Quizlet- cis 236 PDF

Title Quizlet- cis 236
Author xsgsrd edfgt
Course Honors Information Systems
Institution Arizona State University
Pages 8
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CIS236 Sopha- Midterm Study online at quizlet.com/_5bk24s 1.

Be able to read and/or identify key elements in an existing ER Diagram

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a database. An entity in this context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams illustrate the logical structure of databases.


Can you explain, basically, how a Diffie-Hellman-Merkle Key Exchange works?

Diffie-Hellman is a way of generating a shared secret between two people in such a way that the secret can't be seen by observing the communication.


Can you explain the basics of Asymmetric (aka "Public Key") Encryption works?



Can you explain the basics of Symmetric Key Encryption?

message is encrypted and decrypted with the same key.


denial-of-service (DoS) attack

Preventing a target from fulfilling its intended function, typically by keeping the target busy or causing it to crash.


Difference between parallel and serial performance of processes?

across from one another.


Discuss the importance of processes being in a particular order



distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack

Many computers collaborate to shut down a target, usually by keeping it busy or overwhelming it with incoming requests.


Do you know the figures that depict different type of cardinality?



Excel: Be able to explain or execute basic functions and cell references



Explain, at a high level, some of the basic components of a "computer"

Input Device Central Processing Unit -Control Unit -Arithmetic/Logic Unit Memory Unit- RAM and secondary storage Output Device


Explain the concept of "open source"

Open-source software is a type of computer software whose source code is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner.


Explain the high-level privacy policies outlined in the textbook



Explain the reasons why employers may choose to monitor employees' use of technology resources

Employees serve as the greatest risk to organizational security. One employee can compromise an organization's information systems.


Give an example for each of the five component of IS. Which component do the following examples belong to? Words and sentences? Microsoft Excel? Keyboard? Monitor?

Words and Sentences- Procedures/Data, Microsoft Excel-Software, Keyboard-Hardware, Monitor-Hardware


Give examples of strong and weak examples for each of the forces.



Given a table and a set of SQL commands, what is the expected output?



Given a table and the desired output, what SQL commands would you use?



. How, at a high level, does the Operating System (OS) of a computer work?

Make things predictable.


How do all of the strategic frameworks we discussed influence one another and, ultimately, a firm's choice of an information system?



How do computers work?

They work by taking in information called input, storing information better known as memory (or storage), chewing information also known as processing, and spitting out results called output.


How does the Domain Name System It converts uniform resource locators into IP addresses and DNS servers work?


How do the drivers of modern "Mobility" allow the IoT to exist?

Devices are becoming less expensive and more integrated into human life. This pursuit of technology promotes the IoT.


How do these things interact with one another

5 forces, comp. adv., value chain, business processes, and information systems.


How do we define the concept of "Mobility" in terms of IS and IT?

The notion of how tech has evolved


How do you make decisions using data?



How do you solve data integrity problems?



How should an organization handle security?

What can organizations do- make employees do those things. Enforce best practice s of information security for employee sector. Deploy firewalls. Create black and white lists for sites.


How should you, as a user, handle security?

For users- don't use the same password for multiple sites, make them more complicated, use a password manager, multi-factor authentication. Don't click on links. Use a VPN. Don't logon to an insecure wifi. Keep your software up to date.


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)

A method that provides network resources such as for storage and allow the client can deploy software and add network components such as firewalls.


If given a network diagram, can you explain the different elements?



In a oneto-many relationship, in which table is the foreign key stored?

The many table. (ex. Customers and orders)


Is "name" a good primary key? Explain why or why not?

No. There can be repeats in names, which makes it redundant and doesn't allow for a unique identifier of the data set.


