Rhetorical Rationale PDF

Title Rhetorical Rationale
Author Peyton Mann
Course Composing Research
Institution Ball State University
Pages 3
File Size 77 KB
File Type PDF
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For my remix project I wanted to do something that represented my paper and the negativity behind captivity. I wanted something that would make me feel proud of my finished product and wasn’t just something that would be thrown away at the end of the school year. With all this in mind I decided to create an Instagram page. I chose to do this because I personally think that whale captivity is an issue that needs to be discussed more. Social media is a really good way to get things out there and have it be seen and is also probably one of the most effective ways to do this. I chose Instagram rather than Facebook or Twitter or other social medias because with Instagram it’s all pictures. I think that pictures can show meaning really well, symbolize, and create rhetoric such as pathos and for this project that’s exactly what I wanted to do. I think that for this topic the use of images to get my point across is very helpful. For each image that I posted, I gave it a corresponding or related caption. At the end of each of these captions I included hashtags. I chose to use hashtags because they can really help to get your posts noticed or seen. A major part of why I chose to do a social media remix is to get this information out there so hashtags are very beneficial in that area. Hashtags help to bring in an audience that is interested in whatever topic you decide to hashtag so I thought this would be a helpful strategy. When deciding a page name, I wanted something that would represent how I felt or the situation that captive whales are in. I wanted something that people could remember. So, I decided to name my Instagram page @whale_jail_. I chose this name because I feel like putting whales in captivity is similar to putting them in jail. Their enclosures are very small, and they are unable to live the way they normally would which to me is very similar to what our human jails are like. I think that if people were to scroll past this page and see the name it’s something that would possibly intrigue them or make them curious and decide to look at the page. I also liked

that this was a sort of catchy title since it rhymed so I thought it would be a perfect name for the page. I wanted my page to be something that would help raise awareness. That’s why some of my pictures I decided to post are statistic images. I think that these are helpful to show people things such as how many whales have died in Sea World and other facts. These posts are meant to be eye opening. All of these things that I have previously mentioned are meant to influence my audience. The use of hashtags is meant to bring in people who are wanting to be educated on this topic or agree with my point of view. The username I created is meant to make people curious and draw them in. The use of statistics is meant to make the audience realize the negativity of captivity.

Works Cited

“About PETA's Campaign Against SeaWorld.” SeaWorld of Hurt, www.seaworldofhurt.com/about/. (How much space an orca has at Sea World)

CBS News. “Killer Whales.” CBS News, CBS Interactive, 8 Jan. 2019, www.cbsnews.com/pictures/killer-whales-orcas/15/. (Collapsed dorsal fin picture)

Peta. “R.I.P. Kayla. You Deserved so Much Better. #SeaWorld Has Been Open for 54 Years, and Now 42 Orcas Have Died on Their Watch Learn More about Kayla's Life and Death at SeaWorld: Https://T.co/jETbCm5oah Pic.twitter.com/dNpK4MkwEE.” Twitter, Twitter, 29 Jan. 2019, twitter.com/peta/status/1090293736926601217.

“Statistics Regarding Captive Orca | Captive Orca | Orcas in Captivity, Sea World, Save the Whales.” Pinterest, www.pinterest.com/pin/490892428103016267/?lp=true. (Statistics image from Animal Welfare Institute)

Wright, Suzi. “Empty the Tanks.” Facebook, www.facebook.com/EmptyTheTanksOfficial/....

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