Film 1917 Review Questions PDF

Title Film 1917 Review Questions
Course Introduction to Film
Institution University of Utah
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Professor Jana Schurig...


1. Describe at least one notable use of editing from the film and include why it is notable. a. Editing for contraction was used in the film many times. I think this is notable because due to the nature of the film, a lot of scenes were filmed in small spaces or places where we would assume were small and narrow. But to show all the action in these narrow spaces, editing for contraction was probably the best way to show the story without cutting it off randomly whenever they needed to follow the actors. 2. Review the clip from Layer Cake at the end of this week's tutorial. How does this clip establish its pacing through its editing? a. Layer cake establishes its pacing through using a lot of cross cutting. Cross cutting allows the film maker to show a story while changing our perception of time within the film by changing back and forth as it progresses. 3. Now compare that clip to 1917. How does 1917 establish its pacing through its editing (in this case sometimes notable by its apparent absence)? a. In 1917, they tended to move the cameras along with the action. So whenever there was a scene where you needed to be running, the camera moved faster along with the actor whereas in Layer cake, they used a lot of cross cutting. 4. How does the composition in 1917 mimic traditional editing (e.g., shotreverse-shot, editing for expansion, etc)? Use one specific example from 1917 where its composition mimics traditional editing in your answer. a. The composition in 1917 mimics traditional editing by using shot reverse shot. This was used when the general was telling Blake and Schofield to go and tell the second to stop their attack as they were walking right into the opponent’s trap. As one party speaks it shows over-the-shoulder shots. 5. 1917 is filmed to appear as one continuous event. How does this way of filming impact your perception of War and what war is? What is war to Lance Corporal Blake and Schofield, for example? And how are you allowed to enter into their perspective? a. As we were shown the film mostly in Lance Corporal Schofield’s perspective, it made me think more about the impact the war was having on the soldier’s wellbeing and the public’s wellbeing. To the two Lance Corporals, it seemed like war was just something that they will go through and go back to their homes after, and that they should be helping the people. I got this idea from when the two tried to save the german soldier from the crashed plane and when Schofield walked in on the young women and the baby and how he treated them (ex: giving all his food and milk). We are allowed to enter into their perspective by watching the film

that was mostly filmed alongside Schofield. 6. According to 1917, what is a courageous act? What aspects of the film impact your conclusion? a. A courageous act I thought was keeping a promise/order that you said that you would do even if it meant losing your life. Schofield showed us this very well by telling Blake that he would promise to stop the attack and in the end, he successfully does so even with his grave wounds and his unfortunate situation....

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