RL APEuni - P F nnfnffnd fnfnfnfnf PDF

Title RL APEuni - P F nnfnffnd fnfnfnfnf
Author Abdul Haseeb Arif
Course Biofizika
Institution Pécsi Tudományegyetem
Pages 8
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RL Done 0 , Found 31 Questions Predict Time: 2020.02.01 - 2020.02.29 Repeat Rate: 84% Info: This month's exam prediction from APEUni 258 Transcript: But Aristotle says the reason we need rhetoric is we have to be able to use it. To use rhetoric influence the ramble, we try to get them to understand truth. Truth is suggest ... is different than XX Rhetoric is the dressing, is the body, right? Truth is the spirit, is the soul, is abstract. It doesn't have a body. It's not particular. If you wanna get somebody to the truth, you might have to use some kind of tricks. Right? Because most of people are not sound and can see the truth. That's what we think. Most people are rambles. Really. Only the educated be erudite are actually capable of seeing the truth. If you wanna get the general mass there, you may have to do a little bit. So Aristotle that is rhetoric. Rhetoric is something that is used to influence people. Right? And it's a kind of mentally promised a logic. 253 Transcript: Can we never get to absolute zero? What a wonderful question. I wish I had a wonderful answer to go with it. Here is the problem, there is actually a law of physics called the third law of thermodynamics, that says you cannot get to the absolutely zero, but we don’t really know it’s true, but we are pretty sure it is for the following reason: every time you think of some way of cooling something down a little bit, it means you try to get energy out of that thing and make the temperature lower. Well if you can get energy out, usually there is a way that the energy can go in as well. And that always means there is a competition between taking the energy out and putting the energy in. Now you can try to make it, so you are favoring getting energy out, but you can’t completely stop the energy from going in and that means you might be able to get colder and colder, but you won’t be able to get all the way to absolute zero. Could we go back to my power point, because I think that one of these slides will illustrate that point a little bit better. Yes, here, remember the logarithmic thermometer? There is no zero on this logarithmic thermometer, just keeps going down, you make it a fact of 10 colder, you’re not a zero. You make it a fact of 10 colder, you’re still not a zero. You make it a fact of 10 colder, you’re still not a zero. So, you start a million of a degree, now you are 10 millions of a degree, now you are 100 millions of a degree. Now you are billions of degree. You never get to zero that way. You get closer and closer, but you never get to zero. So that’s why we cannot get to absolute zero. 252 Transcript: Well, there’s a number of ways to think about what dimensions are. I hope we all know where three dimensions are, which you can say are left, right; forward, backward; up, down. And if you think about it, three . we say there are three dimensions of space. And sometimes we need three coordinates to locate some objects in space. So, you can say longitude, latitude and altitude. So if there were more dimensions, you would need more coordinates. Now of course for whatever reason we are not physiologically designed to observe those dimensions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. One way of thinking about it is, Maybe the best way of thinking about it is the way that someone named Edwin Abbott did it in the late 19th century in a book called flatland. And he said suppose there were two dimensional creatures living in a two dimensional universe. They would have the same trouble conceptualizing three dimensions that we have when we try to conceptualize more than three, such as four. And so, he asked questions like, “What would observers in this two dimensional universe see, say, if a three dimensional object like a sphere passed through the universe?” And what this flatland universe would see would be a series of disks that grow in size and then decreased in size. In the same way that we can certainly think about a two dimensional world inside a three dimensional world, it could be that we observe three dimensions but really there are more. And if a hyper sphere say a four dimensional sphere passed through our universe, we would see a series of spheres that grew in size and then decreased in size. The fact that we don’t observe those extra dimensions doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And they are hard to conceptualize. They certainly are hard to visualize. But we can think about them mathematically and conceptually without too much trouble. 199 Transcript: The comics I show you with lots of people chatting around in a room is a form of description. We use different kinds of methods to describe a situation. Sometimes we have to use visual description, particularly when we do not witness the scenario. I was born during the Second World War and my hometown is X, for example when I asked my mother about the war, I always ask her you have mentioned this or that when you talked to me when asked her about the shelter, I asked her what the shelter looks like and when did you go to the shelter. From her response I could get more visual evidence as I can to write my book. 235 Transcript:

