SCH1105 Unit Outiline from hanbook full 2020 PDF

Title SCH1105 Unit Outiline from hanbook full 2020
Author MAddie Greaves
Course introduction to pharmacology
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 3
File Size 160.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 64
Total Views 133


SCH1105 Unit Outiline from hanbook full 2020...



ECU  Online Handbook fo Cen Sden

Hadbk : Ui ifai EDITH COWAN UNIVERSIT Y

Schl: Medical ad Healh Sciece This unit information ma be updated and amended immediatel prior to semester. To ensure ou hae the correct outline, please check it again at the beginning of semester. Uni Tile

Introduction to Pharmacolog

Uni Code




Enolmen Peiod




Cedi Poin


Fll Yea Uni


Mode of Delie

On Campus Online

Uni Co-odinao

Ms Alecka Kate MILES

Decipion Basic pharmacolog is presented in such a a that students ith little background in phsiolog or biochemistr ill be able to understand the principles of drug actions, reactions and interactions. All commonl used drugs ill be described ith regard to their use, mechanism of action, side effects and abuse potential. Brief descriptions of pathophsiological processes ill be gien here appropriate.

Peeiie Rle Students must pass 1 unit from SCH1106, SCH1134, SCH1143

Leaning Ocome On completion of this unit students should be able to: 1. Appl the basic concepts of pharmacokinetics to drug therap ith special reference to the use of drugs in oung, elderl, pregnant and lactating persons. 2. Describe and interpret the poisons and drug regulations of Western Australia. 3. Eplain the principles of pharmacodnamics and pharmacokinetics. 4. Identif some drugs that are commonl abused and describe the phsiological effects of them. 5. Identif the major groups of drugs used in the treatment and management of disordered phsiolog.

Uni Conen 1. Poison and drug regulations in Western Australia. 2. The principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodnamics. 3. Nerous sstem pharmacolog. 4. Major drug groups used to Cardioascular and Respirator Disorders 5. Major drug groups used in the treatment and management of infections. 6. The impact of selected pschoactie drugs on the bod. 7. The effect drug therap has on paediatric, elderl, pregnant and lactating patients. hp://.ec.ed.a/handbook/ni?id=SCH1105&ea=2018



ECU  Online Handbook fo Cen Sden

Leaning Epeience N-CAM Students ill attend on campus classes as ell as engage in learning actiities through ECU Blackboard. Joondalp

Mon Lale

Soh We (Bnb)

Semester 2

0  2 hour lecture

Not Offered

Not Offered

Semester 2

13  2 hour tutorial

Not Offered

Not Offered

For more information see the Semester Timetable

NLINE Students ill engage in learning eperiences through ECU Blackboard as ell as additional ECU learning technologies.

Addiional Leaning Epeience Infomaion Tutorials and e-learning.

Aemen GS1 GRADING SCHEMA 1 Used for standard courseork units Students please note: The marks and grades receied b students on assessments ma be subject to further moderation. All marks and grades are to be considered proisional until endorsed b the releant Board of Eaminers. N CAM Tpe




Online Test



Video Presentation


Eamination ^

Closed Book Eamination






Online Test



Video Presentation


Eamination ^

Closed Book Eamination



^ Mandator to Pass

Diabili Sandad fo Edcaion (Commonealh 2005)




ECU  Online Handbook fo Cen Sden

For the purposes of considering a request for Reasonable Adjustments under the Disabilit Standards for Education (Commonealth 2005), inherent requirements for this subject are articulated in the Unit Description, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Requirements of this entr. The Uniersit is dedicated to proide support to those ith special requirements. Further details on the support for students ith disabilities or medical conditions can be found at the Student Equit, Diersit and Disabilit Serice ebsite ().

Academic Micondc Edith Coan Uniersit has firm rules goerning academic misconduct and there are substantial penalties that can be applied to students ho are found in breach of these rules. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to: plagiarism; unauthorised collaboration; cheating in eaminations; theft of other students ork; Additionall, an material submitted for assessment purposes must be ork that has not been submitted preiousl, b an person, for an other unit at ECU or elsehere. The ECU rules and policies goerning all academic actiities, including misconduct, can be accessed through the ECU ebsite. SCH110511

 ECU(http://right) Disclaimer(http:// Priac statement(http://ac) Accessibilit(http://) Emergenc(http://) Contact(http:// CRICOS IPC 00279B(http:// RTO Proider: 4756(http:// TEQSA Number: PRV12160(http://



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