Research Chapter 1-3 Sexual Harassment PDF

Title Research Chapter 1-3 Sexual Harassment
Course Research in Daily Life 2
Institution Lyceum of the Philippines University
Pages 21
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Background of the Study Awareness of sexual harassment in various forms continues to increase. However, having awareness on street harassment, such as catcalling, is less explored. According to Raymond (2017), the overall response to Catcalled in the Philippines is supportive, most of the supporters are female yet there are some female detractors as well. It showed that misogyny, a prejudice against women or girls is more prevalent. According to an SWS report, 88 percent of Filipinas aged 18 to 24 experienced different forms of sexual harassment in the streets. 50 percent of the victims do nothing about the incident while 20 percent are unable to respond due to fear. With such high numbers, one should think that something must be done to stop it, and yet every day men continue to whistle, shout and make sexist or offensive comments, leer, and even grope women without receiving any consequences. They continue to catcall and objectify women whenever they have the chance because their indecent actions are generally ignored and dismissed as ‘boys being boys’. What’s worse is this kind of behavior isn’t limited to the poor, the bums, and the non-educated who don’t know any better. Contrary to popular belief, catcalling is not a compliment. According to, this comes in a myriad of ways, from drivers honking their horns to a group of men whistling or yelling "Miss! Miss" to a woman. Now, these forms of sexual harassment are finally banned in the 1


City of Manila after Ordinance No. 7857 or "Safe City for Women and Girls Ordinance of 2018" was passed after the third reading, as announced in a Facebook post by Safe Cities Metro Manila Programme on June 28. Sponsored by Manila District 4 Councilor Krystle Bacani, this ordinance prohibits all forms of sexual harassment, including catcalling, wolf-whistling, cursing, and stalking. Violators will face one day to a year of jail time plus a fine ranging from P200 to P5, 000. They will also be required to attend a Gender Sensitivity Seminar by the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Commission on Women and hopefully, never to repeat the same mistake again. Manila follows Quezon City in having an anti-sexual harassment ordinance in place. Quezon City Mayor Herbert Bautista signed the city's Anti-Catcalling Ordinance initiated by Councilor Lena Marie Juico in May 2016. The researchers of these studies focus more on women’s right, specifically sexual violence to those women/girls that are being catcalled. Research about street harassment and consent often focus exclusively on the experiences of women. Men are also victims of sexual harassment or being assaulted. Nowadays, both genders are present on the act of Catcalling. Therefore, we need to further detect how frequent catcalling is happening in Manila specifically in Tondo? And how the city governance takes an action when it comes to the said issue since it was implemented as a city ordinance? This study was different among other studies. We have no other studies that become our basis, and that makes our research differ from others because it will focus more on how the residents in Manila evaluate the performance of every police men on the cases of Catcalling on their place, also the 2


total number of cases that were reported on the stations in Manila. It will help the future researcher to add up on this researcher on how catcalling affect the days of the victim since it is frequently happening in our everyday lives.

The research aims to know the numbers of cases were reported on the police stations in Tondo, Manila and how do the residents asses the performance of the policemen in solving Catcalling. The beneficiaries will be both gender: male and female and also the future readers or researches that would be interested on the topic. For the male and female, it will benefit us for them to be aware if they are also victims of catcalling by not knowing if the compliments that they receive were already considered as sexual harassment that will give them new knowledge on how to react and avoid this issue. Furthermore, the benefit of this study for the policemen is to know how they respond on it which is needed to be give more attention since most of them were just not noticing it or taking an action of this problem while for the future readers or researchers, it will benefit them when it comes to preventing this thing to happen since it becomes one of the social issue we are facing. It also let them know what maybe the possible causes which is classified as catcalling and certain consequences or punishment it has since it was proven as a city ordinance of Manila.

Problem Statement



In recent years, catcalling became one of the main issues that our country’s facing. Many people experience this in their everyday life which is considers as sexual harassment. As time passes by, it becomes common and a problem that’s why some city government made a city ordinance for this certain issue to be solved. But it seems that there are still people who catcalls and doesn’t get the punishment they deserve. The researchers general objective here is to determine the level of conflicts and frequency of catcalling in Tondo, Manila.` These problems seem to arise because each day there are still persons who experience catcalling in the said city. That said, the researchers have come up with the following questions regarding the problem of the research, specifically: 1. How many cases of catcalling were reported in the police stations in Tondo, Manila since the city ordinance was implemented? 2. How do residents of Tondo, Manila who are victims of catcalling evaluate the performance of the policemen in solving catcalling?

