Role of Internet of Things Discussion PDF

Title Role of Internet of Things Discussion
Course Understanding Technology
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 1
File Size 21.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Ques t i on Mak eanor i gi nal s ubs t ant i v epos tont hef ol l owi ngt opi c :   

Whati st heI nt er netofThi ngs( I o T)andwhyi si tr el ev antt omanagi ng t echnol ogi cal s y s t ems ? Whatr ol edoy ouseei tpl ay i ng? Anc hory ouropi ni onwi t hatl eas tonedi r ectr ef er enc ef r om t hebook( Chapt er 3) . MyAns wer

TheI nt er netofThi ngsi sa" s y s t em ofi nt er r el at ed[ t hi ngs ]t hathav et heabi l i t yt ot r ans f er dat aov eranet wor kwi t houtr equi r i nghumant ohumanorhumant oc omput er i nt er ac t i on"( page51) .Thi sal l owspeopl et ofi ndt hei nf or mat i ont heyneedonc er t ai n t opi csands omuc hmor e.TheI nt er netofThi ngshast r ul ybeenamaj oradv ancement i nt echnol ogy .Ther eas onIs ayt hi si sbec auseev er yt hi ngwedoi nt hewor l dt odayi s us ual l yt hr ought hei nt er net .Ofcour s et her ear es omet hi ngst hatwedonotneedt he i nt er net ,butmos tofwhatwedoonaday t odaybas i si nc l udest hei nt er net .Someone whot r av el sal oti nt hec art endst ous eGPSwhi c hus est hei nt er net .I nadoc t or ' s offic et hec omput er sar econnec t edt oget herwhi c hus est hei nt er net .Ther ear es o manydi ffer ente x ampl esofhowt hedi ffer entt hi ngswedoar econnec t edt hr ought he I nt er netofThi ngs . TheI nt er netofThi ngsdefi ni t el ypl ay samaj orr ol ei nt hewor l dwel i v ei nt oday .I nt he t ex t bookt her ei saquot e,onpage51,t hatsa y s ," Weal r eadyhav eel ect r oni c s embeddedi nmanyofourdevi cesandc onnect i ngt hem t oget heri nus ef ul way si st he nex ts t ep" .It hi nkt hati ti si mpor t antt ok eept hati nmi nd.Ther ear es omanydi ffer ent dev i cest hatweus et hr oughoutt hedayt hatar ebei ngconnec t edt oget her .Forex ampl e, t hi swebs i t ei sconnec t i ngourdev i cest hr ought hei nt er netr i ghtnow.Wear eabl et o s eepr et t ymuc ht hes amet hi ngs ,ot hert hanwhats omeonei st y pi ngbef or et heys ubmi t t hei rpost .Thi si sonl yex ampl ewhatt her ol et heI nt er netofThi ngsi s ,i nmyopi ni on. Ther ear es omanydi ffer entr ol est hatt heI nt er netofThi ngshas ,butt hi si st hebi ggest onet hatIcant hi nkof( connec t i ngourdev i cest hr ought hewebs i t eswear evi ewi ng) ....

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