Know the various sizes of data

bit (b) 0 or 1 1/8 of a byte byte (B) 8 bits 1 byte kilobyte (KB) 1000^1 bytes 1,000 bytes megabyte (MB) 1000^2 bytes 1,000,000 bytes gigabyte (GB) 1000^3 bytes 1,000,000,000 bytes terabyte (TB) 1000^4 bytes 1,000,000,000,000 bytes petabyte (PB) 1000^5 bytes 1,000,000,000,000,000 bytes exabyte (EB) 1000^6 bytes 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes zettabyte (ZB) 1000^7 bytes 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes yottabyte (YB) 1000^8 bytes 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes


Most common type of main memory


PaaS (Platform as a Service)

Cloud-based virtual server(s). These virtualized platforms give programmers tools needed to deploy, administer, and maintain a Web application. User controls everything.


Please practice SQL using the web sites we used in class and for your homework.



Porter's Five Forces

threat of entry, threat of substitute, supplier power, buyer power, and competitive rivalry


primary vs secondary storage

Primary is volatile. Needs current running through it. ROM is software that lives on hardware.


SaaS (Software as a Service)

Pay for software as you use it. Not installed locally, instead it is 'Hosted'software e.g. Google Docs. Vendor controls everything.


Secondary Memory

Nonvolatile Holds data when the computer is off or during course of a program's operation Serves as archival storage


Supporting Activities in the Value Chain

firm infrastructure, HR management, Research and development, procurement ( relationship management)


Von Newman Architecture/Model

User>Application Software>Operating System>Hardware (goes in both directions)


What are attributes?

characteristics of an entity


What are different types of barriers to entry?

cost of entry, price, intellectual property


What are some alternatives to passwords?


What are some key ways to improve or refine a process (go from serial to parallel, etc)?

identify serial processes that can be parallel.


What are some of the ways in which organizations may gather information?



What are the components of a database application system?

Users, interface with database application, connects with DBMS, which references the database.




What are the differences between horizontal and vertical in our context?

Within the space of an industry is vertical (New entrants, rivalry, and substitutes).


What are the different types of malware and attacks?



What are the different types of networks we discussed in both class and the textbook?



What are the different types of RFID? What is/are the key differentiator(s)?

Passive, semi-passive, active. The battery size.


What are the dimensions of "Privacy"?



What are the ethical dynamics in terms of Intellectual Property concerns?

Intellectual property • Intangible creative work in physical form Copyright • Legal protection - an expression of an idea • Ethical considerations - illegal software (pirated), music, movie downloads, etc. • Fair Use Doctrine - use copyrighted material in certain situations


What are the five components of Information Systems?

1. hardware 2. software 3. Data 4. People 5. Procedures


What are the five steps in an ethical decision-making framework?



What are the four "widely used" standards for forming an ethical framework?

Utilitarian, fairness, rights, common-good


What are the organizational/operational benefits that can be realized by leveraging IoT?

People are constantly connected, they have access to their own technology, they can work more often from more locations.


What are the primary activities in value chain?

inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, support


What are the three components of Database?



What are the three main types of cloud services? How are each defined? What is an example of each?

Saas, Iaas, Paas


What are the top security trends for 2017, according to CIO.com?

1. Use a different browser to access deep and dark web. 2. IoT gives more access points. 3. Supply-chain is vulnerable. 4. regulations will cause problems. 5. Unmet board expectations.


What are the two ways we defined and conceptualized "The Cloud" in class and in the textbook?

technical definition of the cloud- the elastic leasing of scaled information over the internet. use-case definition of the cloud- a collection of services offered over the Internet.


What characteristics of data are necessary for "quality information"?

timelines, form, validity and location.


What contextual considerations should be considered when evaluating a decision in terms of ethics?

Society's opinion, likelihood of effect, reach of result, time to consequences, relatedness, consequences.


What does a server do?

It provides a particular service and manages resources


What does it mean to automate a manual process?

program a computer to perform the precise physical steps of the process.


What does the acronym "CIA" mean for security?



What does the term "Internet of Things" mean? Why is it important?

the interconnection via the Internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. There are more access points, people are more connected, and more data is collected.


What is 5G? Why is it important?

