Rear Window Notes By Rishi Changela PDF

Title Rear Window Notes By Rishi Changela
Author Rishi Changela
Course English
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 8
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Rear Window Notes


Themes and Ideas: VOYEURISM: watching, rather than participating. (jeffs spends most of his time in his chair, which stella is very critical of his behaviour as he spends all day by the window.) Looking into people’s private lives. Assuming that other people think like you do or projecting your problems upon other people. We as views are also voyeurs (as we are watching jeff). Stella and Lisa also do this, is that while they are watching, they make a lot of assumptions about the people they are watching. They assume that the other people they are watching think like they do or had the same sorts of problems as them. A key idea of this film is how do people watch rather than participate in their own lives, what parts of their lives, of the lives that are being watched are very private and perhaps should not be watched because these are very personal details of other people's lives. Synonyms for VOYERURISM: Surveillance, Observing, Surveyed, Espionage, Prying, Following. Voyeurism Watching others Being preoccupied with other people’s lives Observing/Spying those around you Making assumptions based on what you see

Minding your own business Reflecting upon your own behaviour Thinking about your own actions.

Quotes for VOYERURSIM:


Jeff is trapped in the apartment and afraid of being “trapped into marriage.

Jeffries is trapped by his leg. (rather than women being trapped in houses like traditionally jeff is trapped.) All of the action takes place in a confined setting (within an apartment and an apartment block segregated from the rest of society. All the characters are held captive by their own thoughts and prejudices. Synonyms for FREEDOM: Independence, independency, liberty, authority. Synonyms for ISOLATION: Separation, segregation, seclusion, detachment, confinement, withdrawn. SHARED HUMAN EXPERIENCES: The heat oppresses everyone who lives in the apartment complex.

Everyone tries to get involved into others lives (the sculptor tires to involve herself in Thorwald’s garden. Everywhere people are living separate lives, unwilling to help each other (when the dog is killed) QUOTE for SHARED HUMAN EXPERIENCES “You don't know the meaning of the word 'neighbour.' Neighbours like each other. Speak to each other. Care if anybody lives or dies. But none of you do." - Woman on Fire Escape.

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE: Jeff who is reluctant to commit to Lisa, he believes that their lives are incompatible on a practical level- Lisa’s socialite customs clash with Jeffs gritty and dangerous career as a professional photographer.

Jeffs interest in pursuing into the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of Mrs Thorwald eventually inspires Lisa to take an interest in Jeffs obsessions too. The experience of bringing this murder to light servers to bring them closer as a couple. The newlyweds are happy at the start by they appear to be sick of one another. Thorwald and his wife can almost be seen as the worst-case scenario conclusion of this trajectory as he finally loses patience with her nagging and brutally kills her. QUOTE for RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE

Characters: JEFFRIES:

is a photographer and was injured while on a photography assignment. Projects his life views on everyone he encounters or sees. Wears pyjamas and is temporarily disable- so not a traditionally masculine figure.

His girlfriend Lisa desperately yearns for his affections and commitment, but his inability to look beyond her job and social status remains an obstacle.




Professional photographer

Confined to his apartment and wheelchair.

Wears pyjamas (not a traditional hero)

Afraid of being married.

His theories about Thorwald are mostly just intuition.

Watches all of his neighbour’s day/night Has equipment that help him look into the private lives of others.

Makes assumptions about the gender toles of the people around him.

Only interest in his life.


SHARED HUMAN EXPERENCES Understands the problems of everyone around him through his own view of the world. Does not seem to think about the experiences of the women around him.

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE Suspicious about all marriage (Thorwald, newlyweds) Does not want to get married himself and also doesn’t want Lisa to leave either. Thinks that wives nag

Judgements of the way others live.

A wealthy model and career women. (it was not typical for a woman to work) Has been dating Jeff for some time. Wants jeff to settle down on his voyeurism.




Is a model, so she is used to being look at?

Has a great deal of freedom from her wealth and beauty.

Wears very feminine cloths but these do not prevent her being active.

Draws the blinds in jeffs apartment and turns on the light. Listens as well as watching (describes the music as enchanting)

Shows a great deal of independence (feels free to stay the night at jeffs) Can’t think of anything more boring or tiresome than being stuck in an apartment like Jeff

SHARED HUMAN EXPERENCES Sympathises with Miss toros and LH.

Believes in her own feminine intuition.

Pays the waiter so thar he can take the taxi home. (is sympathetic to others having less money)

Takes the role of the action hero and puts herself in physical danger

“all people eat , talk, drink ad laugh- she finds similarities

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE Wants to marry jeff and have him settle down but would just like to be a part of his life. Believes that a wedding ring is the last thing any women would leave behind.

Is constantly on the move, a woman of action and enthusiasm. Comparing characters While jeffs watches the lives of others, Lisa fully participates in her own, working towards winning jeff as well as solving his mystery. Although Lisa appears deeply feminine and preoccupied by her own appearance compared with jeff she is a far more of an action hero, taking risks and putting herself into danger. Even though jeff believes that he understands the people around him, Lisa is far more aware of the struggles faced by other people, empathising with Miss Torso situation in life.


the moral compass of the film (all ways giving good advice) Gives common sense advice which is largely ignored. Sees the bigger picture rather than focusing on only a few details. Dresses in a very masculine fashion and has practical advice. Becomes more involved as the story unfolds.



MASCULINITY Wears very masculine shirt dresses has short hair and is very physically active.

Thinks that people should mind their own business instead of being a race of peeping toms.

Thinks that a man who would leave his wife is a coward.

