Rasmussen University Mental Health Exam 1 PDF

Title Rasmussen University Mental Health Exam 1
Course Mental Health Nursing
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 5
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A mother who is notified that her child was killed in a tragic car accident states, "I can't bear to go on with my life." Which nursing statement conveys empathy? "It must be horrible to lose a child, and I'll stay with you until your husband arrives" A nursing instructor asks a student to describe the nursing process when initiating care of a client. The student nurse understands the nursing process order to be correctly identified as: Assessment, nursing diagnosis, outcomes, planning, implementation, evaluation

A nurse explains to the family of a mentally ill patient how the nurse-patient relationship differs from other interpersonal relationships. Which is the nurse's best explanation? "The focus is on the patient. Problems are discussed by the nurse and patient; but solutions are implemented by the patient" An entry level registered nurse works with patients in a community setting. Which groups should can the RN lead? (Select all that apply.) Symptom management Medication education Self-care A 22-year-old college student is admitted to a hospital following a suicide attempt and states, "No one will ever love a loser like me." According to Erikson's theory of personality development, a nurse should recognize a deficit in which developmental stage? Intimacy vs. isolation A depressed client states, "I have a chemical imbalance in my brain. I have no control over my behavior. Medications are my only hope to feel normal again." Which nursing response is appropriate? "Medications are one way to address chemical imbalances. Environmental and interpersonal factors can also have an impact on biological factors" A newly admitted patient is hyperactive, restless, and disorganized. The patient goes to the dining room and begins to throw food. Verbal intervention is ineffective. Seclusion is instituted for the primary purpose of: Reducing environmental stimuli that negatively affect the patient A 4-year-old child grabs toys from siblings, saying, "I want that toy now!" The siblings cry and the child's parent becomes upset with the behavior. Using Freudian theory, a nurse can interpret the child's behavior as a product of impulses originating in the: Id A client with schizophrenia has recently begun a new medication, clozapine (Clozaril). Which signs and symptoms of a potentially fatal side effect will the nurse teach the client about? Sore throat, fever, and malaise Within professional scope of practice, which function is exclusive to the advanced nurse practice specialty? Using psychotherapy to improve mental health status

A client tells a nurse that he hates his doctor and plans to hurt the doctor, but she did not report this prior to leaving. When the nurse returns to work the next day, she finds that the physician has been brutally beaten by the client and the physician is hospitalized. Which of the following best represents the nurse's failure to act by not reporting the client's intent? Negligence A patient is about to be released and tells the staff nurse "I'm glad I'm getting out of here; I swear the first thing I'll do is kill my ex-wife and that stupid boyfriend of hers." Which of the following is the staff nurse's legal duty? Report the threat to the treatment team and document the statement A client has been involuntarily admitted to an inpatient behavioral health unit. During this admission, which of the following rights does the client still retain? (Select all that apply.) Right to refuse medication Right to informed consent The nurse is conversing with a client in a locked in-patient psychiatric unit. The client states," Please don't tell anyone about my sexual abuse." Which nursing response clearly outlines the professional nurse's responsibility related to confidentiality? "All the healthcare team is focusing on helping you. I will bring information to the team that can assist them in planning your treatment" The nurse understands a client taking which medication could place a client at high risk for a lifethreatening hypertensive crisis if tyramine is ingested? (Select All That Apply) tranylcypromine (Paranate) isocarboxazid (Marplan) phenelzine (Nardil) A researcher tells the nurse that she would like a patient to participate in a study on the effects of a new medication. The nurse's responsibility in regard to this study is: To assess whether the patient has the ability and legal right to give informed consent A 29-year-old client living with parents has few interpersonal relationships. The client states, "I have trouble trusting people." Based on Erikson's developmental theory, which should the nurse recognize as true statements about the client? (Select All That Apply) The client has not progressed beyond the trust vs. mistrust development stage Developmental deficits in earlier life stages have impaired the client's adult functioning A nursing instructor is teaching about the monoamine category of neurotransmitters. Which student statement indicates that learning about the function of norepinephrine has occurred? Norepinephrine functions to regulate mood, cognition, and perception Using Erickson's theory of personality development, which of the following task occur with teenagers during puberty? Identifying oneself from one's parents A patient is involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric unit after calling a friend and saying, "I've got a gun and I'm going to shoot myself." Which of the following rights has the patient lost temporarily?

