Mental health + Wellbeing 1 Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Mental health + Wellbeing 1 Flashcards Quizlet
Author Jeevan Shrestha
Course Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing 1
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 18
File Size 409.9 KB
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Quiz and exam preparation materials. Quiz and exam preparation materials. Quiz and exam preparation materials. Quiz and exam preparation materials....


ellbeing 1


Mental health + Wellbeing 1 Terms in this set (135) Recovery is:

How many people in Australia

A strength-based model of care


will attempt to die by suicide every day?

An outcome of nursing and midwifery education

Cultural safety is defined as:

that enables safe service to be defined by those that receive the service

Stigma, or discrimination

Employment, access to health services,

against someone with a

education, insurance and personal relationships

diagnosis of mental illness, can affect which parts of this person's life?

The stigmatisation of people

To avoid getting help for their illness

challenged by mental illness may cause the person to:

A syndrome characterized by clinically

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V defines mental illness as:

significant disturbance in an individual’s cognition, emotion regulation, or behaviour that reflects a dysfunction in the psychological, biological, or developmental processes underlying mental functioning

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


caring for a person experiencing mental illness:

What percentage of


Australians will experience a mental illness during their lifetime?

Aboriginal people may

Hostile because Aboriginal people ask questions

interpret the direct

that are community focussed not focussed on an

questioning about themselves



What percentage of women

35- 42%

will experience a mental illness after the birth of a child?

The social determinants of mental health include:

In the Recovery Model of

Housing and Food; Activity, Employment and Income; Education; Social Connectedness, Justice and Equity

Placed at the centre of care

Care the consumer is:

Trauma Informed Care assists

Understand how to avoid retraumatising a

nurses and midwives to:


What is the most significant

Previous suicide attempts

contributing factor to a person's risk of suicide?

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


midwives must:

The rate of death from suicide

2.5 times the rate of non-indigenous people

among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is

A state of well-being in which every individual

The World Health

realises his or her own potential, can cope with

organisation defines Mental

the normal stresses of life, can work

Health as:

productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community

The Recovery model

The person who is diagnosed with a mental

recognises that:

illness is the expert in their experience of illness

Women are most vulnerable

They give birth to a baby

to experiencing mental illness when:

Factors that promote a sense

Being healthy, feeling safe and having a sense of

of well-being include:

achievement and purpose

The Flight/ Fight/ Freeze

The Sympathetic Nervous System

response is activated by:

Agoraphobia is:

A fear of open spaces or public spaces

Nurses and midwives can

Conducting a thorough assessment of the

provide psychoeducation to a

person’s experience and using the person’s own

person experiencing an

story to develop strategies to overcome their

anxiety disorder by:


Mental health + Wellbeing 1


Treatment for Anxiety relies

Nurses and midwives assisting the person to


regulate their own emotional responses

A person's usual adaptative

Develops a potentially vicious cycle of anxious

response to stress can

physiological reactions, anxious thinking,

become debilitating when a

anxious feeling and anxious doing


A phobia is:

A persistent, intense and irrational fear reaction when a person is faced with a specific situation

A person experiencing Acute

Be diagnosed within one month of exposure to

Stress Disorder will:

the traumatic event

Anxiety can distort emotions,

Overwhelmed, fearful and hopeless

leaving a person feeling:

A person experiencing a

A heart attack

panic attack might believe they are experiencing:

A Recovery approach to

A collaborative therapeutic relationship

Anxiety requires:

When a person experiences

Are Incomplete, inappropriately stored and

Post Traumatic Stress

contain generalised, catastrophic threat cues

Disorder, it is hypothesised that their memories:

The initial response to stress is

Initiates the Flight/Fight or Freeze response to

found in which part of the

combat the danger


Mental health + Wellbeing 1 with mental health services?

