Author Joseph Wardle
Course Studies of Religion
Institution Higher School Certificate (New South Wales)
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Sayyid Qutb Essay from the HSC Trial exam recorded 20/20...


Analyse the impact of Sayyid Qutb which ultimately contributed to the development and expression of Islamic faith (20 marks) Sayyid Qutb was an Islamic scholar and activist whose ideological contributions have significantly impacted the development and expression of Islam. Through his literature Qutb revolutionised beliefs in Islam and how they are expressed, greatly impacting the religious tradition. Through his reformed ideologies he has given rise to Islamism, intensified Quranic study and facilitated a basis for a rise in radical Islam. Sayyid Qutb impacted Islam through philosophical insights into the concept of ‘Jahiliyyah’, which laid the foundation for extremist interpretations resulting is a rise in Islamist activity. Qutb developed and expressed the concept of Jahiliyyah most notably in his books ‘Milestones’ and ‘In The Shade of the Quran’ where he defined Jahiliyyah as the deviation from Allah and his prescribed way of life. He believed that the whole world has “stepped into Jahiliyyah” (Milestone), causing humanity to regress, favouring materialism and primal instincts. Having established this concern for the growth of Jahiliyyah, Qutb revitalised Salafist ideals amongst some Islamist groups, professing the importance of a return to core Islamic values – as, “humanity will see no tranquillity, no peace, progress of natural and spiritual advances without a Halal response to Allah” (In the Shade). By establishing a distinction between Niham Islami (true Muslims) and Nigam Jami (false Muslims), Qutb argued that Salafism was the only true and authentic expression of Islam, and that the only way to be a true Muslim was through living out its core and original ideals. Due to concept of Tawhid in Islam, Qutb professed that the only way to embrace Salafism was to base one’s life on “submission to God alone” (Milestones). He strove to achieve this by, “restoring the Islamic community to its original form” through the implementation of Sharia Law and rejection of religious innovation and the ‘plague’ of western values. These ideological contributions have been accepted and implemented by various extremist groups, having a significant impact on the expression and development of Islam. In the short term Qutb’s philosophies on the importance of the Salafist approach to Islam were adopted by Islamist groups, who were able to enhance their understating of their faith through a literal interpretation of the Quran and therefore an increased understanding of the concept of Tawhid. This is evident though Iran’s adoption of Sharia law, which at the time was heavily influenced by writings such as ‘Milestones.’ As Robert Irwin articulates, “Qutb is the most influential advocate in modern times of Jihad”. Qutb advocated for lesser Jihad, the physical struggle, (in addition to greater Jihad) leading to interpretations of his literature that have resulted in him being known as, “the father of modern terrorism”. This impact is evident though the current leader of Al-Qudia, al-Zawahiri, who stated that his mission in life was, "to put Qutb's vision into action." Further evidence of this is seen in Qutb’s influence on Osama Bin Laden, with the 9/11 commission report citing Qutb as a major influence on Bin Laden’s worldview. As such it is clear that Qutb’s ideological development of Islam has heavily politicised the religion, resulting in a rise in Islamism and extremist activity. Yet, as there are only roughly 700,000 jihadist fighters in the world today, a miniscule percentage (0.002%) of the entire Muslim

population, thus it can be concluded that this impact, while changing the Islamic tradition, only did so to a small extent. Qutb’s radicalisation of the Muslim Brotherhood has had varied impacts on the development and expression of Islam. As the chief writer for the Brotherhood newsletter Qutb was seen as the intellectual architect of the group. He used this platform to spread his fundamentalist ideological beliefs about the destruction of Jahiliyyah through Jihad and Hakimiyyah, the total submission to Allah’s will and his prescribed way of life. Qutb believed that the destruction of Jahiliyyah was not only justified but necessary, writing, “It is Islam’s right to take the initiative…it is Islam’s right to destroy all obstacles”. The impact of this radical philosophy was profound in its effect on the Muslim Brotherhood, who were spurred into action through Qutb’s belief that it should be the duty of every Muslim “to destroy every obstacle in the way of worshipping Allah, and the implementation of divine authority on Earth” (Paving the way). This ideology was manifested into reality the attempted assembly of a vanguard against Western backed Nasser government of Egypt. As such Qutb’s impact on the Muslim brotherhood at the time was significant, however in the long term the Brotherhood's leadership distanced itself from Qutb after his execution and adhered to nonviolent reformist posture. Moreover, through Qutb’s reformed ideologies and modern commentary of the Quran, there has been an intensification of Quranic study, sparking a dialectical process in the Muslim community. Qutb had a firm belief in the superiority of the Quran, due to its incorruptible word of Allah, over other methods of jurisprudence as described by Qutb, “this book (Quran); there is no doubt about it, its guidance for the God fearing.” He believed that the only way to achieve Hakimiyyah is through correct interpretation of the Quran and Hadith as such he wrote ‘In the Shade of the Quran’, analysing the sacred text in a way that allowed adherents to better understand Allah’s word and hence allowing them submit to his will. Thus Qutb is inspired by the belief of Akhira, whereby Allah will fundamentally judge all, urging adherents to do Halal through correct interpretation of the submission of Allah’s will. This contribution impacted Islam by intensifying Quranic study, as seen in the increase in study and texts written about the Quran since the 1950’s, the publication of ‘In the Shade of the Qur’an’ in multiple languages and Iran where it is readily provided to its citizens by the Iranian government. Furthermore, Qutb’s ideology sparked a dialectical process in Islam, where discussion and debate of Islamic beliefs reformed, challenged and reinforced adherents understanding of their faith. Thus Qutb, through his writings, has intensified Quranic study, challenging and reinforcing ideas associated with the development and expression of Islam. Qutb’s impact on the Islamic faith is limited by the specific scope of his contributions. His contributions have certainly led to a rise in Islamism, radicalised the Muslim Brotherhood and intensified Quranic study. However, he has failed to enact any widespread Islamic reform as reflected by the current incongruence between the wider Islamic communities’ beliefs and Qutb’s extremist ideology....

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