Review For Exam 1 - September 30, 2015 - EAES 101 Planet Earth PDF

Title Review For Exam 1 - September 30, 2015 - EAES 101 Planet Earth
Course Planet Earth.
Institution Montclair State University
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September 30, 2015 - EAES 101 Planet Earth...


EAES 101 Planet Earth Review Questions for Exam I

Introduction: Earth Systems, H & T Ch. 1 1. At its center, Earth is as hot as the Sun's surface. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 2. Earth's atmosphere is a mixture of gases, mostly nitrogen and hydrogen. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-2 The Atmosphere 3. Each of Earth’s spheres is an independent system with unique cycles that has minimal interactions with other spheres. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-3 Earth Systems 4. Earth’s layers formed due to density differences in materials. Less dense material sank, while more dense material rose to the surface. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 5. A threshold effect begins with a rapid and dramatic change in response to an event, and then after a threshold is crossed, additional small perturbation causes further little or no effects. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-6 Threshold and Feedback Effects 6. As we move from the surface of Earth to the interior, ____. a. temperatures increase b. layers become less dense c. layers become molten liquids d. tectonic plates become smaller Page 1 of 14

ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 7. The lithosphere consists of ____. a. crust and asthenosphere b. crust only c. crust and upper mantle d. mantle only ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 8. The crust is the ____. a. thinnest layer of Earth b. hottest layer of Earth c. densest layer of Earth d. innermost layer of Earth ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 9. The consequence of the vastness of geologic time is that ____. a. events that occur slowly become insignificant b. events that occur slowly become significant c. improbable events seldom occur d. improbable events never occur ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-4 Time and Rates of Change in Earth Science 10. Our Solar System formed ____. a. when a fiery hot nebula in space coalesced under the force of gravity b. from huge meteoroids that had been flying through intergalactic space c. when another star exploded, shooting rocky debris into space d. from a coalescing frigid cloud of dust and gas ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 11. A tectonic plate is composed of ____. a. cool, rigid rock that rides on a continuous shell of molten magma b. cool, rigid rock that rides on a plastic mantle layer c. hot, plastic rock supported by a rigid foundation of cool rock d. cool, rigid rock that floats on the Earth's molten core ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres

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12. Ground water saturating rock underground is a component of the ____. a. atmosphere b. hydrosphere c. biosphere d. geosphere ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 13. During the formation of the solar system, rocky clumps collided to form larger bodies called ____, which would ultimately collide to form the planets. a. asteroids b. meteorites c. planetismals d. accretionaries ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 14. The geosphere consists of three major layers: the ____________________, ____________________, and ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 15. The ____________________ is the zone inhabited by life. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 16. The majority of water on Earth is found in the ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 17. The Earth formed ____________________ years ago. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-4 Time and Rates of Change In Earth Science 18. The fundamental source of energy that drives the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere is the ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-3 Earth Systems 19. The ____________________ is the largest layer of Earth. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 20. Earth's outer, cool, rigid shell that makes up tectonic plates is called the ____________________. ANSWER: Page 3 of 14

REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 21. Systems are driven by the flow of matter and energy. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-3 Earth Systems 22. Oceans cover about 71 percent of Earth. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 23. ____________________ is a principle stating that the geologic processes operating today also operated in the past. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-4 Time and Rates of Change in Earth Science 24. A(n) ____________________ occurs when a small initial perturbation affects another component of the system, which amplifies the original effect. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-6 Threshold and Feedback Effects Fill in the blank. 25. Earth's core consists mostly of ____. a. iron and nickel b. frozen water c. solid rock d. gas ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 26. The majority of Earth’s freshwater is found in ____. a. glaciers b. groundwater c. streams and lakes d. oceans ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 27. A(n) ____ occurs when the initial response to a change is minor, but any additional change results in a rapid and dramatic response. a. feedback mechanism Page 4 of 14

b. catastrophic event c. threshold effect d. systematic catastrophe ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-6 Threshold and Feedback Effects 28. Earth's surface systems are ultimately powered by the ____. a. Moon b. mantle convection c. Sun d. radioactive decay in Earth's interior ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-3 Earth Systems 29. According to current trends in Earth's population development, it is likely that pressure on Earth's resources will ____. a. increase b. decrease c. not change d. be insignificant ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-7 Humans and Earth Systems 30. ____ means that the geologic processes operating today also worked in the past. a. Gradualism b. Uniformitarianism c. Catastrophism d. Density layering ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-4 Time and Rates of Change in Earth Science 31. Geologists estimate that Earth formed ____ years ago. a. 4.6 million b. 46 million c. 4.6 billion d. 46 billion ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-4 Time and Rates of Change in Earth Science 32. What is an example of a catastrophic event? a. mountain erosion b. formation of mountains via plate collisions c. a tsunami Page 5 of 14

