quizlet buss 3305 week 1 to 8 PDF

Title quizlet buss 3305 week 1 to 8
Course Business Law and Ethics (proctored course)
Institution University of the People
Pages 66
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TERM 3 2020/2021

BUSS 3305

Question 1 Correct

In a lawsuit, the plaintiff is: Select one: a. the party that responds to a lawsuit. 78238313 b. the supervisor of the jury. c. the party that initiates a lawsuit.

d. a lawyer representing an organization.

Question 2 Insider trading is considered a form of: Select one: a. larceny. b. securities fraud.

c. bribery. d. blackmail.

Question 3ect A lawyer's first duty is to: Select one: a. the administration of justice.

b. his or her client. c. finding the truth. d. winning the case.

Question 4 In litigation, discovery is a process in which: Select one: a. each side submits motions to the judge. b. the lawyers get information from their clients.

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c. the lawyers research the legal background of the case. d. each side finds out information about the other's case.

Question 5 A trial consists of all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. opening statements. b. submission of pleadings.

c. closing statements. d. examination and cross-examination.

Question 6 In a negotiation, the term "reservation point" refers to: Select one: a. the point beyond which a party will not agree to terms.

b. the area in which parties can find an acceptable agreement. c. the best alternative to a negotiated agreement. d. the worst alternative to a negotiated agreement.

Question 7 Benefits of mediation include all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. the relative expediency of reaching a resolution. b. the reduced costs as compared to litigation. c. the outcome is in the hands of a neutral decision-maker.

d. the voluntary nature of participation.

Question 8 Arbitration most closely resembles: Page 2 of 66


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Select one: a. negotiation. b. mediation. c. litigation.

d. criminal prosecution.

Question 9 A misdemeanor is: Select one: a. less serious than an infraction. b. more serious than a felony. c. the same as an infraction. d. less serious than a felony.

Question 10 An example of white collar crime would be: Select one: a. an executive embezzling money from the company.

b. negotiating a contract in bad faith. c. an assault by a company officer. d. a theft by warehouse worker.

Question 1 Money damages covering economic losses or losses stemming from injuries are known as: Select one: a. punitive damages. b. consequential damages. c. compensatory damages.

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d. comparative damages.

Question 2 Question text

Which of the following activities may result in strict liability? Select one: a. Changing the radio in one's car and not paying attention to driving. b. Hitting a co-worker with whom one has had an ongoing argument. c. Transporting explosives through a populated area to a construction site.

d. Publishing malicious, hurtful lies about another person in a newspaper.

Question 3 Under strict product liability, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers are strictly liable for: Select one: a. products that cause injuries only if they are ultrahazardous. b. injuries caused by unreasonably dangerous products.

c. negligently made products. d. injuries caused when a duty is violated.

Question 4 Contributory negligence: Select one: a. is a partial defense. b. reduces recovery by the amount of the plaintiff's own negligence. c. is not a legitimate defense against negligence. d. is an absolute defense where the plaintiff contributed to his or her own injuries.

Question 5 Liability imposed in certain situations without regard to fault or due care is called: Select one:

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a. strict liability.

b. negligence. c. an intentional tort. d. absolute liability.

Question 6 Traditional intentional torts include all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. assault. b. battery. c. misappropriation. d. malpractice.

Question 7 All of the following are defenses to the tort of assault EXCEPT: Select one: a. no touching occurred.

b. consent. c. self-defense. d. defense of others.

Question 8 Which of the following scenarios is an example of trespass? Select one: a. A person delivering propane gas comes onto private property. b. Yvette comes to Zuzu's house after Zuzu calls and asks her to visit. c. The odor from a neighbor's rotting rubbish blows through your house.

d. A neighbor dashes into your house to put out a fire.

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Question 9 In the law of negligence, which kind of cause asks whether injury is foreseeable? Select one: a. But-for cause. b. Proximate cause.

c. Causation in fact. d. Subsequent cause.

Question 10 Aziza discovers a piece of glass in her drink while drinking a bottle of Coca Cola. Based only on these facts, has the tort of negligence been committed? Select one: a. No, because Coca Cola does not have a duty to Aziza. b. Yes, because it was foreseeable that the glass could injure Aziza. c. Yes, because Coca Cola breached its duty to Aziza. d. No, because Aziza did not suffer an injury.

