Religion 28 10-11 11 - Lecture notes 1-10 PDF

Title Religion 28 10-11 11 - Lecture notes 1-10
Author Sara Stein
Course Introduction to Islam
Institution Tel Aviv University
Pages 12
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ReligionA Dynamic Entity (Religion changes all the time) Avoid an essentialist position Example- Islam: peace and love/ Religion is full of conflicting texts (Islam, Judaism) Holy places- Every religion has a place, shrines, a synagogue/mosk, -something holy. Many religions have holy texts as well. The goal of religion would be for a soul to be lifted to a holy level- -it may be part of the time one feels holier than other times. Christianity and Islam- geared to make the world join. Others are just specific to one group. No desire to convert the world. Some religions rely on practice, some rely on the belief. -Christianity (has very little daily practice- more belief) -Judaism (big on practice, doesn’t really matter much what is believed.

“Otherworldly”-Care more about the world to come, rather than focusing on what we have more. (Hinduism) Islam is very “worldly” There is a day of judgment for the world to come, but this world is what that decision revolves around. Universal religion Saying by Jesus (Christianity)- In the Gospel of Matthew chapter 5, an alternative for "an eye for an eye" is given by Jesus: ⁸ ³ You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." ³⁹ But I say to you, Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. But- Massacre- Burn people to save their souls, also used by Algerian terrorists, kills babies to save their souls- they will grow to sin. Islam says that no matter what, one cannot kill an innocent person. They kill thousands of people- Consider them to not be innocent. Is there a concrete difference in Judaism vs Islamic law that would say Judaism is less violent because of Islam’s recruitment into the religion. Maybe that is why Hamas and other Terror Organizations came about. No, because there are also Jews who would commit homicide for the good of the religion. Religion is based on interpretation rather than text. Terrorists murdered 70 people. But he did this in the name of his law, Islam.

ISIS, they burn people, behead alive. Its all in the name of the same religion. 4 billion Muslims, the largest Muslim communities are in east Asia. 130 million people in Bangladesh, 100 Million in Turkey Most Muslim communities are not in the Middle East. Movements (Muslim) born here, were imported to the rest of the world. There are tensions between certain ideas shared among all Muslims, and of course local variations All Muslims believe in the Koran They believe profit Mohammed is the profit of god. And he relayed the perfect message All Muslims pray in Arabic. There are local Variations, This makes Indonesian, Egyptian and Morrocan Islam differentshaped by local circumstances. -Never say all Muslims are one way because there are so many kinds Islam- religion is based on the law Islam is the most successful religion in the political world. Judaism was never a political success, in history its full of sovereignty and exiles. Jews are very great in Geography but there is a short History. Christianity Most popular religion during the roman empire. Became the dominant religion in the roman empire. Christianity Hard start - and then great success Islam Profit Mohammed was in a small community- fled from Meca in 1622 He defeated the people who prosecuted him He ruled the entire Peninsula After his death, there was an empire starting with Iran in the East, and North Africa in the West. This is a success story, no other religion had such great success so quickly. Unique today- Middle east is the only place in the world where there are at least two states that declare themselves as an Islamic state. There is Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Turkey is run by a religious party but it isn’t considered an Islamic State. They are on the fastest way to becoming a dictatorship.

Issue of Terrorism 90% of Muslims are peaceful people. Until a decade ago, terrorist organizations weren’t even Muslim oriented. Now, they are. They do not correlate with the term Islamic. Terrorism is a use of violence, usually used to create fear. Used against civilians with the idea that it can advance political goals. Violence against Civilians-> Sometimes a state uses state terrorism, Armed forces use violence against their own state.

Syria is an example of State Terrorism- they intentionally bomb hospitals and schools. They attacked their own population to insert fear. Lone wolf terrorist- someone who is inspired by the ideology without being a part of an organized group.

