Script for Oral Defense in Research Prop PDF

Title Script for Oral Defense in Research Prop
Author Alexia Dy
Course Civil Engineering Orientation
Institution Adamson University
Pages 4
File Size 106.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Download Script for Oral Defense in Research Prop PDF


RESEARCH'SCRIPT'' ! Good! Afternoon! Panelist!! I’m! Aejay! Alexia! Nicole! D.! Barcelon….! Under! the! advisory! of! Engineer!Crispin!Licataoa.! ! Today! we’ll! be! discussing! the! study! that! we! did! in! regards! to! the! Assessment! of! Green! Technology! Application! on! Mid-Rise! Commercial! Buildings! using! the! Philippine! Green! Building!Rating!System' ! To! express! our! views! in! a! clearer! manner,! we! created! this! visual! presentation.! That! will! help!you!understand!what!our!study!is!all!about.! ! INTRO! ! In!this!era!of!intermittent!energy!crises!and!anticipated!future!growth!in!energy!demand,! steps!to!reduce!conventional!energy!use!are!crucial.!Based!from!the!environmental!leader! About! 40! percent! of! global! energy! consumption! comes! from! building! construction! and! operation! alone! This! does! not! include! of! other! resources! such! as! water! usage.! Because! construction!is!an!essential!part!of!development,!energy!efficiency!in!buildings!especially!in! developing!countries!is!an!important!policy!area.! Being!an! archipelagic!country,! the!Philippines! is!heavily! subject!to! the!impacts! of!climate! change.! Bearing! in! mind! this! threat,! our! country! was! one! of! the! countries! that! signed! numerous! protocols! and! conventions! involving! greenhouse! gas! emission! reductions.! One! example!of!this!effort!is!the!“Philippine!Green!Building!Code”.!The!Code!seeks!to!improve! the!efficiency!of!building!performance!through!a!framework!of!standards!that!will!enhance! sound!environmental!and!resource!management! which!includes!efficient! use!of!materials,! site!selection,!planning,!design,!construction,!and!many!more,!without!significant!increase! in!cost.! ! We’re! doing! everything! we! can.! However,! studies! currently! suggest! that! mitigating! greenhouse! gases! is! still! insufficient! as! these! mitigations! are! outweighed! by! human! activities! and! urban! development.! The! lack! of! awareness! and! participation! of! most! Filipinos!on!how!to!reduce!their!greenhouse!gas!emissions!impedes!efforts!in!mitigation.! According to Vos, Nearly all shared core elements of sustainable development were related to environmental, economic, and social considerations. Environmental, economic, and social sustainability are a three-legged stool. Therefore, if one leg goes missing from the sustainability stool, it will cause instability because society, the economy, and the ecosystem are intricately linked together. ! This study focused on identifying the available green technologies that are readily accessible and implementable for the commercial sector and at the same time, on quantifying the effects of green technologies when they are integrated into a commercial structure. If these can be applied independently or at the same time as other innovations, the quantification process was based on the three most widely used green building rating systems in the Philippines, which are BERDE, GREEEN, and LEED.! ! ' ' RRL' ' Now!that!we!are!familiar!with!the!background!of!the!study,!we!can!move!on!to!supporting! it.!! ! According!to!David!A.!Gottfried,!Green!Building!refers to a project that uses an environmentally responsible and resource-efficient approach over the life cycle of a

building, from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition.!A!study!done!by!Hyujoo!Son,!showed!that!Globally,!the construction industry consumes 12-16% of all water available, 32% of non-renewable and renewable resources, 25% of all timber, 40% of all raw materials, produces 30-40% of all

solid wastes, and emits 35-40% of carbon dioxide (CO2). These have resulted in rising global awareness of the importance of sustainability in the construction industry. According to Joana Appugliese, Since buildings consume nearly 40 percent of the World's Total Energy, Green Buildings, on the other hand, use energy-efficient materials to consume a minimum amount of energy. An efficiently designed green building can save up to 60 percent of the energy consumed by a conventional building

Green technologies are innovations that are environmentally friendly and also involve: energy conservation, recycling, health and safety issues, renewable resources, and more. Ghansyam Das Soni stated that The planet has a limited number of natural resources that are either exhausted or destroyed by others. One of the most obvious benefits to building with green technology is the environmental impact, and also green buildings use materials more efficiently. A single solar water heater can hold more than 50 tons of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere for over 20 years; Geothermal pumps minimize pollution by as much as 70 percent and use up to 50 percent less energy. Likewise, green technologies are intended to utilize resources proficiently, which usually leads to financial savings for the owner.! ! ' RESULTS'AND'DISCUSSIONS' ' The survey was conducted through an online form. Fifty valid responses were collected in total. A request to participate in the survey was delivered through an e-mail. Provided that the respondent willingly agrees to answer it, the form was received through a link or an e-mail. The survey was designed to use purposive sampling; it also includes respondents that have been involved in green building projects. Hence, the results of the survey are not adequate for making valid statistical inferences but are sufficiently indicative of the general sentiment of the pioneers in the construction industry. ' This section will discuss the evaluation of how the given factors affect the interest of the companies on implementing green technologies. For each evaluation, similar responses are counted and the average score and percentage for each responses are calculated. Results are then graphed using a Diverging Stacked Bar Chart for further understanding. ' This section will discuss the extent of perception of the respondents on the following factors affecting the interest of the companies in implementing Green Technologies in a mid-rise commercial building. For each evaluation, similar responses are counted and the average score and percentage for each responses are calculated. Results are then graphed using a Diverging Stacked Bar Chart for further understanding.


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