Notices that jeff focuses upon looking at the younger women in the apartment complex


SHARED HUMAN EXPERENCES Explains that she predicted the stock market crash because she understood what makes people nervous. Is more concerned about the immediate danger to miss LH than anyone else

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE When two people love each other they come together. Every mans ready to get married when the right women comes along,

the villain of the film and evidence that marriage is a trap. Waits in the dark like a sinister beast. Eyes are hidden behind his glasses. Represents the evil violence of masculinity (also because there is the inference that he cheated on his wife)




Wears glasses so that it is impossible to see into his eyes

Works as a travelling salesmen unlike his wife who is confined to bed

Wears a singlet and smokes in his apartment.

SHARED HUMAN EXPERENCES Does not emerge from his apartment when the dog is killedonly interested in his own affairs

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE Has killed his wife rather than divorce her. Seems to have another women helping him (cheating)

MISS TORSO: apparently a single dancer One of the earliest residents to rise and up until late at night. One of the characters Jeff watches the most and is the most wrong about. Has to repel unwanted attention (3 assaults on women in the film). In a relationship with a man called Stanley- a short unimpressive man in uniform.

MISS LONELYHEARTS: goes out on her own.

Clearly desperate to be in a relationship she first pretends then

Is assaulted in her apartment (although nobody does anything about it) Plans to overdose (and the only person who notices is stella) but is saved by connecting with the music of the composer. THE COMPOSER:

writes romantic music. Lives alone but is clearly interested in a relationship with miss LH. Jeff spends very little time watching him.


spends most of their time on their apartment with their blind drawn. Jeff clearly makes a lot of assumptions, especially when the wife calls harry back

to bed. It is clear at the end of the film that the husband has tricked the wife and that she wouldn’t have marred him (Jeffs assumptions are wrong. THE SCULPTOR:

A confident, older women who clearly involves herself in her neighbours lives from time to time. Works in a traditionally masculine field of art. Demonstrates the range of people in the apartment complex.


Rational, evidence-based masculinity.




Wears glasses so that it is impossible to see into his eyes

Works as a travelling salesmen unlike his wife who is confined to bed

Wears a singlet and smokes in his apartment.

SHARED HUMAN EXPERENCES Does not emerge from his apartment when the dog is killedonly interested in his own affairs

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE Has killed his wife rather than divorce her. Seems to have another women helping him (cheating)

Makes judgements about Lisa and jeffs relationship (which Jeff warns him to be careful about VOYEURISM



Miss torso is always watched (and as a dance it is also her job to be watched)

When miss LH tired to live freely by going to dinner on her own, she is assaulted.

Doyle wears suits The composer is a very romantic person who wants a connection

Newlyweds often close their blinds


The physical setting Seeing into everyone’s intimate life (through their back windows)

The social setting America in the 1950’s

crowded and small

The sculptor tries to connect with Thorwald and lives most of her life out in Summer Its hot -everything is reaching boiling point.

McCarthy era Greenwich village

bounded by walls, fences (only a small gap to look outside)

SHARED HUMAN EXPERENCES Miss LH and the composer live separate lives, but obviously want connection.

Culturally rich but financially poor

People must live outside more as there is not air conditioning and so its easier to see into other peoples lives

RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGE The newlyweds show that women not just men can be trapped by marriage.

McCarthyism publicized a culture of reporting or “dobbing” on your neighbours as well as a broader culture of mistrust and paranoia amongst the American people. In this film Hitchcock represents this pronoia through jeff and his spying and mistrust of his neighbours. In Rear Window, Jeff lives in Greenwich village known for its bohemian subculture. At time of filming, the village was a major centre for the beat generation. Lisa lives on Parks Avenue which by contrast is an aera of New York City which was associated with luxurious residential and professional buildings, fashionable living and high society. The contrast between these two spheres of New York and the philosophies of life are a macrocosm for the contrast that exists between Jeff and Lisa and ultimately this forms the basis for Jeffs insecurities and frustration about their perceived incompatibility.

In 1950s America the nuclear family or traditional family of a husband, wife and kids was advocated for in the media, ads and the government. Mean and women were judged to be incomplete without a spouse and there was a significant amount of pressure to marry as soon as possible, especially for women. This is shown in the film through Miss Lonely hearts desire to find a husband, even contemplating suicidue when facing her spiniserhood.

Symbolism Jeffs camera and Binoculars Hitchcock employees the camera as a symbol of the emotional distance that jeff puts between himself and those on the other end of the lens. The camera is used by Hitchcock to distance oneself from the world. Jeffs binoculars could also be seen as a means of observing and connecting to the outside world but only as a passive onlooker. Even when Jeff is looking out of his window at the other windows he often responds as though he is watching tv and being amused at the characters he watches.

Red Red is employed by Hitchcock throughout the film to warn the audience of looking conflict or danger.

When we meet stella she is carrying a red handbag as she said that” I spot trouble right here in this apartment”. Hitchcock uses the red handbag with an element of warning about conflict. The waiter is dressed in bright red, indicating Jeffs frustration and discomfort at Lisa’s high society lifestyle, foreshadowing the fact that the couple are about to engage in an argument. When jeff first begins to suspect Thorwald, during his unusual activities in the middle of the night, Hitchcock surrounds Thorwald in red coloured items-most notably the red light above his head. When we first meet the dog in the film, he is right near a bunch of bright red flower, warning the audience of the dogs ill-timed end. Miss Hearing-Aid is also dressed in red when she warns the dog that Thorwald will attack if he sees it digging his yard....

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