Suni vs Shitte How religious beliefs influence politicsCertain issues where politics define a certain standpoint. -Things like gender equality have a large put in religion. Abortion- Political issue because of religion, influences politics also because voters are looking to this persons’ personal/religious beliefs on the subject before they are voted into office. To Arabs- Jews coming is a threat. Jewish Sovereignty affects the Muslim Principle. -Why? Because Jews will be punished by God for not following the profit- they will be humiliated by not being accepted into society. Christianity In the 1960s there was the Vatican Rule- exonerated all jews for killing Jesus. -in 1965 all Jews that were not involved (Not in Israel at the time) were soon not blamed. Social Practices shared- not involving any religion- against certain issues like gender equalitythe Islamic States including Hindu etc

Islam- Political Religion (Judaism {and other religions} starts at a different point) Islamic Calendar starts in 622 Mohammed fled from Mecca to Medina. He became a political leader. He builds a political-

religious community. He has the members sign a pact of the community. It states that Muslims are a community of different people. Being a Muslim also now means that you’re a part of a political community, not only a religious community. All Muslim Countries in the world are a part of this. Mohammed was also the only man of his time to be a political leader and a religious profit at the same time.

30/10/19 Political Theory of Islam Mohammed’s interaction with the Jews in Medina initially offered concessions to Jews to influence them into converting which the Jews didn’t accept. This rose conflict.

Political need influences religious government. -1973 when Egypt launched a war against Israel, it was during Ramadan. The only way religious people can fight on Ramadan is if 9 men…? There was a dispute between the two religions, Suni vs Shitte Mohammed died- now who is to be the successor? What are the qualifications? Seniority? Who was Muslim first? Leadership capabilities? Personal characteristics? What will be the authority of the successor? Answer: All believers. Mohamad is dead. Those who believe in God, who thinks that he exists forever even after Mohammed. Authority is used to make other people do things without using force. Being part of the government gives them the right to do it. Traditional- It is okay to do things because they have just been done for generations Legal/RationalWhat is the best kind of government that will serve our interests? Rationally, means and ends are compatible Irrational decision- grow bananas in Greenland, the environment would need sun houses- to do inland is more costly to grow there rather than someone else. It isn’t worthwhile. Therefore in a government, we need to make rational decisions that are more worthwhile (time and money). Charismatic- Usually, charisma is the opposite of tradition. It usually comes up in a time of crisis when the leader says he has a new way out.

Storytime What is the basis of this succession? When the profit died- the people of Medina wanted to elect one of their own to be the successor. While they were debating, they split. A man named Omar took his friend Abhu Bakir, rushed to the people of Medina, while they were debating, he pledged allegiance as a leader.

Omar’s pledge meant that Abhu Bakir would not success as a profit, but as a politician. He did not claim any religious authority. He died two years later for natual reasons. When he died, he nominated Omar as his successor. This followed the Tribal Succession. Ali was the opposer of Abhu Bakir. He was cousin of Profit Mohammed. They were raised in the same home. He was both cousin and son in law of Mohammed. He married his daughter. The profit had 8 wives, his first was one of his first followers and the last was the mother of Ali. She was 9, and 18 when he died. At 10, if a girl is caught stealing bread, she will be tried as an adult. (Now, at 13 a woman can be married in Iran. In Yemen it would be fine for a woman to be married at 9years of age) Ali washed Mohommed’s body and prepared it for burial. While he was a good person he may not have been the best politician. What was his place to be a successor and give him the right? His charisma. Being so close to Mohommed gave him special charismatic and intellectual qualities, and this made him the perfect candidate, charismatically. His claim was to be not only a political leader but also a spiritual leader. People who believe that he should have this claim are now called Shitte, Suni disagrees. Until today, descendants of Mohammed call themselves Sayid. (There are hundreds of thousands of people who make up being related to the profit) The dilemma with all religions are between Is there free choice in what one does, or does god determine all actions? Big philosophical dilemma- no answers. Why? If everything is predetermined by God, then if we kill, rape or steal, then its god’s fault. Why should I be punished and put in jail if it was not up to me? It was God’s choice. He put it in my head. God would now be responsible for the Holocaust. Is it up to us to choose between good and bad? Wait. That now takes power away from god. No good answer. Both Muslim and Jewish Theology both have arguments. Still nothing. People on trial in Muslim countries will say “god made me do it, how can you punish me?’ Raises many problems- People blame bad things on god. Famine, Birth Defects, War. In Judaism, there is a formula that says everything is anticipated and expected, but we have the ability to choose the right path. Ultimately, God’s decision will act and be determined, but your path to a good determination is always depended on a persons actions and decisions.

