Research Ethics 2021 PDF

Title Research Ethics 2021
Course Research Ethics
Institution National Chengchi University
Pages 39
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(edu)(/index_panel/) Before collecting individuals’ personal data that may involve private information (such as mental health status and medical records), what should the researchers plan correctly in advance? (1)A secure and confidential storage space for the research materials (2)A signed agreemen...





Before collecting individuals’ personal data that may involve private information (such as mental health status and medical records), what should the researchers plan correctly in advance? (1)A secure and confidential storage space for the research materials (2)A signed agreement, such as a “Data Confidentiality Agreement” or an “Authorization to Use Personal Data Agreement” with all participants (3)Ensuring only authorized and specific personnel can access and use the collected information for a specified purpose (4)All of the above


Which of the following are common research materials: A. Paper questionnaires, B. Field research records, C. Experimental data, D. Audio recording, E. Papers of other authors, F. Video recordings of the research process? As the leader of a research project, which of the following data management practices is not acceptable? (1)A, B, C, D, E, and F (2)A, B, C, E, and F (3)B, C, D, E, and F (4)A, B, C, and D


Which of the following situations in academic writing requires quoting? (1)Quoting others’ arguments (2)Presenting the respondents’ original feedback (3)Quoting second-hand information (4)All of the above


Which of the following statements regarding falsification/fabrication of information is incorrect? (1)Falsification includes forging non-existent information in research. (2)Falsification includes forging non-existent results in the research to support the hypothesis. (3)Falsification includes forging medical certification for leave, due to not wanting to go to school. (4)It is close to the deadline for an assignment, and the student does not have time to complete the statistical analysis. Therefore, he/she changes the date of a previously submitted report or the name of a report shared by a senior student and submits it as his/her own assignment. This is falsification.


A is in a more senior year than B. To express his romantic interest in B, A offered to write the mid-term report of a subject for B. B was pleased to accept the offer and passed the mid-term report. Which of the following individuals cheated? (1)A (2)B (3)Both A and B (4)Neither A nor B


Who will be harmed by cheating behavior: A. the offender him/herself, B. classmates, C. teachers, D. parents, E. the school? (1)A, B, and C (2)B, C, D, and E (3)A, B, C, and D (4)A, B, C, D, and E


Which of the following practices regarding the determination of authorship is commonly accepted? (1)Authorship should be determined based on the contribution to the research project. (2)Authorship should be determined based on the number of mice that an individual purchased. (3)Authorship should be determined based on the administrative position of the individual. (4)Authorship should be determined based on the funds that an individual provided or raised for the research.


Xiao Shuo is currently writing a paper related to online teaching. Which of the following options apply when quoting? (1)Wang (2006) believed that cultural exchange with foreigners on the Internet could provide students with more opportunities to learn about others and improve their attitudes toward different cultures. (2)The teachers interviewed in this study expressed the following viewpoints: I think the Internet is convenient and can help minimize cultural differences between students of various nationalities. This is a good thing. I think more people will be using the Internet for learning in the future (Teacher 1). (3)In summary, the present researcher believed that the immediacy of the Internet and the resulting lack of borders can minimize the psychological distance and cultural differences between students of different nationalities. (4)All of the above are a form of quoting.


Da Xiong has uploaded his own music on a platform protected by a Creative Commons license to be shared by other users. However, he does not want the music to be reproduced by others. Which of the following licenses from CC should Da Xiong use? (1)The attribution license (2)The attribution “Share-a-like” license (3)The attribution “Non-Commercial” license (4)The attribution “No Derives” license


Within a reasonable scope, it is permitted to reproduce other authors’ works. Which of the following situations least fit the scope of a reasonable definition of copyright information reproduction? (1)A journalist quoted a paragraph from an author’s article and indicated the source in the news report. (2)Student A performed a show at the Fun Club, mimicking a pop singer’s performance (singing and dancing). (3)A teacher re-organized the questions extracted from the national exam database to use them in his/her tests. (4)The most exciting scene of a movie is edited and uploaded onto a public platform to be shared by other users.


Which of the following is not the purpose of managing conflict of interest in research projects? (1)To ensure the independence of scientific research (2)To ensure the well-being of the participants (subjects) (3)To ensure the security of the participants (subjects) (4)To ensure the profitability of the research project


The conflict of interest of the research institute is similar to that among corresponding individuals. When a conflict of interest occurs, the research institute should first consider its main tasks. Which of the following is not a main task of a research institute? (1)Profits (2)Research (3)Education (4)Public service


Of the following research subsidy awarding procedures, which is correct? (1)Ministry of Audit →subsidy agency→researcher (2)Subsidy agency→ Ministry of Audit →research agency→researcher (3)Subsidy agency→researcher→research agency→researcher (4)Subsidy agency→research agency→researcher


Professor Wang withdrew money from the research fund to remunerate research participants. Is Professor Wang’s approach an appropriate use of research funding? (1)Yes, the intended use was directly relevant to the research. (2)No, the intended use was personal expenses. (3)No way to know: it depends on whether or not Professor Wang had included this expense in the estimation of the research budget. (4)Not necessarily, it depends on whether the research agency to which Professor Wang belonged had permitted the expense or not.


