Scholarship packet - fffffffffffffffffffffffffff PDF

Title Scholarship packet - fffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Author Daisy Kee
Course Managerial Accounting
Institution University of California San Diego
Pages 11
File Size 120.3 KB
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Wr i t i ngaCoverLet t er /Per sonalEssayf oraSchol ar shi p** * 1.Useyourr esumeast hedat abasef ort hec overl et t eroressay.I fyou cannoti ncl udeyourr esumewi t ht hecoverl e t t eroressay ,asi nmost schol ar shi pappl i cat i ons,youwi l lneedt oi ncl udeal li nf or mat i onf r om yourr esumei nt hel et t er . 2.Di vi det hemat er i ali nt ospec i ficar eas,j ustasyouwoul di nar esume. Theseal mostal waysi nc l udeeducat i on,schol ar shi psandawar ds,wor k exper i enceandgoal s.Ot hercat egor i esyoumayormaynotqual i f yf or suchasvol unt eerwor k,r esear c hpr oj ect s,conf er encepape r sor pr esent at i ons,i ndepe nde nts t udypr oj ec t s,affil i at i ons,l anguageand s ki l l s. 3.Youwi l lneedast r ongor gani zi ngt he si sst at ementorumbr el l ast at ementat t hebegi nni ngi nor dert oi ndi c at et hekeyc at egor i est hatmakeyouagood c andi dat e. 4.I nt r oduc eeac hsec t i onwi t hac l eart opi csent enc e ,i ndi c at i ngwhi c har ea youpl ant odi sc us s.Theyshoul dcont ai nkeywor dst ohe l pdi r ectt he r eader .  Ihaveal waysc hosenchal l engi ngcour ses,andhaveanexcel l ent / v er ygood/goodac ademi cr ec or d.  Myacademi cac hi evementi sdemonst r at edbyt henumer ous sc hol ar shi psIhaver ecei v edbot hatt hehi ghschoolanduni ver si t y l evel .  Ihavede vel opedst r ongl eader shi pski l l s,andknow how t oi nt er act wi t hawi devar i et yofot herpeopl ewhi l ewor ki ngsever aldi ffer ent j obs…  Ihavedoneaf ai ramountofc ommuni t yser vi c ei ncl udi ng…  Myi ndependentr esear c hpr oj ec t shav est r engt henedmyski l l si n l abor at or ywor kanddev el ope di nmeaneyef ordet ai l s.  T ut or i nghast aughtmet owor kdi pl omat i cal l yandsuccessf ul l y wi t hawi devar i et yofst udent s .  Tr avelhaspl ayedal ar ger ol ei nshapi ngmyvi ew ofot her sandof cul t ur aldi ffer ences. 5.Yourdi sc ussi onsshoul dber esul tor i ent ed.Asar esul tofwor ki ngata bank,youval ueaccur acy ,effici encyandunder st andj obr es ponsi bi l i t y . 6.Youshoul dst r esst hequal i t i esandar easofexper t i set hatmakeyougood c andi dat ef ort hesc hol ar shi p.Todot hi s,r e f ert ot hequal i ficat i onsl i st ed wi t ht heschol ar shi p.So,f orexampl e,i ft hecommi t t eeconsi der s financi alneedwhendeci di ngupont hec andi dat es,makeapoi ntofyour