Three different approaches to Legal ScholarsSuni, Islam was developed to service theology. Legal theory intended to justify political realityassertive authoritative government. What is the whole purpose of Islam? What did God want when he gave us these laws? What was his intention? Submit to Islam: Behave this way, Pray this way, don’t eat pork and don’t drink wine. God wanted to shape conduct to influence our souls so that we can reach salvation. God knows that people aren’t perfect, and therefore he gave us laws to choose to obey or disobey, the purpose is to make us all better humans and protect us from our inner urges. The best way to achieve salvation is through a group- by living in a community. Not as an individual. The best option and way to achieve salvation is by living in a Muslim state. A Muslim State, in this case, means a state that is primarily Muslim and run/rules made through by Muslims. not necessarily an Islamic state. Some examples, Ethiopia is considered a Muslim state Lebanon- legally the president is Christian, so theoretically is not an Islamic state, has option to still be a Muslim state because the majority of people living there are Muslim. So- In order to live a fulfilled religious life, you must live in a place that enforces Islamic law. You need a stable government that will enforce Islamic Law. You, therefore, need to obey such a government, you need salvation. Sacrosanct. If people didn’t obey the government, Anarchy happens. Civil War. In Lebenon there is no Islamic Government. All government officials are spread through religions, which makes it very complicated. Every position is different. The state of Lebanon is not functioning well at all, they suffer from huge water and electricity problems. Right now they don’t care about theology, they care about water Iran has a legitimate Islamic Government- Fitna* Rosali- Muslim Scholar says that 200 Years of tyranny is applicable to 1 day under anarchy. Disobedience to the government will mean rebellience against god. What does one do when a ruler or leader of government says to go against God? Then one is allowed to violate Islamic law. For centuries, Suni Government enforced Islamic law and had a salary for the government. 99.9% of Suni Clerics worked with rulers and did what they said. If someone was killed, the way of looking at it is “god wanted him killed, so he was killed” (doesn’t matter who did it and if it was against the law) 1973, Sadet got ermission from Al Azhar to go to war during Israel during Ramadan.

1977, the same president goes to Jerusalem and makes peace. He also goes and makes peace with the enemies. Now, either way, they are fine. The defense minister of Egypt goes along with the Cleric, They were used just to legitimize those in power. Example of this; The Clerics ask the producer before airing, Should I endorse or should I not endorse birth control when on air? This shows that they serve whatever the government tells them, they have no real authority. They only serve to obey the government. People by nature are bad- law is used to keep bad nature from coming out. Historically- clerical establishments go with the government Division of labor- clerics would be responsible for religious law, and the rulers would cover gaps in the law, state/rulers law. AdministratorsPhilosophers

4/11/19 1774- ottomans lost war against russia. They lost territory which is now known as the Ukraine They lost territory inhabited by muslims to christians. From this day to the present, muslim power is weaker- they started losing battle over battle Christanity is more powerful now in that area. 1948- Establishment of the state of Israel- Muslims find to be a period of humiliation These are people who were historically supposed to be dispersed and humiliated by god, now suddenly they are more powerful/have their own state.

