Sample/practice exam 2 February, questions and answers PDF

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Security Guard Training Notes – Learning Journal

Introduction: Training Course Curriculum -

It is a requirement to complete a total of 40 hours of security training in order to be eligible to apply for your security guard license. Emergency Level First Aid is important to cover First Aid/ CPR are mandatory

Practice Quiz 1: 1) What is the minimum number of hours of security training required to obtain a security guard course license? a) 15 b) 25 c) 40 d) 60 2) What is the level of First Aid and CPR training that security guards are required to complete? a) Standard Level b) Emergency Level

Lesson 1: Introduction to the Security Industry The Private Security and Investigative Services Act, regulates the private security industry. Who Requires a Security Guard License? Individuals who patrol premises with intention to provide security Bodyguards, bouncers, concierge, security guards and loss prevention personnel Security guards provide/perform vital functions They protect property, people, and information They keep in mind the crime detection and deter efforts of law enforcement Most guards job is to act as a deterrent to crime Watch danger and report crimes, they encounter; they do not work as police officers or peace officers, they are n prevention business What is a Concierge? A keeper of the keys at public buildings, i.e. hotels Present friendly customer service attitude Control access points Assist in reporting hazards Serving as visual deterant for small incidents What is a Security Guard? Person who is paid to protect one’s property or people They are uniformed and act properly by maintaining a high visibility presence What is a Loss Prevention Guard? Officers who work covertly in retail locations to identify suspicious behavior Write down daily reports What is a Private Investigator? Private detective or inquiry agent; undertake law services Hired to provide: actions of a person, business of a person, or whereabouts of a person

Practice Quiz 2: 1) The Private Security and Investigative Services Act, 2005 (PSISA) regulates the private security industry? a) True b) False 2) Who from the options below require a security license? (Select all that apply) a) Security Guard b) Private Investigator c) Bouncer d) Bodyguard e) Bartender 3) Security Guards protect which of the following? a) Information b) Property c) People d) Civil complaints 4) Security guards are also police officers. a) True b) False 5) A security guards job is to ________. (Select the options that apply) a) Detect crime b) Investigate Frauds c) Deter crime d) Report incidents General Duties and Responsibilities 

Observe and report any unusual incidents and behavior

Deter and detect crime

Keep good public relations

Respond to emergencies

Control access points and use alarm systems

Patrol and direct Traffic

Find and report safety hazards


Surveillance and Inspections Se c u r i t yGu a r d sc a nc l o s e l ymo n i t o rt h e i ra s s i g ne dl o c a t i o nwi t has u r v e i l l a n c eme t h odt h a ti ss t a t i c ,p a t r ol l e d ,v i s i bl e o rd e t e r r e n t . Se c ur i t yg ua r dsa r er e q ui r e dt opa t r ol si n d us t r i a la n dc o mme r c i a lp r e mi s e st opr e v e n ta ndd e t e c ts i g n so fi n t r us i o n ,a n d t oe ns u r es e c u r i t yo fd o o r s , wi n d o ws , f e n c e ,a n dg a t e s . Enf or c e me nta ndEme r g e nc i e s So met hi n g st oc o ns i d e rf orEn f or c e me nt : Us ev e r b a lwa r n i n g :Wa r nt hei nd i v i d u a lofr u l ei n f r a c t i o n so rv i o l a t i o ns . Ap pr e h e ndo re v i c tv i o l a t o r sf r o mp r e mi s e s :Us ef or c eo n l ywh e nne c e s s a r y So met hi n g st oc o ns i d e rf orEme r g e nc i e s : -

Di r e c t i n gt h ep ub l i ct oa na r e ao fs a f e t y


Con t a c t i n ge me r g e nc yr e s p o n d e r s


At t e mpt i n gt od e t e r mi net h es o u r c eo ft h epr ob l e m

Con t a i n i n gt het h r e a t Abus eo fPo we r I ma g i ne dp o we rc a nb ed a n g e r o u s Us ec a r e f u l l y Se c ur i t yg ua r dsh a v el i mi t e dpo we r st h e yho l d, a pp l yun d e rc i r c u ms t a n c e s

