Reviewer EL113 - Lecture notes 1 PDF

Title Reviewer EL113 - Lecture notes 1
Course Survey of Philippine Literature in English
Institution North Eastern Mindanao State University
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This reviewer contains the notes that I wrote for EL 113...


-SHORT STORIES AND THEIR AUTHORSShort Story We Filipinos are Mild Drinkers MY BROTHER’S PECULIAR CHICKEN The Graduation The Heritage of Smallness Morning in Nagrebcan The Visitation of the Gods How My Brother Leon Brought Home A Wife Wedding Dance The Black Monkey Miss Phathupats My Father Goes to Court Dead Stars IHANGYU SA BULALAKAW Man of Earth


Author Alejandro Roces Alejandro R. Roces F. Sionil Jose Nick Joaquin Manuel E. Arguilla Gilda Cordero-Fernando Manuel E. Arguilla Amador Daguio Edith L. Tiempo Lourdes H. Vidal Carlos Bulosan Paz Marquez Benitez Jondy Arpilleda Amador Daguio


To summarize the story, Baldo was able to meet his brother’s wife Maria, as Baldo saw his older brother's wife, he described her as lovely, tall, and beautiful. Upon their journey to leon’s home, leon is wondering why baldo drove them to the waig instead of the camino real, baldo answered that he drove the waig because their father told him to do so. The Waig route will serve as a test to Maria if she can live in the province which differs a lot from the city where she lived in, but then it seems like Maria likes Leon’s province, she described this as beautiful, fresh air, clean, and free of dust. During their journey, Maria was worried if Leon’s father and family would like her. When they arrived home, father talked to baldo asking what happened during their travel, the father asked Baldo if Maria was afraid in their place, Baldo answered that Maria was not afraid and instead she enjoyed the journey. CHARACTERS: ● Baldo - Narrator, brother of Leon ● Leon - The husband of Maria ● Maria - The wife of Leon


● Labang - the family cow ● Father - the one who instructed Baldo on what he will do while he is on the road with Leon and Maria. SETTING: Nagrebcan, La Union PLOT: Exposition: The story starts off where the narrator introduces His brother Leon and Maria, where he describes Maria and her physical appearance, he also describes how his brother Leon is in love with Maria, and that's where their journey begins. Rising Action: the problem was introduced when Maria was afraid that the father of Leon would not accept her in the family. Climax: It would have been the part where the three of them arrived at home, and Baldo was called by his father and he asked about their journey and about Labang, he also asked a bit about the wife of his brother Leon. Falling Action: It is when Baldo left the room of his father to go take care of Labang and talk to Brother Leon and Maria. Ending: The story ended where baldo finished talking to Leon and Maria, and describing how Maria smelled like a morning where a papaya just bloomed. Symbolism: The only symbolism that I have found in the story was the "Journey" itself that Maria and Leon took before arriving home. This "journey" can symbolize the problems and obstacles that they have to face with their relationship, where a journey can have it's ups and downs through the way, so it means that you and your partner should be prepared with all the sacrifices you have to make in order to succeed in your journey. Theme: The theme of the story is about the journey in life, and how it has a lot of obstacles and problems that we should be prepared in facing. Lesson: The lesson of the story is even though there are a lot of obstacles and problems in life, there is a possible solution especially when you're with the one you love.