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financi alneedbutnoti nat ackyway .Commi t t eesof t enl ookf orsuc h t hi ngsi nacandi dat easwe l l :  Knowl edgeofchosenfie l d,car e f ul nessofwor k  Mot i vat i on,ent husi asm,ser i ousnessofpur pose  Cr eat i vi t y ,or i gi nal i t y ,i ngenui t yofpr obl em sol vi ng  Abi l i t yt opl anandcar r youtr esear ch,or gani z at i on  Abi l i t yt oexpr esst houghti nspeechandwr i t i ng  Mat ur i t y ,emot i onalst abi l i t y ,abi l i t yt owi t hst andst r essandf ace c hal l enges  Le ader shi pski l l s  Sel f r el i ance,i ni t i at i ve,i ndependence,adapt abi l i t y  Responsi bi l i t y  Abi l i t yt owor kwe l lwi t hot her s  Gr owt hpot ent i al ,desi r et oachi ev e,dedi cat i ont ogoal s 7.Youwi l lneedac onc l udi ngsent enc et hatwr apst hel et t erupand summar i zeskeyst r engt hs. 8.Choi c eofwor dsi si mpor t ant .Achi ev eabal ancebet weenbr aggi ngand modes t y .Av oi dexagger at i onsandcl i c hésbutdonotdownpl ayyour wor t h.Al i stofact i vewor di si ncl ude d,aswel l . 9.Pr oof r eadyourl et t er /essay.Consi dergr ammar ,punct uat i on,and s pe l l i ng.Av oi dwor di ness.Bec l earandconci se. 10.For matt hel et t erasal et t er .Thatmeansaddr essesandt hedat eatt he t op,agr ee t i ng( DearMr s .Wol f , )ac l oser( Si ncer e l y , )andasi gnat ur e abov eyournamei npr i nt . 11.For matt heessayasanessay.I ft hey’ v easkedf oranessay ,donotsubmi t al e t t er .

* Mor eof t e nt hannot ,s chol ar shi psonl yr equi r eei t heracoverl e t t eror per sonalessay .I fonl yonei sr equi r ed,t hebodyoft extandgui del i nesr emai n t hesamebutt hef or mati sdoneaccor di ngl y .I fbot har er equi r ed,t hi nkoft he coverl et t erasasmal l ,t i ghti nt r oduct i ont ot heper sonalessay .I facoverl et t er , per sonalessay ,andr esumear er equi r edt hent hecoverl e t t eri nt r oducesyou, t hepur posef orsendi ngt hepacketofst uffyou’ r esendi ng,andgi v esabr i e f overvi ew ofwhatt oe xpec ti nt her esume.Theper sonalessaybecomesan expansi onoft her esumeaswel lasasour ceofi nf or mat i onont hoset hi ngswe can’ tgl eanf r om t her esumeorcoverl e t t er . * *Adapt edf r om “ Wr i t i ngaCoverLe t t erf oraSc hol ar shi p. ”Maur eenThum, Engl i shDepar t mentLec t ur er ,U ofM –Fl i nt . Schol ar shi pPacke t


Ti ps:Whatt oDowi t h aSchol ar shi pAppl i cat i on Essay* 1.Answert heQuest i on.Revi ew t hequest i onaskedbyt heappl i cat i on.Has t hes t udentcompl et el yanswer edi t ?I fnot ,whataddi t i onali nf oneedst o bei ncl uded?How cani tbeeffe ct i vel yi nser t edi nt ot het ext ? 2.BeOr i gi nal .I st heessayi ndi vi dualandcr eat i veordoesi tgi vean unexci t i ngnar r at i v e ? 3.BeI ndi vi dual .Schol ar shi pofficer swantt ol ear naboutt hes t udentand hi sorherwr i t i ngabi l i t y .I st heessaymeani ngf ulandde scr i pt i v e,about t hes t udent ’ sf eel i ngsandnotent i r e l yaboutac t i ons? 4.Don’ t“ Thesaur i ze”t heComposi t i on.Bi gwor dsusedi nappr opr i at el ymake f orc l unky ,unconvi nci ngessays. 5.UseI mager yandCl ear ,Vi vi dPr ose.A l otofst udent swhocomet ousar e noteasewi t husi ngi mager ysoi t ’ supt oust oseet hatal loft her eader ’ s sensesar eengaged. 6.SpendMostofYourTi meont heI nt r oduc t i on.Expec tschol ar shi pofficer s t os pend12mi nut esr eadi ngt heessay .Thei nt r oduct i onshoul dgr ab t her eader ’ si nt er estf r om t hebegi nni ng.Somet hi ngst okeepi nmi nd: 

Don’ tsummar i z ei nt hei nt r oduct i on.I fyousummar i z e,t he schol ar shi pofficerneednotr eadt her es tofyouressay .

