Sample/practice exam, questions and answers PDF

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PS PSY1 Y1 Y102 02 02:: Fou Foun nda dati ti tions ons of Ps Psyc yc ycho ho holo lo logy gy II Pra Practi cti cticce EExa xa xam m

This practice exam will provide you with examples of type and content of questions you will encounter in the final exam. This practice exam has the same amount and type (i.e. 50 MCQ, 10 Short Answer) of questions you will experience in the final exam. The final exam is 2 hours in duration. Use this exam to familiarise yourself with the exam and also time yourself. It is recommended you devote one hour to each section.

Practice Exam PSY102


PART A: MULTIPLE CHOICE SECTION In part A you will answer all 50 multiple choice questions. In the exam you will mark your answers on the General Purpose Answer Sheet provided. 1.

a. b. c. d.

The University of NSW is starting a research project that compares the test performance of students who sleep eight hours a night and eat well-balanced meals with students who skip sleep and eat only junk food. This research project is most likely to be directed by ___________ psychologists. clinical health occupational personality

ANS: B, Chapter 12: 12 Introduction 2. Roberta is a health care psychologist. As part of her practice and research, Roberta is least likely to a. b. c. d.

study the role played by stress in physical illness. seek efforts to cure the general adaptation syndrome. help people understand how to live longer. educate people about the warning signs of illnesses.

ANS: B, Chapter 12: 12 Introduction 3. Julia’s parents have been fighting for months and now they are filing for divorce. Julia will have to pick which parent to live with after the divorce. Julia is facing which type of psychological stressor?

a. b. c. d.

Catastrophic event Chronic problems Daily hassle Life change

ANS: D, Chapter 12: 12.1 Health psychology: Stress and Stressors 4. Ragu turns off his alarm clock in his sleep and this causes him to wake up late for work. He quickly showers and then jumps into his car, only to find that the car won’t start. Once he manages to get to work, he spills coffee on an important document. Ragu is experiencing a. b. c. d.

chronic problems. daily hassles. life changes and strains. catastrophic events.

ANS: B, Chapter 12: 12.1 Health psychology: Stress and Stressors

Practice Exam PSY102


5. Holmes and Rahe’s Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) is based on an assumption that a. b. c. d.

conflict is the number one cause of stress. pressure situations are less stressful than frustrating situations. any change in life can be stressful. marriage is the most stressful life event for most people.

ANS: C, Chapter 12: 12.1 Health psychology: Stress and Stressors 6. Martin works at a stress clinic and he is creating a new Stressbusters program. He is looking for an assessment that will allow participants to reflect on the meaning of their stressful experiences, especially as these experiences relate to their cultural and religious backgrounds. You tell Martin to consider the

a. b. c. d.

Social Readjustment Rating Scale. Prochaska’s Behavioural Model. General Adaptation Scale. Life Experiences Survey.

ANS: D, Chapter 12: 12.1 Health psychology: Stress and Stressors 7. A group of people jump into Tekapo’s icy waters every July. The immediate rise in their heart rate is a sign that they have entered the ___________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

a. b. c. d.

resistance exhaustion alarm reaction psychogenic diseuphoria

ANS: C, Chapter 12: 12.2 Stress Responses 8. Near the end of the semester, Gina shows signs of exhaustion. She is pulling all-nighters to finish papers and projects while working part-time and visiting her ailing grandmother. As a result, she becomes more vulnerable to illness. Hans Selye would refer to Gina’s resulting illness as

a. b. c. d.

a maladaptive coping outcome. a disease of adaptation. functional fixedness. post-traumatic stress disorder.

ANS: B, Chapter 12: 12.2 Stress Responses 9. When Rudolph is under stress, he usually begins to feel mildly depressed and anxious. When Vermetta is under stress, she has difficulty remembering the phone numbers she

Practice Exam PSY102


uses every day and misplaces objects around the house. How do Rudolph’s and Vermetta’s responses to stress differ?

a. b. c. d.

Rudolph’s response is behavioural; Vermetta’s is cognitive. Rudolph’s response is physical; Vermetta’s is behavioural. Rudolph’s response is emotional; Vermetta’s is cognitive. Rudolph’s response is emotional; Vermetta’s is behavioural.