Our civilization, which subsumes most of its predecessors, is a great ship steaming at speed into the future. It travels faster, further, and more laden than any before. We may not be able to foresee every reef and hazard, but by reading her compass bearing and headway, by understanding her design, her safety record, and the abilities of her crew, we can, I think, plot a wise course between the narrows and bergs looming ahead. And I believe we must do this without delay, because there are too many shipwrecks behind us. The vessel we are now aboard is not merely the biggest of all time; it is also the only one left. The future of everything we have accomplished since our intelligence evolved will depend on the wisdom of our actions over the next few years. Like all creatures, humans have made their way in the world so far by trial and error; unlike other creatures, we have a presence so colossal that error is a luxury we can no longer afford. The world has grown too small to forgive us any big mistakes. 230 Transcript: With over 40 years unrivaled experience and a worldwide reputation, BSI leads the way in testing and certification of fire safety products. Based on our dedicated labs in Hemel Hempstead, our team provides BSI kitemark and Cee testing and certification for a broad range of products, including fire extinguishers, hoses, alarm panels, and heat and smoke detectors. We help clients to gain access into the European market by ensuring that products meet all the CE mark requirements. And we are familiar with the market access regulations of most countries across the world, enabling customers to enter markets globally. The BSI kitemarket is categorized as a British super brand and acknowledged the world over as a symbol of trust, integrity, and quality. It provides the reassurance that vital product safety and performance requirements have been met. Our team subject each product to a rigorous set of tests along with robust production control audits designed specifically to ensure that they perform two required standards of safety and quality. We test for compatibility of fire detection and fire alarm system components to ensure that they're compatible and connectable. This service meets the growing requirement of European regulatory authorities to meet national installation guidelines. We also perform tests on individual detection components. Fire suppression products such as fire extinguishers are subjected to rigorous tests designed to ensure that they're effective, safe and capable of performing in environments and conditions in which they're stored and used. The symbols for BSI kitemark and C certification represent quality, safety, and trust. For specifiers, they demonstrate a commitment to best practice procurement. And for the public, they provide the reassurance that fire safety products are effective and reliable. 191 Transcript: Thermodynamics is simply defined as the branch of physics that deals with the conversion of different forms of energy, and the relations between heat and various energy forms such as mechanical, electrical or chemical energy. Kinetics deals with the actions of forces that cause various motions (also known as dynamics) and it is concerned with the rate of reactions. Temperature is the average kinetic energy within a given object. Thermal energy is defined as the total of all kinetic energies within a given system. It is important to remember that heat is caused by flow of thermal energy due to differences in temperature (heat flows from object at higher temperature to object at lower temperature), transferred through conduction/convection/radiation. Additionally thermal energy always flows from warmer areas to cooler areas. Energy occurs in many forms, including chemical energy, thermal energy, electromagnetic radiation, gravitational energy, electric energy, elastic energy, nuclear energy, and rest energy. These can be categorized in two main classes: potential energy and kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the movement energy of an object. Kinetic energy can be transferred between objects and transformed into other kinds of energy. Kinetic energy may be best understood by examples that demonstrate how it is transformed to and from other forms of energy. For example, a cyclist uses chemical energy provided by food to accelerate a bicycle to a chosen speed. On a level surface, this speed can be maintained without further work, except to overcome air resistance and friction. The chemical energy has been converted into kinetic energy, the energy of motion, but the process is not completely efficient and produces heat within the cyclist. Sample answer: Thermodynamics is simply defined as the branch of physics that deals with the conversion of different forms of energy. Kinetics deals with the actions of forces that cause various motions (also known as dynamics). Thermal energy is defined as the total of all kinetic energies within a given system. Kinetic energy may be best understood by examples that demonstrate how it is transformed to and from other forms of energy.

