Reducing the Adverse Health Effect of Dirty Electricity PDF

Title Reducing the Adverse Health Effect of Dirty Electricity
Author Lorraine Wilson
Course Computer Organization & Assembly
Institution Mt. San Jacinto College
Pages 10
File Size 333.1 KB
File Type PDF
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This report discusses the causes and the negative effects on health of dirty
electricity. Using some case studies, it suggests a number of solutions to help
eliminate or at least reduce the damage caused to human health....



Reducing the Adverse Health Effects of Dirty Electricity

Abstract This report discusses the causes and the negative effects on health of dirty electricity. Using some case studies, it suggests a number of solutions to help eliminate or at least reduce the damage caused to human health.

Table of Contents

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS...........…………………………………………............ 2 INTRODUCTION.....………………………………………………………………… 3 I. THE SOURCES OF DIRTY ELECTRICITY………………………………...... 3 II. THE EFFECTS OF DIRTY ELECTRICITY...……………………………….... 4 III. REDUCING DIRTY ELECTRICITY………………......................................... 5 A. The GS Filter.................................................................................................. 5 1. Case Study: Hypersensitivity.............................................................. 6 2. Case Study: Multiple Sclerosis........................................................... 6 3. Case Study: Diabetes......................................................................... 7 B. Other Devices................................................................................................ 7 C. Individual Behavior Changes........................................................................ 8 CONCLUSION.........…………………………………………………………………. 9 RECOMMENDATIONS.....…………………………………………………………. 9 REFERENCES

………………………………………………………………… 10

List of Illustrations Figures Figure 1 The GS Filter: Front and Side.......................................................................... 6 Figure 2 Response of a 42-year-old male....................................................................... 6 Figure 3 Response of a 43-year-old female.................................................................... 7 Figure 4 The Microsurge Meter...................................................................................... 7 Figure 5 The Effectiveness of xZubi.............................................................................. 8 Tables Table 1 Symptoms of Dirty Electricity………………………………………………… 5


INTRODUCTION This report is about the effects of dirty electricity—also known as electrical pollution—on human health. Dirty electricity does not appear often in the literature of electrical engineering but its existence is widely accepted by the scientific community even if it is also widely ignored. A rough definition of it would be the fluctuations in electrical power that can harm health and damage electrical devices. Dirty electricity is a worldwide phenomenon whose effects are felt by millions of people although people’s sensitivity to it varies from person to person. Also, dirty electricity does not affect everybody in the same way. Apart from individual differences between those affected, the consequences may also depend on the distance a person is from the source or on the size of the electrical frequencies in the device itself. The problem with dirty electricity is that the people affected by it usually are not aware of the cause of their health problems. It cannot be seen, smelled, heard, tasted or touched and yet it has its negative effects. Some people, for example, may suffer from headaches, a ringing in the ears, an inability to concentrate, or other much more serious illnesses such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. So they carry on with their routine daily activities with no idea why they feel the way they do. The purpose of this report, therefore, is to highlight this ignored problem and to examine effective solutions. This report is limited to a discussion of the health effects of dirty electricity that stem from regular consumer devices such as computers and mobile phones rather than large-scale sources such as power lines. Also the report focuses on the negative effects on people rather than the damage that can be caused to other electrical devices. It will be of direct relevance to the average electronics user, who will be informed about the problem of dirty electricity and about ways to avoid its negative impacts.

I. THE SOURCES OF DIRTY ELECTRICITY The sources of dirty electricity are found everywhere, and have been increasing exponentially since electricity was first used on a large scale. It began with the growth of high frequencies (that is, those above 2kHz) with the invention of electricity itself (the 1900s) passing through radio, radar and TV (the 1920s - 1950s) up to personal


computers and mobile phones (1970s – 1980s). Such personal electronic equipment is increasing all the time, for example in the wireless routers that are now a part of all home and work networks. In addition to these devices, dirty electricity can also exist in distribution lines, for example in wires inside houses and buildings or in transmission lines along the highways. (Havas, 2006, p. 259) What causes ordinary electronic devices to fluctuate their energy levels and so generate dirty electricity? Basically, it is the result of trying to be energy efficiency. Electronic devices such as computers, TVs, and fluorescent light bulbs are intended to run on a frequency of 60 hertz (“cycles per second”). However, to use energy more efficiently, these devices turn off and on rapidly and frequently—sometimes thousands of times per second—and this results in power fluctuations. These microsurges divide up the hertz into rapid and very high frequencies, and it is these high frequencies that enter the body and cause the problems. (“Dirty electricity,” n.d., para. 4) Avoiding dirty electricity is virtually impossible. Even if someone doesn’t use polluting devices, dirty electricity can enter the home or work environment from neighboring buildings, where they could be used without filters to reduce any potential damage. Dr. Magda Havaz (2006), a scientist interested in dirty electricity, said that almost every house in the world contains dirty electricity so it is a serious global threat (p. 260). In addition, one of the first scientists to recognize the dangers of dirty electricity, Dr. Robert O. Becker, stated in his 1990 book Cross Currents that "the greatest polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of electromagnetic fields. I consider it to be far greater on a global scale than warming" (as cited in NFAM, n.d., p.2). II. THE EFFECTS OF DIRTY ELECTRICITY Dirty electricity can cause multiple problems for people. These include fibromyalgia, attention deficit disorder, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, and asthma. There are also cases showing how electrical pollution aggravates other preexisting conditions such as migraine headaches, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and 4