ANS: C, Chapter 12: 12.2 Stress Responses 10. Which of the following is best classified as an emotional stress response?

a. b. c. d.

Ruminative thinking and a narrowed scope of attention Feelings of anxiety and depression Trembling hands and a shaky voice Increased heart rate and perspiration

ANS: B, Chapter 12: 12.2 Stress Responses 11. The two dogs that live next door to Harry and Sally will not stop barking. Sally manages the stress by visiting the neighbours and explaining the noise is a problem. Harry manages the stress by meditating and focusing on calming himself. The coping methods Sally and Harry are employing are ___________ and ___________, respectively. a. b. c. d.

problem-focused; emotion-focused approach-focused; escape-focused approach-focused; avoidance-focused interpersonal-focused; intrapersonal-focused

ANS: A, Chapter 12: 12.3 Stress Mediators 12. During an episode of the TV show Seinfeld, one of the characters was identified as ‘The Close Talker’, meaning that he stood too close to people when he spoke to them. This person’s behaviour is most likely to be judged abnormal on the basis of the ___________ criterion for abnormality. a. dysfunction b. personal suffering c. norm violation d. impracticality ANS: C, Chapter 14: 14.1 Defining and Explaining Psychological Disorders 13. Estelle interprets her light-headedness and fatigue as anxiety. Estelle is favouring which explanatory domain? a. b. c. d.

Neurobiological Sociocultural Psychological: Social-cognitive Psychodynamic

Practice Exam PSY102


ANS: B, Chapter 14: 14.1 Defining and Explaining Psychological Disorders 14. All of the following are considered part of the medical model of explaining psychopathology except a. b. c. d.

cognitive distortions. having an imbalance of humours in the body. neurobiological factors. genetic influences.

ANS: A, Chapter 14: 14.1 Defining and Explaining Psychological Disorders 15. While interviewing Joe, Dr Willard discovers that Joe has a genetic predisposition for schizophrenia because his uncle and mother had schizophrenia. Dr Willard also believes the fact that Joe was homeless for several months after being expelled from school and ‘disowned’ by his parents triggered his schizophrenia. Dr Willard probably follows the ___________ model of psychological disorders.

a. b. c. d.

medical sociocultural psychological diathesis-stress

ANS: D, Chapter 14: 14.1 Defining and Explaining Psychological Disorders 16. Alexia is content to stay in her house because she becomes nervous and afraid when she ventures too far from home. Alexia is probably suffering from a. b. c. d.

agoraphobia. a specific phobia. xenophobia. panic disorder.

ANS: A, Chapter 14: 14.2 Classifying Psychological Disorders 17. Grace was sitting in class when, without warning, her heart began to pound, her chest felt tight and a feeling of dizziness came over her. She felt extremely fearful. Over the next few weeks, the same thing happened several times. Her doctor did not find anything wrong with her heart. Grace was probably suffering from

a. b. c. d.

generalised anxiety disorder. obsessive-compulsive disorder. panic disorder. a phobia.

ANS: C, Chapter 14: 14.2 Classifying Psychological Disorders 18. Which of the following pairs would be the easiest to link in producing a conditioned emotional response?

Practice Exam PSY102


a. b. c. d.

A puppy and a scream A pretty landscape and a scream An angry face and a scream They should all be equal.

ANS: C, Chapter 14: 14.2 Classifying Psychological Disorders 19. Over the last several years, Sue has alternated between feeling a little sad, disinterested and tired, and feeling a little more energetic, optimistic and happy than most people. Sue would best be diagnosed with ___________.

a. b. c. d.

dysthymic disorder major depression cyclothymic personality bipolar disorder

ANS: C, Chapter 14: 14.2 Classifying Psychological Disorders 20. Cally is taking her psychology final exam. She is concerned that the students sitting around her can cheat by hearing her thoughts. ‘Everything I think is available for everyone to hear’, she explains. Cally is most likely describing ___________, which is a symptom of ___________.

a. b. c. d.

thought insertion; schizophrenia thought insertion; bipolar disorder thought broadcasting; schizophrenia thought broadcasting; bipolar disorder

ANS: C, Chapter 14: 14.2 Classifying Psychological Disorders 21. In couples therapy, Tom and Geraldine hope to salvage their difficult marriage. Tom and Geraldine should expect all of the following from couples therapy except

a. b. c. d.

learning to abide by rules of talking. recovering from fights by expressing more positive statements. learning how to deal with unsolvable problems. discussing best practices with other couples in the group sessions.

