Quiz 17 November Autumn 2020, questions and answers PDF

Title Quiz 17 November Autumn 2020, questions and answers
Course Applied Behaviour Analysis
Institution Capilano University
Pages 11
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Reinforcement contingent on the first response occurring after an average period of time is the definition of a(n) ______________ schedule. The correct answer is: Variable Interval (FI) The science of Behavior Analysis is different from the rest of psychology because it is only concerned with overt, visible behavior, that occurs "outside the skin". The correct answer is 'False'. Which type of behavioral assessment requires direct manipulation of suspected variables and is therefore the most specialized and rigorous? The correct answer is: Analog Functional Analysis (aFA) Which schedule of reinforcement results in responding that is the least resistant to extinction? That is, the least persistent and fastest to weaken? The correct answer is: Continuous (CRF) Which dimension of behavior is often the most subjectively measured (unless specialized equipment is available)? The correct answer is: Magnitude A characteristic of Behavior Modification is the techniques, while they may be developed by specialists (e.g., Board Certified Behavior Analysts - BCBAs), can be taught to and implemented by anyone... including teachers, parents, coaches, etc. The correct answer is 'True'. You should use shaping in order to... (select all that apply) The correct answers are: get a behavior to occur more often., get a behavior to occur longer., get a behavior to occur faster. What are the 2 effects of motivating operations? Select 2. The correct answers are: Value altering, Behavior altering According to your lecture, the preferred assessment methodology in Behavioral Assessment is… The correct answer is: Direct observation - you see the behavior for yourself Latency and duration are both measure of time and can be recorded with a stop watch. Latency refers to the time that elapses between a stimulus and the onset or start of the corresponding behavior, whereas duration refers to the length of time the behavior occurs. The correct answer is 'True'. The majority of content in ABA 100 has been about...

The correct answer is: Operant behavior Behavior change interventions based on Applied Behavior Analysis seek to... The correct answer is: ... bring about individual behavior change by modifying the environment. Shaping is a procedure that involves two basic principles, namely: The correct answer is: reinforce the current successive approximation and stop reinforcing previous steps/approximations What are some potential errors you could make when employing shaping? Select all that apply The correct answers are: Moving from one successive approximation to the next too quickly, Leaping ahead several approximations at a time because you are feeling optimistic You implement a shaping procedure to improve a child's speech articulation. First you reinforce "coo" and then later "coo - kee" and finally "cookie". Which dimension of behavior did you shape? The correct answer is: Topography According to your lecture, a Fixed Ratio 1 (FR1) schedule of reinforcement and a Continuous schedule of reinforcement (CRF) are very different schedules of reinforcement. The correct answer is 'False'. Summary labels (e.g., personality, self-esteem, etc.) are... (select all that apply): You have correctly selected 2. The correct answers are: Efficient ways to speak... because they imply a variety of underlying behaviors that lead to the summary label being used and are commonly used in our society., Are considered "explanatory fictions" because they appear to explain behavioral phenomena (e.g., attribute behavior to being creative, etc.) but all they do is summarize patterns of behavior., May carry negative connotations (e.g., she's unreliable). Strengthening a response by removing an event or stimulus immediately following that response is referred to as: The correct answer is: Negative reinforcement Which data collection method is the most practical for a parent or teacher to use in the "real world" where they have many responsibilities at the same time and can't be burdened with recording each and every instance of a target behavior? The correct answer is: Time sampling "Behavior" is anything a person says or does and includes which of the following? Select all that apply.