-THE VISITATION OF THE GODSMain Characters 1. Mr. Olbes. The principal who wanted to have a perfect impression with regards to the visitation of the gods. He wanted to have a 99% impression upon the visitation of the gods to their school (Pugad Lawin High). This principal had promised to remember the teachers’ cooperation in the regard in the efficiency reports. 2. Mrs. Olbes. She is the wife of the principal, Mr. Olbes. Fashionable wife who is fond of wearing a balloon skirt. 3. Ms. Noel. She is an English teacher who has dedication not only to her job, but to her students as well. Miss Noel’s principles and decisions show her passion towards her teaching profession. She had long been at odds with the principal, or rather the principal’s wife ever since the plump Mrs. Olbes had come to school in a fashionable sack dress and caught on her mouth a half- effaced smile. 4. The gods. These gods are referred to as the superintendent, the division supervisors, and district supervisors. Minor Characters 1. Mrs. Divinagracia. She was the leader of the first working group. She is a harassed Home Economics instructor. 2. The Sleepy Janitor. The sleepy janitor was the one who delivered the letter, announcing the visitation for purposes of inspection and evaluation, in the morning to the principal, Mr. Olbes. 3. Students. The students were the working force of the teachers of Pugad Lawin High School in carrying out the tasks assigned to them by the principal respectively. 4. Neighbors. The neighbors were the owners of the flowers and other decorative materials borrowed by the students per task given to them by the group leaders of each working group. 5. Mr. Buenaflor. He is an Industrial Arts instructor who was the leader of the second group, assigned to rehearse tango steps so as to procure bedding and the dishes to be prepared for supper 6. Freshman boys. The rowdiest freshman boys composed the fourth and discriminated against Miss Noel(English teacher), they had, for the past two days, been landscaping the premises, as their assignment, true to its appellation, consisted in the removal of all unsightly objects from the landscape. That the dirty assignment had not fallen on the hefty Mr. de Dios (Physics) or the crafty Mr. Baz (National Language), both of whom were just hanging curtains did not surprise Miss Noel. 7. Mr. de Dios. He is a hefty Physics teacher and was assigned to hang and to arrange the curtains along with Mr. Baz, a National Language teacher.


8. Mr. Baz. He is a crafty National Language Teacher, assigned to hang the curtains with Mr. de Dios. 9. Automotive Instructor. This automotive instructor was forever being detailed behind the wheel of the principal’s jeep. Miss Noel had come to take it in stride as one of the hazards of the profession. 10. Miss Santos and Mr. del Rosario. They brought out that the National Language Supervisor had gotten a severe stomach cramp and had to be left at the Health Center. Only to find out, they had eloped at dawn 11. Pugad Lawin Instructor. They lent their shoulders gallantly to the occasion. 12. Mr. Ampil. He is a Pugad lawin instructor and in him there was no sickening bureaucracy, none of the self- importance and pettiness that often characterized the small public official. He was dedicated to the service of education, had grown old in it. He was about the finest man Miss Noel had ever known. 13. Miss What’s-her-name. The grammar teacher in Pagkabuhay high School, who held a demonstration class under the mango trees. She is quite impressive and modern; but the class had been so well rehearsed that they were reciting like machine guns. There is a code that they had, like if the student knows the answer he is to raise his left hand, like if the student knows the answer he is to raise his left hand, and if he doesn’t, he is to raise his right, something to that. 14. Mrs. Velenton, Mrs. De Los Santos, Mrs. Alejandro, Mrs. Cruz. They were Pugad Lawin High School teachers who prepared too much for the dinner table of the gods. The table was indeed impressive with a stuffed Bontoc Eagle. The flowered soup plates borrowed from Mrs. Velenton vied with Mrs. De los Santos’ bone China. Mrs. Alejandro’s willow ware rivaled but not quite outshine the soup tureens of Mrs. Cruz. Pink paper napkins blossomed grandy in a water glass. 15. Mr. Sawit. The new English supervisor whom Miss Noel was assisting. Setting The story took place in the barrio of Pugad Lawin where a public school, specifically, Pugad Lawin High School can be found. The preparation for the visitation of the “gods” was done early in the morning. All the morning classes were even dismissed after the first period. It is by 1:30 PM that the supervisors drove through the town arch of Pugad Lawin. Conflicts 1. Man vs. himself/herself. Ms. Noel at first was an idealistic teacher, but after the conversations with Mr. Sawit, she was starting to get into Mr. Sawit’s side. 2. Man vs. Society. Mr. Ampil hates how the officials of the division had gone through their administration and its impact on the education of the young and how the society


was shaped by their influence. When Ms. Noel frankly spoke to Mr. Sawit about the pretensions on the visitation. Symbols - The letter. It symbolizes how powerful and feared the words of the gods were. It was the starting point of their preparations prior to the visitation where within the duration of the visitation, existed lots of happenings that pictured out the sickening bureaucracy of the government. - Barring typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions and other acts of god. These disasters show how the gods’ administration made society one with the worst illness. - Flagpole. It depicts how everyone looked after the gods. They were like the highest persons to be respected and be given the most special treatment in order to be granted with their desire and self fulfillment. Valuing lessons -Those who sacrifice and dedicate their lives for the good of the country usually end up getting nothing and having nothing. -The more one compromises his principles, values and character, the more likely he will succeed. -It would seem that the only way a person can climb the bureaucratic ladder is to allow himself/herself to be eaten by the system. -MAN OF EARTHMan of Earth by Amador T. Daguio Pliant is the bamboo; I am man of earth; They say that from the bamboo We had our first birth.

