Sample/practice exam 2015, questions and answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 2015, questions and answers
Course Human Biology
Institution Macquarie University
Pages 12
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Human Biology Exam...


Example exam questions Saturday, 28 February 2015 11:52 am Plants can polymerize glucose monomers to make: A. Glycogen B. Fatty acids C. Cellulose D. Maltose E. Seeds Nucleic acids such as DNA, contain the following chemical elements: A. Nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, phosperous.

Which one of these are mismatched? A. lysosomes- hydrolytic enzymes B. Mitochondria - cristae C. Flagella - microtubules D. Chloroplasts- thylacine E. Rough endoplasmic reticulum - ribosomes Which is NOT true of the nucleus A. It contains DNA B. It is bounded by a double membrane C. Is it the site of RNA synthesis D. It is found in eukaryotic cells E. It is the site of most protein synthesis Which of these molecules could pass through a plasma membrane by diffusion? A. Glycogen B. Carbon dioxide C. Sodium ions D. Cholesterol E. Proteins Which of the following is not a function of proteins in cell membranes A. Binding with specific hormones B. Carryingout enzymatic reactions C. Producing lipid molecules D. Aiding the transport of molecules into the cell E. Acting as markers of cell identity and recognition

Fatty acids are components of Select one: a. fats and steroids b. steroids and glycerol c. carbohydrates and proteins d. fats and phospholipids e. phospholipids and cholesterol

Plants can polymerize glucose monomers to make: Select one: a. glycogen b. cellulose c. seeds d. fatty acids e. maltose

Which of these cell components is mismatched with its function?

Select one: a. lysosomes - intracellular digestion b. endoplasmic reticulum - site of RNA synthesis c. plasma membrane - regulates import and export of molecules d. cytoskeleton - cell shape and movement e. golgi apparatus - modification of proteins and lipids

Which of these is mismatched? Select one: a. chloroplasts - thylacine b. rough endoplasmic reticulum - ribosomes c. mitochondria - cristae d. lysosomes - hydrolytic enzymes e. flagella - microtubules

Nucleic acids, such as DNA, contain the following chemical elements: Select one: a. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus b. glucose, oxygen, proteins and water c. carbon dioxide, water and salt d. sulfur, carbon, iron, and hydrogen e. carbon, hydrogen, sodium and potassium

Which of the following is most closely associated with protein synthesis? Select one: a. nucleosomes b. centrosomes c. chromosomes d. ribosomes e. lysosomes

What set of terms correctly represents an increasing order of complexity and size in living things? Select one: a. molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organism b. organelle, tissue, cell, organ, individual c. electron, carbon, starch, glucose, maltose d. atom, molecule, organelle, organism, cell e. atom, cell, monomer, polymer, organism

All the following are found in chloroplasts except Select one: a. grana b. thylakoids c. cristae d. chlorophyll e. stroma

Carbon is well suited to be the backbone of organic molecules because Select one: a. it can form buckyballs and nanotubes b. it can be obtained from carbon dioxide in air c. it can form bonds with a large number of other elements

d. its covalent bonds are the strongest known e. it is an organic molecule

Nucleic acids such as DNA are polymers of Select one: a. amino acids b. nucleotides c. fatty acids d. sugars e. monosaccharides The person who originally named 'cells' after observing cork with a microscope was Select one: a. Bert Newton b. Antony van Leeuwenhoek c. Robert Hooke d. Matthias Schleiden e. Charles Darwin A solution is made acidic by the addition of Select one: a. hydroxyl ions b. dissociated water c. electrons d. neutrons e. hydrogen ions

Under the microscope, various organelles can be seen to move rapidly about the cell. What cell components are responsible for the structures and energy associated with this movement? Select one: a. cell membranes and ribosomes b. plasma membranes and channel proteins c. cytoskeleton and mitochondria d. golgi apparatus and lysosomes e. chloroplasts and microtubules

Living things primarily contain the following elements: Select one: a. carbon dioxide, water and salt b. carbon, hydrogen, sodium and potassium ions c. glucose, oxygen, proteins and water d. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen e. sulfur, carbon, iron, and hydrogen

The chemical process by which monomers are linked to form polymers is known as Select one: a. condensation b. peptide bonding c. synthesis d. base pairing e. hydrolysis Bone is one type of A.



Skeletal tissue


Connective tissue


Fibrous tissue



A single layer of rectangular-shaped cells lining a bodies cavity would be A.

An endocrine gland


Stratified cuboidal epithelium


Endothelial pavement


Simple columnar epithelium


A bed of microvilli

A tissue that is hard, rubbery and lacks blood vessles is likelt to be A.





Stratified epithelium




Nervous tissue

Maintenance of the body's internal conditions, such as temperature, pH and blood glucose levels is called A.










