Quizlet chapter 6 PDF

Title Quizlet chapter 6
Author Jason js
Course Strategy
Institution Singapore Management University
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According to the five forces model, which of the following is viewed as a major risk to a business pursuing a cost-leadership strategy?

B. innovation that allows competitors to emerge with more economical replacements


AccuroDisk Inc. manufactures external hard disks for $32 per unit, and the maximum price customers are willing to pay is $47 per unit. TD Storage Inc. is a competitor of AccuroDisk Inc. that produces external hard disks for $37 per unit, and customers are willing to pay a maximum price of $50 per unit. What does this imply?

C. AccuroDisk creates a greater economic value than TD Storage.

Allure is a cosmetic brand that pursues a cost-leader strategy. Which of the following statements is true of the cosmetic brand?

A. It appeals to the priceconscious buyers.


Although JetBlue used a blue ocean strategy to achieve an initial competitive advantage, it failed to maintain this advantage. Which of the following provides the best reason for this development?

B. It failed to refine its strategic position over time.


As it takes less and less time to produce the same output, learning curves usually

B. go down.


As the cumulative output in a firm increases, managers learn how to optimize the production process and improve workers' performance through repetition. This drives down the per-unit cost. Which of the following phenomena is best described here?

A. learning effects


At a certain output level, the per-unit cost incurred by a firm to manufacture a product is $5. Other factors remaining constant, what will be the new per-unit cost if the cumulative output is doubled, and the firm is able to achieve an 80 percent learning curve?

A. $4


At a certain output level, the per-unit cost incurred by a firm to manufacture a product was $60. Once the cumulative output doubled, the cost per unit reduced to $54. All other factors remaining constant, the firm has been able to achieve a(n)

B. 90 percent learning curve.



Bargain Styles Inc. is an apparel company that caters to the highly price-conscious customers. Through its simple apparel designs, acceptable quality levels, and minimal customer service, the company has been able to sell its merchandise at the lowest prices in the industry. Which of the following generic business strategies is Bargain Styles applying?

A. costleadership


Bass Watches Inc. initially spent eight manhours to assemble a wristwatch. But as the production doubled, the number of hours spent on assembling a watch reduced by 20 percent. This increase in productivity reduced the company's cost per unit. What is this phenomenon referred to as?

A. learningcurve effect


A blue ocean strategy differs from a lowcost strategy in that

A. the intent of a blue ocean strategy is not to be the absolute lowest-cost provider because a blue ocean must also increase perceived value.


A blue ocean strategy tends to be successful only if a firm is able to rely on a _____ that allows it to reconcile trade-offs.

B. value innovation


Body Sync Inc. is a chain of gyms. It offers a C. availability fitness package that allows its members to of complements. use the gym facilities for 12 months by paying only for 10 months. Included in the package are two health checkups and a gym kit. These add-ons by themselves are not very valuable, but as a package they can enhance the perceived value of the service offerings. In this case, Body Sync's primary value driver is


Both BioThink Inc. and GD Pharma Inc. have A. low-cost discovered similar vaccines to prevent input cancer. While GD Pharma's vaccine sells at factors. $100 per unit, BioThink sells its vaccine at $90 per unit. This price differentiation has mainly been attributed to the companies' capital decisions. While BioThink used its retained earnings to develop the vaccine, GD Pharma borrowed funds from banks to develop the vaccine. Thus, GD Pharma pays a higher interest on its capital, which makes it necessary to price its vaccine higher. Thus, the key driver for BioThink's competitive advantage is


Both Blue Horizons Electronics Inc. and CLR Inc. have achieved cost parity in the television

C. create greater perceived economic value than CLR.


Both Viten Electronics Inc. and JL Electronics Inc. incur a cost of $400 to manufacture a LED television. However, the economic value created by JL Electronics is more than that created by Viten Electronics. What does this indicate?

C. JL Electronics can charge a premium price on its televisions.


Clean Machine Inc. produces a high-quality dishwashing machine that is reliable and durable. How would this product most likely act as a cost driver?

C. reduce the total cost of ownership


Combining economies of learning with the existing production technology allows a firm to

B. move down a given learning curve.


A company that uses a differentiation strategy can achieve a competitive advantage as long as its

A. economic value created is greater than that of its competitors.


The concept of a(n) _____ attempts to capture both learning effects and process improvements at firms.

C. experience curve


Cool Cat Inc. has dominated the high-end refrigerator market by producing a reliable refrigerator with many bonus features that appeal to customers. Recently, a competitor has developed a refrigerator that offers many of the same features as Cool Cat's refrigerator. Which of the following will most likely help Cool Cat to keep its competitive advantage?

