Role of education in national integration PDF

Title Role of education in national integration
Course Teacher Education
Institution Jamia Millia Islamia
Pages 7
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There are several dissolving variables that are posing a threat to our nation's cohesiveness. Casteism, communalism, classism, religionism, provincialium, politicalism, linguism, economic and social inequality, and unemployment are all examples of these variables. Unless we can overcome these collap...


Role of education in national integration

Introduction: There are several dissolving variables that are posing a threat to our nation's cohesiveness. Casteism, communalism, classism, religionism, provincialium, politicalism, linguism, economic and social inequality, and unemployment are all examples of these variables. Unless we can overcome these collapsing forces. Our country's integrity is nowhere to be found. The extent to which a nation's citizens develop a sense of nationalism determines whether it rises or falls. As a result, in all conceivable methods and means, this feeling should be nurtured and enhanced in each individual. Education is the most potent and effective tool for achieving this goal. Countries such as Japan, China, Russia, Italy, and Germany have constructed their education systems in such a way that they have become world leaders. Using education as a potent tool for national integration is what education for national integration entails. If we are to preserve and improve our hard-won freedom, integration must continue and be strengthened. Education is the only efficient means of sowing the seeds of togetherness from the start, allowing us to gradually overcome any hurdles.

Education's Goals for National Integration: The following are the goals of education for national integration: 1. To help the youngster develop an emotionally integrated personality. 2 To instil in students an attitude of self-sacrifice and tolerance. 3. To instil in the kids the value of unity in difference. 4. To teach pupils that they have responsibilities and duties for the country's progress. 5. To instil a sense of patriotism and affection for one's homeland. 6, To instil patriotism and nationalism in students by educating about our country's great leaders. 7. To cultivate democratic citizenship and leadership skills in the youth children. 8. To encourage children to participate in activities that promote national integration.

Education's Role in National Integration:

In India, education plays a critical role in achieving unity in diversity. In reality, each country formulates its own educational goals and structures in accordance with its unique demands and requirements. In the following method, we can use "education" as a potent tool for national integration.

1. National System of Education: We need a national system of education to ensure educational uniformity, which is critical to the country's integration. However, there are significant differences in the educational systems of different Indian states. This is due to the fact that education is a government-run programme. To develop an efficient national education policy, strong coordination between the centre and the states is required. National integration will not be achieved unless plans are made to provide uniform education throughout the country, according to the Kothari Commission (1564 66). As a result, the government has announced a 10+2+3 education system to promote national integration in the country. Prime Minister Rajive Gandhi supported the establishment of a uniform national education system throughout the country in order to promote national integration. Such a consistent educational system can

address issues such as entrance, institution recognition, scholarships, and other issues.

2. Curriculum Redesign: Curriculum can help us attain our nation's objectives. All of the knowledge, experiences, and activities that a kid gets in school, class, library, laboratory, playground, and study tour are included in the curriculum. As a result, the curriculum has to be changed. It should cover a wide range of topics and activities in order to promote national integration. The curriculum in schools and colleges should be re-oriented to meet the needs of a secular state.

This strives to bring the country closer together. Primary School: At the primary school level, the curriculum should include the following: (I)

Poems and stories


Social Studies


National anthem and other patriotic tunes Science education liberates us from narrow-mindedness.

The nation's togetherness is being shattered. Science knowledge opens our inner sight and broadens our intellectual thinking, both of which are beneficial to national integration. Language teaching: Students should be encouraged to study multiple languages. It will strengthen our country's cohesiveness. We stay away from narrowmindedness by knowing several languages. To avert extinction, every Indian language should be given enough room to thrive. Teaching of art, literature, and music: The importance of art, literature, and music in the development of national consciousness and integration cannot be overstated. These topics broaden one's perspective and help to eliminate narrowness. "Art Galleries and Museums in a Great City are like windows that look out, in the larger, eicher, and deeper aspects of life," says Pt. Jawaher Lal Nehru. Literature is a vital tool for fostering national unity. It's a mirror that tells the storey of a society's rise and demise. It is a reflection of the national psyche. Music is a powerful tool for emotional integration. Moral Education is Never Taught: No religion in the world teaches violence or hatred. However, history shows that more blood has been lost in the name of

religion than for any other reason. As a result, appropriate religions and moral education should be offered to children in order to instil moral character traits such as tolerance, honesty, and truthfulness. Moral education should be included in the curriculum to help establish national character, which is critical for national integration in multi-religious countries like India. Adult Education: There are several major forces that erode a nation's unity, including illiteracy and ignorance. National integration is impossible in such circumstances. As a result, every adult should be educated, and adults should be 100 percent literate in order for them to grasp the need of national integration. Adult education is critical, and its programme should be structured around national integration.


English should not be supported as a medium of instruction since it exacerbates the divide between educated and illiterate people. This isn't the way to go when it comes to national integration. At all levels of education, regional languages should

be used as the medium of instruction. Culture may be efficiently transferred through regional languages, fostering a sense of national unity....

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