The correct answers are: electrical activity, muscular activity, glandular activity You are teaching a teenager to make a cake. You create a task analysis of the steps required and begin instruction. You have the child participate in each step of the chain and provide helps (prompts) where needed and systematically fade the prompts over successive teaching trials. Which type of chaining procedure did you use? The correct answer is: Total Task Chaining In a behavioral sequence, you have a series of stimulus-responses that occur in an uninterrupted fashion until the objective is reached, whereas a behavioral chain is a collection of related behaviors that may have many breaks or interruptions between them. The correct answer is 'False'. A task analysis is a "break down" of all the different behaviors that make up a chain (e.g., getting dressed, cooking a meal, etc.). There are several ways to create a task analysis, including... (select all that apply) The correct answers are: Try it yourself and record the steps, Ask someone who knows how to do it, and record the steps Frequency data may be plotted on a line graph or a cumulative graph. One of the unique features of a cumulative graph is the line (or data path) goes up when behavior is recorded or down to zero when no behavior is recorded. The correct answer is 'False'. Limitations of direct behavioral assessment include... (select all that apply) The correct answers are: Observers need to be trained to accurately collect data, It can be time consuming, You might spend the time observing... but not see the target behaviors) occur Which of the following are examples of primary reinforcers? Select all that apply. The correct answers are: Water when thirsty, Heat when cold, Food when hungry Effective use of reinforcement to increase a target behavior includes which of the following? Select all that apply. The correct answers are: Be contingent... the reinforcer is only delivered when a particular behavior occurs., Be immediate... deliver the reinforcer quickly = immediacy., Be specific... know the specific response you are reinforcing/strengthening. When reinforcement occurs after some, but not all responses, a(n) ______________ schedule of reinforcement is being used. The correct answer is: intermittent

A 50 yer old man visits his doctor to review recent blook work and she congratulates him on having reduced his cholesterol level. Way to go! Having lower cholesterol is an example of an overt, visible , measurable behavior. The correct answer is 'False' Stella is a Girl Guide and she is selling Girl Guide cookies outside a local grocery store. Every time a customer leaves the store, she says, "Hi, would you like to buy some Girl Guide cookies?" She never knows when someone will agree to make a purchase. She makes an average of 17 greetings in order to make 1 sale. Stella's selling behavior is reinforced on a(n) ___________ schedule of reinforcement. The correct answer is: Variable Ratio (VR) Shaping is to _______________________ as chaining is to ____________________. The correct answer is: morphing / sequencing Oxygen deprivation and water deprivation are all types of Motivating Operations. This means being deprived of these things will have a VALUE altering effect and therefore a BEHAVIOR altering effect. The correct answer is 'True'. A conditioned reinforcer (e.g., money) will continue to be effective, only if it results in access to effective back up reinforcer and only if the back-up reinforcers remain available. The correct answer is 'True'. We learned that Pavlovian conditioning is referred to using a variety of terms including... (select all that apply). The correct answers are: Reflexive conditioning, Classical conditioning Having effective reinforcers is so important for changing a client's target behavior, that if you DON'T have reinforcement, you should go... (HINT: Richard's t-shirt) The correct answer is: home. In order to help a grade 3 student complete more math problems independently, you start by reinforcing completing 5 questions, then 10, then 15, and finally a 20 question worksheet. Which dimension of behavior did you shape? The correct answer is: Frequency You work at a bank and are paid every 2 weeks for 80 hrs of work. Your bi-weekly pay cheque represents which schedule of reinforcement? The correct answer is: Fixed Interval (FI) Amy's parents allow her 60 minutes on her iPhone right after she completes 60 minutes of homework. Which schedule of reinforcement is this?

The correct answer is: Fixed Interval - limited hold (FI/LH) You may remember WTF… What’s The Function! The 4 functions of behavior include... (select all that apply). The correct answers are: Escape, Attention, Automatic In order to be an effective and successful competitive swimmer, you must dive in to the water as quickly as possible when the starter's pistol goes off, with as much power as possible. Across several practices, a swimmer is reinforced for starting more quickly and more powerfully to the sound of the starter’s pistol. Which dimension of behavior is being shaped in this example? Select all that apply. The correct answers are: Latency, Intensity Frequency is one of the measures of behavior and rate is… The correct answer is: Count/frequency in a unit of time When it teaching a new skill, it is common to start with a variable ratio schedule of reinforcement (VR) and then eventually transition to a continuous schedule of reinforcement (CRF) to maintain the established response/behavior. The correct answer is 'False'. Select all of the responses for which duration would be the appropriate measure. The correct answers are: How long you spend on Tik Tok., How long you study., How long it takes you to read 30 pages., How long you spend sleeping. Giving a child his favourite toy immediately AFTER a desirable behavior is an example of a motivating operation. The correct answer is 'False'. A stimulus which is not originally reinforcing but which acquires reinforcing power through association with a stimulus that is reinforcing is called: The correct answer is: A conditioned reinforcer When a specific behaviour must occur before a reinforcer will be presented, we say that the reinforcer is non-contingent. The correct answer is 'False'. Which schedule of reinforcement is characterized by post reinforcement pauses, followed by increasing response rates towards the end of the interval? Hint... when graphed this looks creates a line with scallop-shaped "swoops". The correct answer is: Fixed Interval (FI) Which terms refers to the effect that collecting and viewing your own data may have on your own behavior?