Minerals such as iron and magnesium are important parts of the diet because they are often A. Easy to synthesize in cells B. Found in cell membranes C. Cofactors of enzymes D. Broken down to generate energy in the body E. Fund in the centre of structural proteins The end products of photosynthesis are A. Oxygen and water B. Chlorophyll and energy C. Oxygen and carbs D. Carbon dioxide and water E. ATP and oxygen The function of the light reaction in photosynthesis is to A. Synthesize carbon B. Speed up the calvin-benson cycle C. Concentrate carbon dioxide D. Fix CO2 with ribulose -1,5 biposphate Which part of aerobic cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm? A. Electron transport B. The krebs cycle C. Gclycosis D. The transition reaction E. The calvin cycle Which structure stops food entering the trachea? A. The epiglottis Trypsin is principally involved in the digestion of A. Protein B. Carbs C. Lipids D. Starch E. cellulose

The principal functional unit in human kidneys is called A. Convoluted capsule B. Nephron C. Renal cortex D. Loop of henry E. Renal capillary Which of the Following is Mismatched A. Skull - tibia B. Heart - ventricle C. Kidney -nephron D. Lung - alveolus E. Small intestine - ileum Which of the following will increase in concentration in muscle cells during strenuous activity A. Myosin B. Lactic acid C. Glucose D. Actin E. Carbon monoxide Schwann Cells A. Insulate axons with myelin sheath B. Can be black or white C. Supploy growth factors to nerve cells D. Synthesize neurotransmitors E. Clean up cellular debris The structure that connects, and enhances communications between the two hemispheres is called the A. Hypothalamus B. Spinal cord C. Corpus callosum D. Synapse E. Cerebellum

Which of the following is not an endocrine gland? 1. Pituitary gland 2. Pancreas 3. Thyroid gland 4. Adrenal glands 5. Salivary glands

Steroid hormones are lipids, this means that they

a. Must alter receptors on the cell membranes to have an effect

b. Can easily cross the plasma membranes

c. Are transported in lymphatic vessels

d. Can only be composed of fatty acids

e. Can only be injected to hand an effect

Which cells are responsible for cell mediated immunity A. Phagoycytes B. Antigens C. Cytotonic t-cells D. T-lymphhocytes E. Memory cells The chance of rejection of tissues following an organ transplant can be minimized by A. Using tissue from a close relative B. "" from an unrelate species

C. D. E.

Using drugs that enchance the immune system Matching the skin colors of the donor and reciepiend Blood transfusions

Which of the following are genetically identical 1. Two cells resulting from meiosis I 2. Two cells resulting rom mitosis 3. Two cells resulting from meiosis II 4. Two cells from fraternal twins 5. Two gametes While examining a iploid animal cell in metaphase of mitosis, you count 46 chromosones. Which of the following statements could you make A. The cell is from a human B. Sperm from this animal Trace the path of sperm through the female reproductive tract A. Urethra - vagina - uterus - cervix B. Vagina - uterus - ureter - ovary C. Vagina -cervix - uterus - fallopian tube D. Vagina -uterus Which of the following is not a characteristic of testosterons 1. Maintains secondary sex characteristics 2. Necessary for sperm formation 3. Production is controlled by negative feedback 4. Is a protein hormone 5. Responsible for primary male sex characteristics The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) 1. Syntehsizes antibodies 2. Is important in an allergic reaction 3. Encodes a groups pf cell surface proteins 4. Generates completment proteins 5. Consists of Y shaped protein

If one strand of DNA TCGGATGCGATAT, the other strand must be: 1. AGCCTACGCTATA You break down a nucleic acid into component nucleotides and find that 30% of the nucleotides are adenosines what percentage will be guanosines 1. 20% Antibiotics can be used to destroy a bacterial cell’s ribosomes. The immediate effect would be that the cell would not be able to 1. Synthesize proteins Assuming that these mRNA sequences are in the correct reading frame, which of them codes for a homopolymer consisting of one amino acid? 1. CUUUUAUUGCUGCUA

The main function of the acrosome is to Select one: a. improve the streamlining of spermatozoa b. penetrate the cervical mucus c. help the sperm penetrate the egg d. prevent fertilization of other species e. fuse the egg and sperm nuclei

In mitosis, chromatids are pulled apart during Select one: a. metaphase b. anaphase c. cytokinesis d. telophase e. prophase Sperm cells mature in the: Select one: a. epididimys b. cytoplasm c. urethra d. prostate e. uterus Accessory fluids are added to sperm cells by the: 1. seminal vesicle

