Rishi Changela Alfred Hitchcock Film Questions - Day 4 PDF

Title Rishi Changela Alfred Hitchcock Film Questions - Day 4
Course English
Institution Victorian Certificate of Education
Pages 2
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rear window...


Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window: Film questions Rewatch Rear Window 1:25:10 – End As you watch, answer the following questions in detail. (You will need to pause the film to write a full response) Question 1: Lisa and Stella act as Jeff’s ‘legs’ in their investigations of Thorwald. How has Lisa changed? What is Jeff’s reaction to these changes? Lisa has changed from the start as she thought that Jeff was being very ridiculous that he was calling Mr Thorwald a murder, but later on in the film she know believes that Thorwald’s actions are very suspicious. As a result Lisa and Stella act as Jeff’s “legs” as they act on behalf of jeff to help investigate Thorwald due to jeffs immobility. Question 2: How does Hitchcock use cinematic devices to reveal Jeff’s vulnerability and immobility during Lisa’s confrontation with Thorwald? Hitchcock uses POV shot from Jeffs perspective as he watched Lisa being confronted by Thorwald. This revels jeffs vulnerability and immobility as he is unable to move to go help Lisa but he has to sit and watch her being attacked without helping her.

Question 3: As Lisa sneaks into Thorwald’s apartment, Miss Lonelyhearts appears to be readying herself to commit suicide. How do Stella and Jeff react to this? What does this reveal about them as individuals? Stella and Jeff react by calling for help. This shows that they are caring individuals as they are worrying about miss LH. Question 4: What comment does Hitchcock make about movie-watching itself? Rear window ethics Question 5: Briefly outline what occurs in the final scenes of the film. In the final scenes of the film Lisa sneaks into Thorwald’s apartment and goes through Mrs Thorwald’s handbag to see for any evidence. Thorwald catches her and starts attack Lisa but she is saved as the police reach in time. Thorwald finds out that Jeff is watching him and he pays him a visit but Jeff uses his flash to blind him, At the end there is an fight which results in Jeff being dropped from his rear window and braking his other leg. Question 6: In the final scenes of the film, how does Hitchcock build suspense? Hitchcock builds suspense by using dark lighting to cover Thorwald’s face but still showing his silhouette this create a mysterious suspense as jeff doesn’t know who it is. Question 7: What do you think is the most significant moment? Why? This is a significant moment in rear window as it is the only time in the whole film that Jeff confronts Mr Thorwald about the murder mystery. Question 8: How has Jeff changed? How does Hitchcock use symmetry to demonstrate this?

Question 9: How has Lisa changed? What props/clothing does Hitchcock use to demonstrate this? Lisa has significantly changed as at the beginning of the film she used to wear like heavy type cloths but towards the end she started to wear simple dresses. She also used props like binoculars and telescopes to keep an eye on Thorwald. Question 10: Recount the resolutions of each of the neighbours – Miss Lonelyhearts, Miss Torso, the dog owners, the Newlyweds, the Thorwalds and the composer.

Question 11: What do you think is the ultimate message of the director?...

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