Section 2 History and Evolution PDF

Title Section 2 History and Evolution
Author Brooklyn Croyle
Course Survey of Forensic Sciences
Institution Youngstown State University
Pages 4
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Professor: Robert Wardle...


Ancient China ● Zhang Ju (3rd century) ○ Described in the text "Yi Yu Ji" ■ A collection of criminal cases ○ Solved murder case using scientific method ● Song Ci (13th century) ○ "The Washing Away of Wrongs" ○ Considered "Founding Father of Forensic Science" ○ He took two pigs and put one in a house and burned it alive and took another and killed it and then burned the body. The alive one had ashes in the pigs mouth. The one that was dead before it was burned had no ashes. Mathieu Orfila (1787-1853) ● "Father of Forensic Toxicology" ● Published "Traite des poisons" ○ Treatise on Poisons ● Known for involvement in "Lafarge" case ● Medicolegal ○ Involves medical and legal aspects ■ Death investigation Alphonse Bertillon (1853-1914) ● "Father of criminal identification" ○ Developed system of human identification ● Anthropometry ○ Systematic procedure for taking series of physical body measurements as means of personal identification. ● Standard criminal mug shot and evidence photography ○ Foundation of modern crime scene documentation ● Photographs before the crime scene was messed with. Bertillonage ● Bertillonage eventually replaced by fingerprints ○ Will/William West case ■ The clerk went to file them and found the card and there were two of them. ● Portrait parlay Sir William Herschel (1833-1917) ● Credited with being first European to note value of fingerprints for identification ○ Began research while working in India ● Recognized patterns to be unique and unchanging ○ Documented own prints over lifetime ● Had people put hand print next to signature. ○ If you broke contract you would end up in jail. ○ Wealthy people would pay poor people to serve their time in jail. ○ Fingerprint characteristics were the same from the time we are born until we die. Dr. Henry Faulds (1843-1930)

Scottish physician who studied fingerprints ○ India and Japan ● Devised system suggesting fingerprints: ○ May be classified ○ Have unique patterns ○ Can be used to identify/apprehend criminals ● Offered to establish Scotland Yard fingerprint bureau Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) ● Authored text "Finger Prints" ○ Discussed anatomy of prints ○ Suggests methods for recording ○ Proposes broad categories ○ Demonstrates patterns are unchanging ● Minutiae sometimes referred to as "Galton features" ● Fails to credit Faulds or Herschel Sir Edward Henry (1850-1931) ● Developed fingerprint classification system ○ Assisted by Azizul Haque and Hemchandra Bose ● No system of simple sorting existed ○ System catalogs print cards into 1,024 categories ■ More orderly storage ■ Faster searches ○ Whorl= numeral ○ Not a whorl=0 ■ They get a ratio ■ Cannot search for single prints ● Vucetich and Roscher systems also exist. Hans Gross (1847-1915) ● "founding father of criminal profiling" ● Magistrate and law professor in Austria ● Authored "Criminal Investigation: A Practical Handbook…" ○ Coined the term "criminalistics" ● First to sketch crime scene Karl Landsteiner (1868-1943) ● "father of transfusion medicine" ● Identified main blood groups (A, B, AB, O) ○ Developed the modern system of classification ● Enabled physicians to transfuse blood safely ● Received Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine (1930) ● Later discovered positive and negative of blood (RH factor) ● Discovered Polio virus for vaccine Edmond Locard (1877-1966) ● Established what is regarded as world's first police crime lab

○ Lyon, France Published seven-volume series ○ Treaty of Criminalistics ● Locard Exchange Principle ○ "every contact leaves a trace" ● Founder of modern forensic science August Vollmer (1876-1955) ● "father of modern law enforcement" ● Bike, motorcycle, auto patrols ● Radio communication between officers ● First juvenile division ● Required college degrees ● Hired first African-American and female officers ● Lie detectors during investigations ● Pioneered CJ academic programs ○ Program of criminology and criminalistics ● Assisted in mentoring over 25 police chiefs ● Established LAPD crime lab (1923) Colonel Calvin Goddard (1891-1955) ● Professor of police science at North Western University ○ Pioneer in the field of firearms examination ○ Established crime detection lab at Chicago's NWU ● Perfected comparison microscope for bullet/cartridge examination ● Comparison microscope- two microscopes connected by optical bridge J Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) ● Director of (BOI) FBI from 1924-1972 ○ Established FBI forensic laboratory (1932) ■ Any law agency that wants something gets it free of charge ■ Based on proposal by special agent Charles Appel ● Today one of the largest and most comprehensive crime labs in world. ○ Provide forensic services to law enforcement for free Paul L Kirk (1902-1970) ● Professor of biochemistry at UC Berkeley ○ Chemist and microscopist ○ Assisted on Manhattan Project ○ Instrumental in acquittal of Sam Sheppard ■ Void patterns in blood spatter ■ Something missing in the blood Sir Alec Jeffreys (1950-present) ● Professor of genetics at university of Leicester ○ Developed genetic fingerprinting and DNA profiling ● First used in criminal case in 1987 ○ Colin Pitchfork identified and convicted of murder ■ Exonerated another suspect ●

First one to be convicted by DNA...

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