The function of M and S cyclin/kinase complexes is to: Select one: a. ensure equal numbers of chromosomes go into each daughter cell b. fix carbon dioxide in the Krebs cycle c. break down cyclokinins in the liver d. move organelles around the cell e. control cell division A molecule recognized as foreign by the cells of the immune system is Select one: a. a pathogen b. an immunoglobin c. an antibody d. an antigen e. a vaccination Allergies are associated with immune responses mediated by: Select one: a. IgX b. IgM

c. IgE d. IgA e. IgG Pelvic inflammatory disease in commonly caused by Select one: a. having too much sex b. chlamydia c. syphilis d. HIV e. genital herpes

Two forms of the same gene with different nucleotide sequences are called: 1. Alleles 2. Loci 3. Point mutations 4. Chromatids 5. Nonsense codons Inborn errors of the metabolism occur when: 1. The diet of an individual does not contain essential nutrients 2. The mother is exposed to toxins during pregnancy 3. Individuals possess two defective copies of a gene for an enzyme 4. Individuals are heterozygotes 5. Populations have small numbers of founders

Ribosomal RNA and transfer RNA have similarities to enzymes in that they Select one: a. have complex three dimensional structures b. are produced by translation c. are information bearing molecules d. are produced by transcription e. all participate in the ribosomal complex Which of these mRNA sequences could contain the start of a protein coding sequence? Select one: a. CCAUGCCGCAUCC b. GUAGGCTTATAGC c. AGCCUACGCUAUA d. AGCCTATGCTATA


The function of M and S cyclin/kinase complexes is to 1. Control cell structure Factors that predispose an individual to DNA damage include: exposure to toxins, exposure to heavy metals, radiation exposure, infection with certain viruses

Restriction enzymes A. Recognize and cleave specific DNA sequences If we start with a single DNA molecule how many molecules will we end up with after eight cycles of PCR A. 256 The hypervariable DNA sequences often used for paternity testing and forensics are called Microsatellites Some cloned animals live much shorts than the average lifespan of their species. Why. A. They have short telomeres, suggesting their cellular clock has not been reset Amongst multicellular animals, which group has the most species?

A. Insects Life can exist in the deep ocean because C) bacteria can generate ATP by oxidizing sulphur Two parents with normal vision have a colour-blind son. Which parent is the source of the gene for colour blindness? Select one: a. the father b. two normal parents cannot have a colour-blind son c. the mother d. both parents e. either parent The family Robinson is lost in space and need to populate their newly discovered planet. Unfortunately, the only fertile members of the landing party are Will and Judy, who are brother and sister. They are both heterozygous for the recessive allele for alkaptonuria. What can be said about their children? Select one: a. one quarter of their children will be unable to metabolize phenylalanine

b. one quarter of their children will be unable to metabolize homogentisic acid c. half their children will be alkaptonuric d. all their children will have inborn errors of metabolism e. they will not be able to have any children

Question text Non disjunction of sex chromosomes in just the mother could NOT lead to a child with the genotype: Select one: a. all these genotypes are possible b. XO c. XXX d. XY e. XXY Which describes a virus A. Obligate intracellular parasites that cannot reproduce outside a living cell B. Proteins that catalyse their own structural conversion and damage neurons C. Prokaryotes that invade human tissues and cause infections diseases D. Multicellular eukaryote which can cause infections disease E. Multicellular organisms that can cause chronic infection Which is not true about emerging viruses A. They often originate from wild animal species B. They can spread rabidly through human populations C. They are always spread by mosquitos D. Bats are a resoivoir of many emerging viruses E. They include SAA, avian flue, ebola and hendra viruses

Which of the following is likely to be a recognition site for one of the enzymes used in DNA cloning? Select one: a. ACTGACTG b. GANTG c. CCCTTT d. AATTAA e. GGCGCGCC

A clone is a genetically identical copy of a cell or organism. Which of these is NOT clonal? Select one: a. a group of cells arising from sexual reproduction b. identical twins c. an animal regenerated from a single cell from a donor d. plants propagated by cuttings e. cells arising from mitosis

If the original DNA sequence within a gene is ACGTGTGTC, which of these is a point mutation? Select one: a. ACGTGTGTC b. TGCACACAG c. ACGTGTGTGTC d. ACTGTGTGC e. AGGTGTGTC

of ribosomal RNA genes tells us that the family tree of all living things consists of the following well-defined groups: Select one: a. plants, animals, microorganisms b. eukaryotes, prokaryotes, viruses c. bacteria, archaea, eukarya d. plants, animals, fungi, protists, bacteria e. domains, kingdoms, phyla

Example exam: Which of the following is not an example of biotechnological use of microorganism 1. Cheese making 2. Cleaning up oil spills 3. Mining copper 4. In vitro fertilisation 5. Synthetics of steroids Bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus generate acids that help cure and preserve food. Which of these foods does not involve this in their preparation 1. Cheese 2. Salami 3. Soy sauce 4. Jam 5. Yoghurt...

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