Chapter 12 Reproductive System PDF

Title Chapter 12 Reproductive System
Course Human Anatomy
Institution University of Toledo
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Chapter 12: Reproductive System QUIZLET FOR FIRST QUIZ: Functions of the Male Reproductive System ❖ 1. Production of sperm cells called? ➢ Spermatogenesis ➢ And where? ■ Starts at the testis ● SPERMATIC CORD GOES THROUGH INGUINAL CANAL ◆ Cremaster muscle is included in here ➢ Cryptorchidism: Undescended testes/hidden testes ■ If it gets stuck, it can cause hormone production issues ■ Can cause problems with spermatogenesis and cause people to become infertile ❖ 2. Transfer of sperm cells to the female ❖ 3. Production of male sex hormones ➢ Testosterone Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System: ❖ Testes ➢ Located in scrotal sack ➢ Spermatogenesis ❖ Ducts ➢ Epididymis: On top of testes ■ The place where sperm is stored ■ Acrosomal cap develops ■ Sperm become motile: flagella can just slightly move ➢ Ductus deferens (aka: Vas Deferens) ■ Tail of epididymis ■ Long tube that feels like a piece of twine ■ Vasectomy: Severing and tying off the vas deferens ■ Sperm moves through the ductus by layers of smooth muscle ➢ Urethra ❖ Accessory Glands ➢ Seminal vesicles ■ Positioned behind the back of the bladder ■ Sperm joins together ■ Seminal fluid provides most of the fluid you find in semen (70%) ● They don’t like acidity → has a basic pH ■ 1. Fructose: Energy source necessary because it takes a lot of energy for sperm to be motile


■ 2. Fibrinogen: Clotting protein that causes the fluid to be sticky ■ 3. Prostaglandin: Cause smooth muscle contractions ● Also found in uterus ◆ Contraction of smooth muscle of the uterus is necessary to bring the semen into the uterus ● Reverse peristalsis (sucking fashion) ➢ Prostate gland ■ Stands before the bladder ■ Wraps around the neck of the bladder ■ Produces prostatic fluid ● 1. Citric Acid present for energy ● 2. Fibrinolysin: Liquefaction - liquifies it after 7-12 minutes ■ Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH): enlarged noncancerous prostate ● Creates urgency to urinate due to being around the neck of the bladder ● Difficulty with stream of urine (diff starting and stopping) ➢ Bulbourethral glands ■ Really small ■ Produce mucus that is alkaline: Provide for changing the pH of the urethra and for lubrication ❖ Supporting structures ➢ Scrotum and penis Testes: ❖ Spermatic cord: passes through the inguinal canal ➢ Testicular artery ➢ Testicular vein ➢ Nerves also travel here ➢ Lymphatics ➢ All of these are wrapped up in spermatic tissue that creates the spermatic cord ❖ Cremaster muscle: Skeletal muscle that elevates the testes ➢ Helps regulate the temperature of the testes to help with spermatogenesis ➢ Innervated by lumbar nerves L1-L2 ➢ Spinal cord injury: to test the integrity of this muscle, stroke inner thigh and watch the testes raise up ➢ Cremasteric reflex: tests the integrity of the spinal cord muscles L1-L2 ❖ Scrotum ➢ Intrascrotal temperature: Helps regulate the temperature of the testes to help with spermatogenesis ■ Dartos muscle ■ Cremaster muscle ➢ Dartos muscle: Wrinkles the skin of the scrotum


■ Activate this with anything cold (cold water) Seminiferous Tubules: ❖ Seminiferous tubules “sperm factories” ➢ Where spermatogenesis happens ❖ Leydig cells: Within the testes, in the interstitium ➢ Produce testosterone ❖ Spermatozoa: modified lysozyme ➢ Needs enzymes to fertilize egg ■ On egg: zona pellucida - glycoprotein surface/coat on egg ● Travels with a group of cells ■ Sperm has to break through layers of cells and dissolve/breakdown zona pellucida and membranes fuse ➢ Acrosomal cap: Cap on head of sperm Accessory Structures: Epididymis: ❖ Function ➢ Non-motile sperm enter, pass through its tubes and become motile in 12-16 days ➢ Acrosome matures ➢ Ability to fertilize an oocyte develops ➢ Flagella become capable of movement First Reaction Sperm Undergo ❖ Capacitation: Whip like action of sperm (tail whips around) that only occurs in the female reproductive tract due to the exposure of them to cervical mucus ➢ Sperm have to be capacitated to fertilize an egg**** Second Reaction the Sperm Undergo ❖ Acrosome Reaction uses two hormones (develops in the epididymis) ➢ Acrosin: breaks down zona pellucida ➢ Hyaluronidase: Breaks down cell to cell connections END of Quiz 1 Penis ❖ Means tail ❖ Coronal section ➢ Urinary bladder, ductus deferens ❖ Center of the penis is the urethra ➢ 1. Prostatic urethra: goes through the prostate ➢ 2. Membranous Urethra: Small area that is very short that the urethra passes through (it’s a membrane region) ➢ 3. Spongy penile urethra (urethra is very acidic, bulbourethral gland changes the pH of the urethra to be more alkaline) ❖ Glans “acorn” Penis: the head ❖ Prepuce: foreskin ➢ Circumcision: removing the prepuce