Practice Quiz 3: 1) Security guards can conduct surveillance from both, static or patrolled postings? a) True b) False 2) When conducting inspections and patrols of premises, security guards should ensure security of doors, windows, fences, and gates. a) True b) False 3) How can a security guard enforce the rules of an establishment? (Select all that apply) a) Verbal warning b) Apprehend or evict violators from premises c) Serve a summons on violators to attend court 4) Security guards are not policemen. Therefore, in the case of emergency, security guards are NOT permitted to direct people to safety nor determine the source of the emergency. a) True b) False Te mpe r Gu a r d sa r er e p r e s e nt i n gt h ec l i e nt ,a n dt h a ty oua r ee xp e c t e dt oa c ti napr of e s s i on a lma n n e r De a lwi t hs i t u a t i o nsc a r e f ul l y Ca r e f u lo fy ou rs u r r ou n d i n g s Fai t hi ny o urwor k Ha v ef a i t hi nt h e i rs u p e r i o r s



Mu s t h a v ef a i t hi nt h e ms e l v e s

Practice Quiz 4: 1) Security guards are expected to act professionally? a) True b) False 2) Security guards should be to be fair and just in dealings with people in spite of their personal prejudice. a) True b) False Fr e e dom o fRe l i g i o n Ev e r y on eha st h e i ro wnr i g ht t oh o l dt her e l i g i o usbe l i e fofh i s / he rc h oi c ewi t h o ut f e a ro fd i s c r i mi na t i o norr e pr i s a lo r i n t e r f e r e n c e

Practice Quiz 5: 1) Which section in Canada’s constitution refers to Canadians rights of basic freedoms? a) Section 1 b) Section 2 c) Section 4 d) Section 12 2) All Canadians have freedom of: a) Gang association b) Peaceful assembly c) Criminal selection 3) The concept that everyone has the right to hold the religious belief of his/her choice without fear of discrimination, reprisal or interference is: a) Freedom of Discrimination b) Freedom of Religion c) Freedom of Reprisal

Section 1: Introduction (15 Min Reading Material) The constitution act of 1982 set the charter of rights and freedoms in the constitution which is now considered the highest law in Canada. Canada now had the opportunity to govern its own control and not be governed over British laws. The charter of rights and freedoms lists mans different rights we as Canadians have such as fundamental freedoms, democratic rights, Equality rights, legal rights, and mobility rights.


Lesson 2: The Private Security and Investigative Services Act & Code of Conduct Section 2 – PSISA -

Under this Act, new requirements for licensing, equipment, uniforms, vehicles, training and testing standards came were developed. No person shall act as a private investigator or a security guard or hold himself or herself out as one, unless the person holds the appropriate License under the Act Possess a clean criminal record 18 years or older Able to work in Canada Completed all training

Criminal Record Check Individuals convicted of offences, as set out in the Criminal Record Regulation, will be prevented from obtaining a license unless a pardon has been granted

Practice Quiz 6: 1) Which of the following new requirements came into existence under the PSISA? (Select all that apply) a) Licensing b) Height and weight requirements of guards c) Equipment d) Uniforms e) Training and Testing 2) No person shall act as a private investigator or security guard and hold himself or herself as one unless that person holds the appropriate License under the Act. a) True b) False 3) A clean criminal record is a requirement to apply for a Security Licence? a) True b) False Co deo fConduc t Racism, discrimination and the use of unnecessary force will not be tolerated. Se c ur i t yRe qui r e me nt s Comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws void using excessive force Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on duty A person acting as a Security Guard must be carrying a license on request at all times and must identify himself or herself as a security guard. Se c ur i t yUni f o r m Security guards must be familiar with the uniform regulation. Once a security guard has been issued his/her proper uniform, it is the guards responsibility to ensure that the full uniform is worn to the job site. A contravention in uniform of this regulation could result in fines as well as suspension imposed on the security guard. Prohibited Terms



Your security guard license may be suspended for 3 months should you violate any provision of the Private Security and Investigative Services Act under the Code of Conduct.