1991- US leaves the coalition Arab countries vs other power countries Etc etc, now there are millions of defeats. Economically, the Muslim world is equal to Europe in regards to health and prosperity. They are being incorporated into the Europen/Global economy as a periphery state. Coal and peripheral states? Because of the economic power, they purchase/take raw materials from the peripheral state. They set the prices and dictate the trade terms, process materials into finished goods and sell them to the peripheral states for more money. They turn oil into fertilizer+plastic= money Obviously, the Coal industries economically gain while the peripheral countries suffer a large decline. *In order to ride a bike- you have to push the pedal down. As to, state has to decline to survive. Iraq- Social political system. Corruption- Maybe national pride but destroying everything else Muslims often find themselves facing a crisis- by a phenominon there is a belief in Islam. It is that it is a perfect religion of god's children who surpass all other religions. To many people, the success of islam is theological proof that is the right religion. How are Jews, Christians and Budists any more successful than Islam if Islam is siupposed to be the best? There is a psychological problem that many muslims suffer with. There are some solutions to solve the problem, some governments think that some techniques and technologies can be used to build a solution. Iranian Monarch is actually very weak- cannot exercise any authority. Britain power is also limited as they have to work with parliament. Simplistic Answer. Law. Britain is a state ruled by law. Even the king is subject to the law. There is no corruption. Arbitrary rule can be corrupted- all countries should be european and based off of a law. Rulers- Islam Government response- Government use Islam as means to unite/unify various muslim countries to stand up to the west. In the 19th century, there was a man named Abd al Hamid 2, 18761908. He became the third ruler of the ottoman empire in one year. He decided Islam would be the cement to hold together the Muslim people in the empire. From everywhere. He thought he can elevate his status as Caliph. A Caliph is a political figure that is who took over after Mohammed died. They were dominated by military units. Those who live under Russian rule allowed it. They accepted him as Caliph. He is now the head of the Muslim world,

and the successor of Prohit Mohammed. Titles and ideas changed history. He needed legitimacy as a leader, and he thought if he presented himself as the head of the muslim community he would be greately recognized- which was true. Musims from Under British rule thought he could get them help and out from under British laws that prohibited them from anything under the religion of Islam. Modern rulers use this. In Egypt, President. Not very charismatic, he succeeded a charismatic and very popular leader. He ruled from 1970-1981, he was assassinated by muslim terrorists. He was genuinely devoud muslim, and would be ouright biast as a muslim. He prayed in public and mentioned god in every discussion/political speech. Conservative Solution (response) MIlitant response Reforms response- (Jamal al-Din) Afgani- “Great Hero” Most important and influential perforomist figure. He is the Grandfather of modern Islamic organizations and terrorism. He is admired by many parts of the Muslim world from different angles.One from the Secularists, Nationalists, they would describe him as one of their mentors. Born in Iran, 1836/7. He was kicked out of school. This is very rare i Shih seminaries- he went to Afghanistan. He was in his 20;s and a complete foreigner. In a year he is right hand man of the leader of Afghanistan. A short time later, expelled from Afghanistan and moved to India. He now calls himself Afghani to hide the fact that he was Shiee It also explains his Perian accent when he speaks Arabic. It would make people think he was a Suee and not Shiih He attacked al-Achmed for trying to undermine religion and selling it out. He said he isnt living by Islam. He was trying to reconcile Science with religion, and showing how they were compatible, Afgani didn't like it. He then moved to Istabul. He was the Director of the college, he gave a lecture in which he declared as a muslikm that he isn't sure that there is a god. He isn't sure about religion. He was then kicked out from Istanbul and moved to Cairo, Egypt. He immediately became very popular. He was agitating against british/french rule, and got eventually kicked out again. He moved to France and published a journal about how he thinks they need to rejuvenate Islam. He was then invited to Iran to be the advisor as a shah. He was then expelled from Iran to Iraq. He then went to Europe back to Istanbul under house arrest, also known as a golden cage, and died at an old age from cancer. What did he preach? Why do people still speak upon his beliefs? Afgani points to two major problems muslims face in the modern world 1) Islam is unable to provide answers to questions and needs raised by modern society. People barely follow religion anymore 2) Muslim world is under major double attack. One is political, where Europeon countries are constontly taking over Muslim countries.

Islam as a religion, culture, and identity is being taken over by missionaries where they try to undermine Islam as a religion. Is the western culture offensive? Premeditated culture being undermined. One solution, If you dont work for Islam- it is okay to kill him. If a muslim ruler refuses to do the write thing- it is perfectelly okay to kill him. Assassinate him. A Second Solution rejuvinate/reactivate islam. Ijtihad- effort using reason to find solutions to questions from which there is no clear solutions in the scriptures. Legal/Ethical questions that are needed to be answered to serve the religion as necessary.

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