Reproductive system PDF

Title Reproductive system
Author Samantha Halverson
Course Veterinary Medical Terminology
Institution South Dakota State University
Pages 15
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Vet terminology of the reproductive system...


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Theri/o: Combined form for Beast Gen/o: Combining form for Producing Genit/o Refers to organs of reproduction Scrot/o: Scrotum Perine/o: Combined form for the area between the scrotum (or vulva in females) and anus Orch/o, orchi/o, test/o, and testicul/o: Testes Spermatozoa: Sperm ○ Spermatozoon: One gamete Pen/i and Priap/o: Penis Ovari/o and Oophor/o: Female gonad Oo/o, Ov/i, and Ov/o: egg Salping/o: Combined form for tube Hystero/o, Metri/o, Meteri/o, and Uter/o: Uterus Colp/o and Vagin/o: Vagina Vulv/o and Episi/o: Combined forms for Vulva Copulat/o and Coit/o: means jioning together. Terms that mean intercourse Cyesis: Pregnancy Gravid/o: Combining form for pregnant Para: Suffix meaning to bear or bring forth Nulligravida: One who has never been pregnant Nullipara: Female who have never borne a viable fetus Primigravia: Female during first pregancy Primipara: Female who has borne 1 offspring Multigravida: One who has multiple pregnancies Muliparous: Female who has borne multiple offspring during the same gestation. Vivparous: Bearing live young Oviparous: Bearing eggs Ococoivparous: Producing eggs that are hatched within the body, so that young are born alone but without placental attachment such as snakes Part/o: Combined form for giving birth Phim/o: Muzzling or constriction of an orifice

Scrotum ● The area between the scrotum and the anus in males is the perineum. Testes ● Male sex glands called gonads. ● The orientations of the testes in the scrotum varies between species. ○ Some species have open inguinalrings that allow the testes to be withdrawn from the scrotum and into the abdomen. ● The testes develope in the fetal abdomen and descend into the scrotum before birth. ● The testes are suspened in the scrotum by the spermatic cord ○ The testes divided into compartments that contain coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules and cells between the spaces are called interstitial cells ■ The interstitial cells of the testes are called the Leydig’s cells (endocrine).

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Sertoli cells are specialized cells in the testes that support and nourish sperm growth Seminiferous tubules are channels in the testes in which sperm are produced and through which the sperm leave the testes The head of the sprem is the nucleus. At the top of the head is called the acrosome, which contains enzymes that allow the spermatozoon to penetrate the ovum. The midpiece contain mitrochondria to provide energy The tail is actually a flagellum, Speratogenesis: Production of male gametes

Epididymis ● The seminiferous tubles join together to form a cluster ● Duct emerge from this cluster and enter the epididymis ● The epididymus is the tube at the upper part of each testis that secretes part of the semen, stores semen before ejaculation and provides a passageway for sperm. It can be divided into lead, body, and tail portions. Runs down the length of the testicle, turns upward , and becomes a narrower tube called the ductus deferens

Ductus Deferens ● Connected to epideidymus that carries sperm into the pelvic region toward the urethra. ● Each ductus deferens is encased by the spermatic cord (also encases nerves, blood, and lymph vessles, and the cremaster muscle along with the ductus deferens) ● Excretory duct of the testes ○ The ductus deferens in swine has a glandular portion called the ampulla (an elgarded part of a tube or canal)

Accessory sex glands ● The male accessory sex glands include the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands. ● Not all gland are present in all species. ● They add secretion to the sprem and flush urine from urethra before sperm enter it

Seminal vesicles (horses) or vascular glands (other species) ● 2 glands that open into the ductus deferns where it joins the urethra. ● Secret thick, yellow substance that nourishes sperm and adds volume to the ejaculated semen. Ejactulatory duct ● Formed by the uinon of the ductus deferens and the duct for the seminal vesicles. ● Passes through the prostate and enters the urethra Prostate Gland ● Single gland that surround or is near the urethra and may be well defined or diffuse depending on the species. ● Secrete thick fluid that aids in the motility of sperm Bulbourethra glands (Cowpers glands in humans) ● 2 glands located on either side of the uethra ● Secrete a thick mucus that acts as a lubricant for sperm Penis ● The glans penis is the distal part of the penis on which the urethra opens ● The prepuse (foreskin) is the retractable fold of skin covering the glans penis ● Dogs have an os penis, which is a bone encased in the penile tissue. All species except that cat have a cranioventrally directed penis. ● Composed of erectile tissue that unpon sexual stimulation fills with blood (under high pressure) ○ Some species such as ruminants and swine, achieve an erection by straightening of the sigmoid flexure (an S shape bend of the peniswith almost all erectil tissue. Erection in these animals is caused by blood engorgement of the erectile tissue)


