Religion and Peace Quotes and Paragraph Summaries PDF

Title Religion and Peace Quotes and Paragraph Summaries
Author marnnn sonsss
Course Studies of religion 2
Institution Gilroy Catholic College
Pages 7
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A detailed set of quotes for Religion and peace Depth Study on Christianity and Judaism. This document further contains relevant structure and plan....


Christianity Quotes ‘Human beings will delight in their relationship with their creator’ (Revelation 21:34) ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Love your neighbor as yourself’ (Mark 12:30) ‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are the sons of god (Matt 5:9) ‘Peace i leave you my peace I give your, do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid (John 14:47) ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’ (Luke 6:31) ‘Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace’ (Eph 4:3) ‘They must turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it’ (1 Peter 3:11) ‘Since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our lord jesus christ’ (romans 5:1) ‘I can do things through christ who gives me Strength (philippians 4:13) ‘Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be one of mind, live in peace (Romans 14:19) ‘Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy, without holiness, no one will see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14) ‘Repentance and communion should instill peace within himself (St theophan the recluse) - orthodox ‘Your my prince of peace and I will live my life for you’ (Micheal W.Smith ‘you are holy’) ‘Time for reflection, comfort and strengthening’ (bill hybels) ‘We must hear and listen to the voice of God, which often speaks very softly’ (st John the Evangelist, Roman Catholic Parish) Empower young people to use their gifts in the service of others (LYM) ‘Those who approach the sacrament of penance obtain pardon from god's mercy for the offence committed against him and are reconciled with the church (CCC#1422). ‘Without justice, there can be no peace’ (rev Martin Luther King Jr) ‘Opus Iustitiae Pax’ (Pope Pius XII) - Peace is the work of Justice.

Judaism Quotes ‘Depart from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it’ (Psalm 34:14-19) ‘Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble’ (Psalm 119:165) ‘The world is sustained by three things; by justice, by truth and by peace’ (Pirkei Avot 1:8) ‘They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Let us walk in the light of the lord’ (Isa 2:4-5) ‘And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the young lion, and a little boy will lead them’ (Isa 11:6) ‘Bring good news, proclaim peace, bring good tidings (Isa 52:7) ‘Those who hope i the Lord will renew their strength (Isa 40:18) ‘There is no peace for the wicked, saya Yahweh’ (isaiah 48:22) ‘To do justice, to love kindness and walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8) ‘He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths’ (Micah 4:1) ‘We will walk in the name of the Lord (YHWH) our God forever and ever’ (Micah 4:5) ‘Seek me and live’ (Amos 5:3-4) ‘Seek good and not evil, that you may live. Hate evil and love good, and establish justice in the gate, let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everflowing stream’ (Amos 5:14). Love you fellow being as yourself (Leviticus 19:18) ‘You must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Deut 10:17) ‘When you approach a city to do battle with it you should call to do it in peace (Deut 20:10). SHEMA - (Deut 6:4-9) ‘love the lord your god with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might’. ‘The home should be like a little sanctuary’ (Ezekiel 11:16) ‘Whosoever denies the duty of gemilut hasadim, denies the fundamental of Judais’ (Eccles. R. 7:1) ‘Greater is tzedakah than all the sacrifices’ (talmud, Sukkah 49B)

Sacred Texts - Christianity ● The New Testament closes with a magnificent picture of the new creation where humanity experiences a peace marked by the absence of death, mourning, crying and pain… where human beings will delight in their relationship with their Creator (Revelation 21:3-4). The Gospels Profoundly expresses the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. J ● Matthew: Jesus Commandment of love & Beatitudes. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ (Matthew 22:39) Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called Sons of God (Matthew 5:9). ● Mark: highlights Jesus in his adult life. Contains - Jesus conception, importance of Liturgy and Law, as well as accounts for Jesus' life. ● Luke: Jesus Commandment of love & Beatitudes. Jesus is the long awaited messiah. ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you’. (Luke 6:31). ● John: epitomises that Jesus is the Son of God, and adherents who believe in him, will be granted eternal life. The Apostles - Epistles and Letters Highlights the teachings on how to live as followers of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul (Paul of Tarsus): emphasised the importance of charity as it relates to the principal teaching of Jesus’s commandment of love. ‘For he himself is our peace’ (Ephesians 2:13-17) Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:3) ● Apostle Peter: Provided examples of how to live in holiness with Christ, in a hostile world. They must turn from evil and do good; they must seek peace and pursue it. (1 Peter 3:11). 