Cr eat emys t er yori nt r i guei nyouri nt r oduct i on.I ti snotnecessar y orr ecommendedt hatyourfir s tsent encegi veawayt hesubj ect mat t er .Rai seques t i onsi nt hemi ndsoft heschol ar shi pofficer st o f or c et hem t or eadon.Appealt ot hei remot i onst omaket hem r el at et oyoursubj ec tmat t er .

7.Rel at eBodyPar agr aphst ot heI nt r oduc t i on.Thei nt r oduct i oncanbe or i gi nalbutcannotbesi l l y .Thepar agr aphst hatf ol l ow mus tr el at et ot he i nt r oduct i on. 8.UseTr ansi t i ons.Appl i cant scont i nuet oi gnor et r ansi t i oni ngt ot hei rown de t r i ment .Uset r ansi t i onswi t hi npar agr aphsandespeci al l ybet ween par agr aphst opr eserv et hel ogi calflow oft heessay .Tr ansi t i onsar enot l i mi t edt ophr asesl i ke“ asar esul t ,i naddi t i on,whi l e,si nce,et c. ”but i ncl udesr epeat i ngkeywor dsandpr ogr essi ngt hei dea.Tr ansi t i ons pr ovi det hei nt el l ect ualar chi t ect ur et oar gumentbui l di ng.

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9.Conc l udewi t habang.Theconc l usi oni st hel astchancet oper suadeor i mpr esst her eader .I nt heconc l usi on,avoi dsummar ysi ncet heessayi s usual l yshor tt obe gi nwi t h;t her eadershoul dnotneedt ober emi ndedof whatwaswr i t t en300wor dsbe f or e .Al so,donotuses t ockphr asesl i ke “ i nconcl usi on,i nsummar y ,t oconc l ude,et c. ” Sampl eCoverLet t erFor mat * Fr anFi nger s 1234AnySt r ee t Anywher e,Anys t at e12345 ( 123)8675309 Oct obe r5,XXXX Bonni eBl um Memor i alSchol ar shi pSe l ec t i onCommi t t ee 5678AnySt r ee t Anyhwer e ,Anyst at e12345 Member soft heSel ec t i onCommi t t ee: Openi ng:Housest her easonf ort hel e t t er ,t hespeci ficsofyourappl i cat i on, umbr e l l as t at ementf orr es tofl e t t er . Fi r stPar agr aph:Topi cSent ence,di scussi onofoneofar easment i onedear l i er ( educat i onf orexampl e)br i eflyori ndept hdependi ngonaccompani mentof per sonalessayand/orr esume. SecondPar agr aph:Tr ansi t i on,t opi cssent ence,di scussi onofnew poi nt . Thi r dPar agr aph:Sees econd. Four t hPar agr aph:Seet hi r d.Event ual l yyouwi l lr unoutofnew poi nt st o di scuss.You wi l lt henmaket het r ansi t i oni nt oacl osi ngpar agr aph. Cl osi ng:Of t ent i mesi t ’ seasyt ot r ansi t i onf r om yourgoal st oasummat i onof t hel e t t er .Donotuset hesamewor di ngast heope ner .Thankt hecommi t t eef or consi der i ngyourl e t t er . Si ncer e l y , Si gnat ur e Fr anFi nger s