Ovaries ● Located in caudal abdomen ● Female gonad produces estrogen, progesterone, and ova (egg) ● Contain many small sacs called graafian follicles, each one contains an ovum. Uterine tubes (Oviducts, and Fallopian tubes) ● Paired tubes that extend from the crainal portion of the uterus to the ovary. Not attached to ovary ● The distal end of each uterine tube is a funnel shaped opening called infundibulum. ○ Contains fringed extension called fimbraie that catch ova when they leave the ovary. Fimbriae are not attched to ovaries ● The proximal end of each uterine tube is connected to tuterine horns. Uterus ● Thick walled, muscular walls and mucous membrane ● Situated dorsal to the urinary bladder and ventral to the rectum. ● Cornus: the horsn. The cranial end of the uterus has 2 horns that travel toward the uterine lining. ● Corpus: The body. The middle portion of the uterus ● Cervix: The neck. The caudal portion of the uterus that extend into the vagina ● The uterus is composed of 3 major tissue types ○ Perimetrium: Membranous outer layer of the uterus. ○ Myometrium: Muscular middle layer of the uterus. ○ Enometrium: Innter layer of the uterus Cervix ● Caudal continuation of the uterus and marks the cranial extent of the vagina ● Contains ringlike smooth muscle called spincters. ● Main function is to prevent foreign substances from entering the uterus ● Usually is closed tightly except during estrus, when it relaxes to allow entry of sperm ● During pregnancy, the cervix is closed with a mucous plug, is released near partutition to allow fetal passage. Vagina ● The muscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body. ● A membranous fold of tissue may partically or completely cove the external vaginal orifice called the hymen Vulva ● Female external genitalia or pudendum is the external opening to the urogenital tract and consist of the vaginal orifice, vestibular glands, clitoris, hymen, and urethral orfice. ● The perineum is the region between the vaginal orfice and anus in females.

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The labia are fleshy borders or edges of the vulva and are occasionally called lips. ○ Animals have simple labias ○ Humans hav minor and major labia Vestibular also know was Bartholin’s glands are found in bovine, feline, and occasionally ovine species. Vestibular glands secrete mucous to lubercate vagina. The clitoris is the sensitive erectile tissue of females located in the ventral portion of the vulva. Is an analog of the glans penis of the male.

Mammary ● Milk producing glands ● Number of mamary glands varies with the species, Mare, ewe, and doe (goat) have 2: Cows have 4, sows have 6 or more pairs; and bitches and queens have four or more pairs. ● In large animals, the mammary gland is called an udder. In cows the 4 mammae are called quarters. ● Mammary glands are composed of connective and adipose tissue organized into lobes and lobules that contain milk secreting sacs called alveoli. ● Each lobe drains toward the teat or papilla via a lactiferous duct. ● The lacterous ducts come together to form the lactiferous or teat sinus. ● The lactiferous sinus is composed of the gland cistern (within the gland) and the teat cistern (within the teat). ● From the teat cistern, milk empties into the papillary duct, which is commonly called the streak canal

Estrous cycle ● Occurs at the onset of puberty and continues throughout a animal’s life. ● Hormones secreted from the anterior pituitary gland and ovary control the estrous cycle. ● Starts when ova develop in ovarian follicles. ○ One or more follicles continue to developuntil they reach the ripened follicle size (called the graafian follicle) ■ Ruptures in a process of ovulation ■ The ruptured follicle is expelled into the fallopian tube, it continues to grow and fills with a yellow substance. This is now called the corpus luteum (CL) ● If the ovum is fertilized, the CL will shrink and reduce it progesterone secretion, and a new estrous cycle begins. ○ If the graafian follicle is present of the estrous cycle is called the follicular phase. ■ Estrogen is the predominant hormone during the follicular phase ○ The stage of the estrous cycle in which the corpus luteum is present is called the luteal phase. ■ Progesterone is the predominant hormone during the luteal phase Phases of estrous cycle 1. Proestrus: Perios of the estrous cycle fedore sexual receptivity. Involves the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) by the anterior pituitary gland, which causes the follicles to develop in the ovary. FSH stimulates ovarian release of estrogen, which helps prepare the reproductive tract for pregnancy.

