Sample/practice exam 9 June 2017, answers PDF

Title Sample/practice exam 9 June 2017, answers
Course Pharmacy Practice
Institution University of Portsmouth
Pages 6
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Sample/practice exam 9 June 2017, answers...


5x Practise Situational Judgement Tests (SJTs) for ORIEL Assessment centres This practice test paper consists of 

5 questions

10 minutes

On the ORIEL test day, there will be 52 SJTs to be attempted in 104 minutes.

Assessed based on o pass threshold set o only those that meet the threshold will receive an offer

Designed to assess the professional attributes expected of a Pre-Registration Pharmacist in work relevant situations When responding to each scenario you will be asked to place yourself in the role of a Pre-Registration Pharmacist and indicate what you should do in response to the situation presented. Please note that no additional material will be allowed on your person during the SJT, numeracy or MMI assessments. Phones and smartwatches are also prohibited. Within the SJT there will be two types of response format: 

Multiple choice where you will be required to select the three most appropriate actions (out of a total of 8) in response to the scenario

Rank five responses in order of appropriateness in response to the scenario

You will get an overall score for the SJT test. We don’t know how the scoring system will work. Note: Health Education England have published two examples of SJTs. This is available to access at

Oriel Practice Test SJTs 040917

1. You are a pre-registration pharmacist shadowing a surgical ward pharmacist, your supervisor, who is reviewing a patient’s medication on the ward. The patient had an appendectomy earlier in the day. Your supervisor has checked the appropriateness of the patient’s prescription for strong painkillers and advised that it is clinically appropriate. The staff nurse comes to you when your supervisor has left the ward, and challenges his/her checking and refuses to give the medication to the patient.

Choose the THREE most appropriate actions to take in this situation

A. Instruct the nurse to give the medication to the patient B. Discuss with the nurse why she disagrees with the prescription C. Ask your supervisor for advice D. Complete a clinical incident form E. Ask the doctor to cancel the prescription on the nurse's advice F. Speak to the ward manager about the nurse’s behaviour G. Write in the patient notes that the nurse has declined to give the medication H. Ask the clinical team including your supervisor to review the case again

Answer to Q1: BCH Rationale: Ensuring patient safety is key to this scenario. It is important to discuss the nurse's decision with her as there may be something that you have missed when first reviewing the patient (B). Therefore it would also be important to review the patient again (H). Also relating to this is the importance of respecting the views of colleagues and maintaining working relationships, even if there is disagreement. As there has been a disagreement regarding patient care, it is important to seek advice from your supervisor (C).

Answer includes B= 4 marks Answer includes C= 4 marks Answer includes H=4 marks Total= 12 marks Your score=


Oriel Practice Test SJTs 040917

2. You are a pre-registration pharmacist and have been prescribed codeine for persistent back pain which has become worse in the last few weeks. You are the only person in the dispensary picking and labelling the prescription items for your supervisor pharmacist to accuracy check. In the last three weeks and you have noticed that during shifts you are becoming increasingly tired, finding it difficult to concentrate and your performance, as a result, has been less effective. Choose the THREE most appropriate actions to take in this situation. A. Ask a counter assistant colleague to assist with your workload until you finish your codeine prescription B. Make an effort to increase the number of breaks during your next shift C. Stop taking the codeine immediately D. Make an appointment to see your GP E. Review the near misses and error log book to see whether you are making unintended mistakes F. Arrange to speak with your tutor before your next shift and make him/her aware of your situation G. Help yourself by self-medicating with caffeine tablets H. Consider taking some annual leave Answer to Q2: DEF Rationale: This question looks at how you demonstrate commitment to professionalism and self-awareness. The essential problem is that as a pre-registration pharmacist, the level of your clinical performance is dropping. This constitutes a risk to the patients you are caring for and will impose a greater workload on your colleagues. In this circumstance you should inform and seek the advice of your preregistration tutor (F). This matter is most likely to be related to your prescribed medicine and you should therefore consult with your GP (D). It is wise to reflect whether your problems are compromising your practice and in turn impacting on patient safety (E). It is not your place to re-allocate workload (A). Increasing the number of breaks is unlikely to improve the situation that is likely to be due to an adverse effect of a drug (B). You should not make any unilateral decisions about your medical treatment (C) and should seek the advice of others (D). You should not be seeking to use your annual leave (H) to compensate for a medical problem.

Your answer includes D= 4 marks Your answer includes E= 4 marks Your answer includes F=4 marks Total= 12 marks Your score=