Significance of the Study As time passes by, the cases of catcalling increasing that leads to become one of the social issue we have in our country that’s why in some cities they implemented a city ordinance to solve this problem. The researchers study this kind of research to determine how frequent is catcalling and if the said city ordinance helps to decrease the cases of catcalling since it was implemented.



The findings of the study will be useful to the people in Manila, government, City of Manila, policemen, researchers and future researchers. This study will benefit to the awareness of people living in the City of Manila about the catcalling. The researcher will let the people living in Manila feel safe and comfortable through the effectiveness of catcalling as the city ordinance of Manila. The people can complain to the authorities if they felt catcalled by someone. In that, the people in Manila will be aware about their rights when it comes to catcalling. It will also benefit the government, wherein they will focus on this problem and will do actions for the benefit of their jurisdiction. The findings of this study will let the government aware about the situation of the catcalling as a city ordinance. Also, it will help the government to boost their service to the people of manila and find solutions to certain problems. This study will help the city of Manila safe from the catcalling. The findings will make the city of Manila secured and well-managed by the government. This study will be beneficiary to the policemen to be aware of their job. If they are doing their job well and if they make actions to the victims of catcalling. The findings of this study will help them to boost their service to people since it is their job to make the people safe and to find the people who do catcalling and make them face their consequence to their bad action. This study will benefit the researchers because they will able to know more about the city ordinance, Catcalling. Since the researchers are women who may also experience to be catcalled, the findings of this study will help them to be more secured and feel safe wherever they are. In addition, the researcher will know their rights about catcalling. And this study will help the 5


future researcher to do this study in other places that make catcalling as city ordinance. The researcher will help the future researcher to have idea about catcalling. It will provide some facts and findings in the city of Manila that will lead them to come up with a new topic about catcalling.

Scope and Delimitations The study is descriptive in nature and focused on the cases of catcalling was reported in the district 1 police station in Tondo, Manila and how do the policemen respond in this cases since it was a city ordinance. The research sample is composed of fifty five respondents; the fifty (50) respondents will come from the residents of Manila and victim of this issue while the remaining five (5) will be coming from the policemen of two police stations in Tondo, Manila. The primary data gathering method used was survey and interview to determine the residents of Manila’s perspective based on their experience about the cases of catcalling and how the policeman response do in this case. The researchers used survey for the forty respondents from the residence of Manila and victim of this certain issue in order to determine how catcalling works in Manila as a city ordinance and to avoid being bias in this study while the remaining five (5) respondents were from the policeman in Tondo, Manila to know how they response or react in the cases that were reported in their police stations. Only five policemen will be interview because we all know that were just limited to ask questions from them since their job is too dangerous to speak more.



The study does not cover the effect of catcalling to the victims since it is psychological thing that needs a long period of time to study and the behavior of a person to determine what may be the possible effects after this thing happen to him/her. Also, the researcher limited the research to the cases of catcalling including the possible thing/action which can be classified as catcalling. Initially, this study will confine itself to interviewing and conducting a survey to the policeman and residents of Tondo, Manila who are victims of catcalling. Limitations of the Study The study has set certain limitations as listed below: 1. The research results and findings are confined to the research locale. The respondents will come from the residents and policeman of Tondo, Manila, mostly because they are also the ones who are experience catcalling and gives certain punishment for the who violate the city ordinance. Naturally, the results and findings are limited to only wherever the research will take place. 2. The personal experience of the residents of Tondo, Manila who is victim of catcalling will be used to strengthen the need to conduct this study for they will say the truth based on their own experiences. Because if the researchers will just survey and interviews random residents they will just answer it based on their own opinion or how they understand it for they doesn’t have any experience on it which may be biased. Definition of Terms



Catcall – It is making a whistle, shout, or comment of a sexual nature to a woman passing by (Webster Dictionary, 2010). Operationally, it is the violation that people commit when they tell unpleasing and disrespectful words or action to a person. Frequency - it is the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a particular period of time or in a given sample (Webster Dictionary, 2010). In this study it refers to the rate of crime such as catcalling happening in a place. Ordinance – it is a law passed by a municipal government (Cite, 2005). Operationally, it is the law implemented to a specific place. Policemen - it is the member of a police force (Webster, 2010). In this study, it refers to the person who are assigned to take over the criminals or person who commits crimes. Punishment - is the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense (Webster Dictionary, 2010). Operationally, it is the consequence of the person or criminals have to face. Sexual Harassment - is bullying or coercion of a sexual nature and the unwelcome or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual favors (Webster Dictionary, 2010). In this study, it refers to the unlawful and disrespectful action of a person to a women.



CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter discusses various studies related to the subject being studied. This will help to further broaden the idea and knowledge of the research subject. This can be used to further validate the research being conducted that makes it more reliable and knowledgeable. I.