2. Estrus: Period of the estrous cycle in which the female is receptive to the male. During estrus, FSH levels decrease and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels increase, causing the graafian follicle to rupture and release its egg. Ovulation. 3. Metestrus: short period of the estrous cycle after sexual receptivity. The CL forms and produces progesterone during this phase. Progesterone ensures proper implantation and maintenance of pregnancy. If an animal is not pregnant, the CL will decrease and become a corpus albicans (whtie body). Metestrus may be followed by diestrus, estrus, pregnancy, or false pregnancy. Metestrus is more commonly used to describe the estrous cycle of cattle; the term is rarely used in dogs, cat, and horses. 4. Diestrus: Period of the estrous cycle after metestrus. This short phase of inactivity and quietness is seen in polystrous animals before the onset of proestrous. 5. Anestrus: Period of the estrous cycle when the animal is sexually quiet. This long phase of quietness is seen in seasonally polyestrous and seasonally monestrous animals. Mating ● Mount: One animal climbs on top of another. ● Tie: Period of copulation between male and female canine during which the two animals are locked together by penile erectile tissue. ● Conception: Fertilized egg is called zygote. Implantation is the attachment and embedding of the zygote in the uterus. The developing zygote after inplanation is called an embryo.

Afterbirth ● Placenta: Organ of mammals that is place of exchange of nutrients between mother an offspring. Also called afterbirth. ● Umbilical cord, the umbilicus (navel) is the structure that forms on the abdominal wall where the umbilical cord was connected to the fetus. ● The placenta and its associated structures are called fetal membranes. ● The innermost membrane enveloping the embryo in the uterus is called the aminon. ○ The amnion forms the amniotic cavity and protects the fetus by engulfing it in its aminotic fluid ● The allantois is the innermost layer of the placenta. It forms a sac between itself and the aminon, where fetal waaste product accumulate. ● The chorion is the outermost layer of the placenta ● The ruminant placenta has elevations on it that are located on the maternal or fetal surface. The cotyledon is the elevation of the ruminant placenta that is on the fetal surface and adheres to the maternal caruncle. ○ Cotyledons are also called buttons ○ The caruncle is the fleashy mass on the maternal ruminant placenta that attaches to the fetal cotyledon. ○ Together the caruncle and cotyledon form the placentome

Pregnancy ● Gestations varies between species. ● Viability depends on the species and the age and weight of the fetus Birth ● The act of giving birth is called partutirion also called labor ● The period before the onset of labor is the antepartum period. ● The period immediately after labor is called postpartum ○ It is divided into stages ■ First stage involves dialation of the cervix

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The second stage involves uterine contractioins of increasing frequency and strength and expulsion of the fetus. ■ The third stage of labor invovles separation of the placenta from the uterus. Delivery. The uterus will return to normal size, process is called uterine involution The mammary glands of the mother secrete colostrum, a thick fluid that contains nutrients and antibodies needed by the neoate. Lactation

