Reigion Chapter 3 Powerpoint Review PDF

Title Reigion Chapter 3 Powerpoint Review
Author Marlene Santiago
Course Introduction to Religion
Institution Florida International University
Pages 2
File Size 36.7 KB
File Type PDF
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❖ The Sacred and the Holy ➢ What is religion ● “A system of activities and beliefs directed toward and in response to that of which is perceived to be of sacred value and transforming power.” -James C. Livingston ➢ Sacred vs. Profane ■ Sacred ● Connection to the divine ● Regarded as set apart and endowed with unique power, and therefore objects of awe, fear, and taboo. ● Purity and defilement ● Can be met with attraction or avoidance ● Sacred power is ambivalent ● Elements with sacred power: ◆ Fetishes ◆ Amulets ◆ Icons ◆ Idols ■

Profane: ● Unconsecrated; secular

➢ Holy ●

The primal experience of a sacred power with the accompanying feelings of awe, fear, purity, and danger. ● An experience peculiar to religion ● Powers or spirits?? ● A nonrational and ineffable(too great to be expressed or described in words) datum(a piece of information) of human experience. Coined numinous: to describe this uniquely religious phenomenon. ● The history of religion is simply the history of the ways in which the numinous experience has been expressed in myth, ritual and doctrine ● Can be suggested only in terms of the way it grips and stirs the human mind and emotions Mysterium Tremendum and fascinans ◆ Interaction with the holy leads to Mysterium Tremendum: ● Mysterium: the experience of a reality that, when encountered, is perceived as lying beyond our capacity to comprehend or conceptualize fully; it is extraordinary, unfamiliar, and therefore mysterious. ◆ Beyond our capacity to understand

◆ Because in it we come upon something inherently ‘wholly other,’ whose kind and character are incommensurable with our own. ● Tremendum: a feeling of peculiar dread, awe, majesty, and wrath ◆ 3 elements: Awfulness, overpoweringness and energy ● Fascinans: provokes expressions of joyful thanksgiving, praise, and adoration. ➢ Concepts related to the Sacred and Holy ■ Theophany ● Appearance or manifestation of a deity ● Always Hierophanies ■ Hierophany (not God) ● Acts or manifestation of the sacred ● Angels are sacred ■ Sacred Space ● Implies a hierophany, an opening to the holy or divine ● Communication with sacred power is made possible ● Axis Mundi: the center of the world where an opening to the holy or divine is made possible ■ Sacred Time ● Set apart for → ◆ Holidays ◆ Prayer time ◆ Grace before eating ■ Mandala, stupa- pg.45...

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