5G is the fifth generation of cellular mobile communications. It succeeds the 4G, 3G and 2G systems. 5G performance targets include high data rate, reduced latency, energy saving, cost reduction, higher system capacity and massive device connectivity. It will allow for the IoT, autonomous driving, etc. Removes almost all latency. edge computing.


What is a binary digit?

a 0 or 1


What is a business process? What are the components of a business process?

A business process is an ongoing collection of related activities that create a product or a service of value to the organization, its business partners, and its customers. The process involves three fundamental elements: Inputs: Materials, services, and information that flow through and are transformed as a result of process activities Resources: People and equipment that perform process activities Outputs: The product or a service created by the process (Rainer 36)


What is a column?

A field is a column


What is a database application?

a collection of forms, reports, queries, and application programs that process a database


What is a data model?

a diagram that represents entities in the database and their relationships


What is a file?

A column, which has a front of only one element


What is a firewall?

A security barrier that prevents unauthorized access to or from private networks


What is a Kernal's job?

To speak the language between the operating system and the hardware.


What is an entity?

a person, place, thing or event about which information is maintained


What is an E-R diagram?

an entity-relationship diagram, used to plan out a database before making it


What is an information system?

System consists of equipment that collects, processes, stores, displays, and disseminates information


. What is a Private Cloud?

devices are connected to a local network. In order to access the cloud, a certain IP address is necessary. Use a VPN.


What is a record?

A set of data for the fields in a table. AKA Field


What is a server?

a computer dedicated to providing one or more services to other computers or devices on a network


What is a URL? (Uniform Resource Locator)

A text-based address that points to a specific page on the internet.


What is a value chain?

At each stage in the construct, some value is added to the material. The generic set of activities undertaken by an organization to create and add value.


What is a Virtual Private Network? How does it work?

A virtual private network extends a private network across a public network, and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network.


What is cardinality?

the number of instances of one entity that can or must be associated with each instance of another entity


What is client/server computing (three tier Model)? How does it work?

Personal device is a client machine. Devices connect to the internet. It forwards DNS and IP return. Information goes to a server. A call and response to a server


What is database vs. a DBMS?

database is a collection of all records in a location. DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.


What is data vs information?

data is basically a collection of unorganized characters that do not convey meaning. Information is data that is given context and meaning. Ex. Numbers are GPA. GPA coupled with name gives meaning.


What is "https"?



What is inside the central processing unit?

Control Unit Arithmetic/ Logic Unit


What is IP?

An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.


What is knowledge?

consists of data and/or information that have been organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning, and expertise as they apply to a current business problem. For example, suppose that a company recruiting at your school has found over time that students with grade point averages over 3.0 have experienced the greatest success in its management program. Based on this accumulated knowledge, that company may decide to interview only those students with GPAs over 3.0. This example presents an example of knowledge because the company uses information—GPAs—to address a business problem — hiring successful employees. As you can see from this example, organizational knowledge, which reflects the experience and expertise of many people, has great value to all employees.


What is margin? What is value chain?

difference between costs and revenues.


What is meant by an "asis" model?

mapping an actual situation within an organization. This step is called "developing an AS-IS business process model".


What is meant by a "tobe" model?

Model that results from incorporating improvements in the current (as is) model.


What is metadata?

data that describes data


What is Moore's Law?

The number of transistors in a circuit with double every 18 months.


What is normalization?

Converting poorly structured tables into two or more well-structured tables Each table should only have 1 "theme"


What is packet switching? How does it work?

The transmission technology that divides blocks of text into packets. It breaks up a message into sections that can be reassembled in order to mitigate data loss. (Rainer 187)


What is primary key and foreign key?

a primary key uniquely identifies all columns in a table. A foreign key is another table's primary key present in another table to link the data sets.


What is RFID?

radio frequency identification tags -quick and saves time -limitations and is expensive


What is Service-Oriented Architecture? Why is it important?

Web services are applications delivered over the Internet (the cloud) that MIS professionals can select and combin...

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