The correct answer is: Reactivity You have a part time job at Costco on Saturdays offering food samples to customers. You are paid $10 for every 10 samples accepted by customers. Some days you can earn as much as $40 per hour! Which schedule of reinforcement is in effect here? The correct answer is: Fixed Ratio (FR) You just bought a brand new car. Every time you push the ignition button, it turns on. Which schedule of reinforcement is operating here? The correct answer is: Continuous (CRF) While teaching reading to a 6 year old child, if you notice they seem unsure of a word, you should just "give it to them" (i.e., tell them = prompt) so they can be successful in the presence of the SD and you can deliver reinforcement. This is an example of which of the 4 effective practices for stimulus discrimination training? The correct answer is: Minimize opportunities for error Being able to identify 10 different types of cell phones is... The correct answer is: Stimulus generalization During discrimination training, you may use prompts to occasion the correct response. This means responding is under the stimulus control of the naturally occurring stimulus + the prompt during instruction and acquisition. FADING means you gradually reduce the prompt until stimulus control resides solely with the naturally occurring stimulus and is not influenced by any type of prompt. The correct answer is 'True'. Remember Johnny from class: •Being on the playground with his friends is an __ for swearing •Having dinner with his grandparents is an __ for swearing •Being on the playground with his friends is an __ for talking about physics •Having dinner with his grandparents is an __ for talking about physics The correct answer is: SD; S-delta; S-delta: SD Stimulus control is associated with... Stimulus control is "doing the right (behavior) at the right time and place (antecedent)" because of a history of reinforcement (consequences). With stimulus discrimination: a response occurs in the presence of an SD but not an SΔ The correct answer is 'True'. Your friend has an identical twin. Many people have a hard time telling them apart. But not you. You always know which twin is which and use their correct name without making the mistakes that other people do. This is...

The correct answer is: Stimulus discrimination As humans grow and learn, we acquire a great deal of knowledge. Part of how this vast knowledge is organized is often referred to as developing conceptual behavior. For example, knowing that Scotch, Bourbon, and Rye are all types of whiskey (yummy!). In behavior analysis, we conceptualize this as the development of stimulus classes. Like the example of fruit, meat, and bread = food. Or car, truck, motorcycle - vehicles. These are stimulus classes = conceptual behavior. The correct answer is 'True'. You are walking towards your car, holding your key fob in your hand (antecedent). You press the "unlock" button (behavior). The car unlocks and you get in (consequence). In this case, the sight of your car while holding your keys is... (select the 1 best response)? The correct answer is: A discriminative stimulus (SD) Stimulus discrimination training is a procedure. •Reinforce a target response or behavior in the presence on an SΔ •Extinguish that target response or behavior in the presence of an SD The correct answer is 'False'. Physical guidance is a universally applicable strategy. This means it is a tactic that you can use for any behavior, with any learner, at any time. False.. you can't physically guide all responses (e.g., non-motor responses like speaking) and not every learner will be comfortable with being touched as part of physical guidance. A behavior that has been gradually strengthened by the direct-acting effect of reinforcement is said to be contingency-shaped. True Events that temporarily alter the effectiveness of consequences as reinforcers or punishers are called: Motivating operations A rule is more likely to be followed if... (select all that apply): it includes a deadline it includes a specific behavior it identifies a sizeable consequence Which of the following is NOT a component of Behavioral Skills Training ( no answer) Goals and rules are the same thing: False According to Aida's piano teacher, “Aida is a good student because she is naturally highly motivated.” This is an example of ____________ view of motivation. : a traditional