In Case 2 of this unit, whose behavior was inappropriate? (1)Dr. Frederick, who did not allow his students to work on their thesis. (2)Dr. Frederick, who profited from the sponsored fund. (3)Sandra, who prioritized the corporate-sponsored research excessively. (4)Sandra, because students should not participate in corporate-sponsored research.


Can Sandra in Case 2 of this unit publish the research results of corporatesponsored research in her academic thesis? (1)Absolutely, because she was personally involved with the research. (2)Yes, with the permission of the sponsor. (3)Not necessarily, it depends on the content of the agreement signed with the sponsor. (4)Absolutely not, research ethics norms have clearly stated that research results of corporate-sponsored research cannot be used in a student’s graduation thesis.


Managing and preserving original research data and experimental records are crucial. Mismanagement or loss of original data or experimental records could render the research unable to prove the accuracy of the research findings. Therefore, if a researcher did not fulfill his or her responsibility to properly care for research data, then what situations may be faced? (1)Reproducing the research findings may not be possible. (2)The journal (or publisher) may decide to revoke the published research work. (3)The author may request that the published research work be revoked. (4)All of the above.


The researcher is responsible for preserving the original experimental data. From the perspective of practical application, what is the reason and significance for preserving original experimental data? (1)To meet the research ethics norms. (2)To be produced for inspection or verification when needed. (3)To ensure that the research funding was not misused. (4)To allow for appraisal by the ethical review board.


Which of the following is not part of the code of ethics that a responsible researcher must adhere to? (1)Selectively following the code of ethics or deliberately ignoring the normative obligations (2)Fulfilling the obligations toward data management and confidentiality in the study (3)Implementing the principle of informed consent in human research (4)Respecting the dignity and human rights of human subjects


After publishing universal declarations or reports (e.g., the Nuremburg Declaration, the Helsinki Declaration, or the Belmont Report), what key influences do they have on academic research communities? (1)Research is led by scientific and academic interests, not the interests of research subjects. (2)Based on ethical considerations, subjects can no longer be animals or humans. (3)Many professional research communities follow up on these declarations by establishing their own relevant ethical codes. (4)Ethical standards that researchers should practice were formally lifted.


Professor A edits the master’s thesis of his research student (Student B), and submits it to a journal. Which of the following is correct? (1)Professor A is the only author. (2)Student B is the only author. (3)Professor A and Student B are both authors of the work. (4)Professor A can decide whether Student B is the author.


Medical institution A hopes to conduct a human experiment on B (an adult with the capacity for consciousness) without clearly informing B of information related to the experiment; however, B has already provided written consent for A to conduct a human experiment on them. Which laws has medical institution A violated? (1)The Social Order Maintenance Act (2)International privacy laws (3)The Negotiable Instruments Act (4)The Medical Care Act


Wang and her professor jointly complete an English thesis. They submit the thesis to a foreign academic journal. On the night before submission, a classmate of Wang’s corrects some English grammar in the thesis, and asks Wang that she be listed as a co-author. From the perspective of research ethics, should Wang agree to her classmate’s request? (1)Yes, because the classmate participated in editing or writing the thesis. (2)Yes, because the classmate made a substantive academic contribution to the research. (3)No, because pure editing services do not count as a substantive academic contribution to the thesis. (4)Wang can choose to agree or disagree, so long as Wang, her professor, and her classmate reach a consensus.


In order to write a graduation thesis, student Lin designed a psychological scale and used an online questionnaire system to distribute it. In order to collect a sufficient sample in the shortest period of time, Lin uses a raffle as an incentive, and explains in the questionnaire that “each person can respond one time each day; the more responses a person leaves, the more chances they have to win the raffle.” In other words, Lin’s research subjects can complete the same questionnaire multiple times. Which of the following improper research behaviors is related to Lin’s methods? (1)Improper research data collection procedures (2)Failure to follow principles of participant protection (3)Plagiarism in the graduation thesis (4)Duplicate reporting and publishing of research results


During the research process, which of the following is most easily “fabricated” or “falsified”? (1)Implementation of the research process (2)Maintenance of lab equipment (3)Cleanliness of the lab environment (4)Data or image information that have key influences on the research results


Which of the following principles can help researchers to avoid improper data processing? (1)Record all experimental data in detail, and confirm the accuracy of the data. (2)Do not tamper with or falsify research data or images because the research results are not what the researcher anticipated. (3)If you don’t understand a method of data processing, the researcher should ask an expert or advisor in a related field. (4)All of the above.


In order to complete her end of term written report on her philosophy of education, Xiaomei collects data from five websites and assembles the data into a complete report. Is Xiaomei’s behavior plagiarism? Please select the most appropriate response. (1)Yes, because she did not first inform her teacher. (2)Yes, because she made excessive use of other people’s work and did not attach sources and data related to the cited material. (3)No, because she did not copy complete articles. (4)No, because this is only a classroom report, not a formally published thesis.


Which of the following is not an outcome of plagiarism? (1)The researcher’s own research credibility may be damaged. (2)The researcher may be punished by being stripped of their degree. (3)The researcher may receive praise from the original author. (4)The original author may file a legal claim.