Question 1 The philosophy of law is also known as: Select one: a. legal positivism. b. jurisprudence.

c. legal realism. d. natural law.

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Feedback The correct answer is: jurisprudence.

Question 2 Vice laws would include all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. a law prohibiting gambling. b. a law criminalizing prostitution. c. a law banning the consumption or production of alcohol. d. a law imposing a time limit within which a suit can be brought.

Feedback The correct answer is: a law imposing a time limit within which a suit can be brought.

Question 3 To ensure fundamental fairness and decency in government actions, governments must guarantee: Select one: a. complete equality. b. local control. c. freedom of trade. d. due process.

Feedback The correct answer is: due process.

Question 4 Which of the following would be considered a primary source of law? Select one: a. A treatise on torts. b. A legal encyclopedia. c. A government regulation.

d. A law review article.

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Feedback The correct answer is: A government regulation.

Question 5 In a civil law jurisdiction: Select one: a. only the lawmaking body makes law.

b. judges participate in making law. c. law may be created by judicial interpretation. d. the law follows the model of British law. Feedback The correct answer is: only the lawmaking body makes law.

Question 6 Rule of law systems do all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. establish authority. b. create expectations for authority. c. give lawmaking authority to a president.

d. establish redress for grievances and penalties for deviance

Feedback The correct answer is: give lawmaking authority to a president.

Question 7 In the Code of Hammurabi, the right to govern is derived from: Select one: a. the will of the people. b. free and open elections. c. religious authority.

d. control of the use of force.

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Feedback The correct answer is: religious authority.

Question 8 International customary law: Select one: a. has been established by the United Nations. b. is composed of long-standing international practices that have the force of law.

c. is a body of law created by treaties between various nations. d. has no real legal effect.

Feedback The correct answer is: is composed of long-standing international practices that have the force of law.

Question 9 Natural law refers to a belief that: Select one: a. humans naturally possess certain rights that the government cannot take away.

b. law comes from a battle for survival of the fittest between people. c. humans, by their nature, will develop laws that promote social well-being. d. humans can make the best law by observing the way nature works.

Feedback The correct answer is: humans naturally possess certain rights that the government cannot take away.

Question 10 Law created by legislative bodies is known as: Select one: a. regulations. b. statutory law.

c. secondary law.

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d. common law.

Feedback The correct answer is: statutory law. Started on State Completed on Time taken Grade

Monday, 22 March 2021, 10:03 AM Finished Monday, 22 March 2021, 10:09 AM 5 mins 57 secs 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%)

Question 1 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

When business people speak about "business ethics" they usually mean all of the following EXCEPT: Select one: a. Avoid breaking the criminal law in one's work-related activity. b. Avoid actions that lead to excessively large profits.

c. Avoid action that may result in civil lawsuits against the company. d. Avoid actions that are bad for the company image. Feedback The correct answer is: Avoid actions that lead to excessively large profits.

Question 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

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Flag question Question text

Friedman says that the doctrine of "social responsibility" involves the acceptance of the view that: Select one: a. the distribution of scarce resources is an appropriate function of a free market. b. market mechanisms are the appropriate way to determine the allocation of scarce re c. political mechanisms are the appropriate way to determine the allocation of scarce re

d. a corporation only has a responsibility to make a profit and serve the interest of its shareholders. Feedback The correct answer is: political mechanisms are the appropriate way to determine the allocation of scarce re

Question 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

Corporate codes of ethics support a _________________ approach to organizational ethics. Select one: a. values b. compliance

c. voluntary d. autonomous Feedback

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The correct answer is: compliance

Question 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

Many philosophers object to codes of ethics based on all of the following arguments EXCEPT: Select one: a. Codes can undermine moral autonomy. b. Codes often fail to guide us through complex situations. c. Codes of ethics can encourage a legalistic attitude. d. Codes of ethic incite dialogue.

Feedback The correct answer is: Codes of ethic incite dialogue.

Question 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

The moral principle referred to as the "stakeholder principle" can be stated as: Select one: a. Businesses should be fair in all their practices. b. Businesses should consider all parties affected by a business practice.

c. Businesses should avoid causing unwarranted harm. d. Businesses should not be deceptive in their practices.

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Feedback The correct answer is: Businesses should consider all parties affected by a business practice.

