Rhetorical Essay Outline PDF

Title Rhetorical Essay Outline
Author Josh Churchill-Broadbery
Course First-Year Writing
Institution University of New Hampshire
Pages 2
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https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/why-the-arguments-against-gun-control-are-wrong_us_59 d6405ce4b0666ad0c3cb34 Opening: Pro- Deadliest shooting in U.S. history, talks about background checks Con- Calls opposing arguments deeply flawed Question- What does “the over $60 million from the NRA that helped create it” mean? Cite source about deadliest shooting Gun Control Violates the Second Amendment: Pro- Describes the second amendment, refutes the actual meaning to the right to bear arms, proves everyone supports some form of gun control, proves that in base concept there has always been gun control Con- Well regulated militia off topic, don’t believe it or don't understand it, type of gun control vague, again name calling “slightly more reasonable, foolish” , should have gone into more detail about what types of gun controls are being proposed Question- Conservative courts source cite Gun Control Doesn't Work: Pro- Gun control doesn't work is too vague of a statement to make a specific claim, cites suicide and murder rate decline in australia after gun buyback, cites chicago's strict gun laws, places with more guns have more deaths than those with fewer guns, use of Ronald Reagan quote Con- Absurd level of gun ownership - name calling, still doesn't really describe what type of gun controls are being proposed Question- What is the most effective method of gun control? People Are The Problem And They Will Harm Others Without Guns: Pro- Guns make it more easy to kill people, states a reduction in violence is a success Con- “In my opinion”, Question- They should use violent crime statistics from other countries with stricter gun laws But I Need Guns For Protection From Criminals And The Government: Pro- Gun control doesn't mean eliminating all guns, citing the number of guns a gun owning household has, states that civilians have no chance against the US gov’t Con- Cite assault weapon statistics, little evidence that assault weapons are ever for self defense, number of guns isn't super relevant Question- Look at the middle east for gun removal

The Only Thing That Stops A Bad Guy With A Gun Is A Good Guy With A Gun: Pro- 8 times as many people were killed by guns than used them in self defense, guns are used much more often to commit crimes then to stop them, people carrying guns were 4.5 times more likely to be shot, Con- Cite FBI source Question- N/A

Sources: http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-vegas-shooter-what-we-know-20171002-story.html...

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