ANS: D, Chapter 14: 14.3 Approaches to Treatment of Psychological Disorders 22. When you meet someone for the first time, you both usually form impressions of each other fairly quickly. This is an example of a. reciprocal causality. b. the mere exposure effect. c. a self-fulfilling prophecy. Practice Exam PSY102


d. social cognition. ANS: D, Chapter 15: Introduction 23. You are standing at the bus stop with a group of people. When the bus pulls up, you all automatically form a line to board the bus. Automatically forming a line is an example of

a. b. c. d.

social facilitation. social interference. social norms. reciprocity.

ANS: C, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 24. Two groups of students are staging a protest about the new colour of M&Ms. The ‘Boo to Blue’ group hates the fact that the M&M corporation is going to replace the brown M&Ms with blue ones and has 10 members. The ‘Down with Brown’ group loves the fact that the brown M&Ms are going to be replaced with blue ones and has about 1000 members. If one of these groups were to become violent and start throwing M&Ms, deindividuation would predict

a. b. c. d.

the ‘Boo to Blue’ group would become more violent than the ‘Down with Brown’ group. the ‘Down with Brown’ group would become more violent than the ‘Boo to Blue’ group. that because they are not ego-involved, neither group would become violent. that both groups would be equally violent.

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 25. When Rolla met Rosa at a benefit dinner, he thought she was lovely and charming; he liked her. A few days later, when Rosa rudely demanded a refund for her dinner, Rolla most likely ___________ his impression of her because ___________.

a. b. c. d.

changed; he realised how wrong he was changed; positive impressions are easily changed did not change; first impressions are difficult to change did not change; he is unreasonable and stubborn

ANS: C, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 26. You hear that a professor you have never met before hates to teach undergraduates. When you take her class, your expectations may cause you to react negatively to her teaching style. This negative reaction on your part may lead her to dislike you and others in the class. This process is an example of

a. internal consensus. b. external consensus. c. attributional consistency. Practice Exam PSY102


d. self-fulfilling prophecy. ANS: D, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 27. Sari has now been on four dates with Miller. She has realised (in dismay) that Miller is always rude to wait staff. It seems Miller is high on

a. b. c. d.

consensus. deindividuation. social loafing. consistency.

ANS: D, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 28. Vendela believes she did poorly on her driving test because she was too busy with other responsibilities to practice enough. However, she believes the other low scorers did poorly because they are bad drivers. Vendela’s reasoning demonstrates the

a. b. c. d.

actor-observer effect. ultimate attribution error. self-serving bias. consensus bias.

ANS: A, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 29. Barry received an A on his first group project. He believes this grade is the result of his superior intelligence and hard work. He received a D on his second group project and he attributes this grade to the other group members’ poor work and stupidity. What attributional error is Barry demonstrating?

a. b. c. d.

The fundamental attribution error A self-serving bias The actor-observer effect Unrealistic optimism

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.1 Social Influences on the Self 30. Marco believes that it is very important to vote. He finds it difficult to find the time to vote on election day, but he does go to vote. Marco’s belief about voting represents the ___________ component of his attitude and his presence at the polls represents the ___________ component of his attitude.

a. b. c. d.

behavioural; cognitive affective; cognitive cognitive; behavioural affective; behavioural

Practice Exam PSY102


ANS: C, Chapter 15: 15.2 Attitudes 31. Alisha is watching a commercial for asthma medicine. Alisha has asthma and is very interested in this product. She pays close attention to the commercial and rationally thinks about its message. According to the elaboration likelihood model, whether Alisha is persuaded by the message depends on

a. b. c. d.

the quality of the arguments in the message. the physical attractiveness of the spokesperson. the confidence of the spokesperson. whether the spokesperson is a doctor.

