Mental Health exam 1 quizlet PDF

Title Mental Health exam 1 quizlet
Course Mental Health Nursing
Institution Rasmussen University
Pages 4
File Size 52.3 KB
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Mental Health Exam 1 Kids are fighting for toys, one cries, and mom becomes irritated with the behavior. How are you going to interpret the child’s behavior, where would it have originated? The ID (impulse control) 22-year-old college student, what stage in Erikson’s are they in? Intimacy vs. isolation What is the superego? Moral development (never going to heal) What is Freud’s theory? Id, ego, & superego What does Skinner’s theory believe in? Classic & operate conditioning What is Maslow’s theory? Higher achy of needs What is given to manage psychotic symptoms? Antipsychotics Can led to serotonin syndrome if combined with saint john’s warts. What classification of drug? Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) What do you have to avoid with MOAIs? tyramine What about GABA sustaining meds to treat anxiety. What is the classification? Benzo’s Are benzo’s highly addictive?

Yes Are benzo’s for long- or short-term use? Short term School aged child is in sports and gets trophy because he is the best. What stage of development is the child in Erikson’s theory? Industry vs. inferiority A woman goes and seeks shelter. What basic need it that in Maslow’s theory? Safety SATA: What are the drugs to treat depression? SSRIs, MOAIs, TCAs What is the BSN5 used for? To diagnose disorders A nurse is going thru the assessment sheet and gets to the psychological portion. She asks, “do you feel safe, any thoughts about harming yourself?” Patient says, I’m not here for my head, I’m here for y broken arm! How would you respond? Explain why it must be asked What is a SMART goal? Specific, measurable, realistic, time (pick answer that at least has time in it) Patient is a frequent flyer. Nurse says, this is your 3rd admission, why did you stop taking your medications? How would this make the patient feel? Made patient feel offensive Non-therapeutic is? Minimizing the patient’s feelings When you’re assessing somebody’s ability to know person, place and time. What is that called? Level of consciousness

You have someone that is acting out in the bay room. What are you going to do? Remove the patient from that situation I do not want to leave the hospital; my mom doesn’t want me to come home. How are you going to react? Ask, you feel question (why do you feel that…) Nurse patient relationships- What is the working phase? Light bulb movement, patient gets insight If you have somebody that has involuntary commitment. What rights do they have? Right to refuse medications, right to informed consent Voluntary admitted patient says, “give me the form I want to leave”. What do you say? I will get the from, but can we talk about it first? Why do we use seclusion? Reduces environment stimuli that is negatively impacting patient Orientation phase is? Establish trust, get to know each other Schizophrenic patient threatens to bomb a church. Psychiatrist notifies the minister of the church that there may be a potential bomb threat. What is this called? Duty to warm & protect What indicates that the integrity of the nurse client relationship could be in jeopardy? Request patient & he gets discharged and I contact them Patient acts out and is going to physically attach another patient in the group therapy. What can you do? Right to medicate You’re a home health nurse and you go give patient his medication. Patient says, “I’m not taking it”. What do you do?

Document & call provider that patient refused monthly injection...

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