SBI4U1 - Biodiversity/Genetics Cumulative Assignment PDF

Title SBI4U1 - Biodiversity/Genetics Cumulative Assignment
Course Biology
Institution High School - Canada
Pages 3
File Size 285.2 KB
File Type PDF
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This assignment allows students to explore genetics...


SBI4U1- Genetics Genetic technology like CRISPR is useful in helping control and cure genetic mutations. However, some have argued that this invasive technique is essentially playing “god” and is unethical. For this assignment you will also have to find a controversial biotechnological topic to talk about in an essay. You will either support the procedure and its outcomes or choose to prove that it is unethical. You must develop a critical and clear thesis and use secondary sources to prove your point. Please follow proper MLA format for this assignment. The essay should be between 4-6 pages (1500-2000 words), double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt. font.

The following rubric will

A (80-100%)—Excellent to Outstanding Performance - Clear definition of a specific and challenging thesis -Logical development of convincing argument in support of thesis, with proper paragraphs -Attentiveness both to specific learning goals and requirements of assignment/topic, and to the wider context of course -Sentence structure correct, with full range of sentence types (compound, complex, and compound-complex), with full range of punctuation (including semicolons, colons, dashes, parentheses) -Fluent style, neither pompous nor too colloquial, with no wordiness or repetitiveness, and virtually no errors -Detailed reference to appropriate secondary sources, with evidence of individual response-Quotations well integrated into text, with proper documentation and adherence to MLA conventions -Capacity to analyze and synthesize, with sound critical evaluations -Superior grasp of subject matter; evidence of extensive knowledge of the texts -Ability not only to expound subject but to see around it—subtleties and ambiguities, qualifications and concessions, relations to other subjects,...

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