An obsession is defined as:

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder



Intrusive, recurrent and persistent thoughts causing anxiety or distress

Substance Abuse Disorder

has high co-morbidity rates with:

Some organic disorders can


produce symptoms very similar to anxiety. These include:

When nurses and midwives

Consider any traumatic event that might

take a trauma informed care

contribute to the development of an anxiety

approach to anxiety, they:


A person's response to stress

Genetic Vulnerability, Exposure to Stressful

can be affected by:

Events and patterned responses to stress

Persistent depressive disorder

2 years

can be diagnosed if a person reports mild depressive symptoms lasting for how long?

Psychomotor agitation is:

An inability to remain still for an extended period of time

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


following stages when experiencing grief

Nursing and Midwifery

Being genuine and honest

Interventions for depression include:

Pro-Inflammatory cytokines

Underpin the body's inflammatory reaction to



What are the 'Baby Blues'?

A person experiencing

A transient disturbance in mood after the birth of a baby

Feeling hopeless, worthless and powerless

depression may describe their mood as:

Which system controls the

Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis

release of cortisol and thyroid hormones:

Periods of sadness and grief

A normal part of life


The causes of postnatal

Hereditary, a previous history of depression,

depression could be:

difficult relationships and social isolation

Nurses and Midwives should

Part of the person's illness and not take it

treat anger when a person is


depressed as:

Hypersomnia is:

Sleeping for large amounts of the day

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


take part in activities because:

Women are more likely to develop depression because:

They may be more sensitive to social environments and have a greater inflammatory response to stress

Nurses and midwives should

To make positive decisions such as having a

help people with depression:

shower or making their bed

A nurse or midwife's response

Respectful, empathetic and accepting

to a person with a nonsuicidal self-injury needs to be:

Challenging behaviour can be seen as:

Social relationships are:

Socially constructed and dependent on the healthcare professional's subjective point of view

Based on the other person's needs

Long term strategies for non

Developing a care plan to help the person

suicidal self injury are:

alleviate their stress without harming themselves

Thoughts of suicide are often:

Transitory and situation specific

Deliberate self-harm is:

If a person is considering suicide, nurses and midwives can make a profound difference by:

A means of managing distressing emotions

Developing a therapeutic relationship

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


die by suicide:

Suicidal behaviour occurs:

When a person is deeply unhappy but does not necessarily have a mental disorder

Challenging Behaviour is

Any behaviour that disrupts relationships and

defined as:

healthcare delivery

When Electro Convulsive

That the person can be given ECT without their

Therapy (ECT) is


recommended, a nurse or midwife needs to ensure:

According to the Blackdog


Institute, what percentage of people will experience a mental illness in their lifetime:

A diagnosis of mental illness

Deviant from the 'normal population' and results

can label a person as:

in pre-determined clinical and social behaviours

The negative impact of a

The person finds the experience frightening

person being placed in

when they are placed in a cold and

seclusion include

untherapeutic environment

Effective family support

Model effective communication and problem-

would include:

solving approaches

Recovery language should:

A person experiencing a panic attack will feel like:

Be respectful, non-judgmental, carrying a sense of commitment and hope

Everything is out of control

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


What are the major strategies

Demand reduction, Supply reduction, Harm

of harm reduction?


A person who is admitted to a

A limited right to consent or refuse treatment

mental health facility under the 2007 NSW Mental Health Act has:

Nurses and midwives should

If they cannot be roused easily and are breathing

withhold a person's


methadone in hospital if:

Responsibility for professional

The nurse or midwife

boundaries in a therapeutic relationship belong to:

What is the only healthcare

Mental Health

specialty where services are provided under a legal framework, sometimes forcing a person to have treatment?

Seclusion is only deemed lawful when:

If it is necessary to protect the person and it is ordered by a senior psychiatrist or mental health nurse on duty

Ethics for a person who

People who are mentally ill are vulnerable to

experiences mental illness is

human rights abuse and stigmatisation

important because;

Mental health + Wellbeing 1 what should the nurse or


mental health and wellbeing

midwife do?