multiple sclerosis. Children are particularly sensitive to dirty electricity, in particular in the effect of hyper-activity that it can exert. In fact, studies have shown how children’s behavior can be improved with a reduction in the amount of dirty electricity being emitted in their environment. However, dirty electricity affects everybody: males and females, young and old, and the symptoms they suffer cover a very wide range. (Milham, 2010, para. 8). The following table illustrates some of the main symptoms that some scientists believe are caused by dirty electricity: Table 1 Symptoms of dirty electricity (NFAM, n.d, p. 2) TYPE



Headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, memory loss, irritability, depression, muscle and joint pain, seizures, psychosis, stroke Palpitations, chest pain, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath

cardiac respiratory dermatological ophthalmological other

Sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma. Skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing. Pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts Digestive problems, impaired sense of smell, hair loss, ringing in the ears, nose bleeds, internal bleeding, dehydration

III. REDUCING DIRTY ELECTRICITY Owing to the fact that we have almost total dependency on electricity to do everything from cooking meals, heating and cooling our homes, providing entertainment, and helping us to communicate, simply turning off the juice is not an option. Solutions that will enable us to continue to use electricity but as safely as possible are absolutely essential. This section of the report will set out some likely possibilities. A. The GS Filter The GS filter has proven itself to be the most effective device so far in combating dirty electricity. GS stands for Graham Stetzer, the owner of Stetzer Electric Inc. and a co-inventor of the device. His collaborator was Dr. Martin Graham, Professor Emeritus at 5

the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California (Havaz & Stetzer, 2004, para. 4). The invention of GS filters were the result of numerous studies and experiments, carried out with the aim of preventing or at least reducing dirty electricity to a minimum, and of hundreds of quality control tests to check its validity and to verify its usefulness. The GS filter is simple to use: it plugs into a wall socket from where it measures, filters and removes Figure 1 The GS Filter: Front and Side (Havaz, 2006, p.264)

high-frequency ambient radiation from household wiring (NFAM, n.d. p. 2). 1. Case study: Hypersensitivity

The DS Filter, also known as the “Stetzerizer,” has had proven success. In one case, a 42-year-old male suffered from headaches, dental pain, a ringing in the ears, and a lack of sleep. At first baffled by the causes of these symptoms, doctors eventually narrowed them down to electrical hypersensitivity. They installed a GS filter in his house, and readings of dirty electricity dropped sharply from 900 to 20 GS units. The man’s sleep improved and the other symptoms started to vanish. (Havaz & Stetzer, 2004, para. 3)

Figure 2 Response of a 42-year-old Male (Havaz & Stetzer, 2004, para. 3) 2. Case study: Multiple Sclerosis

A second example of the effectiveness of the GS filter the case of a 43-year-old woman with multiple sclerosis, who could only walk with the aid of a cane or zimmerframe. After 13 GS filters were installed in various rooms inside their house, the readings of dirty electricity dropped from 170 to 30 GS units. Within the first 24 hours after installation, she could maintain her balance for short distances without using the cane or zimmer-frame. After 1 week, her muscle weakness had decreased gradually and she 6

experienced less pain while walking. After two weeks, she was able to walk for long distances without any help or support. Also, she could sleep comfortably. From week 3 to week 6 there were random changes: an occasional return of some symptoms but in general the trend in symptoms was Figure 3 Response of a 43-year old Female (Havaz & Stetzer, 2004, para. 6)

downward. (Havaz & Stetzer, 2004, para. 6). 3. Case study: Diabetes

Diabetes is known to be on the increase all over the world but it had not until recently been connected with dirty electricity. However, this case study demonstrates a strong connection between blood sugar levels and dirty electricity and shows clearly how GS filters give a positive effect. An 80-year-old female with diabetes installed some GS filters in her home. This produced an almost immediate effect on the dirty electricity, which dropped considerably. Second, after a comparatively short time her blood sugar level fell to 119 mg/dl having been 171 mg/dl previously. This had a very significant positive effect on her diabetes. (Havaz & Stetzer, 2004, para. 11) B. Other Devices The GS Filter is not the only measuring device on the market. Another one is the microsurge meter. Like the GS filter, it was also designed by Dr. Graham and Mr. Stetzer. It can read up to 1999 GS units, and the acceptable average reading of dirty electricity should be below 30 GS units. Figure 4 The Microsurge Meter (Havaz, 2006, p. 262)

