Yayasan khazanah scholarship essay PDF

Title Yayasan khazanah scholarship essay
Author taarini mohan
Course Actuarial Mathematics
Institution The London School of Economics and Political Science
Pages 2
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Yayasan khazanah scholarship essay   

description of the intended area of study and how this will benefit the country. As the scholarship aims to groom and develop future leaders who are determined to make a difference in the community/country, explain how you are planning to do so. The personal qualities that makes you a worthy recipients of the scholarship.

-When I was 16 years old and in high school, I had attended a career fair and that was when I came across actuarial science as a vocation. The core study of mathematics and statistics in actuarial science piqued my interest as I had been drawn to Mathematics from a very young age. Actuarial science makes use of mathematical and statistical concepts to analyze risk management so that monetary risks and unfavorable outcomes could be reduced. Statistics play a vast role in the actuarial studies as data’s are collected, processed and analyzed to more accurately forecast future events. Actuarial science also uses analytical and critical thinking skills to examine complex data and to identify patterns and trends in order to determine what factors are responsible for specific outcomes. The use of actuary knowledge comes into play from calculating premiums in insurance companies to involving oneself in investment banking to help successful investments. - This area of study can benefit the country in terms of achieving economic growth. As Malaysia is a developing country, there are developments prevailing and are bound to occur. Investments by either the government or private sectors require actuaries to calculate risks to reduce the risk of such investments so that there will be a reduction of resource wastages in Malaysia as well as having to achieve favorable economic growth. This study can help with sustainable economic growth , reduce wastages and over exploitation with the accurate estimations (calculations). In terms of benefiting the society, insurance companies gives more assurance to the people about their safety as an actuary Makes sure insurance companies have enough money to pay people's claims, people would be less worried to carry out their day to day activities. - As I am determined to come out as a certified actuary Being one of the future generations, I will want to make a difference to the society by sharing The knowledge and exposure I will attain from studying overseas , precisely from one of the prestigious universities in the UK, to the actuarial society in Malaysia. This particular course is not widespread in the society as many people are not aware of the significance of an actuary career in the 21st century. Sharing the simple knowledge of being an actuary upon becoming one to the people around me, can make a huge difference to the understanding of people about this course, so that this subsequently generates a bigger number of certified actuaries in the future. I am determined in helping either the public or private sector to try reducing unfavorable investment outcomes and this as a small part can help bring Malaysia to achieving a developed country status. When there are more successful investments, in the country, there will be no doubt more employment opportunities which might be a door to closen the income inequality within the country and reduce poverty rates. Being able to learn new and different skills from another country, I would learn how things work in a developed country for example the UK. Learning , I would want to be a part of the actuarial society In Malaysia to improve economic growth. - What makes me worth the scholarship is first and foremost, Every significant goal in my life is driven by my passion in succeeding it. I have developed a profound passion towards actuarial science since I was in high school and I am very resilient when it comes to achieving my goals. Since high school up to A levels which I am

currently studying, I have maintained good grades in all my subjects due to my persistence in studying and hard work. I have achieved straight A’s in SPM and my AS level. While balancing my studies, I take some time to involve myself in sports such as tennis. Being able to manage my time with studies and not neglecting other activities has been my strength. I also participate in debates and discussions involving economics and current issues in college as I know the significance of the communication skill. Being in the Rotaract club, a community service organization, I am able to teach unfortunate children subjects like mathematics. I am very grateful to be sharing my knowledge to others as well as acquiring them from people more knowledgeable than me. I am also very flexible in adapting to new environments and situations. I went to Italy for a two month exchange student program where I had to stay with an Italian host family who are not English spoken and also go to the school there.I am extremely committed to whatever I am involved in. I am very particular in getting my work done right and on time without procrastination. A being a person who holds on to the principle where determination and hard work is a key to success, this scholarship might be a huge stepping stone for me in achieving the certified actuary status and I am ready to face challenges which are yet to come in hope hat one day I can contribute to the country. If I am given the opportunity to be the next Yayasan Khazanah Global scholar, I would be purely committed and determined to harness the opportunity to further develop myself to be a part of the actuarial society in Malaysia one day in order to contribute to the financial institution of this country and this will develop a new potential in me which one day I can pass on to the future generation...

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