Quiz Week 9 - Quiz with solutions PDF

Title Quiz Week 9 - Quiz with solutions
Course Concepts in Biology
Institution University of Canberra
Pages 6
File Size 123.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 31
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Quiz with solutions...


Quest i on1 1/1pt s Tr ans l at i onconv er t st hei nf or mat i onst or edi n______t o______.


RNA… apol y pept i de


DNA… apol y pept i de

Quest i on2 1/1pt s Thec or r ects equenceofev ent socc ur r i ngdur i ngt r ans cr i pt i oni s__________.

el ongat i on,i ni t i at i on,t er mi nat i on

i ni t i at i on,el ongat i on,t er mi nat i on

s pl i c i ng,cappi ng,t ai l i ng

t ai l i ng,cappi ng,s pl i c i ng

Quest i on3 1/1pt s Whi c hoft hef ol l owi ngenzy mesi sr es pons i bl ef orRNAs y nt hes i s ?

RNAl i gas e

RNAhel i c as e

RNas e

RNApol y mer as e

Quest i on4 1/1pt s I fas t r andofDNAhast hes equenc eAAGCTC,t r ans cr i pt i onwi l l r es ul ti n a/ an_____________.

s i ngl eRNAs t r andwi t ht hes equenceUUCGAG

s i ngl eRNAs t r andwi t ht hes equenceTTCGAG

DNAdoubl ehel i xwi t ht hes equenc eAAGCTCf orones t r andandTTCGAG f ort he c ompl ement ar ys t r and RNAdoubl ehel i xwi t ht hes equenc eUUCGAG f orones t r andandAAGCUCf ort he c ompl i ment ar ys t r and

Quest i on5 1/1pt s Thes har edgenet i ccodeofal l l i f eonEar t hi sev i denc et hat_________.

t hegenet i ccodear os er el at i v el yl at ei nt hehi st or yofl i f eonEar t h bac t er i alc el l sar os eear l i ert haneuk ar y ot i ccel l s

al ll i f es har esacommonances t r y

DNAr epl i c at i oni ser r or f r ee

Quest i on6 1/1pt s Howmanynucl eot i desmak eupac odon?

fi v e

t wo

f our

t hr ee

Quest i on7 1/1pt s Howmanyami noac i dsar ecommont oal ll i v i ngs y s t ems ?





Quest i on8 1/1pt s

Af t err epl i c at i on,__________________________.

eachnewDNAdoubl ehel i xcons i s t soft wool ds t r ands eachnewDNAdoubl ehel i xcons i s t soft wonews t r ands onenewDNAdoubl ehel i xc ons i s t soft wool ds t r andsandt heot hernewDNA doubl ehel i xc ons i s t soft wonews t r ands eachnewDNAdoubl ehel i xcons i s t sofoneol dst r andandonenewst r and

Quest i on9 1/1pt s Whi c hoft hes ei sat ypeofpos t t r ansc r i pt i onalr egul at i onofgeneex pr es s i on?

bi ndi ngoft r ans cr i pt i onf act or st oenhancer s

al t er at i onofpr ot ei ns

al t er at i onofDNAnuc l eot i desequenc es

i nact i v at i onoft RNA

Quest i on10 1/1pt s I nt r onsar e_____________.

nonc odi ngDNAs equences

DNAs equenc est owhi c hact i v at or sbi nd

t hepr oduc tofRNAs pl i c i ng

ex pr es s edDNAsequences

Quest i on11 1/1pt s Thepr oc es sbywhi c hgenot ypebec omesex pr es sedasphenot ypei s___________.

r ecombi nat i on

phenogenes i s

geneex pr ess i on

t r ans cr i pt i on

Quest i on12 1/1pt s Atonepoi nt ,y ouwer ej ustanundi ffer ent i at ed,s i ngl ecel l .Youar enowmadeof manycel l s ;someoft hesecel l sf unct i onasl i v ercel l s ,someasmus c l ecel l s ,some asr edbl oodc el l s ,whi l eot her spl a ydi ffer entr ol es .Whatnamei sgi v ent ot he pr oces st hati sr espons i bl ef ort hi s ?

geneex pr ess i on

r egener at i on

c ar c i nogenes i s

c el l ul ardi ffer ent i at i on

Quest i on13 1/1pt s TheRNAt hati st r ans l at edi nt oapol y pept i dei s______RNA.

mes senger

r i bos omal

t r ans f er

nuc l ear

3outof13 Qui zscor e:1...

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