Catcalling Nowadays, catcalling became common as sexual harassment in the lives of

women or other individuals. According to (Holland, 2018), it became usual and common as it )frequently happen every day in the lives of every individual that show the possible impact this can have on how men and women think about themselves. The victim being objectified was associated with a “substantial increase” in “self-objectification”, proving that these instances of sexual harassment can have a negative impact on the way women think about them (Young, 2017). It says that catcalling has a negative effect on every individual’s way of thinking because that kind of harassment can have a big impact on their behavior and thinking for it makes



them feel unsecure and lack of self-confidence because they find it as a threat and not as a compliment (Young, 2017). A study led by Young (2017) has similar factors within the research as they both focus on catcalling which become one of the social issue that are country’s facing. They both shows how catcalling frequently happen in our everyday lives and how it gives a big impact to the victim when it comes to their way of thinking and behaviour which is needed to be taken up an action for it still continues to increase the cases of catcalling in our country. There are some differences between the study of Young (2017) and the research because the study focuses more on how catcalling affects the human behaviour and way of thinking of the victim which is somehow different from the research because it focuses on how catcalling works as a city ordinance of Manila. In the research, it aims to know if the said city ordinance for catcalling is evident and helpful to decrease the cases of catcalling for it continues to increase and became one of the social issues that country’s facing. The study led by Young (2017) and research are somehow related because they are connected with one another. In the study, it tells how catcalling often happen once a day which is relevant to the research because it focuses also how catcalling works as a city ordinance in Manila for it is frequently happen every day to people especially for women. They both have the idea on how frequent or often catcalling happens every day which is a social issue because it continues to become a problem that affects the behaviour of the victim or individual. It helps the researchers to have a background information on how catcalling frequently happens every day 10


and gives them another idea that can help and makes their research more reliable and educated for the future readers and researchers. II.

City Ordinance At the present time, catcalling continues to happen more often a day that

leads to have serious cases about it as it continuously increasing that’s why the government implemented a city ordinance to take an action in this issue or cases. Included in the approved city ordinance is the prohibition of all forms of sexual harassment in public spaces, such as catcalling, wolf-whistling, cursing, and stalking, among others. Violators will face imprisonment for one day to a year on top of a fine ranging from ₱200.00 to ₱5,000.00. They will also have to attend a Gender Sensitivity Seminar administered by the Philippine National Police and the Philippine Commission on Women. Manila and Quezon City are only the city who implemented an ordinance for catcalling (Corrales, 2018). The article led by Corrales (2018) has similarities between the research because they both focus on how the city ordinance takes an action in the issue and how it can be helpful for the people who experience this problem. They both tells how the city ordinance solved the continuously increasing cases of catcalling every day for it lets the catcallers face their punishment or consequences to do not do the same thing again to others especially for women. In this, they both have the idea that city ordinance can be a way to stop or decrease the cases of catcalling happens more often a day by letting the violators learn their lesson and do not do it again.



There are somehow differences between them because the study focuses more on how city ordinance can be a solution of the continuously increasing cases of catcalling which where some how different in the research (Corrales, 2018). The research focuses more on how the said city ordinance works in Manila since it was implemented because up until now there are still no updates or news reported that it punishes the catcallers for it continuously happen every day especially for women. They both have differences for they have specific focuses in their study that doesn’t meet their own aims. The article of Corrales (2018) and the research are related to each other because they were connected in a way how city ordinance works as a solution for the continuously increasing cases of catcalling that leads to become one of the social issue we have in our country. They both have the idea that implementing a city ordinance will be helpful to solve this problem or issue for it frequently happens every day. In this, it will help the researchers to have another knowledge and information that they can be used to make their research informative and helpful for the future readers and researchers who can also experience this issue if it is not yet been solved. It can be a background information that can make their research more trustworthy. III.

Catcalling works as a City Ordinance In our recent time, we can say that catcalling is not giving compliment to

somebody, it’s more like a sexual harassment thru words. Words that can traumatized anyone. This comes to a variety of ways, drivers honking their horns, to 12


a group that keeps whistling when they see a sexy lady, and keeps on yelling to get the victim’s attention. These acts became more popular in these days, especially for men who continuously utter such offensive words. Now, this sexual harassment is finally banned in the other cities like Quezon City and Manila (Talambong, 2017). The City of Manila finally pass an Ordinance No. 7857 or “Safe City for Women and Girls Ordinance of 2018” to keep peaceful and non-traumatizing city. This city ordinance were used to decrease the cases of catcalling for it continuously increasing and popular nowadays that can be a threat for individuals especially for women. The article led by Talambong (2017) has similarities between the research is catcalling works as a city ordinance in Manil...

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