Practice Quiz 7: 1) Racism, discrimination and the use of unnecessary force cannot be regulated. a) True b) False 2) Security guards must __________. (Select all that apply) a) Comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws b) Avoid using excessive force c) Not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs while on duty. 3) A conviction for breaching the Ministry Code of Conduct or any other provision of the Act could potentially expose one to imprisonment and/or fines. a) True b) False 4) A person acting as a Security Guard must be carrying a license and must identify himself/herself as a security guard upon request. a) True b) False

Section 2: PSISA (30 Min Research &Assignment) During a club event, a security guard notices two gentleman getting into an altercation in the line up outside over cutting one another off in line. The officer is quick to notice the two individuals were getting much more aggressive as time went on. The security guard makes his way over to the two individuals and ensures the two individuals that they will both receive entrance into the club and that is if their actions do continue he will need to remove them from the line for the safety of the other individuals in line. Lesson 3: Basic Procedures A security guard should always maintain a professional manner Security Procedures: Surveillance This objective is typically achieved by conducting an in-person or remote surveillance of the physical environment. It is important to document any suspicious activity. Access Control Policies Security guards may be required to observe and keep a record of individuals that enter and exit a site.

Practice Quiz 8: 1) A security guard should always maintain a _______________ manner, and exhibit a positive attitude. a) Distant b) Police Like


c) Professional d) Aggressive 2) Security guards may be required to observe and keep a record of individuals that enter and exit a site. a) True b) False 3) Security guards are not expected to document in their notebook any suspicious activity. Security guards are only allowed to document in their notebook when an occurrence occurs. a) True b) False Type so fAc c e s sCont r o l Minimum Access Control Medium Access Control Maximum Access Control Crowd Control Assess the personal risk to the Security Guard in the event of break-out or uncontrolled crowd. Foot Patrol High visibility Ability to access smaller spaces such as stairwell Traffic Violations Security guards are not normally empowered to issue traffic violations under provincial legislation. However by municipal by-laws, security guards and security guard companies may acquire that provision

Practice Quiz 10: 1) Which of the following are advantages of a foot patrol? a) Highly visible b) Knowledge of patterns and characteristics of an area may help anticipate an incident before it becomes more difficult to control c) Difficulty in carrying equipment such as reports, forms, and first-aid kits d) Ability to access smaller spaces such as stairwells 2) Security Guards can serve parking tickets if the security company they are representing applies for the proper license. a) True b) False Ro l eo faSe c ur i t yGuar d -

During the course of your career as a security guard, you will be responsible for a variety of duties. However, your main duties in all situations are to observe, deter, record and report.

Obs e r v e , De t e r ,Re c o r d,Re po r t



Although a Security Guards role may vary, one thing will never change. A security guard’s primary responsibility is to provide protection to personnel, property and information

Practice Quiz 11: 1)A security guards response to a crime on the clients property will be predetermined by the client and security company.

a) True b) False 2) Security Guards main duty in most situations is to observe, deter, record and report.

a) True b) False

3) A security guards primary responsibility is to provide protection to personnel, property and information.

a) True b) False Pa t r o lPo s t -

Static Site Patrol , a security guard is assigned to a specific site for protection, but will also be able to patrol around the property

Orders -

Standing Order


Standing orders are instructions that are of permanent nature and apply to a specific site. Standing orders provide the Security Guard with direction regarding company policies


Post Orders


The post order is a document that delegates the task of security from the property owner to the Security Guard.

Practice Quiz 12: 1)Standing orders are instructions of permanent nature and apply to a specific site. They provide the Security Guard with direction regarding company policies.

a) True b) False 2) Post order is a document that delegates the task of security from the property owner to the Security Guard.


a) True b) False Al c o hol Effects: Addiction, dizziness, nausea, hangovers, slurred speech, disturbed sleep, impaired motor skills, violent behavior Amphe t a mi ne s -


Sings of Amphetamines Overdose: restlessness, tremors, rapid breathing, confusion, hallucinations, panic, aggressiveness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, an irregular heartbeat, and seizures (Excited Delirium)


Drug Type: Stimulant


Effects: Insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, increased body temperature.