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*Adapt edf r om “ Gui del i nesf orCov erLe t t er . ”CDC,U ofM -Fl i nt Sampl eEssay/CoverLet t er1 Iam appl yi ngf ort heRal phM.andEmmal ynE.Fr e emanHonor sSc hol arPr ogr am Sc hol ar shi p.Pr es ent l y ,Iam aj uni ori nt henur s i ngpr ogr am.Ibe l i ev emyc hos enpr of e ssi on wi l le nabl emet of ul fil lal lofmyde si r e st ohe l pot her s ,t ocont i nuousl ye xpandmyknowl edge baseands ki l l sandt ot r av e lt hewor l d.Thr oughoutmyl i f eIhav epar t i c i pat edi n e xt r ac ur r i c ul arac t i vi t i esi nc l udi ngval uabl ev ol unt e ere xper i ence s .Ihav es t r i v enf oracade mi c e xce l l e nc e ,al wayswi shi ngt omaket hemos tofmye ducat i on.I naddi t i on,Ihav emanage dt o wor kt opr ovi def orsomeoft hebasi ce xpense st hats t ude nt shav e .Nexty eart hi swi l le s pe ci al l y i mpor t ant ,asIwi l lnol ong erber e cei vi ngt heChanc el l orSc hol ar s hi p. Educat i onhasal waysbe enani mpor t antas pe c tofmyl i f e .Whi l ei nhi ghs c hoolImanagedt o t akec hal l engi ngc our sess uc hasadvancedpl ac eme ntEngl i shandcal cul us,phys i cs ,and c hemi s t r y .Ie nj oye dt hear t sandwasi nv ol v e di nar t ,band,andc hoi r .De s pi t et het i me c onsumi ngpr ac t i ce sf orc once r t s,par ades ,musi cal sande xhi bi t s ,Iwasabl et omai nt ai na 3. 97gr adepoi ntav er age ,al l owi ngmet ogr aduat eass al ut at or i an.Ideci dedt os t ynearhome andcomet ot heUni v er si t yofMi c hi ganFl i ntbecauseoft hes mal l erc l asss i z e,s c hol ar shi p moni esandt heUni v er si t y’ sHonorPr ogr am. Ihav er ec ei v e dmanysc hol ar shi pss i nc eIbe ganmycol l e gec ar ee r .I n1998Ir ec ei v edt he Chance l l or ’ sSc hol ar shi ppr ovi di ngmewi t h$1, 700pery e arf orf oury ear s .Ial sor e ce i v edt hr ee s c hol ar shi psf r om mygr aduat i nghi ghsc hool .Thefir s twast heGoodr i c hAl umniSc hol ar shi p t ot al i ng$200.Thesec ondwast heGoodr i c hTe ac her sSc hol ar shi pt ot al i ng$500.Thel as twas f r om t heNat i onalHonorSoc i e t yandt ot al ed$260.Al loft he seawar dswer egi v enbase don s c hol ar shi pandc ommuni t yse r vi c e.Becauseofmyacc ept anc ei nt heUni v e r si t y’ sHonor Pr ogr am Ial sor e ce i v et heHonor ’ sSc hol ar shi p.Des pi t et hec hal l eng esofbot ht henur si ngand honor sc ur r i c ul um Ihav emanage dt omai nt ai na3. 7gr adepoi ntav er age .Mye ffor t sdi dnotg o unnot i cedandi n2001Ir ec ei v edt woaddi t i onals c hol ar shi psi nc l udi ngt heRal phM.and Emmal ynE.Fr eemanHonor sSc hol arPr ogr am Schol ar shi pandt heRal phM.AndEmmal ynE. Fr e emanLongDi s t anceLear ni ngSc hol ar shi p.The seacc ompl i shment sl eadmet obe l i ev et hat i nt hef ut ur eIwi l lc ont i nuet ope r f or m atahi ghl ev eli nt heacademi cs . Al t hougheducat i onpl aysas i gni ficantr ol ei nmyl i f e ,Iam i nv ol v e dwi t hmanyot herac t i vi t i es . Dur i nghi ghsc hoolIwasanac t i v emembe roft heNat i onalHonorSoc i e t yf ort woandahal f y ear s .Myl as ty earasamembe rg av emet heoppor t uni t yt opl ayamor eact i v er ol easI par t i c i pat edasNHSt r easur e r .If r eque nt l yt ut or e di ndi vi dual sbyoffer i ngmyt i mebe f or eand af t ersc hoolf ormi ddl eandhi ghsc hools t ude nt s.Ie nj oyhe l pi ngot her swi t hs c hool wor kand hav ec ont i nue dt oai df e l l ow s t udent satt hec ol l e gel ev e l .Ial soe nj oyt hear t sandpar t i c i pat ed i nmanype r f or manc es ,pl ay s ,musi cal sande xhi bi t i ons ,of t enr equi r i ngt r ave l i ngt oot he rar eas andi nt er ac t i ngwi t hne wi ndi vi dual s .Cur r e nt l yIam i nv ol v edwi t hf e l l ow nur s i ngs t udent sona c l as sanduni ve r si t yl ev e l .Ibe l ongt ot heNat i onalSt udentNur s esAssoc i at i onaswe l l .Ihav e v ol unt eer edmyt i met oi nf or mi ndi vi dual sofv ar i ousage sofwhatnur si ngi nv ol v esands har e t heneedf ornur ses .I N addi t i on,Ihav eent er e dt hec ommuni t yt oper f or m bl oodpr e ssur e s cr e eni ngandoffe ri nf or mat i ont ot hos eatr i s kf orhype r t e ns i onanddi abe t e s .Ihavei nc r eas ed myknowl edgebas easwe l lasmypubl i cpr e sent at i onski l l sbypr e se nt i ngoneofmypaper s , Beat r i ceandKat har i ne:Shake s pe ar e ’ sUnc onv ent i onalWomenatt hePur dueUni v er si t yCal ume tUnder gr aduat eRe se ar c hConf e r encei n1999.Thr oughal loft he seexpe r i enc e sIhav e l ear ne dt oac tasal eader ,wor ki ngr oups ,andor gani z emyt i meappr opr i at e l y . I naddi t i ont osc hoolr e l at edac t i vi t i e sIam al s oi nv ol ve dwi t hmyl ocalc hur c h.It e ac hac l assof 36y e arol dki ds.Whenot hert eac he r sar eunabl et ot eac hSundaysc hoolIdonothe si t at et o c omet ot hei rai d.Ihav epar t i c i pat edi nc hur c hcl eanup,nur ser ydut yandc hoi raswe l l .If ee l