(Havaz, 2006, p. 262) 7

Two other useful devices that are similar to GS filter are the DERF-50 filter and the xZubi filter. DERF, standing for Dirty Electricity Removal Filter, is placed in a wall power outlet and from here it can filter the dirty electricity and other so-called white noise frequencies in the wiring to produce a much cleaner and much more more stable electrical current. This will have a benefit for people diagnosed as electrically sensitive. Cell phone radiation is also considered to be dirty electricity, so in order to reduce its damage one can use xZubi. It is a disc that can be attached to the cell phone and it reduces the bad effect of the electromagnetic field (EMF) on the brain.

Figure 5 The Effectiveness of xZubi (


C. Individual behavior changes The devices described above have been successful but prevention is always better than cure. There are many actions that people can take by themselves to reduce their exposure to dirty electricity. For example, one technical solution is to have larger-sized neutral wires. The job of a neutral wire is to return any energy to its original source but modern neutral wiring cannot handle the greater electrical loads that are common today. As a result, the misdirected energy is emitted into the environment, in homes and offices, where it can cause health damage. (“What is,” n.d., para. 11) Changing the wiring is not something that average users can do but there are plenty of other actions they can take. For example, replacing dimmer light switches with ordinary switches can reduce the high frequency. Replacing a T.V monitor with an LCD screen will also reduce dirty electricity. If it is possible, do not use a microwave oven or at least stand five feet away from it because it produces large amounts of EMF radiation (Malhim, 2010, para. 5). Also, users should avoid wireless whenever possible, avoid Bluetooth headsets, unplug any devices that are not being used, and never place a laptop on your lap. (Segell, n.d.) These are just a few things everybody should be encouraged to do in their normal routines. 8


To conclude, dirty electricity is a very serious problem facing ordinary people all over the world wherever electricity is the source of energy. The topic has been largely ignored by the scientific community in recent years but people are slowly becoming more aware of it. Fortunately, some inventors and entrepreneurs have already taken action and we now have devices with proven effectiveness. In addition, there is a lot a person can do to protect himself although this is becoming more difficult as our dependence on electrical gadgets increases.


Solving the problem of dirty electricity is not going to be easy. People can no longer live without their computers, mobile phones, TVs and iPads. However, the following recommendations will help improve the situation for ordinary people. Their implementation depends on the willingness of governments and health agencies to take an active stand and on users themselves to give up some of the conveniences they currently enjoy with their gadgets: 1. The scientific community, especially electrical engineers, should be encouraged to devote more research to the problem of dirty electricity. 2. The manufacturing sector should be encouraged to produce more GS filters and similar devices in order to increase the availability and decrease the costs. 3. Filters should be provided free of charge to all schools and universities and to all government buildings. 4. Generous government subsidies should be provided to help reduce the costs of buying filters for ordinary people. 5. A publicity campaign using all the media should be started at once to alert ordinary people to the dangers present in their homes and workplaces and to the simple actions they should take to reduce their risk. Word count: 2100



Dirty electricity explained. (n.d.). Retrieved from dirtyelectricity.html Havaz, M. (2006). Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: Biological effects of dirty electricity with emphasis on diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 25, 259-268. doi: 10.1080/15368370601044192 Havaz, M., & Stetzer, D. (2004). Dirty electricity and electrical hypersensitivity: Five case studies. World Health Organization Workshop on Electrical Hypersensitivity. Retrieved from WHODirtyElectricityStudies.pdf Milham, S. (2010). Dirty electricity: Electrification and the diseases of civilization. United States of America: iUniverse. Retrieved from books?id=tDls4TmCTqkC&printsec=frontcover&hl=ar&source=gbs_ge_summar y_r&cad=0 NFAM. (n.d.). The health effects of electrical pollution. Retrieved from http://www. Segell, M. (n.d.). 11 ways to protect yourself from dirty electricity. Retrieved from What is electrical pollution? (n.d.). Retrieved from electrical-pollution.shtml


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