Which of the following is not an important outcome that can result from selfplagiarism? (1)It influences the reviewer’s judgement. (2)It wastes academic resources. (3)It strengthens the importance of research results. (4)It misleads readers.


What is the main method for avoiding self-plagiarism? (1)Compiling all research data and text from scratch, as it is completely unacceptable to use data or text from previous research (2)Increasing the time between the publication of multiple similar papers, or reduce the number of similar articles (3)Using the writing logic employed by a previous researcher to complete one’s study, and copying previous studies published by other people (4)Studying unique concepts, making good use of writing techniques, and clearly noting data sources


Alfred is currently writing a paper related to online teaching. Which of the following sentences demonstrates Alfred using the writing skill “quoting”? (1)Wang (2006) believes that learners use the Internet as a tool to conduct cultural exchanges with foreigners so that students can have more opportunities for contact with the rest of the world. At the same time, the attitudes of the students toward different cultures will also become more favorable. (2)The teachers interviewed in this study also expressed the idea that “the Internet is very convenient and can help students of different nationalities reduce cultural differences. This is a very good phenomenon and more people will use the Internet for learning in the future.” (Teacher 1) (3)The researchers believe that the immediacy of the Internet and its lack of borders can help students of different nationalities shorten the distances between themselves and reduce cultural differences. (4)The above is an example of the writing skill “quoting.”


In academic writing, which of the following requires quoting? (1)When quoting someone else’s argument (2)When presenting the original response content of an interviewee (3)When quoting secondary data (4)All of the above


Which writing tip on “summarizing” is incorrect? (1)When to use: Shorten long texts such as an entire chapter or an entire book. (2)The text is longer than the original after summarizing and would have required more words to explain the original text. (3)The summarized text is shorter than the original. (4)It is similar to explaining ideas “in a nutshell,” where a small amount of text is used to convey the original content.


Which writing tip on paraphrasing is incorrect? (1)Paraphrasing should be used when the reiteration and connotation of the articles are repeated, or the contents of multiple articles are combined in the same paragraph. (2)The viewpoints of the original author should be kept and the opinions of the writer should be added in due course to re-express the information. (3)The length of the rewritten text must be very different from the original. (4)It is similar to the idea of “rewording”; other words and expressions are used to convey the meaning of the original text.


Which of the following is not considered fair use of work? (1)Use in a journalist’s report (2)Use in a research program (3)Use as teaching materials at a junior high school (4)Use in a book on acquiring and modifying guns from the black market


Which of the following behaviors is not appropriate quoting behavior? (1)Xiao Zhong is a member of the editing team of the school journal. In order to encourage the energy-saving and power-saving behavior of fellow students, he cited contents of relevant academic research in the journal. (2)Da Xiao works at an animal shelter. He wrote a book on the correct way to raise pets and quoted a section on vaccination from a published work of a veterinarian. (3)Da Ren is the headmaster of a primary school. In order to promote the concept of “Education with Love,” he quoted a paragraph from a research article of an educator in his briefing. (4)Xiaoyi is a professor at an art university. He wrote a children’s book and used the content and pictures of other books published by other writers to make his book more interesting.


The person listed as a paper’s author must be responsible for several actions. Which of the following is an important responsibility of the author? (1)Ensuring that copyrights are not violated (2)Ensuring that each part of the research complies with research ethics (3)Responding to readers’ concerns about the paper (4)All of the above


What is the most important consideration when deciding the order of listing authors in an academic paper? (1)The extent of the authors’ contributions made to the research or paper (2)Policies and requirements of the publishing body regarding article authorship (3)Copyrights of the research results (4)All of the above


To prepare a course presentation, Xiaotian collected information from the Internet and included, in his presentation, a small paragraph taken from an article on the Internet. Which of the following statements is correct? (1)This article is publicly available on the Internet; hence, Xiaotian’s behavior is not a violation of the Copyright Act. (2)Xiaotian only used the paragraph for his course presentation, rather than profiting from it; hence, his behavior is not a violation of the Copyright Act. (3)If Xiaotian modified the wording of the paragraph while retaining the original meaning, his behavior is not a violation of the Copyright Act. (4)If Xiaotian has paraphrased the paragraph and clearly marked the original source, his behavior is not a violation of the Copyright Act.


Which of the following authors are not protected by the Copyright Act? (1)Yuanyuan the Panda (2)Wang Yongqing (3)The Genesis Social Welfare Foundation (4)The Wild Bird Society of Taipei


Xiaoyu, a junior high school student, did not want others to see a love letter sent by her classmate, Ah Zhi. Therefore, she put the letter in the drawer of her school desk. However, due to changes in Xiaoyu’s recent academic performance, her teacher wished to know the reasons causing such a change (such as whether she was involved in a distracting relationship). After checking Xiaoyu’s drawer, he found the love letter. He confiscated the letter and read it. Did the teacher infringe on Xiaoyu’s privacy? (1)No, the teacher did not infringe on Xiaoyu’s privacy. (2)Yes, the teacher did indeed in...

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