What does 'coercion' mean in

Care or treatment where a person's decision

terms of mental health?

making is limited

When can a person be

When the person is a danger to themselves or

admitted to a mental health


facility under the 2007 NSW Mental Health Act

Key experiences associated

Low mood, alterations to sleep and appetite, and

with depression are:

psychomotor agitation

Signs of alcohol intoxication

Loss of inhibition, slurred speech, and increasing



A person who has developed

Feelings that the traumatic event is occurring

PTSD after a traumatic event



Trauma Informed Care is

Safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration

based on which principles:

and empowerment and respect for diversity

What is the Stress-

Conceptualises the link between stress and

Vulnerability Model?

vulnerability in developing a mental illness

Coercive treatments include:

The overuse of medication, restraint and seclusion, and community treatment orders

When a person is taking

To access effective treatment and be given all

medication for a mental

relevant information about the medication

illness, they have the right:

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


independently in their own homes?

Which drugs do people aged

Alcohol and benzodiazepines

over 60 years most commonly seek treatment for?

Self-Compassion can aid an

Accept themselves and not be judgmental about

older person experiencing a

their experience of mental illness

mental illness by enable them to:

What makes mental illness

Older people tend to focus on physical ailments

much harder to identify in older people?

What are the effects of

It may lead to misdiagnosis and a lack of

ageism on health outcomes


for older people?

In 2014, what percentage of


Australia' population were aged 65 years or more

Negative staff attitudes to

Impact the quality of care given to the older

older people with mental


illness can:

When assessing an older person's alcohol use, which is the best question?

How much alcohol do you drink every day?

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


they are not going to care for them

An older person who

Requires careful assessment because they could

presents at your clinical

be experiencing one of many different

setting and has difficulty

conditions that require different treatment

remembering instructions:


An older person experiencing

A clouding of consciousness

delirium will have:

In 2009, what was the rate of


completed suicide in the population aged over 65 years?

Nurses and Midwives are in a

Nurses and midwives have more contact with the

unique position to identify an

older person in hospital and community settings

older person with depression

which makes early intervention possible


Although antidepressant

Observe the older person for side effects, such

medication can be used to

hypertension or drug reactions to other

treat depression in older


adults (in conjunction with supportive therapy), the nurse or midwife must:

An older person with depression will describe their mood as:

Sad, hopeless and helpless

Mental health + Wellbeing 1 people with dementia is



important because:

The identification of mental illness in an older person is difficult because:

The person may have co-morbid conditions and the nurse or midwife may have negative ageist assumptions

Why do Aboriginal and Torres

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have poor

Strait Islander communities

health as they age and a lower life expectancy

have less older people than non-Indigenous communities?

Why is depression the most common mental illness for older people?

Older people have age-related biochemical changes, often caused by medical conditions, and psychological factors, such as the death of a partner

Nurses and midwives can

By developing a therapeutic relationship so that

provide psychotherapeutic

the older person can talk about their feelings

support for the older person by:

To differentiate whether an

Abrupt and may coincide with life events such as

older person is experiencing

the death of a loved one

depression, it is important to ask about the onset of their current symptoms. In depression, the onset is usually:

To prevent negative staff

Education that promotes older people as skilled

attitudes towards older

and valued members of the community

persons, there should be:

Mental health + Wellbeing 1 Mini Mental State



Examination, cultural and linguistic considerations are important because:

Why is it important for nurses

There is sustained low fertility and increasing life

and midwives to learn to work

expectancy leading to an ageing population

with older people?

In Australia and New Zealand,


according to Deloitte Access Economics, what percentage of people experiencing dementia are diagnosed with the condition?

You work as an after-hours

By developing trust, be honest and consistent

CNC in a busy A&E where

when managing an adolescent.

Paddy, a 14 year old boy was brought in by his mother for having suicidal ideations. Paddy had minimal engagement with the triage nurse. He had his arms folded, with his hooded top over his hat that almost covered his face. During the MSE, he continued to give you monosyllabic answers. He stated that he did not want to come to hospital as there was nothing wrong with him. How will you engage with him?

Mental health + Wellbeing 1


confidentiality when looking after young people. Which one of this statement is incorrect?

As nurses and midwives

The possible influencing factors such as poor

looking after adolescent

insight, resistance to treatment or challenging of

consumers with mental health

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