B. the loyalty of its customers


A cost-leader is protected from the threat of new entrants primarily due to its

C. economies of scale.


C. quality. DFS Electronics Inc. ensures that all its products are highly durable and reliable by using techniques like zero-defect and lean manufacturing systems. These efforts not only add to the products' differential appeal, but also help the company save costs during production and avoid expenses due to after-sales services. Thus, the common value and cost driver responsible for DFS Electronics' strategic position as an integrator is the


A differentiation strategy works best when a

D. firm has intangible resources, is able to pass on increases in supplier cost to the customer, and its differentiation appeal creates customer loyalty.


A differentiator is least likely to be threatened by increases in input prices due to powerful suppliers when the

A. differentiator is able to create a significant difference between perceived value and current market prices.


C. economies DiscountHaven Inc. is a large chain of hypermarkets. It has cost benefits due to its of scale. extensive operation. The company's marketing and sales, logistics, administrative, and other such related costs get divided between a large number of product units stocked in its stores. This makes it difficult for smaller retail stores and supermarkets to compete against DiscountHaven's low prices. Thus, DiscountHaven has a competitive advantage due to its


Diseconomies of scale refer to

B. increases in cost as output increases.


Economies of scale do not allow firms to

C. spread their variable costs over a larger output.


Even without differentiation parity, a firm pursuing a cost-leadership strategy can still gain a competitive advantage as long as its

C. economic value creation exceeds that of its competitors.



Evia Cycles Inc. incurs $400 to manufacture a bicycle, and the maximum price customers are willing to pay is $550 per unit. Archer Cycles Inc., its competitor, incurs $450 to manufacture a similar bicycle, and customers are willing to pay a maximum price of $620 for it. What does this indicate?

C. Archer Cycles has created a greater economic value than Evia Cycles.

A firm achieves differentiation parity ideally when

A. it creates the same customer value as its competitors.


A firm experiences diseconomies of scale when it

C. produces at an output level beyond the minimum efficient scale.


A firm experiences _____ when there are increases in cost per unit as output increases.

A. diseconomies of scale


A firm pursuing a differentiation strategy as opposed to a low-cost strategy will

A. focus its research and development on product technologies to add uniqueness.


A firm's business strategy will lead to a competitive advantage if it allows the firm to

C. perform different activities than its rivals.


A firm's learning curve is steeper than that of its competitor. What does this imply?

A. The firm is at an advantage when compared to its competitor.


Firms pursuing a differentiation strategy primarily seek to

D. create higher customer perceived value than the value that competitors create.


Gotta Get Chocolates, Inc. has recently introduced a new production method that will make the production of their chocolates more cost-effective. Which of the following will most likely be the result of this innovation?

A. jumps to a steeper learning curve


Handy Helper, Inc. produces decent-quality C. a higher woodworking tools at a mid-range price. value gap Master Tools, Inc. produces high-quality tools also at a mid-range price. Master Tools gained a competitive advantage because it has ______ than Handy Helper.


Help Yourself Inc. publishes many types self-help books. Recently, the consumer demand for winter gardening books has increased significantly. Although Help Yourself has limited production facilities, it has increased the production of these books to meet this demand. It hopes to get books to the market faster than its closest competitor, who is also increasing the production of winter gardening books. Which of the following aspects of businesslevel strategy has Help Yourself accomplished?

C. It has exploited external opportunities.


Higher value tends to require

A. higher costs.


Home Smart Inc. is a chain of supermarkets that sells its products at higher prices than its competitors. Yet, the supermarket chain has a large customer base due to its wide product portfolio and superior customer service. Which of the following generic business strategies has Home Smart adopted in this scenario?

B. differentiation


How did Marriott use economies of scope to achieve greater economic value than its competitors?

D. Marriott lowered its cost structure by sharing its production assets over a several types of hotels, which increased its menu and thus its differentiated appeal.


How does availability of complements act as a value driver?

D. Complements add value to a product when they are consumed in tandem with it.


How is a cost-leader protected from threats from powerful buyers?

A. It is more able to absorb price increases through accepting lower profit margins.


How is differentiation parity different from cost parity?

D. Differentiation parity deals with value not pricing.


In a focused costleadership strategy, a firm

C. delivers low-cost products and services to a specific, narrow part of the market.


In a successful _____ strategy, the tradeoffs between differentiation and low cost are reconciled.

A. blue ocean

In contrast to a differentiator, a costleader will

C. focus its research and development on process technologies to improve efficiency.



In the multiplex industry, Vibrant Movies Inc. is D. blue ocean an upscale multiplex that focuses on superior strategy customer experience. The firm charges premium prices for its movie tickets and services. Global Cine Inc., in contrast, charges the lowest price in the industry with its no-frills approach. In between these two segments is True Movies Inc., which offers a customer experience comparable to that of Vibrant Movies at a price almost as low as that of Global Cine. What strategy is True Movies pursuing in this scenario?