The right to leave the hospital without medical approval A client who is very dirty and has an offensive odor refused to take a shower when he was admitted to the psychiatric inpatient unit of the hospital. He yelled, "No, no, no bath!" when two staff members carried him into the shower and made him wash himself thoroughly before allowing him to leave the shower area. Which of these statements is correct regarding this patient's rights? This was a violation of the patients’ rights because the patient was restrained by force A nurse says to a client, "Things will look better tomorrow after a good night's sleep." This is an example of which communication technique? The nontherapeutic technique of giving reassurance During a nurse-client interaction, which nursing statement may belittle the client's feelings and concerns? "Don't worry. Everything will be alright" Which information suggests that caution is necessary in prescribing a benzodiazepine to an anxious client? The client has a history of alcohol dependence Which of the following best represents a potential liability issue for the professional nurse? Placing a patient who talks constantly and loudly into a secluded room alone A brother calls to speak to his sister who has been admitted to the psychiatric unit. The nurse connects him to the community phone and the sister is summoned. Later the nurse realizes that the brother was not on the client's approved call list. What law has the nurse broken? The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) A nurse assessed a patient who participated reluctantly, answered questions with minimal responses, and rarely made eye contact. What data should be included when documenting the assessment? A description of the patient's behavior during the interview During the implementation phase of the nursing process, a nurse is teaching an adult depressed patient with a cochlear implant about medications. Which modification in the teaching plan would be the most appropriate for this client? Speaking directly face-to-face The client attempted suicide by overdosing on pain medication. Once the client ingested the medication, she decided that she did not want to die and she sought immediate treatment. Once the client recovered from the physical effects of overdose, the client voluntarily sought inpatient mental health treatment. Which of the following statements is true of voluntary admission? The client retains the right to request release Which client action should the nurse expect during the working phase of the nurse-client relationship? The client gains insight and incorporates alternative behaviors An inpatient psychiatric physician treating clients omits treatment options for those without insurance. Which violation of an ethical principle should a nurse recognize in this situation?

Justice A fully developed outcome for a client goal (SMART goal) would include: Time sensitive Measurable items Attainable for client During an intake assessment, a nurse asks both physiological and psychosocial questions. The client angrily responds, "I'm here for my heart, not my head problems." Which is the nurse's best response? "Psychological factors, like excessive stress, have been found to affect medical conditions" The nurse understands a client could be at risk for serotonin syndrome when taking which of the following medications in addition to over-the-counter St John's Wort, herbal supplements? Sertraline Which expected outcome (SMART goal) should a nurse identify identify as being correctly formulated? Client will initiate interaction with one peer during free time within 2 days The health care provider prescribes an antidepressant for an elderly client, but nurse notices that the dosage is greater than the usual adult dosage. Which of the following best describes what action the nurse should take? Hold the medication until clarification with the health care provider A physically healthy, 35-year-old single client lives with parents who provide total financial support. According to Erikson's theory, which developmental task should a nurse assist the client to accomplish? Establishing a career, personal relationships, and societal connections According to Freud, which statement should a nurse associate with predominance of the superego? "I don't ever cheat on tests; its wrong" A client was recently admitted to the inpatient unit after a suicide attempt and has not responded to SSRIs or tricyclic antidepressants. The client asks the nurse, "I heard about MAOIs (monoamine oxidase inhibitors). Why can't they be added to what I am on now? Wouldn't adding one help?" Which is the appropriate nursing response? "Combined use can lead to life-threatening condition called hypertensive crisis" The client is being admitted to the inpatient psychiatric unit. The nurse conducts a mental status examination. Which of the following items are included in this examination? (Select all that apply) Appearance Mood and affect Thought Cognition During an intake interview, which question would assist the nurse in gathering data about the client's judgment? "If you found a stamped, addressed envelope in the street, what would you do?"

A patient discloses several concerns and associated feelings. If the nurse wishes to seek clarification, which comment would be most appropriate? "Am I correct in understanding that..." Which of the following should the nurse plan to include in the assessment of an older adult client? Identify any age-related physical needs and necessary accommodations for this client A mother rescues two of her four children from a house fire. In an emergency department, she cries, "I should have gone back in to get them. I should have died, not them." Which of the following responses by the nurse is an example of reflection? "You're feeling guilty because you weren't able to save your children" Which intervention by a psychiatric nurse best utilizes the ethical principle of autonomy? The nurse: Explores alternative solutions with a patient, who then makes a choice The nurse is assessing a client who has a diagnosis of schizophrenia and takes a typical antipsychotic agent daily. Which assessment finding should alert the nurse to a potential adverse effect of a typical antipsychotic medications? Temperature of 101F A Mexican American patient puts a picture of the Virgin Mary on the bedside table. Under which section of the assessment should the nurse document this behavior? Culture A nurse is educating a patient about the difference between mental health and mental illness. Which statement by the patient reflects an accurate understanding of mental health? Mental health is successful adaptation to stressors in the internal and external environment A nurse is performing a mental health assessment on an adult client. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which client action would demonstrate the highest achievement in terms of mental health? Possessing a feeling of self-fulfillment and realizing full potential A voluntarily hospitalized patient tells the nurse, "Get me the forms for discharge against medical advice so I can leave now." Which is the nurse's best response? "I will get them for you, but let's talk about your decisions to leave treatment"...

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