Principal Teachings - Christianity Peace comes through Jesus Christ: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1) I Can do all things through christ who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13)

Peace is linked with grace, faith, justification and hope: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you... Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) War: Followers of Jesus are to live at peace with everyone: Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14). ‘Brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace’ (Romans 14:19). ‘Make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification’ (Romans 12:18). Denominational Teachings:

Orthodox (linked to the ideals that peace comes through Jesus Christ) Hillsong (Jesus is the embodiment of peace) Catholicism (followers of Jesus are to live at peace with everyone): ‘Just war theory’ 

Inner Peace - Christianity Live faithfully as a follower of Jesus: Know that they are made in the image of God Emulate the attitudes and behaviours of Jesus Christ Pax Christi: E.g. catholics offering each other the sign of peace to promote unity and outward unselfish love. Peace is merely impossible without forgiveness. This is achieved through:

Prayer and meditation: Time for reflection, comfort and strengthening. (Bill Hybels). E.g. Lectio Divina (Catholic): ‘we must “hear” – listen to the voice of God, which often speaks very softly’ (St John the Evangelist, Roman Catholic Parish). The 3rd step is Oratio - prayer. Vocation (calling in Life) eg. Monasticism (Orthodox and Catholicism): Eg. greek orthodox strive to achieve ‘Great Schema’ - high level of spiritual awareness. Miracles happen in the monasteries (orthodox). E.g. Lasallian Youth Ministry (Catholicism): ‘Empower young people to use their gifts in the service of others’. Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation (Catholicism):‘Those who approach the sacrament of Penance obtain pardon from God's mercy for the offense committed against him and are reconciled with the Church’ (CCC# 1422). Eucharist: E.g catholics and orthodoxa profound use of prayers (eg. our father), hillsong use of singing (ie, prince of peace, oceans). 

World Peace - Christianity ● Paraclete (Helpers and Advocates) (as exemplified in John 14:16) ● Efforts to achieve world peace very often involve working towards a more just world (Agape Love). “Without justice, there can be no peace.” (Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr). “Opus Iustitiæ Pax” (Pope Pius XII) which means “Peace is the work of Justice.” National Council of Churches of Australia (NCCA) ‘Act for Peace’ agency: ‘Decade to Overcome Violence’ project: (2001-2010) Interfaith dialogue: promotes peace between religions. Pax Christi (Latin for Peace of Christ - (‘Son of God’ Mt 5:9)): ‘we renounce all structures of violence and injustice, and make common cause with all those who are committed to the sacredness of all life’. Profound Statements by Church leaders: They guide, energise and help to mobilise Christians to think and act in ways which foster peace. Pacem in terris (Peace on Earth) (1963) by Pope John XXIII “all men of goodwill” thereby indicating that it was much more than just a statement for Catholics. Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr. Glenn Davies' public statement (2014): Calls for prayer and international assistance for Iraqi Christians facing severe persecution, even death, for their faith.‘we have a responsibility to stand with our brothers and sisters’. Orthodox Peace Fellowship: Played a significant role in the 2008 conflict between Georgia and Russia and in the 2014 conflict between Russia and Ukraine. ‘pray for enemies and endeavor to communicate God’s love for

them, recognizing our own violence and pray that, through Christ’s, we will be reconciled with God and with each other’.

Sacred Texts - Judaism Shalom (Hebrew for ‘Peace’): Garden of Eden (Genesis 1-2) ‘Depart from evil, and do good. Seek peace and pursue it’ (Psalm 34:14-19). ‘The world is sustained by three things: by justice, by truth, and by peace’(Pirkei Avot 1:18). “God announces to Judaism that they will be redeemed only through peace.” (Deut Rabah 5:15) Isaiah’s Vision of Peace: offers an underlying message and ideal of hope by his prophecies of a New Jerusalem (meaning City of Peace).Purpose of God's judgement is to purify Jerusalem and bring the holy seed and bring the messianic seed among all nations, and fulfil covenant promises. “They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. let us walk in the light of the Lord.” (Isa 2:4-5). “And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, And the leopard will lie down with the young goat, And the calf and the young lion; And a little boy will lead them” (Isa 11:6). “bring good news... proclaim peace... bring good tidings (Isa 52:7). those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength (Isa 40:18) Micah’s Vision of Peace: Micah came out to denounce the evils that had filled his beloved land. ‘to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8). He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths (Micah 4:1). We will walk in the name of the Lord (YHWH) our God forever and ever. (Micah 4:5). Manifesting a relationship with god, and expressing peace on earth is pivotal for jews in order to suffice the ideal of the covenant that they share with god, and are instructed to manifest throughout their life. Amos Vision of Peace: Warned against the evil and corruption of the age. ‘Seek me and live.’ (Am 5:3–4). Chasid (saintly person) - Acts in this way at all times. ‘Seek good, and not evil, that you may live...Hate evil, and love good, and establish justice in the gate...let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream!’ (Amos 5:14) 

Principal Teachings - Judaism Individuals must be faithful to God. ‘those who walk uprightly enter into peace’ (Isaiah 57:2) Love of Neighbour and Stranger: 'love your fellow [being] as yourself' (Leviticus 19:18). “God befriends the stranger, providing him with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.” (Deuteronomy 10:17-19) War is to be avoided wherever possible: Discretionary war, obligatory war and defensive war may be permitted in some circumstances. Recognise the sacredness of all human life: ‘When one destroys a single individual, it is as if that person has destroyed the whole world’ (Sanhedrin 4:5). ‘When you approach a city to do battle with it you should call to do it in peace’. (Deut 20:10)