A _____ is a graphical depiction of a company's relative performance vis-à-vis its competitors across the industry's key success factors.


_____ is best described as decreases in cost per A. unit as output increases. Economies of scale


_____ is best described as the output range needed to bring down the cost per unit as much as possible, allowing a firm to stake out the lowest-cost position that is achievable through economies of scale.


Juanita Apparels Inc. outsources its production D. lowcost input to contract manufacturers located in underdeveloped nations where unskilled labor factors is available in plenty for very low wages. This has helped the apparel brand become a price leader in the industry. Which of the following is the key driver behind Juanita Apparel's strategic position?


KitchenThings Inc. is a company that manufactures plastic kitchenware. It operates at an output level that allows it to keep its unit cost per output to the lowest in the industry. This in turn allows KitchenThings to be the price leader. Other competing companies cannot operate at the same level due to a lack of consumer demand for their products. This puts them at a competitive disadvantage. In this scenario, the cost driver behind KitchenThings's strategic position is

B. economies of scale.


Lush Roses is a chain of premium hotels around the globe that charges higher prices for its rooms and suites when compared to the average industry standards. Yet, the hotel enjoys the largest market share in the industry. This is mainly due its highly responsive staff that has a strong commitment toward achieving a 100 percent guest satisfaction. In this scenario, which of the following is the key value driver?

A. superior customer service

D. strategy canvas

A. Minimum efficient scale


D. focused Organic Eats is a restaurant that caters to differentiation the needs of a small percentage of highly strategy. health-conscious consumers. It has an allorganic, vegan menu. Since there are very few restaurants that offer the same unique services, customers are willing to pay a premium price for its products and services. In this scenario, Organic Eats is following a

To initiate a strategic move that allows a firm to open up new and uncontested market space through value innovation, managers must address four key questions when formulating a blue ocean business strategy. These questions focus on

C. lowering cost and increasing perceived customer benefits.


Trader Joe's successfully used a blue ocean strategy by offering lower cost food than Whole Foods for the same market of patrons. By doing this, Trader Joe's was able to

A. gain a market share and make up the loss in margin through increased sales.


True Empire Autos Inc. is an automobile company known for its luxury cars and follows a differentiation strategy. In this scenario, True Empire Autos should ideally compare its strategic position with a(n)

B. automobile company that sells high-end, premium cars.


A value curve indicates a lack of effectiveness in a firm's strategic profile when it

B. zigzags.


Value drivers contribute to a firm's competitive advantage only if

A. the increase in value creation exceeds the increase in costs.


Wear Crush Inc. is an apparel company known for its affordable clothes that follows a cost-leadership strategy. In this scenario, Wear Crush should ideally compare its strategic position with

C. an apparel company popular among priceconscious customers.


What does blue ocean strategy attempt to reconcile?

A. the conflicting requirements of two generic strategies


What does it mean for a firm to have an 80 percent learning curve?

D. Every time the cumulative output is doubled, the cost per unit will decline by 20 percent.


What is a value gap?

B. economic value creation

C. product features


Oviyo Inc. has been successful at differentiating itself from competitors by claiming a premium price for its digital cameras based on superior image quality and advanced technology. In this scenario, which of the following is the key value driver?


A _____ primarily details the goal-directed A. businessactions managers take in their quest for level strategy competitive advantage when competing in a single product market.


The primary goal of a firm pursuing a blue ocean strategy should be to

C. offer a differentiated product or service at a low cost.


Product features, customer service, and complements are all examples of important

D. value drivers.


PureRinse Inc. is a brand reputed for its wide variants of body wash that introduced its range of shampoos and skin moisturizers a few years ago. Since most of its products could be produced using the same resources and technology, the company's cost structure lowered, while its product portfolio widened. In this scenario, which of the following value and cost drivers is PureRinse applying?

B. economies of scope


The pursuit of both differentiation and low D. value cost at the same time in a way that creates a innovation. leap in value for both the firm and consumers is called


A successfully implemented blue ocean strategy allows a firm to

A. charge a higher price than the costleader in the industry.


Tangles Costume Jewelry offers slightly lowerquality merchandise than competitors at a much lower price. What strategy is Tangles using?

A. costleadership

To be cost-competitive, a firm should

B. operate at the minimum efficient scale.




What must a cost-leadership strategy accomplish to be successful?

B. It must reduce the firm's cost below that of its competitors while offering adequate value.


When a blue ocean strategy goes bad, a firm has neither a clear differentiation nor a clear cost-leadership profile. This situation is referred to as

A. ...

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