❖ Top is the dorsal side ➢ Rectyle bodies: caverns called lacuna ■ Lots of space in between to fill with blood ➢ Corpora Cavernosa (2) on dorsal side - dorsal ■ Lot of white connective tissue around it ● When they fill with blood, they push against the connective tissue to get erect and very firm ❖ Under is the ventral side ➢ Corpus Spongiosum (1) - ventral side ■ Goes through the urethra ■ Fills with blood like cavernosa, but does not get as firm ● Due to there being less connective tissue around it ● The urethra is in the spongiosum, so if it got as firm as the cavernosa, the urethra will shut and get closed off (not good) ❖ How do Corpora Cavernosa and Corpus Spongiosum fill with blood? ➢ 1. Erection ■ Autonomic nervous system → parasympathetic ● P = Point ● Nerve fibers head down to the blood vessels in the penis and release a neurotransmitter that innervates the blood vessels ◆ NO (Nitric Oxide): This causes vasodilation of the blood vessels ➢ 2. Ejaculation ■ Autonomic nervous system→ sympathetic ( parasympathetic plays a small part) ● S = Shoot ➢ “Point and shoot” Accomplishing Fertilization can be difficult: ❖ Ejaculated sperm can: ➢ Leak out of the vagina immediately after deposition ➢ Are destroyed by the acidic vaginal environment ➢ Fail to make it through the cervix ➢ Are dispersed in the uterine cavity or destroyed by phagocytes ➢ Few (100 to a few thousand) reach the uterine tubes Fertilization: ❖ Capacitation is first, then the acrosome reaction! ❖ Acrosomal reaction of sperm ➢ Release of enzymes needed to penetrate the egg granulosa cells and zona pellucida (around oocyte) ■ Hyaluronidase: digests hyaluronic acid binding granulosa cells


■ Acrosin: digests the zona pellucida after binding to the ZP3 receptors on ZP Female and Reproductive System: Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System: ❖ Female reproductive system includes: ❖ Externally ➢ Mons, labia and clitoris (vulva or pudendum) and mammary glands ❖ Internally ➢ Vagina ➢ Uterus ➢ Uterine tubes ➢ Ovaries Vagina: ❖ Means sheath ❖ Quite short ❖ Structure ➢ Fibromuscular tube: it can stretch and accommodate ➢ Connective tissue and some muscle ➢ Stratified Squamous → wet epithelium ❖ Very acidic ❖ Vagnial cornices ➢ Areas in the female where sperm can reside for a day or two ❖ As the cervix projects down into the vagina it makes a covered area called a fornix (sperm captures: sperm resides here for a couple of days) ➢ Posterior Fornix and Anterior Fornix ➢ Egg is only viable for 24 hours but sperm is viable for up to 40+ Uterus: ❖ Structure (layers) ➢ Endo (2) ■ Perimetrium: connective tissue ■ Myometrium: Middle muscular layer ● Smooth muscle ■ Endometrium: Lining of the uterus ● 2 layers ◆ Stratum functionalis: top layer; the layer that sloughs off every month ➢ Provides function ◆ Stratum basale: basal/bottom layer ➢ Does not slough off every month ■ Oviducts: fallopian tubes


● Endometrial tissue can travel through the oviducts and out of the ovary ● Open to the abdominal cavity (not open in male) ◆ Peritoneal fluid ● Projects on the surface of the ovary ● Endometriosis: Ectopic displacement of tissue ◆ Responds to hormones every month ➢ Dysmenorrhea: painful menstruation ■ Broad Ligament: Holds the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and oviducts ● Big white ligament that has little parts ■ Round ligament: Also helps to hold the uterus in place ● Goes through the inguinal canal in the female *** ● Spermatic Cord: goes through the inguinal canal of the male ➢ Parts ■ Fundus ■ Body ■ Cervix ❖ Function ➢ Has to be able to receive, support, and protect a fertilized egg Ovaries: ❖ Ligaments: ➢ Broad Ligament: Holds the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes and oviducts ➢ Ovarian ligament: Ovary to uterus ➢ Suspensory Ligament of the ovary: suspended from the pelvic wall ❖ Location ➢ Suspended from pelvic wall ❖ Have cortex and medulla ➢ All the good stuff happens in the cortex ➢ Every month, 20 to 25 Follicles develop inside the ovary ■ Dominant follicle (graafin): Biggest follicle (only 1) to develop and bursts off the surface of the ovary every month ■ Ovulation: Blood leakage occurs here ● Blood is very caustic/irritating to the peritoneum ● Middle of the cycle pain: Abdominal pain that occurs in the middle of the cycle ■ Corpus Hemorrhagicum: (bloody body) Body of cells that we are left with after follicle bursts off the surface of the ovary ■ Corpus Luteum: (Yellow body) takes on cholesterol, starts producing hormones ● These stick around for 12 days to 12 weeks depending on pregnancy or not and then it creates corpus albicans


■ Corpus Albicans: White Body - scar tissue Ovaduct: (Fallopian Tube) ❖ Fimbriae: Little broccoli or cauliflower ➢ Function: Sweep the surface of the ovary that try to grab the egg that bursts off the surface of the ovary ■ The egg is in peritoneal fluid ■ If the egg is missed, it falls down through the peritoneal cavity and degenerates ❖ Infundibulum: Funnel ❖ Ampulla: Largest lumen size (little jug) ➢ Part of the oviduct where fertilization takes place!!*** Fertilized Egg: ❖ Zygote → morula → blastocyst ❖ Blastocyst: Produces a hormone that is easily detectable in blood and later on in urine ➢ HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin): Hormone that is detected in pregnancy tests produced by the blastocyst Some Terms of Interest: ❖ Endometriosis: Ectopic displacement of tissue ❖ Cryptorchidism:Undescended tissues ❖ Intrauterine device (IUD): Prevent ovulation → makes uterine inhospitable for implantation ❖ Vasectomy: Severing and tying off the vas deferens ❖ Menarche: first menstrual period ❖ Amenorrhea: absence of menstruation ➢ Elite athletes, like runners (very low body fat) ❖ Dysmenorrhea: Bad periods ❖ Thelarche: breast development...

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