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t hatbyai di ngi nc hur c hr e l at edac t i vi t i esIam s e t t i ngaposi t i vee xampl ef ort hec hi l dr e nwi t hi n t hec hur c ht of ol l ow. Wor ki sal s oapar tofmyl i f e .Unt i lr ec ent l y ,Iwoul dwor k1620hour s /wee kt opr ovi def or e ducat i onalexpe ns es .Pr es ent l yIwor k8hour s/wee ki nt heneonat ali nt e ns i v ecar euni tasan e xt er natHur l e yMe di calCe nt e r .Ienj oywor ki ngbecauseIam abl et os eene wbor nspr ogr e sst o as t at ewher et he ycanfinal l ybedi sc har ge dt ot hei rf ami l i e s.Ienj oyt eac hi ngpar ent sabout t he i ri nf ant ss uc haswhatt oexpe c t ,whati snor malf ort hei ri nf antt odoandwhe nt ocal lt he doc t or .Dur i ngt hes ummerof2001Iwor kedi nagr oupoft hr eeot heri ndi vi dual st ope r f or ma qual i t yi mpr ov ementpr oj ec tongav ag ef edi nf ant sandt henpr e se nt e dt her e sul t st oourpee r s . Thr oughmywor ke xper i e nc esIhav el ear ne dal i t t l emor eaboutwhatt oe xpec tupon c ompl e t i onoft henur si ngpr ogr am andnow know t her eal i t yofwhatt oe xpec tasar e gi s t e r ed nur se .Se ei ngpr obl emssuc hasmandat or yov er t i meandpoorbenefit sde s pi t eanur si ng s hor t ag ehasmot i v at edmet or e mai nac t i v ei nassoc i at i onssuc hast heSt udentNur si ng Assoc i at i onbe causeIr eal i z et hatasagr oupwewi l lbeabl et ov oi c eourc onc er nsaboutt he i ssue st hatnur se sf acet oday . Mygoali st obec omear e gi s t e r ednur ses ot hatIcanper f or mt as kt hatc l i e nt scannotdof or t he mse l ve saswe l lasbeanac t i v el i s t e ne r ,pat i entadv oc at eande duc at or .Atsomepoi ntI woul de nj oygoi ngbac kt os c hoolt obe comeapr ac t i t i oner .Ihav ehadane xt r aor di nar ynumber ofnur s i ngi ns t r uc t or swhower eabs ol ut e l ywonde r f ulandwoul donedayl i ket ogi v ebac kwhat t he yhav egi v e nt omebybec omi ngani ns t r uc t or .Iknow t hatonedayIwi l lpr ovi des ome t hi ng meani ngf ult ot hei ndi vi dual st hatIe nc ount e r .