Am I of the body, Or of the green leaf? Do I have to whisper


My every sin and grief?

If the wind passes by, Must I stoop and try To measure fully My flexibility?

I might have been the bamboo, But I will be a man. Bend me then, O Lord, Bend me if you can.

Figurative Language-is a type of language that varies from the norms of literal language, in which words mean exactly what they say. It is also known as “ornaments of language”. It does not mean exactly what it says, but instead, forces the reader to make an imaginative leap in order to comprehend the poet’s point. -FIGURES OF SPEECH1. Simile- is an explicit comparison between two things or ideas which are essentially unlike, but with at least one thing in common. It uses like, as, similar to, resemble etc.,that makes the comparison apparent. Examples: Life is like a stage where everyone performs a role. She is as graceful as a swan. Love is similar to a fire. My grandmother resembles a delicate withered flower. 2. Metaphor- is an implicit comparison between two things or ideas which are essentially unlike, but with at least one thing in common. Examples: Life is a stage where everyone performs a role. She is a swan. KMERQ

Love is a fire. 3. Personification- ascribes intelligence, feeling or human quality to abstract ideas, concepts, animals or plants as if acting like human beings. Examples: The flowers stood proudly in the sun. The trees are whispering. Life is laughing at him. 4. Hyperbole- is an overstatement or exaggerated statement for effect or humor. Examples: I have been to all the places looking for you. She cried a river. I nearly died laughing. 5. Litotes- Emphasizes its subject by conscious understatement. Examples: War is not bad to humanity. Lea Salonga is not a bad singer. 6. Paradox- is an apparent contradiction, which may be a statement or a situation that reveals a striking truth. Examples: She’s near yet so far. Less is more. There is light in total darkness. 7. Oxymoron- Juxtaposes two normally contradictory words made for effect. Examples: It was a painful pleasure to see her go. She is a beautiful monster. This wallet is a genuine imitation. 8. Metonymy- uses a closely related idea or concept to represent the idea itself. Examples: He is addicted to bottles. The white house appoints a new defense secretary. 9. Synecdoche- uses a part of something or someone to represent the whole thing or the person himself. Examples:


Her mother has five mouths to feed. I enjoy driving my new wheel. Two heads are better than one. 10. Apostrophe- Addresses abstract ideas or concepts, dead or absent as if present or alive. Examples: Oh love! Can I hold you close enough? Rizal where are you now? 11. Allusion- uses a reference, explicit or implicit, familiar figure in history, literature, religion, etc. for effect. Examples: The activists have the courage of Andres Bonifacio. You are my Delilah He has the creativity of Juan Luna. 12. Onomatopoeia- uses a word whose sound suggests the meaning. Examples: We heard the howling of dogs. The bees are buzzing. The hen cackles ealy in the morning 13. Assonance- The similarity in sound between internal vowels in neighboring words is highlighted. Example: Those images that yet, Fresh images beget SYMBOLISM It is the use of symbols to signify ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from the literal sense.

-DEFINITION OF LITERATUREThe word literature is derived from the Latin term litera which means letter. It has been defined differently by various writers. Some loosely interpret literature as any printed matter written within a book, a magazine or pamphlet. Others define literature as a faithful reproduction of man’s manifold experiences blended into one harmonious expression.


Because literature deals with ideas, thoughts and emotions or man, literature can be said to be the story of man. Man’s love, griefs, thoughts, dreams and aspirations coached in beautiful language as literature. In order to know the history of a nation’s spirit, one must read its literature. Hence it is, that to understand the real spirit of a nation, one must “ trace the little rills as they course along down the ages, broadening and deepening into the great ocean of thought which men of the present source are presently exploring.” Brother Azurin said that “literature expresses the feelings of people to society, to the government, to his surroundings, to his fellowmen and to his Divine Creator.” The expression of one’s feelings, according to him, may be through love, sorrow, happiness, hatred, anger, pity, contempt, or revenge. Literature is truly a lasting memorabilia of man’s inner thoughts, feelings, desires, and significant experiences. It mainly serves as our foremost source of sound ideals to better understand and appreciate life


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