Inner Peace - Judaism ● God is the bestower of Peace: The Shema (Deut 6:4-9): You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. The centrepiece of morning and evening prayers. Acknowledges that god is above all. ● Covenantal Obligation to act in peace: (Micah 6:8)

● Peace is connected to Justice: obligations to faithfully follow the law and warning of dire consequences should they fail to do so. strong emphasis on moral action reflecting justice towards one another. This is manifested through: Observance of the Halacha: “There is no peace for the wicked, says Yahweh.” (Isaiah 48:22) “Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble” (Ps 119:165) Eg. Hasidism: A community of orthodox jews that incorporate mystic elements into their strict interpretation of sacred texts. Deveikut: bonding with god. Ultimate goal of jewish study and fulfilment of the 613 mitzvot. Soul discovers a divine connection. Raises spiritual awareness for the adherent. Prayer: “peace, goodness and blessing; life, grace and kindness; justice and mercy”. Prayer provides a structure and connection to the local and universal Jewish communities that may enhance a sense of peace for the individual. E.g Shema Observance of the Shabbat and Peace in the Home (Shalom Bayit): ‘The home should be like a little sanctuary (Ezekiel 11:16) ‘if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord’ (Isiah 58:13) To observe (Shamor) - To remember (Zachor). The ideal that an adherent should rest on the sabbath allows them time for self, God and family and to focus on spiritual goals. Shabbat is also representative of heaven. Participation in Festivals and Holy Days: e.g. Yom Kippur - The Day of Atonement. There is a 25 hour period of fasting and prayer. Jews will spend most of the day in synagogues. Teshuvah: 10 day period of repentance, Al-Chet: confession required by the individual that allows them to recognise their own sin and wrong doings Tikkun Olam: "Follow justice and justice alone." (Deut 16:20) Gemilut Hasadim - Acts of loving kindness: "whosoever denies the duty of gemilut ḥasadim denies the fundamental of Judaism" (Eccles. R. 7:1) Tzedakah - Charitable giving: the duty to donate one-tenth of income (after taxation) to charity. aims to create a Ha Maschea (Perfect world). Pushka box (container to collect monetary donations). "Greater is tzedakah than all the sacrifices" (Talmud, Sukkah 49b). Bal Tashkit - Do not lay waste: A command from the Torah that forbids wanton destruction. 

World Peace - Judaism Jewish Christian Muslim Association: E.g: JCMA Friendship Walk: The Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia runs an annual friendship walk around October-November of each year, where adherents spend an afternoon walking together in friendship and goodwill between a church, synagogue and a mosque. Australian Jewish Democratic Society: ‘A strong voice for peace, reconciliation, and social justice’. To promote and contribute to justice in Israel/Palestine. facilitate, support and grow progressive voices in the Jewish community. To foster a specifically Jewish approach to the issues of peace and Social Justice. Jewish Peace Fellowship: WORK to abolish war and to create a community of concern transcending national boundaries and selfish interests. REFRAIN from participation in war or military service The Interfaith Encounter association: peaceful coexistence of jews, muslims and other faiths in Israel and the middle east through interfaith dialogue and study. Hamidrasha - the centre for interfaith study and fellowship between Jews and muslims.

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Summary of Syllabus Points (to use in response) 

Sacred Texts (Christianity) The Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

The Apostles (Letters and Epistles)

Principal Teachings

Inner Peace

World Peace

Peace Comes Through Jesus Christ

Vocation Monosancticism Eucharist

Pax Christi Agape/ Philia Love

Followers of Jesus Must live at peace with everyone (WAR)

Catholic Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation Almsgiving

Vinnies/ Caritas. Other NGOs Orthodox Peace Fellowship Profound Statements by Church Leaders (Pacem In Terris, Anglicsan Archbishop)

Peace is linked with grace, faith, justification and hope.

Penance/ reconciliation Prayer and Meditation (Lectio Divina) Youth Ministry Monosancticism

NCCA Hillsong

Sacred Texts (Judaism)

Principal Teachings

Inner Peace

World Peace

Isaiah's Vision of Peace

Love Of neighbour and stranger

Tikkun olam (gemilut hasadim, tzedakah, bal tashchit)

Juwish christian muslim association Australian jewish democratic society

Micah's Vision of Peace

Individuals must be faithful to god

Prayer Observance of the Halacha Observance of Shabbat Peace in the Home

The interfaith encounter association (unanimous understanding).

Amos’ Vision of Peace

War is to be avoided wherever possible

Participation in festival and holy days (yom Kippur)

Jewish Peace Fellowship...

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