ANS: A, Chapter 15: 15.2 Attitudes 32. While looking through a pile of applications, Rosa decided to interview only the applicants who had a college degree, even though the job did not require one. Rosa is demonstrating her ___________ attitude towards college graduates and her refusal to read the non-university-graduate applications could be considered ___________.

a. b. c. d.

stereotypical; prejudicial prejudicial; discriminatory discriminatory; prejudicial prejudicial; stereotypical

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.3 Prejudice and Stereotypes 33. Count Dracula, who is pretty average-looking by our standards, decides to visit Velma’s Video Vamporium, where he can choose his next vivacious victim via video technology. After viewing volumes of videos, he chooses Vanna because he finds her voluptuous, even though most people think that she is also of average attractiveness. Which of the following provides the best explanation of the count’s attraction to Vanna?

a. b. c. d.

The contact hypothesis The matching hypothesis The consistency hypothesis The social comparison hypothesis

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.4 Interpersonal Attraction 34. Kerry and Riamsalat had dated a couple of times, but Kerry wasn’t too interested and hadn’t called Riamsalat for over a month. However, when she received a birthday card from Riamsalat in the mail, she called him and decided to ask him out. This change in Kerry’s attitude was probably due to

a. social facilitation. b. social comparison. Practice Exam PSY102


c. the reciprocity norm. d. effective persuasion. ANS: C, Chapter 15: 15.5 Social Influence 35. Darlene is watching the movie Fight Club as a part of her social psychology project. In her written analysis, she gives some reasons why people are aggressive. According to the psychology textbook, Darlene could mention all of the following as influencing aggression except

a. b. c. d.

impulsivity (temperament). the hippocampus. prenatal exposure to testosterone. observing aggression on television.

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.6 Aggression 36. On your way to class you see a homeless man asking for spare change. You reach into your pocket and give him a few cents because you feel that if you don’t give him your change you will probably experience guilt for the rest of the day. You are acting according to the ___________ theory of altruism.

a. b. c. d.

evolutionary arousal: cost-reward empathy-altruism bystander-effect

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.7 Altruism and Helping Behaviour 37. Isaiah and Jeremiah, 16-year-old twins, are in trouble with their father and waiting in separate rooms to talk with him. If they both confess to driving while intoxicated, their father will ground them for a year. If neither confesses, their father will restrict their car use for a month. If only one of them confesses, however, that son will have no punishment while the other will be unable to drive without parental supervision for five years. The boys’ father has set up

a. b. c. d.

an interpersonal conflict. a prisoner’s dilemma game. social interference. a social dilemma.

ANS: B, Chapter 15: 15.8 Cooperation, Competition and Conflict 38. As the newly appointed manager at J. Peterman, Elaine wanted her employees to follow her orders. She praised the employees who did as they were instructed and reprimanded those who did not obey her wishes. Elaine’s leadership style is best characterised as

Practice Exam PSY102


a. b. c. d.

transformational. dichotomous. transactional. charismatic.

ANS: C, Chapter 15: 15.8 Cooperation, Competition and Conflict 39. In a(n) ___________ culture, the autonomy of the individual is emphasised, whereas in a(n) ___________ culture, the interrelatedness of all members is emphasised.

a. b. c. d.

dependent; independent individualistic; collectivistic internal; external separate; connected

ANS: B, Chapter 16: 16.1 What is Culture? 40. ___________ cultures are described as having weak social norms and a high tolerance for deviance, while ___________ cultures have strong social norms and a low tolerance for deviance.

a. b. c. d.

Uncertain; avoidant Progressive; traditional Loose; tight Independent; dependent

ANS: C, Chapter 16: 16.1 What is Culture? 41. Phinney’s (1989) ethnic identity development model suggests three stages are involved: unexamined, exploration and

a. b. c. d.

autonomy. enculturation. cultural socialisation. achievement.

ANS: D, Chapter 16: 16.1 What is Culture? 42. Berry’s (1998) research exploring the link between cultural and individual health includes which categories of analysis?

a. b. c. d.

Unexamined, exploration and achievement Cognitive, affective, behavioural and social. Individualism/collectivism, power/distance and uncertainty/avoidance Integration and marginalisation

ANS: B, Chapter 16: 16.2 Psychology, Culture and Health Practice Exam PSY102


43. Ac...

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