Brand Names: Adderall, Desoxyn, Desoxyn Gradumet, Dexedrine, Dexedrine Spansule and DestroStat.


Street Drugs: MDMA, Ecstasy, Speed, Crystal, Ice (crystallized methamphetamine hydrochloride

Co c a i ne -

Drug Name: Cocaine (Coke, snow, nose candy, flake, blow, big C, lady, white, snowbirds)


Drug Type: Stimulant Effects: Addiction, pupil dilation, elevated pressure and heart rate, increased respiratory rate, seizures, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, increased body temperature, violent behavior

Practice Quiz 13: 1) Most individuals under the influence of alcohol will exhibit the effect of slurred speech and loss of fine motor skills. a) True b) False 2) Amphetamine overdose could result in a condition known as Excited Delirium. a) True b) False 3) Excessive use of cocaine could result in Aggressive Behavior. a) True b) False

Section 3: Basic Security Procedures (30 Min Research & Assignment)

9 Lesson 4: Report Writing -

Security guards are required to complete written reports of occurrences, duties performed and comprehensive descriptions of their tasks/observances.

No t eTa ki ng -

The notebook is ultimately the property of the security guard’s employer. Therefore entries should be as legible as possible, with an emphasis on accurate spelling of names and locations. Make sure you write clearly, and use proper grammar.

Oc c ur r e nc eRe por t -

An occurrence report is a point-by-point narration by the security guard indicating what had happened in a given situation

Us eo fFo r c eRe po r t


It is required that the Use of Force Report be completed by the security guard and his/her employer, in the event of physical force used by the security guard Security guards may also be required to fill out the following documents:


Incident reports


Use of Force Reports


Witness Statements


St a t e me nt s -

Verbatim (word for word) transcription of the witness recollection of the event

Practice Quiz 14: 1) The notebook is ultimately the property of the security guards employer? a) True b) False 2) It is required that the Use of Force Report be completed by the security guard and his/her employer, in the event of physical force used by the security guard. a) True b) False 3) The key purpose of taking a statement is to ensure an accurate record of the recollection of an event or occurrence by the witness. a) True b) False

Section 4: Report Writing (30 Min Research & Assignment)

10 Who: Joe smith, Tracy What: male entered the bank wearing dark clothes and a hooded jacket covering his face. He demanded the teller to provide him the money that was in the drawer. The unknown man had indicated that he possessed a gun. The Teller Stacy gave the money at approximately 3:50 pm and the suspect ran off dropping his phone When suspect entered at 3:45 pm, left at 3:50 Where: TD Bank at 56 Jane street in Toronto Why: robber could have been in need of the money and was poor. The teller gave the money to keep herself safe

Lesson 5: Health and Safety -


It sets out the rights and duties of all parties in the workplace. It is mandatory that employers provide safety equipment and materials at the workplace as required under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. It is also required that safety measures and procedures prescribed in the Act are carried out in the workplace The Act came into force on October 1, 1979 The Right to Refuse Work: Workers have the right to refuse work that they believe may be dangerous to either their own health and safety or that of another worker


The Right to Participate: The right to participate through membership on joint Health and Safety committees


The Right to Know: Workers have the right to know about any potential hazards to which they may be

or through worker Health and Safety representatives. exposed. This means the right to be trained and to have information on machinery equipment, working conditions, processes and hazardous substances. -

The Right to Stop Work: In certain circumstances, certified members of a joint Health and Safety committee

have the right to stop work that may be dangerous to any worker. WHIMS is a system which provides worker education and protection from chemicals used in the workplace. The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a legislated system that provides information regarding the dangers and safe handling of materials used in the workplace. WHMI SHa z a r dCl a s s i fic a t i on -

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