184 Transcript: Protons are finally transferred to the LHC (both in a clockwise and an anticlockwise direction) where they are accelerated for 20 minutes to 6.5 TeV. Beams circulate for many hours inside the LHC beam pipes under normal operating conditions. For each collision, the physicist's goal is to count, track and characterize all the different particles. The charge of the particle, for instance, is obvious since particles with positive electric charge bend one way and those with negative charge bend the opposite way. Also the momentumof the particle can be determined. Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the world's largest particle accelerator lies in a tunnel. The LHC is a ring roughly 28km around that accelerates protons almost to the speed of light before colliding them headon. Protons are particles found in the atomic nucleus, roughly one thousand-million-millionth of a meter in size. The LHC starts

with a bottle of hydrogen gas, which is sent through an electric field to strip away the electrons, leaving just the protons Electric and magnetic fields are the key to a particle accelerator. 173 Transcript: Determinant, human behavior is affected by internal and external factors. At the end of lecture, the speaker mentioned that psychologists are interested in explaining human behavior. Determinant is influenced by two factors, the personal factors which are internal and the environmental factors which are external. The personal factors include people's belief on certain things and their individual thinking about it, while the environmental factors include temperature, air pressure and the others' thinking about them. In conclusion, one's determinants are affected by both himself and the environment. Sample answer: This lecture is about determinants of human behavior. It is affected by both internal and external factors. At the end of lecture, the speaker mentioned that psychologists are interested in explaining human behavior. Generally, the personal factors are considered to be internal and environmental factors are external. Personal factors include people’s belief on certain things and their individual thinking about it, while the environmental factors include temperature, air pressure and the others’ thinking about them. In conclusion, human behavior is affected by both himself and the environment. 167 Transcript: Today, we will discuss the relationship between the fault lines in the Earth's crust and an earthquake. This dislocation of the rock occurs from the Earth's surface, seven kilometers to several hundred kilometers vertically down to the crust. The earthquake's focus is called epicenter which is vertically beneath the interior of the Earth's crust and the energy releases and transfers through epicenter. The faults are the fracture on the Earth's crust. The position of the epicenters can be identified by the faults' maps, looking down from the center of the Earth. It will result in seismic wave which is decreased as it moved away from the epicenter. 165 Transcript: During this time my goals are going to be to talk about the phenomenon that we may share impart with other animals, and our language and that is emotion. And also talk about some new technology, brain imaging, functional magnetic imaging. And we try to answer some very old questions about howls does motivation and emotion work. I’m going to put you with the scenario first and some of you may be familiar with. This was developed by Pavlov over a century years ago. And in this scenario the dog presented with the sound, the dog waits, and then feeds food powder and this happened repeatedly, things starts to happen in the middle of the experiment there. Interesting things start to happen here. Pavlov’s study was salivation the dog, the salivation increases more time to paralyzes. But other things happened here, too. You have a dog move around here more, all kinds of things are going on here. What we trying to capture was the experiment 11m going on to describe today is what is going on in the brain to generate that state which we called it competitive state. But you can also think about state in terms of how the dogs' feeling layer, how you feeling about eating lunch today. 164 Transcript: Today we’re going to recount heroic tales of superhuman feats of strength, when in the face of disaster, some people are said to have summoned up incredible physical power to lift a car off of an accident victim, move giant rocks, or like Big John of song, single-handedly hold up a collapsing beam to let the other miners escape. Are such stories true? There are many anecdotes supporting the idea, but we’re going to take a fact-based look at whether or not it truly is possible for an adrenalin-charged person to temporarily gain massive strength. In proper terminology, such a temporary boost of physical power would be called hysterical strength. The stories are almost always in the form of one person lifting a car off of another. In one case in Colorado in 1995, a police officer arrived at a single-car accident where a Chevy Chevette ended up on top of a baby girl and