Sample interview questions The Calgary Family Assessment Model 18F PDF

Title Sample interview questions The Calgary Family Assessment Model 18F
Course Family Centered Care
Institution University of Ottawa
Pages 7
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Sample questions for family interview ...


The Calgary Family Assessment Model: Possible Interview Questions Section A: Structural Assessment Internal Structure: Family Composition: Could you tell me who is in your family? Who do you live with? Is there anyone else whom you think of as family who does not live with you or is not biologically related? Gender: What effect did your parents’ ideas of masculinity & femininity have on your own ideas of male and female? If your parents had different ideas about male and female behavior, how might it have changed your relationship with them and others? Sexual Orientation : At what age did you first engage in sexual activity? If you were told one of your children/family members was gay/lesbian, how would it change your interaction with them? Rank Order: How many siblings do you have? Are you the oldest or where are you? Do you think there are any differences in being a first child, middle child? Subsystems : Are there different subgroups in your family? Do these sub- systems (groups) affect your larger family? Boundaries : Who do you talk to when you feel stressed? When feeling happy? When feeling sad? External Structure: Extended Family: Where do your parents live and how often do you have contact with them? What about your brothers or sisters? Which family members do you never see? Which of your relatives are you closest to? Larger Systems: How many agencies regularly interact with you? (e.g. work, welfare, courts, health care ) Who thinks that your family needs to be involved with these agencies? Who is opposed? How is your working relationship with these agencies?


Context Ethnicity: What does health mean to you? Do you have traditional health practices passed down in your family? If so, what are they? Race: Is there anything I need to know about your race to be more helpful to you? Social Class: How many times have you moved in the past 5yrs? How does your money situation influence your use of healthcare resources? Religion/Spirituality: Are you involved with a church, temple, synagogue or any other religious center? Are your spiritual beliefs a resource for you? …for others in your family? Who among your family members would be most encouraging of your use of your spiritual beliefs as a coping method?...who would be most against it? Environment: On a scale of 1 to 10 how comfortable are you in your neighborhood? Are there community services that you would like to learn more about? What community services, if any, does your family use? Part B: Developmental Assessment (Questions below are for Families with Young Children’ stage) What percentage of your time do you spend taking care of your children? What percentage do you spend taking care of your relationship? Is this a comfortable balance for the two of you? How has having children changed your relationship? Part C: Functional Assessment Instrumental Functioning (ADL): Tell me about your regular daily routine? Are there any special circumstances that affect your daily activities? (e.g. illness, disability) Expressive Functioning: Emotional Communication: Who in the family tends to start conversations about feelings? How can you tell when your spouse is sad/mad?


Verbal Communication What ways have you found for you and your spouse to have good, direct communication? Who among your family is the most clear and direct when communicating verbally? Nonverbal Communication: Who in your family shows the most distress over issues? How do they show it? Circular Communication: You mentioned that your husband( boyfriend, parents, girlfriend?) frequently makes demands on you. How does this make you respond? Problem Solving : How does your family solve problems? Who notices the problems first? What steps do you take to solve it? Roles: Who does the household chores? To whom do your family members go to when they need to talk? Who is responsible for initiating contact with relatives? Beliefs: How much control does your family have over your chronic illness? How much control does your chronic illness have over your family? What has been the most helpful thing health professionals have offered you to deal with your chronic illness?...least helpful?


NSG3111- Family seminar - Sample data collection tool Family composition/Structural assessment (to be modified for data collection during interviewplease note- it does not include each question listed above so you will need to add more to the tool if using for your home visit simulation interview. Could you tell me who is in your family? (make a genogram) Who do you live with? Is there anyone else that you would say is your “family” who does not live with you or is not biologically related? How many siblings do you have? Are you the oldest? Has it played a role in your life (being 1st, 2nd or 3rd...) Who has more responsibility for the care of your children. Would you say it’s an equal role? Who looks after baby more and does husband look after older sibling more? Tell me about your daily routine? How are chores divided? And activities? Activities of children as well? Any disruptions/ disabilities? What percentage of your time is spent taking care of your children? Baby sitter? What percentage of your time do you spend on your relationship? How is your relationship? 4

How does having children affect our relationship? Sexual relationship? If you are feeling emotional, for example, or stressed, angry, scared or upset who do you confide in? Do you and your spouse pick up on each other’s emotions? How is your communicationclear, direct, miscommunication? If there is an issue, do you feel that you and your family can communicate and solve the problem? Are you able to adapt and change for eth better? Can you give an example?

Example- an issue when the new baby was born with the older sibling? Client’s example:

What does health mean to you? Any traditional health practices? Do you enjoy where you live? If so, tell me why? Is the neighbourhood safe? Close to service to provide to your family? Family (grandparents) live close by? How long have you lived in your home for? Where did you grow up? 5

Where did your spouse grow up? How do you feel about your income? Does it influence your daily lives? (limit resources like health care, or stop you from enjoying the extra things in life? Does religion play a part in your family? Could you explain to me what your religion is? What do you believe it? What are your values? Does your religion play a big part of your family’s life? If your family is not religious or spiritual could you think of anything that is of value to you that you and your family follow? Rules, manner, rights from wrongs.



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