Procedures ● Aminocentesis: Surgical puncture with a needle through the abdominal and uterine walls to obtain aminotic fluid to evaluate the fetus ● Radiography: Procedure in which film is exposed as ionizing radiation passees through the patent and show the internal body structures in profile ● Ultrasound: Diagnostic test using high frequency waves to evaluate internal structures. Ultrasonography works well in evaluating the uterus during pregnancy because the fluid present in the uterus helps define structures. Pathology ● Azoosermia: Absence of sperm in the semen ● Benign Prostatic hypertrophy: Abnormal noncanerous enlargement of the prostate, also called prostatomegaly or enlarged prostate ● Cervicitis: Inflammation of the neck of the uterus ● Cryptorchidism: Developmental defect in which one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum also called undescended testicles. Animals may be unilaterally or bilaterally cryptorchid. Unilaterally cryporchid is sometimes called monorchid. ● Dystocia: Difficult brth, the female is having difficulty expelling fetus ● Ectopic pregnancy: Fertilized ovumimplanted outside the uterus ● Epididymitis: Inflammation of the epididymis ● Fetal defects: Abnormalities that occur in the development of the fetus ● Fetal defects: Abnormalities that occur in the development of the fetus. Teratogens are substances that produce defects in the fetus. ● Fibroid (leiomyoma): Benign tumor arising from the smooth muscle of uterus ● Hermaphroditism: Condition of having both ovarian and testicular tissue ● Pseudohermaphroditism: The condition having gonads of one sex but the physical characteristics of both sexes. ● Mastitis: Inflammation of the mammary glands ● Metritis: Inflammation of the uterus ● Oligospermia: Deficient amount of sperm in semen. ● Orchitis (testitis): Inflammation of the gonads of the male ● Ovarian cyst: Collection of fluid or solid material in the female gonad

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Paraphimosis: Retraction of the skin of teh prepuce causing a painful swelling of the glans penis that prevents the penis from being retracted; the penis is extruded from the prepuce but cannot be returned to its normal position. Phimosis: Narrowing of the skin of the prepuceso that it cannot be retracted to expose the glans penis; the penis cannot be extruded from the prepuce due to the small orifice Pneumovagina (windsuckers): Confomational defect in the perineum of cows and mares that sllows air to enter the vagina Priapism: Persistent penile erection not associated with sexual excitement Prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate Pseudocyesis: False pregnancy. A behavioral and physical syndrome (most commonly seem in bitches 2-3 months after estrus) in which mammary glands develop, lactation occurs, and mothering behavioring occur. Pyometra: Pus in the uterus Retained placenta: Non-passage of the placenta after delivery of the fetus (RP). A retained placenta can lead to metritis and infertility in the female Scrotal hydrocele: Hernia of fluid in the tests or along the spermatic cord. Sterility: Inability to reproduce Supernumerary: More than the normal number. Supernamerary teats is a condtion in which an animal have more than the normal number of nipples Transmissible veneral tumor: Naturally occuring, sexually transmitted tumor of dogs that affects the extrenal genitalia and other mucous membranes (TVT) Uterine prolapse: Protrusion of the uterus through the vaginal orifice. Commonly called cast her withers Vaginal prolapse: Protrusion of the vagina through the vaginal wall or vaginal orifice Vaginitis: Inflammation of the vagina

Procedures ● Assisted delivery: Manual use of hands or equipment to aid in deleivery of a fetus. In cattle, obstetric chains may be placed around the calf’s legs and then force is appiled to help extract that fetus. ● Cesarean section: Delivery of offspring through an incision in the maternal abdominal and uterine walls ● Eletroejaculation: A method of collecting semen for artificial insemination or examination in which electrical stimulation is appiled to the nerves to promote ejaculations. ● Episiotomy: Surgical incision of the perineum and vagina to facilitate delivery of the fetus and to prevent damage to maternal structures ● Fetotomy: Cutting apart of a fetus to enable removal from the uterus, also called embryotomy ● Hysterectomy: Surgical removal of the uterus ● Mastectomy: Surgical removal of the mammary gland or breast ● Neuter ● Opphorectomy:Surgical removal of the ovary ● Orchidectomy: Surgical removal of the testis

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Ovasriohysterectomy: Surgical removal of the ovaries, uterine tubes, and uterus Vasectomy: Sterilization of a male in which a portion of the ductus deferens is surgically removed, yet the animal may retain its libido

Abbreviations ● ACT: American college of theriogenologists ● AI: Artificial insemination ● BPH: Benign prostatic hypertrophy ● C: Castrated ● C-section ● CL: Corpus luteum ● CMT: California Mastitic Test ● N: Neutered ● Ob: Obstetrics ● OHE: Ovariohyterectomy ● OVH: Ovariohysterectomy ● PG: Pregnant ● RP: Retained placenta ● S: Spayed ● TVT: Transmissible venereal tumor ●...

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