Quiz 20 2020, questions and answers PDF

Title Quiz 20 2020, questions and answers
Course General Psychology
Institution Athabasca University
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Sample Units 5_6 Quiz 1. The full-blown fetal alcohol syndrome is produced by:

a. heavy drinking during the first three months of pregnancy.

b. heavy drinking during the final three months of pregnancy.

c. one drunken binge at any time during pregnancy.

d. heavy drinking throughout pregnancy.

CORRECT ANSWER: d QUES REFERENCE: (p. 493) 2. Mikaela is a quiet infant who does not seem to smile a lot, but who also seldom cries. She seems cautious and wary of changes in her surroundings, but eventually she adapts to the change. Using the temperament categories outlined by Thomas and Chess, Mikaela would most likely be considered to have __________ temperament.

a. a difficult

b. a slow-to-warm-up

c. an easy

d. an uninhibited

CORRECT ANSWER: b QUES REFERENCE: (p. 499) 3. Jasmine takes her 1-year-old son, Randy, to visit a daycare centre where she plans to enrol him. Randy eagerly explores the playroom, and when his mom leaves the room to fill out some forms he shows no signs of concern. When Jasmine returns, Randy shows little interest and continues to play with the toys he has collected. This type of interaction might be observed between a child and a parent who __________ attachment relationship.

a. share an anxious-ambivalent

b. share a secure

c. have not yet developed an

d. share an avoidant

CORRECT ANSWER: d QUES REFERENCE: (p. 502) 4. The inability of a child to "undo" something mentally is referred to as:

a. assimilation.

b. object permanence.

c. egocentrism.

d. irreversibility.

CORRECT ANSWER: d QUES REFERENCE: (p. 507) 5. James Marcia termed individuals who were delaying commitment and actively exploring alternative ideologies as being in a state of identity:

a. postponement.

b. diffusion.

c. foreclosure.

d. moratorium.


6. Cari often has temper tantrums and pouts when she cannot have her own way. She often behaves impulsively and becomes extremely impatient if she cannot have the things she wants immediately. According to Freud's view of the personality, Cari's personality appears to be dominated by:

a. her ego.

b. her id.

c. reaction formation.

d. her superego.

CORRECT ANSWER: b QUES REFERENCE: (p. 551) 7. The impending possibility of a forbidden impulse getting out of control and being expressed in behaviour would be most likely to produce __________ in the person.

a. anxiety

b. impulse gratification

c. secondary gain

d. depression

CORRECT ANSWER: a QUES REFERENCE: (p. 554) 8. Deirdre used to be shy and unwilling to speak out in class. Last semester she was in a class that involved a lot of discussion groups, and she found that her classmates were willing to listen attentively to her ideas, and often asked her for input when the discussion bogged down. Now Deirdre is more outspoken and confident during class discussions. Based on principles of operant conditioning, Deirdre's new outspoken, confident manner is most likely a result of:

a. extinction.

b. negative reinforcement.

c. punishment.

d. positive reinforcement.

CORRECT ANSWER: d QUES REFERENCE: (p. 562) 9. Assume that personality researchers have isolated a new trait they called "prajna." If these researchers report that fraternal twins reared together are more similar in this trait than identical twins reared apart, it would indicate that __________ in the expression of prajna.

a. genetics has a larger influence than environment in

b. neither genetics nor environment influences

c. environment has a larger influence than genetics in

d. genetics and environment exert equivalent influences in

CORRECT ANSWER: c QUES REFERENCE: (pp. 574-575) 10. The hindsight bias is also known as the __________ effect.

a. "I knew it all along."

b. "No pain, no gain."

c. "Opposites attract."

d. "Everyone else is crazy."

CORRECT ANSWER: a QUES REFERENCE: (p. 590) Short-Answer Questions (each worth 2 marks) Identify the Piagetian stage of cognitive development of the main character in the following illustration. Support your answer. 1. Eleanor is distracted as she sits at her desk in class. She is thinking about her parents. "Maybe Mom is bitchy because Dad nagged her, or maybe because she and Dad are upset and worried about the kitchen renovation bills." Answer: Eleanor has reached the stage of formal operations, which features the capacity to manipulate abstract thoughts, in this case hypotheses, speculations, and assessments about parental behaviour. (pp. 507-508) Identify the stage of personality development, as proposed by Erikson, in the following scenario. Support your answer. 2. Jocelyn is 25 years old. She feels very insecure about some of the personal and career choices she has made so far. Consequently, at this stage of her life, she is unwilling to search for a serious, committed relationship with another person. Answer: Jocelyn is likely at Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation. The key concern in this stage of Erikson's theory is whether one can develop the capacity to share intimacy with others. (pp. 504, 525) Is the following an illustration of a person-oriented, humanistic, or a trait-oriented approach? Support your answer. 3. Roger Carlson, a psychologist, has been studying adults who are considered by their peers to be well adjusted. He is interested in how they come to be well adjusted and what enables them to stay that way. Much of his research has focused on how these people view themselves and how this view was developed. He is also interested in how this perception continues to influence their behaviour as adults. Answer:

This is an example of humanistic theory. It emphasizes self-view and the importance of this self-view to behaviour. (pp. 566-572) Indicate whether each of the following subjects is in Stage 1: Alarm, Stage 2: Resistance, or Stage 3: Exhaustion, of Selye's General Adaptation Syndrome, or not in any of the stages. Support your answer. Conceptual Questions (each worth 4 marks) 1. Describe the four stages of cognitive development proposed by Jean Piaget. Discuss the major developmental changes associated with each of the stages. Answer: Piaget's 4 stages and their key accomplishments and key limitations are given below (derived from Weiten and McCann, 2013, pp. 506-508): Sensorimotor (0-2 years): accomplishments: object permanence emerges Preoperational (2-7 years): accomplishments: children show evidence of centration, irreversibility, and egocentrism Concrete Operational (7-11 years): accomplishments: children develop the ability to solve conservation problems and hierarchical classification problems; limitations of the preoperational period (egocentrism, centration, and irreversibility) decline or disappear Formal Operational (11+ years): accomplishments: children become capable of abstract reasoning...

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