Sample/practice exam 13 February 2020, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 13 February 2020, questions and answers
Course Electronics Engineering
Institution De La Salle University
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UNIT 5: THEORIES OF EVOLUTIONReview Notes Which among the following is the longest in terms of time covered? Eon A farmer is breeding two cows for their capacity to produce milk. What mechanism is shown here? Artificial selection You are observing the assemblage of fossils found within a single rock...


UNIT 5: THEORIES OF EVOLUTION Review Notes 1. Which among the following is the longest in terms of time covered? Eon 2. A farmer is breeding two cows for their capacity to produce milk. What mechanism is shown here? Artificial selection 3. You are observing the assemblage of fossils found within a single rock layer. You noticed that there are numerous mollusks, invertebrates, and echinoderms. No other animal groups are seen, however. Based on just the fossils you observed when do you think this rock layer may have formed? Paleozoic era 4. You are studying the assemblage of animals within a marine habitat. Which among the following do you think are adaptations that can help in that specific ecosystem? Salt tolerance and aquatic respiration 5. You have been told that a certain population in your study site underwent allopatric speciation. Which among the following should you focus on in order to study the cause of the speciation? Mountain range 5.1 Development of Evolutionary Thoughts 1. Who among the following Greek philosophers was a student of Plato and is known as one of the earliest naturalists? Aristotle 2. Which among the following is not a work of Aristotle? Historia Plantarum 3. Which of the following is a work by a Basran scholar that contained early ideas regarding what would eventually be known as natural selection? Kitab al-Hayawan 4. Which among the views about the natural world did not come from St. Thomas Aquinas? Creation myths should not be taken literally, and instead, be reconciled with science. 5. Which of the following texts proposed the possible origin of humans from monkeys? Muqaddimah 6. You want to study old texts to relate to your study of the reproduction of fish and the development of how science understands the topic. Which among the following texts would be the best for that topic? De Generatione Animalium 7. You have cited multiple ancient works in your text, and you realized that some of these contain the topic of spontaneous generation. Which among the following should you remove from your citations to eliminate the topic of spontaneous generation? De Buffon’s work 8. You are reading a text about Lamarck’s work. Which of the following are likely claims that the text may make? 9. You are reading the Kitab al-Hayawan, and you wonder which texts could have possibly influenced the work. Which among the following texts could definitely not have influenced Kitab al-Hayawan? Naturalis Historia 10.You are reading a text from the 1900s claiming that human origins can be traced from fossils. Whose work most likely influenced this one? Robert Chambers 5.2 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution 1. Which of the following countries is the Galápagos islands part of? Ecuador

2. Who among the following was a geologist who influenced Darwin’s work and supposed that Earth is actually more ancient than what others believe it to be? Charles Lyell 3. Which of the following animals have fossilized remains that were compared by Darwin to modern armadillos? Glyptodonts 4. According to Darwin, rodents from which of the following continents most closely resembled the nutria? South America 5. Which of the following mechanisms refers to the rapid diversification of multiple species from an ancestor? Adaptive radiation 6. You want to determine what organisms are the ancestors of the fish that you are observing for your study. Which of the following steps should you do? 7. You wish to study the distribution of organisms in the Sierra Madre mountain range. You want to focus on how populations are isolated from each other. Which among the following factors should not be taken into account? Geographic location in the mountain range 8. Which among the following statements shows gradualism? The formation of new species in the Galapagos Island due to geographic isolation 9. Which among the following topics are tackled in On the Origin of Species? How genes are transmitted from one generation to another / how individual organism are more likely to evolve 10.You are studying the diet of a specific bird population that was isolated on an island. You noticed that these primarily subsist on hard seeds and tough-shelled fruits. What type of structures would you expect to see in these birds? 5.3 Unified Theory of Evolution 1. Who among the following was a Moravian scientist who experimented on garden peas and established many rules of inheritance by using his experiment’s findings? Gregor Mendel 2. Which of the following terms refers to alterations in DNA sequences? Mutations 3. Which of the following terms refers to the change in the frequency of an allele due to chance factors? Genetic drift 4. Which of the following changes occur in an organism throughout its lifespan? Ontogenetic changes 5. Which of the following fields deals with the distribution of organisms over time? Molecular genetics 6. You want to determine the evolutionary relationship between two similar-looking organisms. Which of the following should you not do? 7. You want to study how traits are passed on within the current and future populations of plants that you are interested in. However, you are only limited to one method. Which among the following must you do? 8. Which among the following statements shows a study involving historical biogeography? 9. Which among the following topics show common descent? 10. Which among the following is a statement that contains an idea that is not included in the unified theory of evolution?...

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