s t r yandt heAudi tOffice b.Obt ai nopt i mum r esul t sf ori nves t mentmade c .Appl yi ngdi sc i pl i nar yact i onst ost udent s d.Regul ar l yassessandamendbudget s Feedback Thecor r ectansweri s :Appl yi ngdi sc i pl i nar yact i onst ost udent s Question 4 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text Effici encyi st her el at i onshi pbet ween: Sel ectone: a.Moneyandphy si cal out put s b.Moneyandphy si cali nput s c .Economyandeffect i v eness d.Phy si c al i nput sandphys i calout put s Feedback Thecor r ectansweri s :Phy si cal i nput sandphy si c al out put s Question 5 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text TheSt at ementof___r epor t sont hedegr eeofsuccessac hi ev edi nmeet i ngt ar get s Sel ectone: a.CashFl ows b.Ser v i cePer f or mance c .CostofSer vi ces d.Obj ect i v es Feedback

Thecor r ectansweri s :Ser v i cePer f or mance Question 6 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text Thet henNewZeal andLabourgov er nmenti nt r oducedt heFi nanc i al Management Ref or msi n_____,whi chr evol ut i oni sedt he_______sect or . Sel ectone: a.1984,Pr i v at e b.1986,Publ i c c .1984,Publ i c d.1986,Pr i v at e Feedback Thecor r ectans weri s:1984,Publ i c Question 7 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text Undert heSt at eOwnedEnt er pr i sesAct1986,eachSOEi sr equi r edt osubmi tt o shar ehol di ngmi ni st er sast at ementwhi chal l owst hem t oachi ev eamor epr eci s eand effect i v ef or m ofaccount abi l i t y .Whatst at ementi st hi s ? Sel ectone: a.St at ementofFi nanci alPosi t i on b.St at ementofFi nanci al Per f or mance c .St at ementofCor por at eI nt ent d.St at ementofCashFl ows Feedback Thecor r ectans weri s:St at ementofCor por at eI nt ent Question 8 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text

Thet hr eeEsof t enr ef er r edt oi nt hefinanci almanagementr ef or m ar e Sel ectone: a.economy ,effici encyandeffect i v eness b.educat i on,economyandeffect i v eness c .effici enc y ,equal i t yandeconomy d.economy ,effici encyandener gy Feedback Thecor r ectans weri s:economy ,effici enc yandeffect i veness Question 9 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text Effect i v enessi st her el at i onshi pbet ween: Sel ectone: a.Moneyandphy si cal i nput s b.Phy si cal i nput sandphy si c al out put s c .Moneyandphys i cal out put s d.Moneyandeffici ency Feedback Thecor r ectans weri s:Moneyandphy si cal out put s Question 10 Cor r ec t Mar k1. 00outof1. 00

Question text ________account i ngi nf or mat i oni si nt endedt opr ovi deani mpor t antmeansf or super v i si ngandr egul at i ngt heact i vi t i esofpubl i csect orent i t i es . Sel ectone: a.Management b.St r at egi c c .Cr eat i v e

d.Fi nanci al Feedback Thecor r ectans weri s:Management...

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