Schedule - Info for CS112 PDF

Title Schedule - Info for CS112
Author Ava Van Dijk
Course Intro Computer Programming
Institution George Mason University
Pages 4
File Size 170.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 58
Total Views 150


Info for CS112...


CS112 Schedule - Fall 2020 (All Sections) This tentative schedule contains all the readings, intended lecture topic pace, labs, programming assignments and dates as of the start of the semester. We may drift ahead or behind the planned timing (especially if the weather or the pandemic causes any cancellations), so take it as an estimate and always overridden by announcements.

General Schedule: Every week will have a programming assignment due on Sundays which you must do independently (see honor code statement in syllabus) Every lab (except week 1) will have a programming task that must be done in groups of two during your assigned lab session. Readings will be due on Fridays.

Reading Assignments Schedule: ZY readings refer to our online Zyante textbook. Make sure you're logged in to get credit for reading completion! Zyante readings are due by the end of Friday; example: reading of ZY 3&4 due by end of day, Friday, Jan. 31st. Recommended: complete the readings before class; the lectures and labs will help you solidify the materials far better than if you are reading them after the fact. LANG readings refer to the Python Language Reference (online, free) LIB readings refer to the Python Standard Library (online, free) Slides and announcements will be posted on Piazza.

Tentative Schedule:


Starting Date (Monday)



Course Intro Python Basics 1

Aug 24


Aug 31

Numbers, variables, expressions Strings, printing

More Basics Types

L1: Python Setup Assistance

L2: Python Basics

zyBooks readings (due Fridays)

individual programming assignment (due Sundays)

ZY 1(Intro), 2(Variables and Expressions) LIB (4.4): numeric types LANG ( identifiers and keywords, (2.5): operators

Assignment 0: Install Python 3 [required but not graded]

ZY 3 (Types), 4 (Functions

Assignment 1: Variables & Expressions

Basic I/O, function calls Algorithms, flow charts

Pt 1) LANG (2.1.3): comments, (2.1.8) indentation LIB (2 builtin functions)

Boolean Expressions

L3: More Basics

ZY 5 (Branching) LANG (6.106.11) comparisons, boolean operations LIB (4.1-4.3) truth-value testing, boolean operations, comparisons LANG (8.1) if statements LIB (27.327.4) python debugger and commands

Assignment 2: Basics and Branches

L4: branches

ZY 6 (Loops) LANG (8.28.3) while, for statements

Assignment 3: Branching

L5: Loops

ZY 7 (Lists)

Assignment 4: Loops

L6: Lists & Loops

LIB (4.6.3) mutable sequence operations

Assignment 5: Lists and Sequences

ZY 8(Strings)

Assignment 6: Memory and References

Decision Making


Sep 07

Comparisons Boolean operations Selection statements Testing/debugging No Monday classes Labor Day

Looping 4

Sep 14

While For break/continue Sequences


Sep 21

lists lists with loops sequence operations Memory


Sep 28

basic memory references and aliasing 1st Midterm (Sep 28, 29)


Oct 05

Python Advanced String Operations

L7: Memory

and References

LIB (4.7.1) string methods LIB (4.7.2) string formatting with % (see ZY 3.7) LIB (6.1.3) string format method (see ZY 7.5)



Oct 12

User defined functions Parameters & arguments Scope


ZY 9 (Functions Pt 2)

Assignment 7: Multidimensional lists

L9: Functions

ZY 10 (Modules), ZY 11 (Dictionaries) LIB (4.10) Mapping types

Assignment 8: Functions

L10: Sets & Dictionaries

ZY 12 (Files)

Assignment 9: Dictionaries

No Monday classes Fall Break


Oct 19

Functions Cont. Sets & Dictionaries

Modules File I/O 10

Oct 26 2nd Midterm (Oct 28, 29)


Nov 02

Recursion No Tuesday classes Election Day

L11: Files

ZY 13 (Recursion)

Assignment 10: File I/O


Nov 09


L12: Recursion

ZY 14 (Classes)

Assignment 11: Recursion

ZY 15 (Exceptions) LANG (4.3 Exceptions, 7.8 raise statement)

Assignment 12: Classes


Nov 16


L13: Classes


Nov 23

Advanced topics in

No Lab

No Readings


Python No Wednesday/Thursday classes Thanksgiving 15



Nov 30

Final Exam Review

L14: Exceptions

No Readings

Assignment 13: Exceptions

Dec 07

Final Exam: Coordinated Final Exam (Time/Location TBD)

No Lab

No Readings

No Assignment...

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