Quiz 3 of 2017/2018 PDF

Title Quiz 3 of 2017/2018
Course Introduction To Business Law And Ethics
Institution La Trobe University
Pages 3
File Size 46.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 97
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quiz 3...


Ques t i on1 I nr el at i ont oper f or manc eofacont r act ,whatdoes‘ f r us t r at i on’ r ef er t o? Sel ectone: a.Emot i onaldi st r es sc ausedbyaser i ousbr eachofcont r act b.Per f or manc et hati sal mostcompl et eandcanbeeasi l yr ec t i fied c.Anunf or eseenc hangei nci r c umst anc eswhi chmakesper f or mance i mpossi bl eorf undament al l ydi ffer entf r om whatwasi nt ended

2 Ques t i on2 Chooset hecor r ectst at ementr egar di ngt er mi nat i onofacont r act : Sel ectone: a.Ter mi nat i oni sanequi t abl er emedy ,notacommonl awone. b.Apar t ywhohasdec i dedt ot er mi nat eandhascommuni cat edt hi s t ot heot herpar t y ,cans t i l l changet hei rmi ndaf t er war ds. c.I fonepar t ywant st ot er mi nat et hecont r ac t ,t heymustdos owi t hi n ar easonabl et i meofdi scover i ngt hebr eac h.

Ques t i on3 Whi c hcas ei nv ol vedanant i c i pat or ybr each,orr epudi at i onoft he cont r act : Sel ectone: a.St eel evTar di ani b.Hoc hs t ervDeLaTour c.Koompaht ooLocalAbor i gi nal LandCounc i lvSanpi nePt yLt d

Feedback Yourans weri sc or r ec t . ThecaseofHochst ervDeLaTouri nv ol vedanant i ci pat or ybr eac h, whenDeLaTourannouncedt hathewoul dnol ongerneed Hochs t er ’ sser vi ces.Thi si sal soc al l edr epudi at i onoft hecont r act . ThecaseofSt eel evTar di ani i nv ol v edacc ept anceofpar t i al per f or manc e. ThecaseofKoompaht ooLocal Abor i gi nalLandCounc i l vSanpi ne Pt yLt di nv ol vedas er i ousbr eachofani nnomi nat et er m. Thecor r ectansweri s:Hochs t ervDeLaTour Quest i on

Ques t i on4 Whi c hoft hesei sNOTawayi nwhi chc ont r act ual obl i gat i onsc anbe di s char ged: Sel ectone: a.Ful lper f or mance b.Cons ent c.Br eachbyonepar t y

Ques t i on5 Jamesagr eest osponsort hel ocal bask et bal l t eam,butonl yi fhi s companynameandl ogoappeari nbi gl et t er sont hebackoft het eam t r acks ui tt opandsi ngl et s.Bec auseofami sc ommuni cat i onbet ween t het eam management ,t henewuni f or msonl yhaveJames’ c ompany namei nsmal l wr i t i ngont hef r ontoft het eam si ngl et s .Whenhesees t hi s ,Jameswant st oc ancelt hespons or shi pagr eement . Chooset hecor r ectst at ement : Sel ectone: a.Acondi t i onoft hecont r acthasbeenbr eac hed,andt hi sj us t i fies t er mi nat i onoft hec ont r act . b.I fdi s pl ayi ngt hecompanynameandl ogoont heuni f or msi san i nnomi nat et er m,t hent hebr eac hher ehasonl ybeenami norone. c.Jamescanonl yc l ai m damages,becauset her ehasonl ybeena br eachofwar r ant y .

Ques t i on6 Chooset hecor r ectst at ementr egar di ngagr eedr emedi es: Sel ectone: a.Li qui dat eddamageswi l l notbeenf or cedbyacour t . b.Apenal t ycl aus ei sagenui nepr eest i mat eofl oss est hatwoul dbe caus edbyabr each. c.Li qui dat eddamageswi l l beenf or c edbyacour t ,butapenal t y cl ausewi l l not .


Ques t i on7 Chooset hecor r ectst at ementr egar di ngr emedi esf orbr eachof cont r act : Sel ectone: a.Equi t abl er emedi eswi l l onl ybeav ai l abl et oapl ai nt i ffwi t hunc l ean hands. b.Spec i ficper f or mancewi l l onl ybeor der edi ft er mi nat i onoft he cont r acti snotpossi bl e. c.I fapl ai nt i ffseeksani nj unct i on,t heycannotal somakeac l ai mf or damages. d.Spec i ficper f or manc ewi l l onl ybeor der edi fdamagesi snotan adequat er emedyi nt heci r cumst anc es.

Ques t i on8 Al v i nor der ssomef ancydes ser t sf r om Toni ,f oral ar gewor kf unct i on atat opadver t i si ngfir m.Tonic al l sont hemor ni ngsayi ngt hats he won’ tbeabl et odel i v ert hedes ser t si nt i mef ort hef unc t i on.Af t er mak i ngsomephonecal l sAl vi nfindsanot hers uppl i erwhocan pr ovi desi mi l ardesser t si nt i me,butt hi swi l l c ostanext r a$200. Chooset hecor r ectst at ementaboutt hi sscenar i o: Sel ectone: a.I fAl vi nc ancel st hewhol ewor kf unct i onbec auseofToni ’ sbr each, hec ancl ai m al l hi sl ossesi nc ompens at i onf r om Toni . b.I fAl v i npur chas est hedess er t sf r om t heot hersuppl i er ,hecanonl y cl ai m $100oft heext r aexpensesi nc ompens at i onf r om Toni . c.I fAl vi npur chasest hedes ser t sf r om t heot hers uppl i er ,hec an cl ai mt heext r a$200i ncompens at i onf r om T oni ....

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