Reading Article - Public Policy PDF

Title Reading Article - Public Policy
Author KX PA
Course Ethics in Law and Business and Society
Institution University of California Riverside
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Bazerman, Max H. (2020). “A New Model for Ethical Leadership”. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 91-97.

Central Theme: In article “A New Model for Ethical Leadership” by Max Bazerman has discussed about what is ethical leadership and why ethical leadership is important in our society. There are main five principles of ethical leadership. First one is honesty means honest leader keep everyone in contact of what is going on within the group or organization and the key important of honesty is that it builds trust within the group and organization. Second one is integrity means having a strong moral principles and quality of being honest. Third one is respect means to treat group member in ways that confirm their beliefs, attitudes, and values. Fourth one is justice means that leaders have to make decisions with considering fairness in the center. Fifth and last one is community means by engaging in the activities like team building and mentoring this means ethical leadership helps to build a community. Ethical leadership is very important for our societies, businesses, schools and colleges to motivate individuals and it is also help to create an ethical work culture around the world. As mentioned in the article that scientists have shown that environment and psychological processes can lead us to engage in ethically questionable behavior even if it violates our own rules (pg. 93) meaning that if we have practice to follow ethical behavior and, in some case, we get involve by unintentionally then our psychological process may stop ourselves from doing unethical. Critical Analysis: As Max in the article that he wants to improve ethical decision-making blends philosophical thoughts with the business school pragmatism. Utilitarianism is the ethical theory which determines right from wrong based on the outcomes. Utilitarianism holds that ethical choice is the one that will produce the greatest good for the greatest number. Self-driving card example provide by Max in the article, if the specific goal is to maximize value, then the automobile should be programmed to limit collective suffering and loss, and the people in the car should not be accorded by status. After evaluation manufacturer has said that people would less likely to buy a car which does not give priority to their lives. After all automobile vehicle case represents an ethical decision and highlights the importance of thinking through how your decisions can create the most value for the society. As Max mentioned in the article that, as per the Kahneman’s book Thinking, Fast and Slow know, there are two different modes of ethical decision-making. The first one is our intuitive system, which is fast, effortless, automatic and emotional in decision-making and most of the people are using this system in making their lives day-to-day decision. Second one is deliberative thinking which is slower, effortful, conscious, and logical. When we use deliberative thinking decision-making mode, we come much closer to rationality. Philosopher and psychologist Joshua Greene have developed similar two-system view of ethical decision-making. First one is make decisions by comparing options rather than assessing each individually. (pg. 94) Second one is strategy involves adapting what the philosopher John Rawls called the veil of ignorance. (pg. 94) Max has also mentioned helpful concepts is the notion of comparative advantage, which is introduced by British political economist David Ricardo in 1817. (pg.96) As comparative advantage involves how to allow each person or organization to time where it can create their most value. If organization following comparative advantage then they have to sale their goods and services as lower cost than their competitors. Individuals following comparative advantage then they have to perform their task at a lower

opportunity cost than others. Ricardo’s concept can be seen in many organizations where one individual is good at many things. To be a good and impactful leader of the group or organization it is very important to follow ethical decision-making process. At same time they are not only responsible for others decisions but as well as they are also responsible for their decision, they can dramatically multiply the amount of good they do by encouraging others to be ethical. As a leader we should need to think that how can I influence my colleagues with the norms you set and the decision-making environment we create within us. (pg. 96) Most of the people at the workplace or in our society follows behaviors of others people who are in power and prestige. For example, in the organization employees will follow ethical rules if their leader or manager who are in power are following ethical.

Takeaways: This article is very good for the individuals, organization and society who wants to improve their selves in ethical decision-making. We are living in new technological era which is believe into new changes every day, so everyone has to stay upgraded with the time changes and as many countries leaders rejecting System 2 to follow when then they are very struggling to follow the ethical rules. After all ethical decision-making is very important to leave our footprint as a good leader and individual in our society. As Max mentioned in the article that philosophy offered by Bentham, argues that ethical behavior is the behavior which maximize the utility in the world, which Max called value in the article. So, I learn and believe that ethical decision-making and practicing ethical decision-making system is very important in our lives.

Citation: Bazerman, Max H. (2020). “A New Model for Ethical Leadership”. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 91-97....

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