sank into the mud. The officer lifted the car and the mother pulled the girl out. In 2009, a man in Kansas lifted a Mercury sedan off of a six-year-old girl who had been trapped underneath when it backed out on top of her. In 1960, a Florida mom lifted a Chevy Impala so that a neighbor could pull out her son, who had become trapped when he was working on the car and his jack collapsed. There’s even the case where the MD 500D helicopter from Magnum, P.I. crashed in 1988, pinning the pilot under shallow water; and his burly friend (nicknamed Tiny) ran over and lifted the one-ton helicopter enough for the pilot to be pulled out. And, of course, the list goes on, and on, and on. In each of these cases, some aspect of leverage or buoyancy probably played some role in reducing the magnitude of the feat to something more believable. And even lifting many cars by several inches still leaves most of its weight supported by the suspension springs. But our purpose today is not to "debunk" any of the specific stories. The majority of them are anecdotal, and interestingly not repeatable; in many cases, the person who summoned the superstrength later tried it again only to find that they couldn’t do it. Basically, what we have is a respectably large body of anecdotal evidence that suggests that in times of crisis, danger, or fear, some people have the ability to temporarily exercise superhuman strength. 163 Transcript:

All of my research and that I conducted was my 60 plus graduate students, was motivated by their need to learn, so that we can teach. Of course, in some inventions happened along the way but I've always considered the end the result. And I always consider that this invention to be byproduct, byproducts of the learning process. The end product for me was always better understanding or when one really succeeded in unifying theory that can help us in teaching the subject. I've also looked at teaching as a vehicle to try new ideas, of new ways to doing things on an intelligent group of learners. That is as the vehicle for the teaching research results. And in my experience, this kind of teaching is the most stimulated and motivating to students. I am also uncovered many interesting research problems is the cause of teaching assumption. It is this unity of research and teaching their close connection and the benefits gathered by exercising and the interplay that to me recognized the successful professor. 159 Transcript: In 1943, what became known as the Green Revolution began when Mexico, unable to feed its growing population, shouted for help. Within a few years, the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations founded the International Rice Research Institute in Asia, and by 1962, a new strain of rice called IR8 was feeding people all over the world. IR8 was the first really big modified crop to make a real impact on world hunger. In 1962 the technology did not yet exist to directly manipulate the genes of plants, and so IR8 was created by carefully crossing existing varieties: selecting the best from each generation, further modifying them, and finally finding the best. Here is the power of modified crops: IR8, with no fertilizer, straight out of the box, produced five times the yield of traditional rice varieties. In optimal conditions with nitrogen, it produced ten times the yield of traditional varieties. By 1980, IR36 resisted pests and grew fast enough to allow two crops a year instead of just one, doubling the yield. And by 1990, using more advanced genetic manipulation techniques, IR72 was outperforming even IR36. The Green Revolution saw worldwide crop yields explode from 1960 through 2000. 158 Transcript: But when we move into working with communities, we have to recognize that the communities have to be the authority in their language. Actually a woman in the class I’m teaching at Sydney at the moment, a career woman, expressed this very nicely, although she was talking about something else, she was distinguishing expertise from authority. And certainly linguists because of our training we do have expertise in certain very narrow areas of language, but we don’t have the authority over what to do with that knowledge or what to do with other knowledge that the community produces. I guess for me the bottom line is languages are lost because of the dominance of one people over another. That’s not rocket science, it’s not hard to work that out. But then what that means is if in working with language revival we continue to hold the authority, we actually haven’t done anything towards undoing how languages are lost in the first place, so in a sense the languages are still lost if the authority is still lost. 150 Transcript: As Joanne pointed out, only one country, tiny between China and little Bhutan, wedged the Gross National India, has adopted central index of Happiness as the government policy, and actually has a good deal of success in education and in health and in economic growth and in environmental preservation. They have a rather sophisticated way of measuring the e...

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