Question 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

The ecocentrism view of environmental responsibility holds that: Select one: a. we have direct responsibilities to environmental collections, such as animal species and rain forests.

b. all environmental responsibility is derived from human interests alone. c. our approach to environmental responsibility is to base it on the moral consideration that we owe to animals d. environmental responsibility is confined to what the law requires and what will yield a profit. Feedback The correct answer is: we have direct responsibilities to environmental collections, such as animal species and rain forests.

Question 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

Legal scholar Cass Sunstein had proposed that communities work around ideological disputes over codes of ethics by: Select one: a. developing a single core paradigm. b. forcing commitment to one ideology.

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c. marshaling arguments to defend separate core beliefs. d. developing incompletely theorized agreements.

Feedback The correct answer is: developing incompletely theorized agreements.

Question 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

As the socially responsible investment fund movement becomes more influential, CSR theories are: Select one: a. focusing almost exclusively on ethics. b. shifting to an orientation on altruistic rationale. c. disregarding the payoff from CSR. d. embracing a performance-driven orientation.

Feedback The correct answer is: embracing a performance-driven orientation.

Question 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

The integration of CSR into the day-to-day business of companies may be based on all of the following rationales EXCEPT: Select one:

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a. Organizations adopt CSR initiatives regarding specific issues for non-economic reasons. b. Organizations adopt CSR initiatives mainly because the law requires they do so.

c. CSR initiatives are pursued only when there is a clear link to firm financial performance. d. A combination of the social values-led and the business-case models. Feedback The correct answer is: Organizations adopt CSR initiatives mainly because the law requires they do so.

Question 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

According to Milton Friedman to say that an executive is exercising corporate responsibility means that the executive: Select one: a. is to act in some way that is not in the interest of his employers.

b. is conforming to accepted ethical principals. c. is properly acting on behalf of the higher social good. d. is acting as the conscience of the organization. Feedback The correct answer is: is to act in some way that is not in the interest of his employers.

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Started on State Completed on Time taken

Monday, 22 March 2021, 9:56 AM Finished Monday, 22 March 2021, 9:57 AM 36 secs




0.00 out of 100.00

Question 1 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

Stock represents ownership interests in a: Select one: a. corporation. b. general partnership. c. limited liability company. d. sole proprietorship. Feedback The correct answer is: corporation.

Question 2 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

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The most common type of patent, awarded for inventions or improvements to methods, processes, machinery, and compositions of matter is a _______________ patent. Select one: a. pending. b. design. c. plant. d. utility. Feedback The correct answer is: utility.

Question 3 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

If an item of personal property has been abandoned: Select one: a. the prior owner may reclaim the property within a certain period of time. b. the prior owner may reclaim the property at any time. c. a finder may claim ownership of the personal property. d. None of the above Feedback The correct answer is: a finder may claim ownership of the personal property.

Question 4 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

Essential elements of a contract include all of the following EXCEPT: Page 17 of 66

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Select one: a. offer and acceptance. b. consideration. c. capacity. d. writing. Feedback The correct answer is: writing.

Question 5 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

The ecocentrism view of environmental responsibility holds that: Select one: a. we have direct responsibilities to environmental collections, such as animal species and rain forests. b. all environmental responsibility is derived from human interests alone. c. our approach to environmental responsibility is to base it on the moral consideration that we owe to animals. d. environmental responsibility is confined to what the law requires and what will yield a profit. Feedback The correct answer is: we have direct responsibilities to environmental collections, such as animal species and rain forests.

Question 6 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

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An arrangement in which the rightful possessor of personal property gives the property to someone who has agreed to hold the property and who has a duty to return it is known as: Select one: a. a treasure trove. b. a bailment. c. production. d. a donation. Feedback The correct answer is: a bailment.

Question 7 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

The performance standard for service contracts is: Select one: a. complete performance. b. strict performance. c. substantial performance. d. partial performance. Feedback The correct answer is: substantial performance.

Question 8 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

The ability to transfer rights conveyed by a contract to another party is called: Page 19 of 66

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Select one: a. delegation. b. assignment. c. novation. d. rescission. Feedback The correct answer is: assignment.

Question 9 Not answered Marked out of 1.00

Flag question Question text

In employment law, a "protected class" is: Select one: a. a category of employees who cannot be fired. b. a legislatively created category of workers protected from unfavorable employment actions. c. the category of employees who...

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