Stephanie is training to run her first full marathon. In order to help her achieve her ambitious goal of running the race in April and completing it in under 4 hours, she tells all her friends and family. This is an example of... (select all that apply) A goal with a deadline A behavior goal vs a product goal An extinction burst is a temporary "worsening" of a response that you should anticipate, even though they do not always occur. True Which of the following are TRUE about extinction? Select all that apply. Behavior maintained by a CRF schedule of reinforcement will tend to respond to extinction more quickly than a behavior maintained by a lean schedule of intermittent reinforcement.

With extinction, the target behavior or response is still free to continue occurring, but the reinforcer is no longer available. True True... like with the dead battery example... you can keep trying to start the car BUT the reinforcer is currently with-held. A teacher has successfully implemented an extinction procedure to reduce/eliminate a student's target behavior. There was no extinction burst, which she was thankful for, but two weeks later she is noticing a small increase in the target behavior... it is back! What should she do? (no answer) (Stop extinction and implement positive punishment. Incorrect) "Planned Ignoring" and "extinction" are the same and the terms can be used interchangeably. False Planned ignoring can sometimes be an extinction procedure IF the response was maintained by attention. But ignoring is NOT always an extinction procedure (think of the child eating cookie cartoon). If an extinction protocol is NOT working, it is possible that 1) you failed to correctly determine the reinforcer maintaining the response, and/or 2) you have failed to effectively withhold all access to the reinforcer and the person is somehow accessing "bootleg" reinforcement. True If you tell someone to stop eating chocolate and they immediately stop eating chocolate, this is an example of extinction. False (This is an example of rule-governed behavior. ) Because extinction is such a straight forward and simple concept and procedure, it is appropriate to use in all circumstances. False... because it is slow and some problems need fast solutions, because not all people or environments can handle a "worsening" of behavior, etc. If spontaneous recover occurs, the rate of behavior will usually increase back to the extinction burst levels in terms of frequency and intensity. False If spontaneous recovery occurs at all, it will be more mild than during the extinction burst.

A parent is implementing an extinction procedure and the immediate effect is an extinction burst. The problem (i.e., whining and crying) gets much worse and the child is whining and crying more loudly. What should the parent do? (Add a positive punishment component.) Incorrect

Training sufficient response exemplars, and varying the responses that are acceptable during training to increase the probability of a variety of responses occurring in the test situation are two tactics for The correct answer is: Programming response generalization When behavior becomes more probable in the presence of one stimulus or situation as a result of having been reinforced in the presence of another stimulus or situation, we say that _____________ has occurred. The correct answer is: Stimulus generalization A young child learns to say “doggy” to a large dog. Later, the infant sees a different kind of dog and says “doggy.” This represents stimulus generalization due to: The correct answer is: Physical similarity Within a behavioral approach, a set of stimuli that have some physical characteristic in common is referred to as: The correct answer is: A common-element stimulus class If a behavior is maintained in the natural environment because the subject has been explicitly taught how to obtain reinforcement from individuals (after emitting the target behavior), we say that __________ has occurred. The correct answer is: Recruiting reinforcement When the probability of the behavior is different in the presence of two different stimuli or situations, _________________ is occurring. The correct answer is: Stimulus discrimination Developing a behavior that comes under the control of natural contingencies of reinforcement so that the behavior will persist after the training contingencies are withdrawn is called: The correct answer is: Behavioral trapping Which of the following is not a tactic for programming stimulus generalization? The correct answer is: Training sufficient response exemplars The High-Probability (Hi-P) response sequence is also known as... The correct answer is: Behavioral momentum

Which of the following behaviors is not a tactic for programming behavior maintenance? The correct answer is: Varying the acceptable behaviors during training to increase the probability of a variety of behaviors occurring in the test situation An SD is a stimulus in the presence of which a response will ...

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