d. formation of an ocean ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-5 Catastrophic Change in Earth History Fill in the blank. 33. ____ are large segments of lithosphere that float on the asthenosphere. a. Crustal cells b. Convection cells c. Subduction zones d. Tectonic plates ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-1 The Earth's Four Spheres 34. ____________________ is a principle that states that occasional huge catastrophes alter the course of Earth history. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 1-5 Catastrophic Change in Earth History

Hydrology—Freshwater: Streams, Lakes, Ground Water, and Wetlands, H & T Ch. 11 35. The continuous circulation of water among the hydrosphere, the geosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere is called the ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-1 The Water Cycle 36. Water evaporates directly from plants as they breathe in a process called ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-1 The Water Cycle 37. During a flood, a stream overflows onto the ____________________, the area of land adjacent to the channel. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-4 Floods 38. ____________________ refers to the interconnectedness of pores within rock or soil, and the ability of the material to transmit a fluid. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-7 Groundwater 39. A(n) ____________________ is a body of rock or soil that can yield economically significant quantities of water. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-7 Groundwater

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Fill in the blank. 40. What percentage of Earth's water is freshwater? a. 50% b. 15% c. 5% d. 2.5% ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-1 The Water Cycle 41. A stream’s ____ is the volume of water flowing downstream over a given period of time. a. sinuosity b. gradient c. discharge d. capacity ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-2 Streams 42. The region that is drained by a single river is a ____. a. flood plain b. channel c. drainage basin d. drainage divide ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-2 Streams 43. A wall that is built along the banks of a stream to prevent flooding is a(n) ____. a. point bar b. floodplain c. breakwater d. artificial levee ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-4 Floods 44. ____ is the volume percentage of open spaces within a rock or soil. a. Permeability b. Porosity c. Recharge d. Turnover ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-7 Groundwater 45. The zone of the subsurface in which the pore spaces are mostly filled with air is called the ____. a. aquifer Page 7 of 14

b. zone of ablation c. zone of saturation d. zone of aeration ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-7 Groundwater 46. Topographic highs that separate drainage basins are called ____. a. natural levees b. drainage divides c. alluvial fans d. distributaries ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-2 Streams Fill in the blank. 47. Regions that are flooded or water-soaked for all or part of the year are known as ____. a. springs b. geysers c. wetlands d. aquifers ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-6 Wetlands 48. Levees can create conditions that increase flood intensity. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-4 Floods 49. If you dig into an unsaturated zone, the hole will fill with water. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-7 Groundwater 50. A water table does not fluctuate with the seasons. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-7 Groundwater 51. Wetlands mitigate floods by absorbing excess water that might otherwise overrun towns and farms. a. True Page 8 of 14

b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 11-6 Wetlands

Hydrology—Moisture, Clouds, and Weather, H & T Ch. 19 52. ____________________ is the amount of water vapor in air relative to the maximum it can hold at a given temperature. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-1 Moisture in Air 53. When relative humidity exceeds 100 percent, the air becomes ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-1 Moisture in Air 54. ____________________ represent(s) a visible concentration of water droplets or ice crystals suspended in air. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-1 Moisture in Air 55. A process called ____________________ occurs when a moving mass of cool, dense air slides under a warm air mass and forces the warm air upward. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-3 Rising Air and Precipitation 56. ____________________ clouds are fluffy clouds with flat bottoms and billowy tops. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-4 Types of Clouds 57. ____________________ fog occurs when warm, moist air from the sea blows onto cooler land. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-5 Fog 58. When air blows against a mountainside, it is forced to rise by a process called ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-3 Rising Air and Precipitation 59. ____________________ is the horizontal movement of air in response to differences in air pressure. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 60. ____________________ occur in low-pressure regions with accompanying surface winds that spiral inward. ANSWER: Page 9 of 14

REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 61. ____________________ occur in high-pressure regions with outward spiraling surface winds. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 62. ____________________ form when warm air masses are trapped between two colder air masses. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-7 Fronts and Frontal Weather 63. ____________________ are seasonal winds caused by uneven heating and cooling of land and sea. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-8 How the Earth's Surface Features Affect Weather 64. ____________________ are small, short-lived, funnel-shaped storms that protrude from the base of a cumulonimbus cloud. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-10 Tornadoes and Tropical Cyclones 65. Points of equal air pressure connected by weather map lines are called ____________________. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind Fill in the blank. 66. The ____ is the temperature at which the relative humidity of air reaches 100 percent. a. saturation point b. absolute humidity c. dew point d. partial humidity ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-1 Moisture in Air 67. Sinking air exerts a downward force to form ____ regions. a. high-pressure b. low-pressure c. rainy d. cyclonic ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 68. Since warm air can hold more moisture than cold air, clouds generally do not form over ____ regions. a. low-pressure b. mountainous c. high-pressure Page 10 of 14

d. coastal ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 69. The air in a warm front will adiabatically ____ and as a result, will generate clouds and precipitation. a. decline b. warm c. cool d. raise ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-7 Fronts and Frontal Weather 70. What causes a monsoon? a. drastic swings in temperature b. low pressure systems on the oceans c. high pressure systems on land d. uneven heating of land and air ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-8 How the Earth's Surface Features Affect Weather 71. The process where intense low pressure forming over warm oceans can create ____. a. storm surges b. tropical cyclones c. water spouts d. tropical anticyclones ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-10 Tornadoes and Tropical Cyclones 72. Which statement about atmospheric humidity is correct? a. Dew forms when warm, moist air comes in contact with cool surfaces. b. Rain or fog is likely to occur when cool, moist air is heated. c. Cold air can hold more moisture than warm air. d. Fog occurs when warm, moist air from the ocean blows over warmer land surfaces. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-5 Fog 73. In an El Niño year, the trade winds will ____. a. decrease b. increase c. change direction d. completely stop ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-12 El Niño

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74. Which process would lower the relative humidity of a parcel of air? a. The air moves over a lake where water is evaporating. b. The air is heated, and no water enters or leaves the system. c. The air cools, and no water enters or leaves. d. Dust blows into the air, but no other changes occur. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-1 Moisture in Air 75. Which condition is likely to lead to rain? a. Warm air makes contact with cool surfaces. b. Cool, moist air falls. c. Warm, moist air rises. d. Moist air sinks as it passes over the leeward side of a mountain. ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-2 Cooling and Condensation 76. When air stops rising before it cools to its dew point, ____. a. no clouds will form b. clouds will form c. precipitation will likely occur d. supersaturation will happen ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-2 Cooling and Condensation 77. A portion of the atmosphere that becomes warmer than surrounding air will ____. a. contract and fall b. form a high pressure center c. cause clouds to disappear d. expand and rise ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-3 Rising Air and Precipitation 78. The Coriolis effect will alter a wind’s ____. a. pressure gradient b. speed c. direction d. intensity ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 79. Tropical cyclones form over ____. a. warm land with moist air b. cold ocean water that encounter warm air Page 12 of 14

c. warm oceans d. warm and moist air masses ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-10 Tornadoes and Tropical Cyclones 80. Lightning is possibly caused by friction between intense winds and ice crystals as well as ____. a. charged aerosols in the atmosphere b. cosmic rays bombarding the tops of cloud and producing ions c. photon charging from incoming solar radiation d. electron transfer to an excited state within water molecules ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-9 Thunderstorms 81. Rising air will cool adiabatically. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-2 Cooling and Condensation 82. Warm and dry air is regarded as unstable. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-3 Rising Air and Precipitation 83. The three mechanisms cause air to rise are orographic lifting, frontal wedging, and convectionconvergence. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-3 Rising Air and Precipitation 84. Wind near Earth's surface always flows from high-pressure toward low-pressure regions. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 85. Wind speed is determined by the magnitude of the pressure difference over distance. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind

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86. In the Southern Hemisphere, the Coriolis effect deflects wind to the right and creates a clock- wise spiral. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-6 Pressure and Wind 87. Frontal weather patterns are determined by the types of air masses that collide and their relative speeds and directions. a. True b. False ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-7 Fronts and Frontal Weather Fill in the blank. 88. High-altitude clouds composed of ice crystals are called ____ clouds. a. cirrus b. stratus c. cumulus d. cumulonimbus ANSWER: REFERENCE: 19-4 Types of Clouds

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