Sampl eEssay/CoverLet t er2 Iwi sht oappl yf ort he_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _sc hol ar shi p.Ibe l i ev et hatmye xce l l entacademi cr ec or d,and s er vi cewor kmakemeag oodcandi dat ef orasc hol ar shi p.Thr oughouthi ghsc hoolImai nt ai ne d ahi ghl ev elofacade mi cac hi e v ement swhi l ev ol unt ee r i ngf orc ommuni t yser vi ceandwor ki ng 20hour sawe e k.Igr aduat e df r om Owoss ohi ghs c hoolast heSal ut at or i anofmyc l assi n1999. Ihada3. 99GPA.I naddi t i ont omyac ademi cc l ass es ,suc hasAPEngl i shandPhy si cs ,Iwasa memberoft heAcape l l aChoi r .Thi sde mandedext r at i meandeffor te s pe ci al l ybe f or et he c onc er t si nDec ember ,Mar c handMaydur i ngwhi c hourdi r ec t orhe l dext r apr ac t i ce satni ght andont hewee kends . Notonl ywasIi nv ol v edwi t hac ademi cande xt r acur r i c ul arac t i vi t i es;Ial sowor ke di napi z z a r es t aur antappr oxi mat e l y20hour sawee k.Af t e rt woy ear s ,Iwaspr omot edt oake yhol di ng pos i t i onwher eIam s t i l lwor ki ngt oday .Isuper vi set heot he re mpl oy ees ,handl ecus t ome r c ompl ai nt sandc l os et hebui l di ngatni ght .Thi sempl oyme nthast aughtmemuc haboutmys e l f andot her s .Ihavel ear ne dwhati tmeanst owor khar dandhow t omot i vat eot he rt odot he s amet hi ng . Att heUni v e r si t yofMi c hi g anFl i nt ,Iappl i e dandwasoneoft went ys t ude nt sf r om at ot alof s ev ent yappl i cant stent ert hehonor spr ogr am.I naddi t i on,Iwasawar dedt heDi st i ngui shed Chance l l orSc hol ar s hi p,Mi c hi ganCompe t i t i v eSc hol ar shi pandHonor sPr ogr am Sc hol ar shi p. Thes er es our ce shav emademyc ol l eg ee xpe r i enc e spos s i bl e .Iam wor ki ngt owar dsadegr eei n e l e ment ar ye duc at i onwi t hc once nt r at i oni nmat he mat i c sandl anguagear t s. Ihav ec ont i nue dt omai nt ai nane xce l l entacade mi cr e cor dofacademi cac hi ev ementwi t haGPA of3. 93,whi l ewor ki ngt hi r t yfiv et of or t yfiv ehour sawe e kt ofinanc emye ducat i on.Pr e sent l y ,I wor katFr e dMey erJewe l e r s,Manci no’ sPi z z aandGr i nde r s,andasaSuppl ement alI ns t r uc t or ( SI )f orBus i ne ssCal c ul us .Fr om t hi swi der ang eofexper i ence sIhav eg ai ne dabr oad bac kgr oundofl i f e .Ie nj oywor ki ngwi t handf orpe opl e .Ihav el ear ne df r om bei nganSIl eade r