Oriel Practice Test SJTs 040917

3. You are a pre-registration pharmacist in a hospital pharmacy. All pharmacists have been called to an emergency meeting and you are left in the dispensary with a senior registered pharmacy technician, Marcus Harewood, and an Assistant Technical Officer (ATO). The ATO takes in an in patient drug chart for a patient on the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and tells Marcus they need the drug on the chart urgently. Marcus dispenses the drug and asks you to check the dose for clinical appropriateness before he sends it to the ward, knowing that you are not fully qualified to do the role. Choose the THREE most appropriate actions to take in this situation A. Agree to check the drug dose in the BNF so that he can send it urgently to the ward B. Explain to Marcus that you can check the dose but ask him not to supply until you can get it second checked by a qualified pharmacist C. Agree to check the dose and allow Marcus to supply the drug D. Refuse to check the dose and let Marcus send the drug without a check E. Contact one of the pharmacists to check the dose F. Ask Marcus to contact the ICU to determine the urgency of the situation G. Contact the ICU and explain that they will have to wait for the drug H. Inform Marcus that he is not following procedure and that you will have to inform his line manager Answer to Q3: BFE Rationale: This situation explores professional limitations, communication and teamwork. You need to explain to Marcus that you are not qualified to perform clinical checks without a pharmacist second checking your work (B). In order to get a pharmacist to check your work it would first be worth assessing the urgency of the situation with the ICU (F) and then contacting a pharmacist (E). Once you have found out the urgency of the situation you can determine whether your check is appropriate or whether a more senior pharmacist need to get involved straight away. As a pre-registration student, it is not appropriate for you to check the dose and for it to be sent to the ward (A). If you agree to check doses without any explanation of your limitations then you may be giving the impression that you do not need double checks (C). If you flatly refuse to do any checks (D) you risk alienating Marcus or worse put him in a position where he feels he needs to supply the drug without any checks. It is not appropriate to tell the ICU to wait without any further information (G).

Your answer includes B= 4 marks Your answer includes F= 4 marks Your answer includes E=4 marks Total= 12 marks Your score=


Oriel Practice Test SJTs 040917

4. You are a pre-registration pharmacist working in a community pharmacy. One of the counter assistants has phoned in sick leaving only one person on the shop floor. You are the only person in the dispensary with the pharmacist. At 1 pm you leave the shop to have some lunch when, passing through the shop floor, you notice that it is a mess. A stock delivery is only half put away. There are delivery boxes all over the floor. Products have fallen on the floor and been left lying there. Shelves are untidy and some products are on the wrong shelves. Rank in order, the appropriateness of the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate). A. Take your lunch break and then on the way back quickly tidy up a few bits and pieces if it’s still in a state B. Go back to the dispensary and ask the pharmacist whether you can be spared for 10 or 15 minutes to help out on the shop floor then take your lunch break C. Go to lunch. The counter assistant probably has it all under control and will deal with it as soon as they are finished serving D. Inform the counter assistant that there is a problem with the presentation of the shop floor E. Inform the pharmacist that there is a problem with the presentation of the shop floor Answer to Q4 BDEAC Rationale: The most effective response is to deal with the situation quickly, keeping relevant people informed and offering your help to the team to resolve the problem (B). By doing this you are removing potential artificial boundaries between the dispensary and counter staff and considering bigger picture of the daily operation. You could inform the counter assistant who has been overseeing the shop floor but they are busy (D) and will not be able to do anything about it especially over the lunchtime period when you are having your rest. You could inform the pharmacist and then go to lunch but again with only the pharmacist and the counter assistant in the store while you are on lunch they are unlikely to be able to resolve the situation until you are back (E). If you try to tidy up the shop floor on the way back (A), you have not let anyone know that there is an issue, there is a risk that customers will be given a bad/unprofessional impression of your pharmacy and you will be late back. By continuing on to have your lunch (C) you are making an assumption that the problem will be dealt with by someone else. This action suggests that you think this issue is someone else’s responsibility.

nking scoring system works. Ideal rank B D E A C Your score=

You ranked 1 4 3 2 1 0

You ranked 2 3 4 2 2 1

You ranked 3 2 3 4 3 2

You ranked 4 1 2 3 4 3

You ranked 5 0 1 2 3 4


Oriel Practice Test SJTs 040917

5. You are a pre-registration pharmacist just finishing a busy shift in a community pharmacy. Your pre-registration tutor is having a day off and there is a locum pharmacist covering. You shut the shop and the locum rushes off asking you to handover several important outstanding issues with prescriptions to your tutor next day. Tomorrow, however, is your day off. Rank in order, the appropriateness of the following actions in response to this situation (1= Most appropriate; 5= Least appropriate). A. Make a list of outstanding issues and pin it to the pharmacy notice board B. Annotate the appropriate patient’s electronic PMR with the outstanding issues C. Make a list of outstanding issues for your tutor, phone them the next day before store opening D. Make a log of outstanding issues and give this to the counter assistant who will be in pharmacy tomorrow, to handover to your tutor E. Cancel your day off Answer to Q5: CDBAE Rationale: This question asks you to demonstrate your commitment to patient care. Although it is not appropriate for trainees to stay for an extensive period of time after their shift ends, on this occasion is important to ensure an effective handover. It is also appropriate to provide information directly to your colleague to ensure they receive it (C) or through your other colleague (D). Annotating it in PMR may also be effective but your tutor may find it too late (B). Pinning it to pharmacy boar, the information may never be noticed ( A). Cancelling your day off should be the last option here given other available methods to deal with the situation.

coring system works. Ideal rank C D B A E Your score=

You ranked 1 4 3 2 1 0

You ranked 2 3 4 2 2 1

You ranked 3 2 3 4 3 2

You ranked 4 1 2 3 4 3

You ranked 5 0 1 2 3 4


Oriel Practice Test SJTs 040917...

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