Quiz 2 Notes More PDF

Title Quiz 2 Notes More
Course General Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
File Size 66.6 KB
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Kerry Corbett Psychology 10/23/17 Notes- Quiz 2 Development Theories 

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Piaget: Development Theories Stage 1: 0-2: Sensorimotor Stage 2: 2-3: Preoperational Stage 3: 4-6: Concrete Operational Stage 4: 7-12: Formal Operational Erickson Freud- Psychosexual Development -Fixations -Id, Ego, Superego -Oedipus Complex -Unconscious: Defense Mechanisms -Self-Help Kohlberg- 6 stages of Moral Development -3 Stages of moral reasoning -Preconventional Level: Self-interest -Conventional Level: -Postconventional Level Attachment theory- Bowlby/Harlow

Four Goals of Psychology    

Describe Explain Predict Change/Control

Prenatal Development     

Germinal- prenatal development from conception to 2 weeks after fertilization of the egg, when the zygote divides rapidly and implants in the uterine wall Embryonic Fetal Teratogens- harm prenatal development Ainsworth- attachment theory

Adolescents Develop 

Brain changes during adolescence -Frontal cortex is not fully developed

-Synaptic connections are refined and gray matter increases -Limbic system- more active than frontal cortex Old people 

Dementia: Severe impairment in intellectual capacity and personality, often due to damage to brain

Filter Theory: selectively attend to important information Change Blindness: failure to notice large visual changes in the environment Memory Storage: 

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Short Term: 20 seconds/indefinite -A memory storage system that briefly holds a limited amount of information in awareness Sensory Storage: up to a few seconds Long term storage: unlimited Working memory (different type of memory, not storage): active processing system that allows manipulation of different types of information to keep it available for current use Capacity of short-term storage: seven items (plus or minus two) Chunking: using memory to organize info into meaningful units to make it easier to remember Maintenance Rehearsal; using working-memory processes to repeat information based on how it sounds: shallow encoding Elaborative rehearsal: using working memory to process how new information relates to ourselves, more successful for long term storage Primacy V Recency effect -Primacy: present at beginning, people remember them better -Recency: present at end Schemas: decisions about how to chunk information depending on schemas, ways of structuring memories Retrograde Amnesia: lose the ability to access memories they had before brain injury Anterograde amnesia: lose the ability to form new memories after the brain injury Prospective memory: remembering to do something at a future time -Takes up valuable cognitive resources Retrieval Cue: anything that helps a person access information in long-term storage Mnemonics aid retrieval cues Retroactive v Proactive interference -Retro: when access to old memories are hard, due to interference from newer information -Pro: newer memories are hard to access due to old information Tip-of-the-tongue: blocking occurs because of interference from words Distortion: human memory is flawed Memory Bias; Changing of memories

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Flashbulb memories: capturing circumstances in which we learned of a surprising and consequential event Misattribution: misremembering of a detail of a memory Suggestibility: given misleading information which affects memory for an event Eyewitness account

Thinking      

Thinking: mental manipulation of representations of information we encounter in our environments Stereotypes: helps with rapid info processing Reasoning: use information to determine if conclusion is valid Decision making: select best alternative Problem solving: finding a way around an obstacle to reach a goal Subgoals: little goals that make up a big goal

Intelligence 

FLUID v CRYSTALLIZED intelligence -Fluid: reflects the ability to process information, particularly in novel or complex circumstances -Crystallized: both the knowledge a person acquires through experience and ability ot use that knowledge Emotional intelligence and stuff...

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