Schol ar shi pPacke t


how t oexpl ai nt hi ng si nsev e r aldi ffer e ntway sandnott ogi v eupunt i lt hes t udentt r ul y unde r s t andst hemat e r i al . I naddi t i ont omye mpl oymentIal soc ont i nuet ov ol unt ee rf orcommuni t ys er vi ce .Iassi s ti na ki nde r gar t enc l asse v er yWedne sday .Ihav et i eds hoes;putonnamet ags,s angs ongsand he l pe dt hechi l dr e nmakeappl emuffins .Ihe l pt het eac he rwi t hl ess ons,ar tpr oj ec t s , s upe r vi si ngdur i ng“ pl ayt i me , ”t es t i ngandmanyot heras pe c t soft hec ar ee rIhopet ohav eone day .I ti st hemos tr e war di nge xper i enceatt hi spoi nt i ngi nmyl i f e .Il ov ec hi l dr en.Wat c hi ng t he m gr ow andl ear ni soneofmygr e at e s tj oy s . Ial sogi v esomeofmyt i met ot hec hi l dr enatmyc hur c h.Iam t hel eaderoft hepuppe tt eam t he r e .Ior gani z eout i ng s,pe r f or manc esandc ompe t i t i onsf oraboutfif t ee nc hi l dr e nbe t weent he age sofe l ev e nands i xt een.Ic onduc tpr ac t i c ef ort wohour se v er ySat ur dayi nwhi c ht he puppe t eer sl e ar nmor eaboutpuppe t r yandpr ac t i c esongsands ki t sf orupcomi ng per f or mance s .Ic hos et hemat e r i alandmakedeci s i onsaboutwhoge t swhi c hpar t .Dedi cat i on andcommi t mentar et wooft het r ai t st hathav ebee ndev e l opedi nmet hr ought hi sexpe r i ence . Af t ergr aduat i onIhopet obec omeane l eme nt ar ys c hoolt eac he r .Iam commi t t e dt ot hi sg oalas i se vi dentbymyr ecor dofac ade mi cacc ompl i shment sandcommuni t yser vi c e .Iam convi nc e d t hatal lt hes ef ac t or smakemeag oodc andi dat ef ort hi ssc hol ar shi p.

Sampl eEssay/CoverLet t er3 Mynamei s_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ ,andIam appl yi ngf ort heRal phM.andEmmal ynE.Fr e eman Phi l os ophySc hol ar s hi p.Pr es ent l y ,Iam aseni orwor ki ngt owar dsaBac he l or ’ sde gr e ei n Phi l os ophyandEngl i s hwi t has peci al i z at i oni nwr i t i ng .Des pi t ebei ngaf ul lt i mes t udent , bal anc i ngt womaj or s ,mai nt ai ni nga3. 8GPA,andwor ki ngov er30hour sawee k,Ial sot ake t hei ni t i at i v et oe nhanc emye duc at i onout s i det hec l assr oom.Ic ons t ant l ys t r i v ef ore xc e l l enc e andam c ommi t t e dt omaki ngmyt i measanunde r gr aduat easpr oduc t i v eandbenefici alas pos si bl e . Awe l l r ounde ds t udent ,myi nt e r e s t ss panacr ossc ur r i c ul um andc ul t ur e .I ’ v et hi r s t edf or knowl e dges i nc ec hi l dhood,andwhenIfinal l yr eac hedhi ghs c hool ,myc r avi ngwasf ur t her whe t t e d.Ifini shedfif t hgr adei nt heUni t edSt at esbe f or emovi ngt oBe t hl e he m,Pal es t i ne . Ther e,i nmypar e nt ’ shome l and,Ic ompl e t e dt hene xt4ye ar sofmyeduc at i on.Conse quent l y ,I at t ende dmyfir s tye arofhi ghsc hooli nanAr abi cs c hoo...

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